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Created April 30, 2020 08:03
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CGAL python script
import os, sys
import numpy as np
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
import meshio
from CGAL.CGAL_Polyhedron_3 import Polyhedron_3
from CGAL.CGAL_Mesh_3 import Mesh_3_Complex_3_in_triangulation_3
from CGAL.CGAL_Mesh_3 import Polyhedral_mesh_domain_3
from CGAL.CGAL_Mesh_3 import Mesh_3_parameters
from CGAL.CGAL_Mesh_3 import Default_mesh_criteria
from CGAL import CGAL_Mesh_3
def print_stats(c3t3, m):
triangulation = c3t3.triangulation()
print(F" Number of points : {triangulation.number_of_vertices():,}".replace(',', ' '))
print(F" Number of facets : {triangulation.number_of_facets():,}".replace(',', ' '))
print(F" Number of cells : {triangulation.number_of_cells():,}".replace(',', ' '))
v = 0.
n_degenerate = 0
for c in c3t3.cells():
t = triangulation.tetrahedron(c)
v += t.volume()
if t.is_degenerate():
n_degenerate += 1
print(F" Total volume : {v / 1000:.2f} ml (approx. {v * 1.07 / 1000 / 1000:.2f} kg)")
print(F" Number of degenerate : {n_degenerate}")
# stats
points = m.points
tetras = None
if isinstance(m.cells, list):
for cell in m.cells:
if cell.type == 'tetra':
tetras =
if 'tetra' in m.cells:
tetras = m.cells['tetra']
angles = np.zeros(len(tetras))
for i in range(len(tetras)):
t = tetras[i]
nodes = points[t]
u = nodes[1] - nodes[0]
v = nodes[2] - nodes[0]
w = nodes[3] - nodes[0]
cos_theta = (, v), np.cross(u, w))) / (np.linalg.norm(np.cross(u,v)) * np.linalg.norm(np.cross(u,w)))
angles[i] = cos_theta
angles = np.rad2deg(np.arccos(angles))
print(F" Mean dihedral angle : {np.mean(angles):.2f}")
print(F" Median dihedral angle: {np.median(angles):.2f}")
print(F" Min dihedral angle : {np.min(angles):.2f}")
print(F" Max dihedral angle : {np.max(angles):.2f}")
print(F" Std dihedral angle : {np.std(angles):.2f}")
def triangulate(
input_meshes, verbose,
facet_angle, facet_size, facet_distance,
cell_radius_edge_ratio, cell_size,
lloyd_iterations, lloyd_time, odt_iterations, odt_time,
perturber_time, perturber_sliver_bound, exudation_time, exudation_sliver_bound):
# Load input meshes
polyhedrons = []
for input_mesh in input_meshes:
with NamedTemporaryFile() as tempfile:
meshio.write(tempfile, input_mesh, file_format="off")
# Create input polyhedron
polyhedron = Polyhedron_3(
if verbose:
for i, polyhedron in zip(range(len(polyhedrons)), polyhedrons):
print(F"Input mesh {i+1} has:")
print(F" Number of points : {polyhedron.size_of_vertices():,}".replace(',', ' '))
print(F" Number of facets : {polyhedron.size_of_facets():,}".replace(',', ' '))
# Create domain
if verbose:
print("Creating domain...", end='', flush=True)
domain = Polyhedral_mesh_domain_3(polyhedrons)
if verbose:
print(" Done", flush=True)
params = Mesh_3_parameters()
if odt_iterations > -1:
params.set_odt(odt_time, odt_iterations, 0.02, 0.01)
if lloyd_iterations > -1:
params.set_lloyd(lloyd_time, lloyd_iterations, 0.02, 0.01)
if perturber_time > -1:
params.set_perturb(perturber_time, perturber_sliver_bound)
if exudation_time > -1:
params.set_exude(exudation_time, exudation_sliver_bound)
# Mesh criteria (no cell_size set)
criteria = Default_mesh_criteria()
if facet_angle >= 0:
if facet_distance >= 0:
if facet_size >= 0:
if cell_radius_edge_ratio >= 0:
if cell_size >= 0:
# Mesh generation
verbose and print("Generating the mesh...", end='', flush=True)
c3t3 = CGAL_Mesh_3.make_mesh_3(domain, criteria, params)
verbose and print(" Done", flush=True)
output_mesh = None
with NamedTemporaryFile() as tempfile:
output_mesh =, file_format="medit")
if verbose:
print(F"Statistics on output mesh:")
print_stats(c3t3, output_mesh)
return output_mesh
# meshio.write(output_filename, m)
def __main():
import argparse
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Triangulate a 3D surface mesh.')
