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Created July 13, 2020 22:24
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refactor issues
PS D:\dev\ws\haskell\hls> hlint .\plugins\hlint-hls-plugin\src\Ide\Plugin\Hlint.hs
plugins\hlint-hls-plugin\src\Ide\Plugin\Hlint.hs:8:1-34: Warning: Unused LANGUAGE pragma
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
Perhaps you should remove it.
Note: may require `{-# LANGUAGE DisambiguateRecordFields #-}` adding to the top of the file
plugins\hlint-hls-plugin\src\Ide\Plugin\Hlint.hs:9:1-34: Warning: Unused LANGUAGE pragma
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
Perhaps you should remove it.
plugins\hlint-hls-plugin\src\Ide\Plugin\Hlint.hs:11:1-34: Warning: Unused LANGUAGE pragma
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
Perhaps you should remove it.
plugins\hlint-hls-plugin\src\Ide\Plugin\Hlint.hs:88:12: Suggestion: Redundant $
return $ (diagnostics file ideas, Just ())
return (diagnostics file ideas, Just ())
plugins\hlint-hls-plugin\src\Ide\Plugin\Hlint.hs:206:47-83: Suggestion: Redundant bracket
Right . LSP.List . map CACodeAction <$> hlintActions
plugins\hlint-hls-plugin\src\Ide\Plugin\Hlint.hs:308:29-43: Suggestion: Redundant bracket
Right <$> (return wsEdit)
Right <$> return wsEdit
6 hints
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-}
module Ide.Plugin.Hlint
--, provider
) where
import Refact.Apply
import Control.Arrow ((&&&))
import Control.DeepSeq
import Control.Exception
import Control.Lens ((^.))
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Aeson.Types (ToJSON(..), FromJSON(..), Value(..))
import Data.Binary
import qualified Data.HashSet as HashSet
import Data.Hashable
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.IO as T
import Data.Typeable
import Development.IDE.Core.OfInterest
import Development.IDE.Core.Rules
import Development.IDE.Core.Shake
import Development.IDE.Types.Diagnostics as D
import Development.IDE.Types.Location
import Development.Shake
-- import Development.Shake hiding ( Diagnostic )
import GHC hiding (DynFlags(..))
#ifndef GHC_LIB
import GHC (DynFlags(..))
import HscTypes (hsc_dflags)
import RealGHC (DynFlags(..))
import RealGHC.HscTypes (hsc_dflags)
import qualified RealGHC.EnumSet as EnumSet
import Language.Haskell.GhclibParserEx.GHC.Driver.Session as GhclibParserEx (readExtension)
import Ide.Logger
import Ide.Types
import Ide.Plugin
import Ide.PluginUtils
import Language.Haskell.HLint as Hlint
import Language.Haskell.LSP.Types
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import Text.Regex.TDFA.Text()
import GHC.Generics (Generic)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
descriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor
descriptor plId = (defaultPluginDescriptor plId)
{ pluginRules = rules
, pluginCommands =
[ PluginCommand "applyOne" "Apply a single hint" applyOneCmd
, PluginCommand "applyAll" "Apply all hints to the file" applyAllCmd
, pluginCodeActionProvider = Just codeActionProvider
data GetHlintDiagnostics = GetHlintDiagnostics
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetHlintDiagnostics
instance NFData GetHlintDiagnostics
instance Binary GetHlintDiagnostics
type instance RuleResult GetHlintDiagnostics = ()
rules :: Rules ()
rules = do
define $ \GetHlintDiagnostics file -> do
ideas <- getIdeas file
return $ (diagnostics file ideas, Just ())
getHlintSettingsRule (HlintEnabled [])
action $ do
files <- getFilesOfInterest
