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Last active May 14, 2022 21:03
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Notes on StarCluster and EC2

Instructions for running StarCluster on EC2 instances

Install StarCluster locally

Configure software on StarCluster

  • Start cluster and SSH into root node:

    starcluster start mycluster
    starcluster sshmaster mycluster
  • The StarCluster AMI includes numpy, scipy, matplotlib, ipython, pip, unzip, git, libmpich2, mpich2.

  • Change directory to /home/sgeadmin so that any downloaded software goes here. Only files in /home can be seen by all nodes:

    cd /home/sgeadmin
  • The mpi4py package included with the StarCluster AMI was compiled against the wrong MPI library (mpich instead of openmpi). To fix this, it needs to be uninstalled and explicitly compiled against openmpi:

    pip uninstall -y mpi4py
    update-alternatives --set mpi /usr/lib/openmpi/include
    pip install mpi4py

Automating cluster configuration with a script

The above steps (and any other custom configuration or dependency setup for your specific project) can be put into a script which is copied over to the cluster and then, run, as in the following:

starcluster put mycluster /home/sgeadmin
starcluster sshmaster mycluster '/home/sgeadmin/'

Configuring SGE with MPI

It may be preferable for MPI jobs to allocate slots in a fill-up (assign all slots from a given machine before going to the next machine) rather than a round-robin fashion (assign one slot from each machine in turn). To check the allocation method, run and check the allocation_rule field:

qconf -sp orte

Parallel jobs can be submitted using SGE by:

qsub -b y -cwd -pe orte 24 mpirun ./mpi-executable arg1 arg2 [...]
  • -b y specifies that the executable is a binary.
  • -cwd executes the job from the current working directory.
  • -pe orte specifies the name of the parallel environment and the number of nodes (24).

Performance notes

EC2 vCPUs are equivalent to hyperthreads, so if your workload needs full cores (e.g. FPU-heavy code) you should schedule half as many jobs per instance as there are vCPUs.

If you are allocating one CPU per worker,and your code involves OpenBLAS, you should disable OpenBLAS's automatic threading by exporting OMP_NUM_THREADS=1 in your environment.

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