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Last active November 16, 2017 21:25
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lfads processing scripts
# take session-by-session output from lfads run in posterior sample and average
# mode, reassemble train and test trials, trim back to correct length (they
# were padded for batching), and bundle up in a single hdf5 file like
# the one used for behavior
import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
lfads_out_fpath = os.path.expanduser('~/data/penaltykick/model_data/lfads/fitted/')
lfads_in_fpath = os.path.expanduser('~/data/penaltykick/model_data/lfads/')
out_fpath = os.path.expanduser('~/data/penaltykick/model_data/')
out_fname = 'lfads_output.hdf5'
stem = 'pk_lfads_'
# this will be the eventual output file
out_hf = h5py.File(out_fpath + out_fname, 'w')
# open behavior file (to get trial lengths)
beh_hf = h5py.File(os.path.expanduser('~/data/penaltykick/model_data/compiled_penalty_kick_wspikes_wgaze_resplined.hdf5'), 'r')
sessions = [key for key in beh_hf.keys() if 'sess' in key]
for this_sess in sessions:
this_beh = beh_hf[this_sess]
# open input file to lfads (to get train_test split)
lfads_in_fname = stem + this_sess
# open output file from lfads (to get train_test split)
lfads_out_stem = 'model_runs_'
lfads_out_suff = '_posterior_sample_and_average'
lfads_out_train_fname = lfads_out_stem + this_sess + '_train' + lfads_out_suff
lfads_out_valid_fname = lfads_out_stem + this_sess + '_valid' + lfads_out_suff
lfads_infile = h5py.File(lfads_in_fpath + lfads_in_fname, 'r')
lfads_outfile_train = h5py.File(lfads_out_fpath + lfads_out_train_fname, 'r')
lfads_outfile_valid = h5py.File(lfads_out_fpath + lfads_out_valid_fname, 'r')
train_inds = list(lfads_infile['trial_list'][lfads_infile['is_train'].value])
valid_inds = list(lfads_infile['trial_list'][~lfads_infile['is_train'].value])
for int_trial, is_train in zip(lfads_infile['trial_list'], lfads_infile['is_train']):
this_trial = 'trial' + str(int_trial)
curr_path = this_sess + '/' + this_trial
T_beh = this_beh[this_trial].shape[1]
if is_train:
idx = train_inds.index(int_trial)
factors = lfads_outfile_train['factors'][idx, :T_beh]
rates = lfads_outfile_train['output_dist_params'][idx, :T_beh]
control = lfads_outfile_train['controller_outputs'][idx, :T_beh]
idx = valid_inds.index(int_trial)
factors = lfads_outfile_valid['factors'][idx, :T_beh]
rates = lfads_outfile_valid['output_dist_params'][idx, :T_beh]
control = lfads_outfile_valid['controller_outputs'][idx, :T_beh]
out_hf[curr_path + '/factors'] = factors
out_hf[curr_path + '/rates'] = rates
out_hf[curr_path + '/control'] = control
# convert spiking data to format required by lfads
import numpy as np
import h5py
import os
from utils import write_datasets
from synth_data.synthetic_data_utils import add_alignment_projections # needed to add in synth_data
# constants, etc.
DT = 0.15 # 15ms bins
TRAIN_FRAC = 0.8 # fraction of train/test split
NTRIALS = 500 # for alignment
NTIMES = 800 # for alignment
fpath = os.path.expanduser('~/data/penaltykick/model_data/lfads/')
stem = 'pk_lfads'
hf = h5py.File(os.path.expanduser('~/data/penaltykick/model_data/compiled_penalty_kick_wspikes_wgaze_resplined.hdf5'))
sessions = [key for key in hf.keys() if 'sess' in key]
spks = hf['spikes']
datasets = {}
for sess_name in sessions:
sess = hf[sess_name]
if sess_name in spks:
sess_spks = spks[sess_name]
spk_list = []
trial_list = [] # list of trials with spikes
maxT = 0
maxU = 0
minN = 128000
for trial_name in sess.keys():
trial = sess[trial_name]
info = trial.attrs
if info['Spikes'] and info['Complete'] and info['GameMode'] == 1:
if not info['ReplayOldBarData'] or np.isnan(info['ReplayOldBarData']):
if trial_name in sess_spks:
trial_spks = sess_spks[trial_name].value
maxT = max(maxT, trial_spks.shape[1])
maxU = max(maxU, trial_spks.shape[0])
ntrials = len(spk_list)
if ntrials == 0:
# do train/test split
trial_split = np.random.rand(ntrials) <= TRAIN_FRAC
trial_arr = np.array(trial_list)
ntrain = np.sum(trial_split)
nval = ntrials - ntrain
# allocate train and validation data
# needed to use NTIMES, since lfads needs all trials to be same length
train_data = np.zeros((ntrain, NTIMES, maxU), dtype='int64')
valid_data = np.zeros((nval, NTIMES, maxU), dtype='int64')
condition_labels_train = np.zeros((ntrain,))
condition_labels_valid = np.zeros((nval,))
nt, nv = 0, 0
for ts, ss in zip(trial_split, spk_list):
if ts:
train_data[nt, :ss.shape[1], :ss.shape[0]] = ss.T
nt += 1
valid_data[nv, :ss.shape[1], :ss.shape[0]] = ss.T
nv += 1
data = ({'train_data': train_data,
'valid_data': valid_data,
'dt': DT,
'trial_list': trial_arr, # integer (1-based) indices of trials with spike data
'is_train': trial_split, # True if trial is for training (keyed to trial_list)
'condition_labels_train': condition_labels_train,
'condition_labels_valid': condition_labels_valid})
minN = min(minN, train_data.shape[0])
datasets[sess_name] = data
# need to write P_sxn matrix with unit indices for which were recorded in each session
totU = np.sum([d['train_data'].shape[2] for _, d in datasets.items()])
accU = 0
for _, data in datasets.items():
U = data['train_data'].shape[2]
data['P_sxn'] = np.roll(np.eye(U, totU), accU, axis=1)
accU += U
datasets = add_alignment_projections(datasets, npcs=NPCS, nsamples=NTRIALS, ntime=NTIMES)
write_datasets(fpath, stem, datasets)
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