void $ uses GetHlintDiagnostics $ HashSet.toList files
diagnostics :: NormalizedFilePath -> Either ParseError [Idea] -> [FileDiagnostic]
diagnostics file (Right ideas) =
[(file, ShowDiag, ideaToDiagnostic i) | i <- ideas, ideaSeverity i /= Ignore]
diagnostics file (Left parseErr) =
[(file, ShowDiag, parseErrorToDiagnostic parseErr)]
ideaToDiagnostic :: Idea -> Diagnostic
ideaToDiagnostic idea =
LSP.Diagnostic {
_range = srcSpanToRange $ ideaSpan idea
, _severity = Just LSP.DsInfo
, _code = Just (LSP.StringValue $ T.pack $ ideaHint idea)
, _source = Just "hlint"
, _message = T.pack $ show idea
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
, _tags = Nothing
parseErrorToDiagnostic :: ParseError -> Diagnostic
parseErrorToDiagnostic (Hlint.ParseError l msg contents) =
LSP.Diagnostic {
_range = srcSpanToRange l
, _severity = Just LSP.DsInfo
, _code = Just (LSP.StringValue "parser")
, _source = Just "hlint"
, _message = T.unlines [T.pack msg,T.pack contents]
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
, _tags = Nothing
-- This one is defined in Development.IDE.GHC.Error but here
-- the types could come from ghc-lib or ghc
srcSpanToRange :: SrcSpan -> LSP.Range
srcSpanToRange (RealSrcSpan span) = Range {
_start = LSP.Position {
_line = srcSpanStartLine span - 1
, _character = srcSpanStartCol span - 1}
, _end = LSP.Position {
_line = srcSpanEndLine span - 1
, _character = srcSpanEndCol span - 1}
srcSpanToRange (UnhelpfulSpan _) = noRange
getIdeas :: NormalizedFilePath -> Action (Either ParseError [Idea])
getIdeas nfp = do
logm $ "getIdeas:file:" ++ show nfp
(flags, classify, hint) <- useNoFile_ GetHlintSettings
let applyHints' (Just (Right modEx)) = Right $ applyHints classify hint [modEx]
applyHints' (Just (Left err)) = Left err
applyHints' Nothing = Right []
fmap applyHints' (moduleEx flags)
where moduleEx :: ParseFlags -> Action (Maybe (Either ParseError ModuleEx))
#ifndef GHC_LIB
moduleEx _flags = do
mbpm <- getParsedModule nfp
case mbpm of
Nothing -> return Nothing
Just pm -> do
let anns = pm_annotations pm
let modu = pm_parsed_source pm
return $ Just $ Right (createModuleEx anns modu)
moduleEx flags = do
flags' <- setExtensions flags
Just <$> (liftIO $ parseModuleEx flags' (fromNormalizedFilePath nfp) Nothing)
setExtensions flags = do
hsc <- hscEnv <$> use_ GhcSession nfp
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc
let hscExts = EnumSet.toList (extensionFlags dflags)
logm $ "getIdeas:setExtensions:hscExtensions:" ++ show hscExts
let hlintExts = mapMaybe (GhclibParserEx.readExtension . show) hscExts
logm $ "getIdeas:setExtensions:hlintExtensions:" ++ show hlintExts
return $ flags { enabledExtensions = hlintExts }
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
data HlintUsage
= HlintEnabled { cmdArgs :: [String] }
| HlintDisabled
deriving Show
data GetHlintSettings = GetHlintSettings
deriving (Eq, Show, Typeable, Generic)
instance Hashable GetHlintSettings
instance NFData GetHlintSettings
instance NFData Hint where rnf = rwhnf
instance NFData Classify where rnf = rwhnf
instance NFData ParseFlags where rnf = rwhnf
instance Show Hint where show = const "<hint>"
instance Show ParseFlags where show = const "<parseFlags>"
instance Binary GetHlintSettings
type instance RuleResult GetHlintSettings = (ParseFlags, [Classify], Hint)
getHlintSettingsRule :: HlintUsage -> Rules ()
getHlintSettingsRule usage =
defineNoFile $ \GetHlintSettings ->
liftIO $ case usage of
