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Last active June 27, 2020 05:34
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One line powershell to output network info and ping test multiple IPs
powershell.exe -noprofile -command "& { function dt(){get-date -uformat '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S'};$c=$args[0];$ips=$args[1..$args.length];$j=@();$nl=[Environment]::NewLine;$d=('{0}\Desktop\network-info-{1}' -f ($Env:USERPROFILE,(dt))); function iscmd($cmd){[bool](get-command $cmd -erroraction silentlycontinue)} function ping() { start-job -ScriptBlock { ping.exe $args[0] -n $args[1] | foreach-object {('{0}: {1}' -f (get-date -uformat '%Y-%m-%d-%H%M%S'), $_)} >$args[2]} -argumentlist $args } ((test-path $d) -or (md $d)) >$null;write-host ('{0}{1}: Network info will be written to {2}' -f ($nl,(dt),$d));netsh dump >$d\netsh-dump.txt;netsh interface ipv4 show subinterfaces >$d\netsh-interface-ipv4-show-subinterfaces.txt;netsh wlan show interfaces >$d\netsh-wlan-show-interfaces.txt;ipconfig -all >$d\ipconfig-all.txt; foreach ($i in $ips) {$j+=(ping $i $c ('{0}\ping-{1}.txt' -f ($d,$i)))} if (iscmd 'get-netipaddress') { get-netipaddress | format-table >$d\get-netipaddress.txt; if (iscmd 'get-netneighbor') { get-netneighbor | format-table >$d\get-netneighbor.txt; get-netipaddress -addressfamily ipv4 | where {$_.ipaddress -ne ''} | select -expandproperty ipaddress | foreach {$ip=($_ -replace '^(\d+\.\d+\.\d+)\.\d+$','$1'); (1..254|%{('{0}.{1}' -f $ip,$_)})} | foreach { start-process -windowstyle hidden ping.exe -argumentlist ('-n 1 -l 0 -f -i 2 -w 1 -4 {0}' -f $_) };sleep 3;$nc=(get-netneighbor -addressfamily ipv4 -state incomplete,probe,delay,stale,reachable,permanent 2>$null | select @{n='IPAddress';e={$_.IPAddress}},@{n='LinkLayerAddress';e={$_.LinkLayerAddress}},@{n='State';e={$_.State}},@{n='ComputerNames';e={(nslookup $_.IPAddress 2>$null | select-string -pattern '^Name:\s+(.*)$' | foreach { $_.Matches.Groups[1].Value })}}); $nc | format-table >$d\network-computers.txt; } } if (iscmd 'get-netroute') {get-netroute | format-table >$d\get-netroute.txt; $nexthops=(get-netroute -addressfamily ipv4 | where {$_.nexthop -ne ''} | select -expandproperty nexthop); $nexthops >$d\nexthops.txt; foreach ($n in $nexthops) {$j+=(ping $n $c ('{0}\ping-nexthop-{1}.txt' -f ($d,$n)))}} wait-job $j >$null; write-output ('{0}{1}: Done' -f ($nl,(dt))); }" 10
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