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Created April 11, 2011 19:48
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An old, VERY OLD, king james version bible db query program I wrote some time when Moses was in diapers.
#include <iostream>
#include <cgicc/Cgicc.h>
#include <cgicc/HTTPHTMLHeader.h>
#include <cgicc/HTMLClasses.h>
// mysql must come after cgi stuff for some reason
#include <mysql++.h>
using namespace mysqlpp;
using namespace cgicc;
using namespace std;
// Helper function for form text boxes and lists
string getFormString(Cgicc& cgi, char *element) {
const_form_iterator name = cgi.getElement(element);
if(name != (*cgi).end() && ! name->isEmpty())
return (string)(**name);
return (string)"";
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
try {
Cgicc cgi;
Connection connect("kjvdb","",
string name = getFormString(cgi, "name");
int strsize = name.length();
// This is needed to prevent someone from DoS attacking the server by just loading the entire Bible all at once.
if (name == "") {
cout << HTTPHTMLHeader();
cout << HTMLDoctype(HTMLDoctype::eStrict) << endl;
cout << html() << endl;
cout << head() << title("You Did Not Enter A Query String!!!") << "<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"2; URL=/cgi-bin/\">" << head() << endl;
cout << body() << "<center>" << endl;
cout << h1("You Need To Enter A Search Query First") << endl;
cout << "</center>" << body() << endl;
// This is required to prevent people from searching just for at, and, not only, thus preventing a DoS attack as well.
else if (strsize <= 4) {
cout << HTTPHTMLHeader();
cout << HTMLDoctype(HTMLDoctype::eStrict) << endl;
cout << html() << endl;
cout << head() << title("You Need More Data To Search For!!!") << "<meta http-equiv=\"Refresh\" content=\"2; URL=/cgi-bin/\">" << head() << endl;
cout << body() << "<center>" << endl;
cout << h1("Minimum Query Size of 5 Required, Sorry") << endl;
cout << "</center>" << body() << endl;
else {
string querystr =
"select book, chapter, verse, passage"
" from bible where book LIKE \'%"
+ name
+ "%\' or chapter LIKE \'%"
+ name
+"%\' or verse LIKE \'%"
+ name
+"%\' or passage LIKE \'%"
// cout << querystr << "<br>" << endl;
Query query = connect.query();
query << querystr;
cout << HTTPHTMLHeader();
cout << HTMLDoctype(HTMLDoctype::eStrict) << endl;
cout << html() << endl;
cout << head() << title("Results") << "<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" href=\"/style.css\">" << head() << endl;
cout << body() << endl;
cout << h3("Search Results") << endl;
cout << "<form method=\"GET\" action=\"/cgi-bin/kjv\">";
cout << "<span>Enter Search: </span><input type=\"text\" name=\"name\" value=\"" << name << "\">";
cout << "<span><input type=\"submit\"></span>";
cout << "</form>";
Result res =;
Row row;
Result::iterator iter;
int count;
count = 0;
cout << table().set("width=\"800\" background=\"/images/bg.jpg\" border=\"1\" align=\"center\"") << endl;
for (iter = res.begin(); iter != res.end(); iter++) {
row = *iter;
cout << tr() << endl;
cout << td((const char *)row[0]) << endl;
cout << td((const char *)row[1]) << endl;
cout << td((const char *)row[2]) << endl;
cout << td((const char *)row[3]) << endl;
cout << tr() << endl;
cout << table() << endl;
cout << table().set("width=\"800\" background=\"/images/bg.jpg\" border=\"1\" align=\"center\"") << endl;
cout << tr() << endl;
cout << "<td><h6>Total Results: "<< count << "</h6></td>" << endl;
cout << tr() << endl;
cout << table() << endl;
catch (BadQuery excep) {
// Apache will send cerrs to the error log.
// I also like to write the error to the browser.
// cerr << "MySQL Generated an error: " <<
//excep.error << endl;
//cout << "MySQL Generated an error: " <<
//excep.error << "<p>";
return -1;
cout << body() << html() << endl;
return 0;
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