parser.add_argument('input', type=str, nargs='+', help='Input mesh file')
parser.add_argument('output', type=str, help='Output mesh file')
parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', help='Output process informations')
parser.add_argument('-fa', '--facet_angle', type=float, default=-1, # 25
help='This parameter controls the shape of surface facets. Specifically, it is a lower bound '
'for the angle (in degrees) of surface facets. When boundary surfaces are smooth, the '
'termination of the meshing process is guaranteed if this angular bound is at most 30 '
'degrees. Set to -1 to disable.')
parser.add_argument('-fs', '--facet_size', type=float, default=-1, # 0.15
help='This parameter controls the size of surface facets. Each surface facet has a surface '
'Delaunay ball which is a ball circumscribing the surface facet and centered on the '
'surface patch. The parameter facet_size is either a constant or a spatially variable '
'scalar field, providing an upper bound for the radii of surface Delaunay balls. Set to -1 to disable.')
parser.add_argument('-fd', '--facet_distance', type=float, default=-1, # 0.008
help='This parameter controls the approximation error of boundary and subdivision surfaces. '
'Specifically, it is either a constant or a spatially variable scalar field. It provides '
'an upper bound for the distance between the circumcenter of a surface facet and the '
'center of a surface Delaunay ball of this facet. Set to -1 to disable.')
parser.add_argument('-cr', '--cell_radius_edge_ratio', type=float, default=-1, # 3
help='This parameter controls the shape of mesh cells (but can\'t filter slivers). It is an '
'upper bound for the ratio between the circumradius of a mesh tetrahedron and its '
'shortest edge. There is a theoretical bound for this parameter: the Delaunay refinement p'
'rocess is guaranteed to terminate for values of cell_radius_edge_ratio bigger than 2. Set to -1 to disable.')
parser.add_argument('-cs', '--cell_size', type=float, default=-1, # 1
help='This parameter controls the size of mesh tetrahedra. It is either a scalar or a spatially '
'variable scalar field. It provides an upper bound on the circumradii of the mesh '
'tetrahedra. Set to -1 to disable.')
parser.add_argument('-li', '--lloyd_iterations', type=int, default=0,
help="Maximum number of iteration for the global Lloyd optimization pass. Set to -1 to disable. Set to 0 for no limit.")
parser.add_argument('-lt', '--lloyd_time', type=int, default=0,
help="Maximum number of time in seconds for the global Lloyd optimization pass. Set to 0 for no limit.")
parser.add_argument('-oi', '--odt_iterations', type=int, default=0,
help="Maximum number of iteration for the global ODT-smoother optimization pass. Set to -1 to disable. Set to 0 for no limit.")
parser.add_argument('-ot', '--odt_time', type=int, default=0,
help="Maximum number of time in seconds for the global ODT-smoother optimization pass. Set to 0 for no limit.")
parser.add_argument('-pt', '--perturber_time', type=int, default=0,
help="Maximum number of time in seconds for the local perturber optimization pass. Set to -1 to disable. Set to 0 for no limit.")
parser.add_argument('-ps', '--perturber_sliver_bound', type=float, default=0,
help="Targeted lower bound in degrees on dihedral angles of mesh cells. The optimization will "
"runs as long as steps are successful and step number sliver_bound (after which the worst "
"tetrahedron in the mesh has a smallest angle larger than sliver_bound degrees) has not "
"been reached. The default value is 0 and means that there is no targeted bound: the "
"perturber then runs as long as steps are successful.")
parser.add_argument('-et', '--exudation_time', type=int, default=0,
help="Maximum number of time in seconds for the local exudation process. Set to -1 to disable. Set to 0 for no limit.")
parser.add_argument('-es', '--exudation_sliver_bound', type=float, default=0,
help="Targeted lower bound in degrees on dihedral angles of mesh cells. The exudation process "
"considers in turn all the mesh cells that have a smallest dihedral angle less than "
"sliver_bound and tries to make them disappear by weighting their vertices. "
"The optimization process stops when every cell in the mesh achieves this quality. "
"The default value is 0 and means that there is no targeted bound: the exuder then runs as "
"long as it can improve the smallest dihedral angles of the set of cells incident to some vertices.")
args = parser.parse_args()
input_meshes = []
for input in args.input:
if not os.path.exists(input):
raise Exception('Input file \''+input+'\' does not exist.')
output_mesh = triangulate(input_meshes, args.verbose, args.facet_angle, args.facet_size, args.facet_distance,
args.cell_radius_edge_ratio, args.cell_size,
args.lloyd_iterations, args.lloyd_time, args.odt_iterations, args.odt_time,
args.perturber_time, args.perturber_sliver_bound, args.exudation_time, args.exudation_sliver_bound)
meshio.write(args.output, output_mesh)
if __name__ == "__main__":
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