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Created March 13, 2021 22:43
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Cooperative multitasking in haskell
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Scheduling where
newtype Fiber f a = Fiber (f (Maybe (Maybe a, Fiber f a)))
noop :: Applicative f => Fiber f a
noop = Fiber $ pure Nothing
singleton :: Applicative f => f (Maybe a) -> Fiber f a
singleton task = Fiber $ fmap (\step -> Just (step, noop)) task
stitch :: Monad f => Fiber f a -> Fiber f a -> Fiber f a
stitch (Fiber f1) (Fiber f2) = Fiber $ f1 >>= stitch'
where stitch' Nothing = f2
stitch' (Just (next, tail)) = pure $ Just (next, stitch tail (Fiber f2))
cons :: Monad f => f (Maybe a) -> Fiber f a -> Fiber f a
cons task fiber = stitch (singleton task) fiber
snoc :: Monad f => f (Maybe a) -> Fiber f a -> Fiber f a
snoc task fiber = stitch fiber (singleton task)
consAction :: Monad f => f () -> Fiber f a -> Fiber f a
consAction action fiber = cons (fmap (const Nothing) action) fiber
consEmission :: Monad f => f a -> Fiber f a -> Fiber f a
consEmission task fiber = cons (fmap Just task) fiber
snocEmission :: Monad f => f a -> Fiber f a -> Fiber f a
snocEmission task fiber = snoc (fmap Just task) fiber
snocAction :: Monad f => f () -> Fiber f a -> Fiber f a
snocAction action fiber = snoc (fmap (const Nothing) action) fiber
unfoldFiber :: Monad f => (b -> f (Maybe (Maybe a, b))) -> f b -> Fiber f a
unfoldFiber f = Fiber . (fmap $ fmap $ fmap $ unfoldFiber f . pure) . (=<<) f
forever :: Monad f => f a -> Fiber f a
forever task = unfoldFiber (\_ -> fmap (\a -> Just (Just a, ())) task) (pure ())
times :: Monad f => Int -> f a -> Fiber f a
times n task = unfoldFiber (\x -> if x > 0 then fmap (\a -> Just (Just a, x - 1)) task else pure Nothing) $ pure n
type Scheduler f = forall a. [Fiber f a] -> f ()
roundRobin :: Monad f => Scheduler f
roundRobin [] = pure ()
roundRobin ((Fiber f):fs) = f >>= reschedule
where reschedule Nothing = roundRobin fs
reschedule (Just (next, rest)) = roundRobin $ fs ++ [rest]
main :: IO ()
main = roundRobin [ snocAction (putStrLn "done pinging") $ times 3 $ putStrLn "ping"
, snocAction (putStrLn "done ponging") $ times 2 $ putStrLn "pong"
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