HlintEnabled cmdArgs -> argsSettings cmdArgs
HlintDisabled -> fail "hlint configuration unspecified"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
codeActionProvider :: CodeActionProvider
codeActionProvider _ _ plId docId _ context = (Right . LSP.List . map CACodeAction) <$> hlintActions
hlintActions :: IO [LSP.CodeAction]
hlintActions = catMaybes <$> mapM mkHlintAction (filter validCommand diags)
-- |Some hints do not have an associated refactoring
validCommand (LSP.Diagnostic _ _ (Just (LSP.StringValue code)) (Just "hlint") _ _ _) =
code /= "Eta reduce"
validCommand _ = False
LSP.List diags = context ^. LSP.diagnostics
mkHlintAction :: LSP.Diagnostic -> IO (Maybe LSP.CodeAction)
mkHlintAction diag@(LSP.Diagnostic (LSP.Range start _) _s (Just (LSP.StringValue code)) (Just "hlint") m _ _) =
Just . codeAction <$> mkLspCommand plId "applyOne" title (Just args)
codeAction cmd = LSP.CodeAction title (Just LSP.CodeActionQuickFix) (Just (LSP.List [diag])) Nothing (Just cmd)
title = "Apply hint:" <> head (T.lines m)
-- need 'file', 'start_pos' and hint title (to distinguish between alternative suggestions at the same location)
args = [toJSON (AOP (docId ^. LSP.uri) start code)]
mkHlintAction (LSP.Diagnostic _r _s _c _source _m _ _) = return Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
applyAllCmd :: CommandFunction Uri
applyAllCmd _lf ide uri = do
let file = maybe (error $ show uri ++ " is not a file.")
(uriToFilePath' uri)
logm $ "applyAllCmd:file=" ++ show file
res <- applyHint ide file Nothing
logm $ "applyAllCmd:res=" ++ show res
return $
case res of
Left err -> (Left (responseError (T.pack $ "applyAll: " ++ show err)), Nothing)
Right fs -> (Right Null, Just (WorkspaceApplyEdit, ApplyWorkspaceEditParams fs))
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
data ApplyOneParams = AOP
{ file :: Uri
, start_pos :: Position
-- | There can be more than one hint suggested at the same position, so HintTitle is used to distinguish between them.
, hintTitle :: HintTitle
} deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,FromJSON,ToJSON)
type HintTitle = T.Text
data OneHint = OneHint
{ oneHintPos :: Position
, oneHintTitle :: HintTitle
} deriving (Eq, Show)
applyOneCmd :: CommandFunction ApplyOneParams
applyOneCmd _lf ide (AOP uri pos title) = do
let oneHint = OneHint pos title
let file = maybe (error $ show uri ++ " is not a file.") toNormalizedFilePath'
(uriToFilePath' uri)
res <- applyHint ide file (Just oneHint)
logm $ "applyOneCmd:file=" ++ show file
logm $ "applyOneCmd:res=" ++ show res
return $
case res of
Left err -> (Left (responseError (T.pack $ "applyOne: " ++ show err)), Nothing)
Right fs -> (Right Null, Just (WorkspaceApplyEdit, ApplyWorkspaceEditParams fs))
applyHint :: IdeState -> NormalizedFilePath -> Maybe OneHint -> IO (Either String WorkspaceEdit)
applyHint ide nfp mhint =
runExceptT $ do
ideas <- bimapExceptT showParseError id $ ExceptT $ liftIO $ runAction "applyHint" ide $ getIdeas nfp
let ideas' = maybe ideas (`filterIdeas` ideas) mhint
let commands = map (show &&& ideaRefactoring) ideas'
liftIO $ logm $ "applyHint:apply=" ++ show commands
-- set Nothing as "position" for "applyRefactorings" because
-- applyRefactorings expects the provided position to be _within_ the scope
-- of each refactoring it will apply.
-- But "Idea"s returned by HLint point to starting position of the expressions
-- that contain refactorings, so they are often outside the refactorings' boundaries.
