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Created February 18, 2013 23:26
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# #
# # Cookbook Name:: resque
# # Recipe:: default
# #
# if ['solo', 'util'].include?(node[:instance_role])
# unless node[:name].include?("elasticsearch_")
# execute "install resque gem" do
# command "gem install resque redis redis-namespace yajl-ruby -r"
# not_if { "gem list | grep resque" }
# end
# case node[:ec2][:instance_type]
# when 'm1.small' then worker_count = 2
# when 'c1.medium'then worker_count = 4
# when 'c1.xlarge' then worker_count = 8
# else worker_count = 4
# end
# node[:applications].each do |app, data|
# # directory "/engineyard/custom" do
# # recursive true
# # owner "root"
# # group "root"
# # mode 0755
# # end
# #
# # remote_file "/engineyard/custom/resque" do
# # owner "root"
# # group "root"
# # mode 0755
# # source ""
# # backup false
# # action :create
# # end
# template "/etc/monit.d/resque_#{app}.monitrc" do
# owner 'root'
# group 'root'
# mode 0644
# source "monitrc.conf.erb"
# variables({
# :num_workers => worker_count,
# :app_name => app,
# :rails_env => node[:environment][:framework_env]
# })
# end
# worker_count.times do |count|
# template "/data/#{app}/shared/config/resque_#{count}.conf" do
# owner node[:owner_name]
# group node[:owner_name]
# mode 0644
# source "resque_wildcard.conf.erb"
# end
# end
# execute "ensure-resque-is-setup-with-monit" do
# command %Q{
# monit reload
# }
# end
# end
# end
# end
# Cookbook Name:: resque
# Recipe:: default
if ['solo', 'util'].include?(node[:instance_role])
execute "install resque gem" do
command "gem install resque redis redis-namespace yajl-ruby -r"
not_if { "gem list | grep resque" }
case node[:ec2][:instance_type]
when 'm1.small' then worker_count = 2
when 'c1.medium'then worker_count = 4
when 'c1.xlarge' then worker_count = 8
else worker_count = 4
app = "karma2"
template "/etc/monit.d/resque_#{app}.monitrc" do
owner 'root'
group 'root'
mode 0644
source "monitrc.conf.erb"
:num_workers => worker_count,
:app_name => app,
:rails_env => node[:environment][:framework_env]
worker_count.times do |count|
template "/data/#{app}/shared/config/resque_#{count}.conf" do
owner node[:owner_name]
group node[:owner_name]
mode 0644
source "resque_wildcard.conf.erb"
execute "ensure-resque-is-setup-with-monit" do
epic_fail true
command %Q{
monit reload
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