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Last active October 19, 2017 08:17
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Sample i18n Python module for a project
Use `from my_project.i18n import _` in source files to be localized.
Inspired by
APP_NAME = 'cluster_sim'
verbose = __name__ == '__main__'
import locale
# >>> [x for x in os.environ if x.startswith('LC_') and x not in dir(locale)]
# ['LC_PAPER',
# 'LC_NAME']
# I.e. not all LC_* names met in the wild are known to the module!
def_locale = locale.getdefaultlocale()
def_encoding = locale.getpreferredencoding()
known_locales = dict([(lc_name, getattr(locale, lc_name))
for lc_name in dir(locale)
if lc_name.startswith('LC_')])
import os
if 'LANG' in os.environ:
locale.setlocale(locale.LC_ALL, os.environ['LANG'])
for e in os.environ:
if e.startswith('LC_'):
if verbose:
print e, '->', os.environ[e], ':',
r = None
if e in known_locales: # not all LC_* are known to the module
r = locale.setlocale(known_locales[e], os.environ[e])
if verbose:
print r
localedir = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)), 'locale')
assert os.path.isdir(localedir), 'No locale dir %r' % (localedir,)
# actual locale file is expected to be localedir+'/'+lang+'/LC_MESSAGES/'+project_name+'.mo'
# i.e. ~/intel-manager-for-lustre/cluster-sim/cluster_sim/locale/ru/LC_MESSAGES/ in my case
import gettext
gettext.install(domain=APP_NAME, localedir=localedir, unicode=True)
translate = gettext.translation(domain=APP_NAME,
if not translate.output_charset():
translate.set_output_charset(locale.getlocale(locale.LC_ALL)[1]) # have to look over all LC_* for any match...
# "export":
_ = translate.gettext # uniuversal
__ = translate.ngettext # for plurals
if __name__ == '__main__':
print locale.getlocale(locale.LC_ALL)
print 'locale dir =', localedir
print 'charset = ', translate.charset()
print 'output charset =', translate.output_charset()
# print
print 'Hello world', '=', _('Hello world')
#vim: set ai et ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 :EOF#
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