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Created November 26, 2012 00:20
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<% content_for(:page_title) do %>
<%= current_user.username %> |
<% end %>
<%= content_for(:js) do %>
<%= headjs_include_tag "plugins/jquery.min", "admin/show/helpers", "plugins/file_uploader", "admin/index/dashboard", "plugins/jquery.color", "plugins/jquery.cookie", "admin/index/import" %>
# Get the user space to set the uploader max file size
if @quota && @database_size
@userSpaceLimit = ((@quota - @database_size.to_i) * 1024 * 1024 ) * (current_user.try(:account_type).upcase != "FREE" ? 3 : 1)
@userSpaceLimit = 0
<script type="text/javascript">var userSpaceLimit = <%= @userSpaceLimit %>;</script>
<% end %>
<%= content_for(:head) do %>
<%= stylesheet_link_tag('reset.css','admin/layout','admin/tables/dashboard') %>
<% end %>
<%= render 'admin/shared/subheader' %>
<section id="content">
<div id="hugeUploader"></div>
<div class="inner_content">
<% if @tables_count == 0 && params["q"].blank? %>
<div class="requests_info section white_content padding">
<a class="close" href="#close_stats">close</a>
<h2>Welcome to CartoDB <%= current_user.username %>!</h2>
<p>We really appreciate your feedback. Get in touch via <%= link_to "email", ""%> &amp; <%= link_to "twitter", "" %>, or read our <%= link_to "blog", ""%> for the latest info. Have fun!</p>
<span class="block">
<h3>Create your first table</h3>
<p>You can import data or start from scratch. <a href="#create_table" class="new_table">Create a table</a></p>
<span class="block">
<h3>Read the documentation</h3>
<p>Take a look at the <a href="<%= APP_CONFIG[:developers_host] %>">developers area</a> to make the most of CartoDB</p>
<span class="block last">
<h3>Give us your feedback</h3>
<p>Please <a href="">send us</a> your questions or requests!</p>
<% else %>
<div class="requests_info section white_content">
<h2>Hello <%= current_user.username %></h2>
<% @dedicated = current_user.try(:account_type).upcase == 'DEDICATED' ? true : false %>
<% if @database_size.present? && @quota.present? %>
<% @over_disk = (@database_size.to_f/@quota) > 0.75 %>
<% else %>
<% @over_disk = false %>
<% end %>
<% if @tables_count.present? && @table_quota.present? %>
<% @over_tables = (@tables_count.to_f/@table_quota) > 0.75 %>
<% else %>
<% @over_tables = false %>
<% end %>
<% if (@over_disk || @over_tables) && !@dedicated && !current_user.admin %>
<p>Need more resources? <a href="<%= upgrade_url %>">Upgrade your account</a></p>
<% else %>
<p>Welcome to Nation Maps</p>
<% end %>
<td class="
<%= (@database_size.to_f/@quota > 0.75) ? 'danger' : '' %>
<%= (@database_size.to_f/@quota > 0.90 ) ? 'boom' : '' %>
<% if @quota > 1023 %>
<% @database_size_g = @database_size/1024 %>
<p class="big"><%= number_with_precision(@database_size_g, :precision => 1) %>/<%= @quota/1024 %></p>
<% else %>
<p class="big"><%= @database_size.to_i %>/<%= @quota %></p>
<% end %>
<td class="
<%= (@table_quota.present? && @tables_count.to_f/@table_quota > 0.75) ? 'danger' : '' %>
<%= (@table_quota.present? && @tables_count.to_f/@table_quota > 0.90) ? 'boom' : '' %>">
<% if @table_quota.blank? %>
<p class="big"><%= @tables_count %>/&infin;</p>
<% else %>
<p class="big"><%= @tables_count %>/<%= @table_quota %></p>
<% end %>
<% if !params["q"].blank? %>
<% else %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= render :partial => 'shared/flash_message' %>
<div class="tables_list">
<div class="left">
<div class="top_blue_medium">
<%= pluralize(@tables_count, 'layer', 'layers') %>
<% if @tag_name %>
with the tag <%= @tag_name %>
<% end %>
<% if !params[:q]%>
in your account
<% else %>
<% end %>
<% if @total_tables > 10 %>
<form action="#">
<input type="text" value="<%= params[:q] %>" name="q" />
<input type="submit" value="true" name="submit" />
<% end %>
<div class="middle_white_medium">
<ul class="your_tables">
<% @tables.each_with_index do |table, i| %>
<div class="meta_info">
<span class="info">
<h4><%= link_to(, table_path(table), :class=>'tableTitle') %> </h4>
<p class="status <%= table_privacy_text(table).downcase %>"><%= table_privacy_text(table) %></p>
<p class="delete"> | <a table-name="<%= %>" href="#delete" class="delete">delete table</a></p>
<p class="columns">
<%= number_to_human_size table.table_size %> /
&#126;<%= pluralize(table.rows_estimated,'row','rows') rescue '' %> /
<%= table.schema.size rescue '' %> columns:
<%={ |e| e.first }[2...6].join(', ') rescue '' %>...