-- Example:
-- Given an expression "hlintTest = reid $ (myid ())"
-- Hlint returns an idea at the position (1,13)
-- That contains "Redundant brackets" refactoring at position (1,20):
-- [("src/App/Test.hs:5:13: Warning: Redundant bracket\nFound:\n reid $ (myid ())\nWhy not:\n reid $ myid ()\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 20, endLine = 5, endCol = 29}, subts = [("x",SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 21, endLine = 5, endCol = 28})], orig = "x"}])]
-- If we provide "applyRefactorings" with "Just (1,13)" then
-- the "Redundant bracket" hint will never be executed
-- because SrcSpan (1,20,??,??) doesn't contain position (1,13).
let fp = fromNormalizedFilePath nfp
res <- liftIO $ (Right <$> applyRefactorings Nothing commands fp) `catches`
[ Handler $ \e -> return (Left (show (e :: IOException)))
, Handler $ \e -> return (Left (show (e :: ErrorCall)))
case res of
Right appliedFile -> do
let uri = fromNormalizedUri (filePathToUri' nfp)
oldContent <- liftIO $ T.readFile fp
liftIO $ logm $ "applyHint:oldContent=" ++ show oldContent
liftIO $ logm $ "applyHint:appliedFile=" ++ show (T.pack appliedFile)
let wsEdit = diffText' True (uri, oldContent) (T.pack appliedFile) IncludeDeletions
liftIO $ logm $ "applyHint:diff=" ++ show wsEdit
ExceptT $ Right <$> (return wsEdit)
Left err ->
throwE (show err)
-- | If we are only interested in applying a particular hint then
-- let's filter out all the irrelevant ideas
filterIdeas :: OneHint -> [Idea] -> [Idea]
filterIdeas (OneHint (Position l c) title) ideas =
let title' = T.unpack title
ideaPos = (srcSpanStartLine &&& srcSpanStartCol) . toRealSrcSpan . ideaSpan
in filter (\i -> ideaHint i == title' && ideaPos i == (l+1, c+1)) ideas
toRealSrcSpan (RealSrcSpan real) = real
toRealSrcSpan (UnhelpfulSpan x) = error $ "No real source span: " ++ show x
showParseError :: Hlint.ParseError -> String
showParseError (Hlint.ParseError location message content) =
unlines [show location, message, content]
-- | Map over both failure and success.
bimapExceptT :: Functor m => (e -> f) -> (a -> b) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT f m b
bimapExceptT f g (ExceptT m) = ExceptT (fmap h m) where
h (Left e) = Left (f e)
h (Right a) = Right (g a)
{-# INLINE bimapExceptT #-}
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | apply-refact applies refactorings specified by the refact package. It is
-- currently integrated into hlint to enable the automatic application of
-- suggestions.
module Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.ApplyRefact where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception ( IOException
, ErrorCall
, Handler(..)
, catches
, try
import Control.Lens hiding ( List )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Aeson hiding (Error)
import Data.Maybe
#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 808
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadFunctions
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadTypes
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.PluginUtils
import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension
import Language.Haskell.HLint4 as Hlint
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import Refact.Apply
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Eta reduce" :: String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant do" :: String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
type HintTitle = T.Text
applyRefactDescriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor
applyRefactDescriptor plId = PluginDescriptor
{ pluginId = plId
, pluginName = "ApplyRefact"
, pluginDesc = "apply-refact applies refactorings specified by the refact package. It is currently integrated into hlint to enable the automatic application of suggestions."
, pluginCommands =
[ PluginCommand "applyOne" "Apply a single hint" applyOneCmd
, PluginCommand "applyAll" "Apply all hints to the file" applyAllCmd
, pluginCodeActionProvider = Just codeActionProvider
, pluginDiagnosticProvider = Nothing
, pluginHoverProvider = Nothing
, pluginSymbolProvider = Nothing
, pluginFormattingProvider = Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
data ApplyOneParams = AOP
{ file :: Uri
, start_pos :: Position
-- | There can be more than one hint suggested at the same position, so HintTitle is used to distinguish between them.
