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Last active July 30, 2019 04:57
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import { html } from 'lit-element';
import { PageViewElement } from '../components/page-view-element.js';
import markdown from '../markdown/background-tasks.js';
import backgroundTasksStyles from '../styles/background-tasks-styles';
function createFallbackRequestIdleCallback(handler) {
const startTime =;
return setTimeout(function() {
didTimeout: false,
timeRemaining: function() {
return Math.max(0, 50.0 - ( - startTime));
}, 1);
class BackgroundTasks extends PageViewElement {
constructor() {
this.taskList = [];
this.totalTaskCount = 0;
this.currentTaskNumber = 0;
this.taskHandle = null;
this.logFragment = null;
this.statusRefreshScheduled = false;
this.enqueueTask = this.enqueueTask.bind(this);
this.runTaskQueue = this.runTaskQueue.bind(this);
this.scheduleStatusRefresh = this.scheduleStatusRefresh.bind(this);
this.updateDisplay = this.updateDisplay.bind(this);
this.log = this.log.bind(this);
this.logTaskHandler = this.logTaskHandler.bind(this);
this.getRandomIntInclusive = this.getRandomIntInclusive.bind(this);
this.startBackgroundTasks = this.startBackgroundTasks.bind(this);
// requestIdleCallback, when called, returns an id that is cancellable
// in cancelIdleCallback. The id is 1 on first click and then it is a
// random-ish number. 1 -> 16 -> 31 -> 42 -> 60 -> 79, different on each run
// One thing to realise that if a task is running while another task goes
// to interrupt it, the task will finish.
window.requestIdleCallback =
window.requestIdleCallback || createFallbackRequestIdleCallback();
window.cancelIdleCallback =
window.cancelIdleCallback ||
function(id) {
// Kind of like componentDidMount
async connectedCallback() {
// Except you also have to call this
// and this
await this.updateComplete;
// Now the DOM is loaded, so do stuff with it
const shadowRoot = this.shadowRoot;
const markdownDiv = shadowRoot.querySelector('.markdown');
markdownDiv.innerHTML = window.marked(markdown);
static get styles() {
return backgroundTasksStyles;
render() {
return html`
Demonstration of using
>cooperatively scheduled background tasks</a
using the <code>requestIdleCallback()</code>
<div class="container">
<div class="label">
Decoding quantum filament tachyon emissions...
<progress id="progress" value="0"></progress>
Start Background Tasks
Click to take over event loop
<div class="label counter">
Task <span id="currentTaskNumber">0</span> of
<span id="totalTaskCount">0</span>
<div class="logBox">
<div class="logHeader">
<div id="log"></div>
<div class="markdown" />
// Something computational expensive to test that
// the tasks stop when this is run.
takeOverTheEventLoop() {
console.warn("I'm taking over the event loop.");
for (let i = 0; i < 1000000000; i++) {}
* Basic premise:
* Create a bunch of tasks and subtasks for those tasks (100's of each)
* to be rendered to the DOM as mildly expensive computations. Each of these
* computations are a single task in the Background Tasks API. Each task only
* runs during idle time in the browser. The task finishes, then the next
* task is to be done, which does not run until the next idle time in the
* browser. This repeats until all tasks are finished.
startBackgroundTasks() {'Background Tasks have begun.');
// Subtlety: Data is reset if start is clicked multiple times repeated clicks.
this.totalTaskCount = 0;
this.currentTaskNumber = 0;
// Create a bunch of tasks.
const n = this.getRandomIntInclusive(200, 400);
for (let i = 0; i < n; i++) {
const taskData = {
// The amount of elements that will be created in this task.
count: this.getRandomIntInclusive(150, 300),
// The text that will be rendered in the element.
text: `This text is from task number ${(i + 1).toString()} of ${n}`
this.enqueueTask(this.logTaskHandler, taskData);
// Adds to task queue.
enqueueTask(taskHandler, taskData) {
// taskHandler is this.logTaskHandler
handler: taskHandler,
An object as so:
count: 104,
text: "This text is from task number 90 of 100"
data: taskData
// Keep track of length of list
// It is only null when the component first renders.
// It is to start a Background Task.
if (!this.taskHandle) {
this.taskHandle = requestIdleCallback(this.runTaskQueue);
// requestIdleCallback's callback.
runTaskQueue(deadline) {`This round of JS begins at ${this.currentTaskNumber}.`);
while (deadline.timeRemaining() > 0 && this.taskList.length) {
// deadline.timeRemaining() runs repeatedly, until it is equal
// to 0. It slowly decreases... 12.465 -> 11.26 -> etc.
const task = this.taskList.shift();
// This creates the DOM elements but does not log them.
// This adds the created elements to the DOM with requestAnimationFrame.
}`And ends at ${this.currentTaskNumber}.`);
// Then run the next task.
if (this.taskList.length) {
this.taskHandle = requestIdleCallback(this.runTaskQueue);
} else {
this.taskHandle = 0;
// Creation of DOM elements, to be added to the DOM later.
logTaskHandler(data) {
this.log('<strong>Running task #' + this.currentTaskNumber + '</strong>');
for (let i = 0; i < data.count; i += 1) {
this.log((i + 1).toString() + '. ' + data.text);
log(text) {
if (!this.logFragment) {
this.logFragment = document.createDocumentFragment();
const el = document.createElement('div');
el.innerHTML = text;
// requestAnimationFrame.
scheduleStatusRefresh() {
if (!this.statusRefreshScheduled) {
this.statusRefreshScheduled = true;
// All DOM stuff happens in here.
updateDisplay() {
// Cannot access elements inside the shadow DOM from outside of it.
const shadowRoot = this.shadowRoot;
const logElem = shadowRoot.getElementById('log');
const progressBarElem = shadowRoot.getElementById('progress');
const currentTaskNumberElem = shadowRoot.getElementById(
const totalTaskCountElem = shadowRoot.getElementById('totalTaskCount');
// All this really does is scroll to the end of all the content that is rendered.
const scrolledToEnd =
logElem.scrollHeight - logElem.clientHeight <= logElem.scrollTop + 1;
// This is only false on the first render.
if (this.totalTaskCount) {
if (progressBarElem.max !== this.totalTaskCount) {
totalTaskCountElem.textContent = this.totalTaskCount;
progressBarElem.max = this.totalTaskCount;
if (progressBarElem.value !== this.currentTaskNumber) {
currentTaskNumberElem.textContent = this.currentTaskNumber;
progressBarElem.value = this.currentTaskNumber;
if (this.logFragment) {
this.logFragment = null;
if (scrolledToEnd) {
logElem.scrollTop = logElem.scrollHeight - logElem.clientHeight;
this.statusRefreshScheduled = false;
getRandomIntInclusive(min, max) {
min = Math.ceil(min);
max = Math.floor(max);
return Math.floor(Math.random() * (max - min + 1)) + min;
window.customElements.define('background-tasks', BackgroundTasks);
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