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Created May 15, 2017 11:08
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yet another tool to detect hypervisor from guest
# Which Hypervisor
say() { echo "$@" >&2; }
verb_say() { [ "$verbose" = 'yes' ] && say "$@"; }
error() {
local -i rc=$1
say "$@"
exit $rc
show_help() {
say "$exe [-v|--verbose] [-h|--help]"
exit 0
while [ -n "$1" ]; do
case "$1" in
-h|--help) show_help;;
-v|--verbose) verbose=yes; shift;;
*) error 1 "What is '$1'?";;
usable() {
local cmd=$1
local bin=$(type -p "$cmd")
if [ -e "$bin" -a -x "$bin" ]; then
verb_say "Can use '$cmd' as '$bin'."
echo "$bin"
verb_say "No usable '$cmd'."
return 1
grep=$(usable grep) || error 1 "Cannot grep here."
cat=$(usable cat) || error 1 "Cannot cat here."
dmidecode=$(usable dmidecode)
dmesg=$(usable dmesg)
lspci=$(usable lspci)
lshw=$(usable lshw)
sysdv=$(usable systemd-detect-virt)
facter=$(usable facter)
hostnamectl=$(usable hostnamectl)
dmesg_has() {
[ -n "$dmesg" ] && { "$dmesg" 2>/dev/null | grep -q "$@"; return $?; }
grep -q "$@" '/var/log/dmesg' 2>/dev/null
test_if_cmd_has() {
local cmd="$1" ; shift
[ -n "$cmd" ] && { "$cmd" 2>/dev/null | grep "$@" && return; }
return 1
test_if_cmd_arg_has() {
local cmd="$1" arg="$2" ; shift 2
[ -n "$cmd" ] && { "$cmd" "$arg" 2>/dev/null | grep "$@" && return; }
return 1
test_if_cmd_arg2_has() {
local cmd="$1" arg1="$2" arg2="$3" ; shift 3
[ -n "$cmd" ] && { "$cmd" "$arg1" "$arg2" 2>/dev/null | grep "$@" && return; }
return 1
hostnamectl_has() { test_if_cmd_arg_has "$hostnamectl" status -q "$@"; }
lspci_has() { test_if_cmd_has "$lspci" -q "$@"; }
sysdv_has() { test_if_cmd_has "$sysdv" -q "$@"; }
facter_has() { test_if_cmd_arg_has "$facter" virtual -q "$@"; }
sys_prod_name() { test_if_cmd_arg2_has "$dmidecode" -s system-product-name -q "$@"; }
sys_mfgr_name() { test_if_cmd_arg2_has "$dmidecode" -s system-manufacturer -q "$@"; }
hw_class_system() { test_if_cmd_arg2_has "$lshw" -class system -q "$@"; }
hw_class_system_product() { test_if_cmd_arg2_has "$lshw" -class system 'product:'| cut -d: -f2- | grep -q "$@"; }
hw_class_system_vendor() { test_if_cmd_arg2_has "$lshw" -class system 'vendor:'| cut -d: -f2- | grep -q "$@"; }
product_is() { sys_prod_name "$@" || hw_class_system_product "$@"; }
vendor_is() { sys_mfgr_name "$@" || hw_class_system_vendor "$@"; }
is_ms_vm() {
{ product_is 'Virtual Machine' && vendor_is 'Microsoft Corporation'; } \
|| hostnamectl_has 'Virtualization: microsoft' \
|| sysdv_has microsoft
check_vmware() { product_is 'VMware Virtual Platform'; }
check_virtualbox() { product_is 'VirtualBox'; }
check_qemu_kvm() { product_is 'KVM' || hostnamectl_has 'Virtualization: kvm'; }
check_qemu() { vendor_is QEMU || dmesg_has QEMU; }
check_ms_hyperv() {
facter_has hyperv \
|| lspci_has 'Microsoft Corporation Hyper-V' \
|| { is_ms_vm && dmesg_has -w 'Hyper-V'; }
check_ms_virtualpc() { is_ms_vm && ! dmesg_has -w 'Hyper-V'; }
check_xen() { sys_prod_name 'HVM domU' || dmesg_has Xen || hostnamectl_has 'Virtualization: xen'; }
check_openvz() { hostnamectl_has 'Virtualization: openvz' || [ -e /proc/user_beancounters ]; }
check_virtuozzo() { [ -e /dev/mem ] && [ ! -r /dev/mem ] && [ -d /proc/vz ]; }
check_lxc() { sysdv_has lxc; }
check_docker() { [ -e /proc/1/cgroup ] && grep -q docker /proc/1/cgroup; }
other_vm() { dmesg_has "Hypervisor detected"; }
declare -a hyptype=()
declare -i n=0
for func in $(declare -F | cut -d' ' -f3- | grep '^check_'); do
verb_say -n "$vmtype: "
"$func" && { verb_say yes; hyptype[${#hyptype[*]}]=$vmtype; let n+=1; } || verb_say no
[ "$verbose" = 'yes' ] && echo -n "hypervisor: "
(( n == 0 )) && { other_vm && echo other || echo no; } || echo "${hyptype[*]}"
# EOF #
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