, hintTitle :: HintTitle
} deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,FromJSON,ToJSON)
data OneHint = OneHint
{ oneHintPos :: Position
, oneHintTitle :: HintTitle
} deriving (Eq, Show)
applyOneCmd :: ApplyOneParams -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult WorkspaceEdit)
applyOneCmd (AOP uri pos title) = pluginGetFile "applyOne: " uri $ \fp -> do
let oneHint = OneHint pos title
revMapp <- reverseFileMap
let defaultResult = do
debugm "applyOne: no access to the persisted file."
return $ IdeResultOk mempty
withMappedFile fp defaultResult $ \file' -> do
res <- liftToGhc $ applyHint file' (Just oneHint) revMapp
logm $ "applyOneCmd:file=" ++ show fp
logm $ "applyOneCmd:res=" ++ show res
case res of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail
(IdeError PluginError (T.pack $ "applyOne: " ++ show err) Null)
Right fs -> return (IdeResultOk fs)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
applyAllCmd :: Uri -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult WorkspaceEdit)
applyAllCmd uri = pluginGetFile "applyAll: " uri $ \fp -> do
let defaultResult = do
debugm "applyAll: no access to the persisted file."
return $ IdeResultOk mempty
revMapp <- reverseFileMap
withMappedFile fp defaultResult $ \file' -> do
res <- liftToGhc $ applyHint file' Nothing revMapp
logm $ "applyAllCmd:res=" ++ show res
case res of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail (IdeError PluginError
(T.pack $ "applyAll: " ++ show err) Null)
Right fs -> return (IdeResultOk fs)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- AZ:TODO: Why is this in IdeGhcM?
lint :: Uri -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult PublishDiagnosticsParams)
lint uri = pluginGetFile "lint: " uri $ \fp -> do
defaultResult = do
debugm "lint: no access to the persisted file."
$ IdeResultOk (PublishDiagnosticsParams (filePathToUri fp) $ List [])
withMappedFile fp defaultResult $ \file' -> do
eitherErrorResult <- liftIO
(try $ runExceptT $ runLint file' [] :: IO
(Either IOException (Either [Diagnostic] [Idea]))
case eitherErrorResult of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail
(IdeError PluginError (T.pack $ "lint: " ++ show err) Null)
Right res -> case res of
Left diags ->
(PublishDiagnosticsParams (filePathToUri fp) $ List diags)
Right fs ->
$ IdeResultOk
$ PublishDiagnosticsParams (filePathToUri fp)
$ List (map hintToDiagnostic $ stripIgnores fs)
runLint :: FilePath -> [String] -> ExceptT [Diagnostic] IO [Idea]
runLint fp args = do
(flags,classify,hint) <- liftIO $ argsSettings args
let myflags = flags { hseFlags = (hseFlags flags) { extensions = EnableExtension TypeApplications:extensions (hseFlags flags)}}
res <- bimapExceptT parseErrorToDiagnostic id $ ExceptT $ parseModuleEx myflags fp Nothing
pure $ applyHints classify hint [res]
parseErrorToDiagnostic :: Hlint.ParseError -> [Diagnostic]
parseErrorToDiagnostic (Hlint.ParseError l msg contents) =
{ _range = srcLoc2Range l
, _severity = Just DsInfo -- Not displayed
, _code = Just (LSP.StringValue "parser")
, _source = Just "hlint"
, _message = T.unlines [T.pack msg,T.pack contents]
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
-- | An idea suggest by a 'Hint'.
data Idea = Idea
{ideaModule :: String -- ^ The module the idea applies to, may be @\"\"@ if the module cannot be determined or is a result of cross-module hints.
,ideaDecl :: String -- ^ The declaration the idea applies to, typically the function name, but may be a type name.
,ideaSeverity :: Severity -- ^ The severity of the idea, e.g. 'Warning'.
,ideaHint :: String -- ^ The name of the hint that generated the idea, e.g. @\"Use reverse\"@.
,ideaSpan :: SrcSpan -- ^ The source code the idea relates to.
