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Last active April 18, 2017 03:00
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How to Get the Kalliope Assistant Running on an Intel Edison

Kalliope is a modular always-on voice controlled personal assistant designed for home automation. You can find the Kalliope project here.

Get Kalliope Running

  1. Flash Ubilinux onto the Edison as described here
  2. (OPTIONAL) Follow the instructions in the "Add Some Security" section of the Ubilinux doc.
  3. Follow the instructions in the "The Better Way" subsection of the "Enable WiFi" section of the Ubilinux doc.
  4. Install python-setuptools with sudo apt-get install python-setuptools.
  5. Install pip with sudo apt-get install python-pip.
  6. Upgrade pip with sudo pip install --upgrade pip.
  7. Upgrade setuptools with sudo pip install --upgrade setuptools.
  8. Install the libffi-dev package with sudo apt-get install libffi-dev.
  9. Install the libportaudio-dev package with sudo apt-get install portaudio19-dev.
  10. Install portaudio Python packages for Snowboy sudo apt-get install python-pyaudio sox.
  11. Install version 1.0.18 on the ipaddress Python package sudo pip install --upgrade ipaddress.
  12. Install the libcblas3 package with sudo apt-get install libatlas3-base.
  13. Clone Kalliope core git clone
  14. Create an i686 directory (kalliope/kalliope/trigger/snowboy/i686) and extract the from the archive here into it. You can use wget to download the file.
  15. Add the entry 'trigger/snowboy/i686/', to in the root kalliope directory.
  16. Make sure that all Kalliope requirements install correctly sudo pip install -r install/files/python_requirements.txt (from within the kalliope directory).
  17. Install Kalliope using sudo python install
  18. Add your user to the audio group sudo usermod -aG audio {username}.
  19. Log out and log back in as your user.
  20. Use the Quick Start to get Kalliope up and running.

Bluetooth Headset Setup

Temporary Test Setup

  1. sudo apt-get install pulseaudio pulseaudio-module-bluetooth bluez-firmware
  2. sudo usermod -aG bluetooth
  3. sudo chmod o+x /usr/lib/dbus-1.0/dbus-daemon-launch-helper
  4. pulseaudio -D
  5. bluetoothctl
  6. scan on
  7. trust 00:00:00:00:00:00
  8. pair 00:00:00:00:00:00
  9. connect 00:00:00:00:00:00

More Permanent Setup

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