<span class="tags">
<% unless table.updated_at.blank? %>
<p class="last_op"><%= time_ago_in_words(table.updated_at) %> ago</p>
<% end %>
<% unless table.tags.blank? %>
<% table.tags.split(',').each do |tag_name| %>
<a href="<%= dashboard_path(:tag_name => tag_name) %>"><%= tag_name %></a>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<% if @tables_count<3 %>
<div class="no_tables">
<% if @tables_count>0 && @tables_count<3 %>
<h5>More tables if you want.</h5>
<p>Time to <a href="#create_table" class="new_table">create another table</a>?</p>
<% else %>
<h5>Hey! You don't have any tables</h5>
<p>Why don't you start by <a href="#create_table" class="new_table">creating a new table</a>?</p>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<span class="privacy_window">
<li class="public"><a href="#public"><strong>Public</strong> (visible to others)</a></li>
<% if !current_user.private_tables_enabled %>
<li class="disabled"><a><strong>Private</strong> (only paid plans)</a></li>
<% else %>
<li class="private"><a href="#private"><strong>Private</strong> (visible to you)</a></li>
<% end %>
<div class="bottom_white_medium"></div>
<%= paginate(@tables) %>
<div class="right">
<div class="banner">
<div class="top_white_short"></div>
<div class="middle_white_short">
<h3>Upload Data</h3>
<a href="#create_table" class="new_table <%= 'disabled' if current_user.exceeded_quota? %>">Add a Layer</a>
<div class="bottom_white_short"></div>
<% if @tags.count==0 %>
<span class="no_tags">
<p>You have not added any tags yet.</p>
<p>Tags are useful for organizing and filtering your tables.</p>
<p>To add tags to your tables, open them and enter them under the name.</p>
<% else %>
<% if params[:tag_name]%>
<li class="all"><a href="/dashboard">view all tables</a></li>
<% end %>
<% @tags.each do |tag| %>
<li><a href="<%= dashboard_path(:tag_name => tag[:name]) %>"><span style="background-position:<%= tag_width(tag[:count], @tags.last[:count], @tags.first[:count]) %>px 0"><%= tag[:name] %></span></a></li>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<%= content_for(:mamufas) do %>
<div class="mamufas">
<div class="create_window">
<a href="#close_window" class="close_create"></a>
<div class="inner_">
<span class="loading">
<h5>We are creating your table...</h5>
<p>It shouldn't take long, just a few more seconds ok?</p>
<form action="#import_file" id="import_file" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
<span class="top">
<h4>Do you want to import some data to the new table now?</h4>
<p>You will also be able to do it later.</p>
<li class="selected">
<a href="#">I want to create an empty table</a>
<div class="geom_type">
<span class="selected"><a href="#point">Point</a></span>
<span><a href="#line">Line</a></span>
<span><a href="#polygon">Polygon</a></span>
<a href="#">I want to start with some imported data</a>
<span class="file">
<div class="select_file">
<div id="uploader"></div>
<p>We support xls, csv, gpx, shp, zip, etc...</p>
<div class="progress">
<p>Uploading your file...</p>
<span class="progress"></span>
<a href="#">I want to add some data from a URL</a>
<span class="file">
<div class="select_file">
<input id="url_txt" type="text" name="url_value" value="Insert a valid URL..."/>
<div class="error_url">
<p><span>This URL is not valid</span></p>
<span class="bottom">
<a href="#" class="cancel">cancel</a>
<input id="create_table" type="submit" name="submit" value="Create table"/>
<div class="delete_window">
<a href="#close_window" class="close_delete"></a>
<div class="inner_">
<span class="top">
<h3>You are about to delete this table</h3>
<p>You will not be able to recover this information. We really recommend you <a class="export_data" href="#export_data">export the data</a> before deleting it.</p>
<span class="bottom">
<a href="#close_window" class="cancel">cancel</a>
<a href="#confirm_delete" class="confirm_delete">Delete this table</a>
<div class="export_window">
<a href="#close_window" class="close"></a>
<div class="inner_">
<form action="/tables/" method="get">
<input id="export_format" type="hidden" name="format" />
<span class="top">
<h3>Export your data</h3>
<p>Select your desired format for downloading the data</p>
<li class="selected"><a class="option" href="#CSV" rel="csv">CSV (Comma separated values)</a></li>
<li class="disabled"><a class="option" href="#KML" rel="kml">KML</a></li>
<li><a class="option" href="#SHP"rel="shp">SHP</a></li>
<span class="bottom">
<a href="#close_window" class="cancel">cancel</a>
<input type="submit" class="download" value="Download" />
<% end %>
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