,ideaFrom :: String -- ^ The contents of the source code the idea relates to.
,ideaTo :: Maybe String -- ^ The suggested replacement, or 'Nothing' for no replacement (e.g. on parse errors).
,ideaNote :: [Note] -- ^ Notes about the effect of applying the replacement.
,ideaRefactoring :: [Refactoring R.SrcSpan] -- ^ How to perform this idea
deriving (Eq,Ord)
-- | Map over both failure and success.
bimapExceptT :: Functor m => (e -> f) -> (a -> b) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT f m b
bimapExceptT f g (ExceptT m) = ExceptT (fmap h m) where
h (Left e) = Left (f e)
h (Right a) = Right (g a)
{-# INLINE bimapExceptT #-}
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
stripIgnores :: [Idea] -> [Idea]
stripIgnores ideas = filter notIgnored ideas
notIgnored idea = ideaSeverity idea /= Ignore
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
hintToDiagnostic :: Idea -> Diagnostic
hintToDiagnostic idea
= Diagnostic
{ _range = ss2Range (ideaSpan idea)
, _severity = Just (hintSeverityMap $ ideaSeverity idea)
, _code = Just (LSP.StringValue $ T.pack $ ideaHint idea)
, _source = Just "hlint"
, _message = idea2Message idea
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
idea2Message :: Idea -> T.Text
idea2Message idea = T.unlines $ [T.pack $ ideaHint idea, "Found:", " " <> T.pack (ideaFrom idea)]
<> toIdea <> map (T.pack . show) (ideaNote idea)
toIdea :: [T.Text]
toIdea = case ideaTo idea of
Nothing -> []
Just i -> [T.pack "Why not:", T.pack $ " " ++ i]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Maps hlint severities to LSP severities
-- | We want to lower the severities so HLint errors and warnings
-- | don't mix with GHC errors and warnings:
-- | as per
hintSeverityMap :: Severity -> DiagnosticSeverity
hintSeverityMap Ignore = DsInfo -- cannot really happen after stripIgnores
hintSeverityMap Suggestion = DsHint
hintSeverityMap Warning = DsInfo
hintSeverityMap Error = DsInfo
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
srcLoc2Range :: SrcLoc -> Range
srcLoc2Range (SrcLoc _ l c) = Range ps pe
ps = Position (l-1) (c-1)
pe = Position (l-1) 100000
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ss2Range :: SrcSpan -> Range
ss2Range ss = Range ps pe
ps = Position (srcSpanStartLine ss - 1) (srcSpanStartColumn ss - 1)
pe = Position (srcSpanEndLine ss - 1) (srcSpanEndColumn ss - 1)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
applyHint :: FilePath -> Maybe OneHint -> (FilePath -> FilePath) -> IdeM (Either String WorkspaceEdit)
applyHint fp mhint fileMap = do
runExceptT $ do
ideas <- getIdeas fp mhint
let commands = map (show &&& ideaRefactoring) ideas
liftIO $ logm $ "applyHint:apply=" ++ show commands
-- set Nothing as "position" for "applyRefactorings" because
-- applyRefactorings expects the provided position to be _within_ the scope
-- of each refactoring it will apply.
-- But "Idea"s returned by HLint pont to starting position of the expressions
-- that contain refactorings, so they are often outside the refactorings' boundaries.
-- Example:
-- Given an expression "hlintTest = reid $ (myid ())"
-- Hlint returns an idea at the position (1,13)
-- That contains "Redundant brackets" refactoring at position (1,20):
-- [("src/App/Test.hs:5:13: Warning: Redundant bracket\nFound:\n reid $ (myid ())\nWhy not:\n reid $ myid ()\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 20, endLine = 5, endCol = 29}, subts = [("x",SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 21, endLine = 5, endCol = 28})], orig = "x"}])]
-- If we provide "applyRefactorings" with "Just (1,13)" then
-- the "Redundant bracket" hint will never be executed
-- because SrcSpan (1,20,??,??) doesn't contain position (1,13).
