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Created October 3, 2019 02:53
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# reference:
library(wakefield) # For fancy data generation
library(truncnorm) # Truncated normal distributions
library(ggridges) # Ridge plots
# Make all the random draws consistent
# Function to generate GPAs
gpa_centered_on <- function(mean){
round(rtruncnorm(1, a = 1.0, b = 4.0, mean = mean, sd = .5), 2)
# Generate fake data
all_students <-
r_data_frame(n = 1600,
age(x = 20:30),
gender_inclusive) %>%
mutate(undergrad_gpa = gpa_centered_on(2.5),
math_camp = c(rep(T, 800), rep(F, 800)),
graduate_gpa = gpa_centered_on(3.0 + 0.5*math_camp))
ggplot(all_students, aes(x = graduate_gpa, y = math_camp, fill = math_camp)) +
geom_density_ridges() +
guides(fill = FALSE) +
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