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Forked from eagletmt/proxy_command.js
Created September 14, 2016 07:37
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a Vimperator plugin which provides commandline interface for proxy settings
* Commandline interface for proxy settings.
* This requires revision >= 4430 for subCommands.
* examples:
* - display current proxy type
* :proxy
* - do not use proxy
* :proxy direct
* - manual proxy configuration
* :proxy manual -http -no-proxy localhost
* - proxy auto-configuration (PAC)
* :proxy pac -reload file:///home/eagletmt/proxy.pac
* - auto-detect proxy settings
* :proxy auto
* - use system proxy settings
* :proxy system
(function() {
function make_completer(type)/*{{{*/
function(context, args) {
context.title = [type + ' proxy', 'URL'];
let host = options.getPref('network.proxy.' + type);
if (host) {
let port = options.getPref('network.proxy.' + type + '_port');
return [[host + ':' + port, 'current ' + type + ' proxy URL']];
} else {
return [];
function no_proxy_completer(context, args) {//{{{
let host = options.getPref('network.proxy.no_proxies_on');
return host ? [[host, 'current no-proxy']] : [];
function set_proxy_for(type, arg) {//{{{
let [host, port] = arg.split(/:/);
options.setPref('network.proxy.' + type, host);
options.setPref('network.proxy.' + type + '_port', parseInt(port));
const desc = [//{{{
'no proxy',
'manual proxy configuration',
'proxy auto-configuration (PAC)',
'auto-detect proxy settings',
'use system proxy settings',
commands.addUserCommand(['proxy'], 'proxy setting',
function() {
let type = options.getPref('network.proxy.type');
liberator.echo('current proxy type = ' + type + ': ' + desc[type]);
subCommands: [
new Command(['direct'], desc[0], function() options.setPref('network.proxy.type', 0)),
new Command(['manual'], desc[1],//{{{
function(args) {
options.setPref('network.proxy.type', 1);
['http', 'ssl', 'ftp', 'socks'].forEach(function(type) {
if (args['-' + type]) {
set_proxy_for(type, args['-' + type]);
if (args['-no-proxy']) {
options.setPref('network.proxy.no_proxies_on', args['-no-proxy']);
}, {
options: [
[['-http'], commands.OPTION_STRING, null, make_completer('http')],
[['-ssl'], commands.OPTION_STRING, null, make_completer('ssl')],
[['-ftp'], commands.OPTION_STRING, null, make_completer('ftp')],
[['-socks'], commands.OPTION_STRING, null, make_completer('socks')],
[['-no-proxy'], commands.OPTION_STRING, null, no_proxy_completer],
new Command(['pac'], desc[2],//{{{
function(args) {
options.setPref('network.proxy.type', 2);
if (args.literalArg) {
options.setPref('network.proxy.autoconfig_url', args.literalArg);
if (args['-reload']) {
}, {
literal: 0,
options: [
[['-reload', '-r'], commands.OPTION_NOARG],
completer: function(context, args) {
context.title = ['PAC URL'];
context.completions = [[options.getPref('network.proxy.autoconfig_url'), 'current PAC URL']];
new Command(['auto'], desc[4], function() options.setPref('network.proxy.type', 4)),
new Command(['system'], desc[5], function() options.setPref('network.proxy.type', 5)),
}, true);
// vim: set sw=2 ts=2 sts=2 et fdm=marker:
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