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Last active May 5, 2024 06:40
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Save jnaskali/080299ccaa94da60c565ea068d467d15 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
AutoHotkey script to check for GeForce driver updates and automatically install without telemetry
; NVidia Driver Checker by Juhani Naskali
; Requires JSON.ahk class from and 7-zip
#Include <JSON>
7zip := "C:\Program Files\7-Zip\7z.exe"
; Get installed driver version
RegRead, installedVersion, HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\{B2FE1952-0186-46C3-BAEC-A80AA35AC5B8}_Display.Driver, DisplayVersion
; Retreive and parse json with latest driver information
url := ""
oHttp := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.Winhttprequest.5.1")"GET", url)
parsed := JSON.Load(oHttp.responseText)
; Check if update, install after confirmation
if(installedVersion = parsed.IDS[1].downloadInfo.Version)
; Message box commented for scheduled running (do nothing if no update needed)
;MsgBox % "GeForce Driver " . parsed.IDS[1].downloadInfo.Version . " installed. No need to update." ; Uncomment if needed
Exit, 10
MsgBox, 4,, % "Latest GeForce Driver is " . parsed.IDS[1].downloadInfo.Version . "`nInstalled version is " . installedVersion . "`n`nDownload " . parsed.IDS[1].downloadInfo.DownloadURLFileSize . " and install?"
IfMsgBox Yes
Url= % parsed.IDS[1].downloadInfo.DownloadURL
DownloadFile(Url, "nvidia-install.exe")
; Unzip and install only needed files
RunWait, %7zip% x "nvidia-install.exe" Display.Driver NVI2 EULA.txt ListDevices.txt setup.cfg setup.exe -o"tempinstall"
RunWait tempinstall\setup.exe -s -clean -noreboot -noeula
; Remove temporarily unzipped files and downloads without prompt
FileRemoveDir, tempinstall, 1
FileDelete, nvidia-install.exe
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; DownloadFile function with progress bar from
; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
DownloadFile(URL, SaveFileAs = "", Overwrite := True, UseProgressBar := True) {
if !SaveFileAs {
SplitPath, URL, SaveFileAs
StringReplace, SaveFileAs, SaveFileAs, `%20, %A_Space%, All
;Check if the file already exists and if we must not overwrite it
If (!Overwrite && FileExist(SaveFileAs))
;Check if the user wants a progressbar
If (UseProgressBar) {
;Initialize the WinHttpRequest Object
WebRequest := ComObjCreate("WinHttp.WinHttpRequest.5.1")
;Download the headers
WebRequest.Open("HEAD", URL)
;Store the header which holds the file size in a variable:
FinalSize := WebRequest.GetResponseHeader("Content-Length")
;Create the progressbar and the timer
Progress, H80, , Downloading..., %URL%
File := FileOpen(SaveFileAs, "rw")
SetTimer, __UpdateProgressBar, 1000
;Download the file
UrlDownloadToFile, %URL%, %SaveFileAs%
;Remove the timer and the progressbar because the download has finished
If (UseProgressBar) {
Progress, Off
SetTimer, __UpdateProgressBar, Off
;The label that updates the progressbar
;Get the current filesize and tick
CurrentSize := File.Length ;FileGetSize wouldn't return reliable results
CurrentSizeTick := A_TickCount
;Calculate the downloadspeed
Speed := Round((CurrentSize/1024-LastSize/1024)/((CurrentSizeTick-LastSizeTick)/1000), 1)
;Calculate time remain
TimeRemain := Round( (FinalSize-CurrentSize) / (Speed*1024) )
time = 19990101
time += %TimeRemain%, seconds
FormatTime, mmss, %time%, mm:ss
TimeRemain := LTrim(TimeRemain//3600 ":" mmss, "0:")
;Save the current filesize and tick for the next time
LastSizeTick := CurrentSizeTick
LastSize := CurrentSize
;Calculate percent done
PercentDone := Round(CurrentSize/FinalSize*100)
;Update the ProgressBar
Progress, %PercentDone%, %PercentDone%`% Done [Time: %TimeRemain%], Downloading... (%Speed% Kb/s), Downloading %SaveFileAs% (%PercentDone%`%)
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