res <- liftIO $ (Right <$> applyRefactorings Nothing commands fp) `catches`
[ Handler $ \e -> return (Left (show (e :: IOException)))
, Handler $ \e -> return (Left (show (e :: ErrorCall)))
case res of
Right appliedFile -> do
diff <- ExceptT $ Right <$> makeDiffResult fp (T.pack appliedFile) fileMap
liftIO $ logm $ "applyHint:diff=" ++ show diff
return diff
Left err ->
throwE (show err)
-- | Gets HLint ideas for
getIdeas :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Maybe OneHint -> ExceptT String m [Idea]
getIdeas lintFile mhint = do
let hOpts = hlintOpts lintFile (oneHintPos <$> mhint)
ideas <- runHlint lintFile hOpts
pure $ maybe ideas (`filterIdeas` ideas) mhint
-- | If we are only interested in applying a particular hint then
-- let's filter out all the irrelevant ideas
filterIdeas :: OneHint -> [Idea] -> [Idea]
filterIdeas (OneHint (Position l c) title) ideas =
title' = T.unpack title
ideaPos = (srcSpanStartLine &&& srcSpanStartColumn) . ideaSpan
in filter (\i -> ideaHint i == title' && ideaPos i == (l+1, c+1)) ideas
hlintOpts :: FilePath -> Maybe Position -> [String]
hlintOpts lintFile mpos =
posOpt (Position l c) = " --pos " ++ show (l+1) ++ "," ++ show (c+1)
opts = maybe "" posOpt mpos
in [lintFile, "--quiet", "--refactor", "--refactor-options=" ++ opts ]
runHlint :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> [String] -> ExceptT String m [Idea]
runHlint fp args =
do (flags,classify,hint) <- liftIO $ argsSettings args
let myflags = flags { hseFlags = (hseFlags flags) { extensions = EnableExtension TypeApplications:extensions (hseFlags flags)}}
res <- bimapExceptT showParseError id $ ExceptT $ liftIO $ parseModuleEx myflags fp Nothing
pure $ applyHints classify hint [res]
showParseError :: Hlint.ParseError -> String
showParseError (Hlint.ParseError location message content) =
unlines [show location, message, content]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
codeActionProvider :: CodeActionProvider
codeActionProvider plId docId _ context = IdeResultOk <$> hlintActions
hlintActions :: IdeM [LSP.CodeAction]
hlintActions = catMaybes <$> mapM mkHlintAction (filter validCommand diags)
-- |Some hints do not have an associated refactoring
validCommand (LSP.Diagnostic _ _ (Just (LSP.StringValue code)) (Just "hlint") _ _) =
case code of
"Eta reduce" -> False
_ -> True
validCommand _ = False
LSP.List diags = context ^. LSP.diagnostics
mkHlintAction :: LSP.Diagnostic -> IdeM (Maybe LSP.CodeAction)
mkHlintAction diag@(LSP.Diagnostic (LSP.Range start _) _s (Just (LSP.StringValue code)) (Just "hlint") m _) =
Just . codeAction <$> mkLspCommand plId "applyOne" title (Just args)
codeAction cmd = LSP.CodeAction title (Just LSP.CodeActionQuickFix) (Just (LSP.List [diag])) Nothing (Just cmd)
title = "Apply hint:" <> head (T.lines m)
-- need 'file', 'start_pos' and hint title (to distinguish between alternative suggestions at the same location)
args = [toJSON (AOP (docId ^. LSP.uri) start code)]
mkHlintAction (LSP.Diagnostic _r _s _c _source _m _) = return Nothing
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
--, provider
--, provider
importimport Refact.ApplyRefact.Apply
importimport Control.ArrowControl.Arrow ((((&&&&&&))))
importimport Control.DeepSeqControl.DeepSeq
importimport Control.ExceptionControl.Exception
importimport Control.LensControl.Lens ((((^.^.))))
importimport Control.MonadControl.Monad
importimport Control.Monad.IO.ClassControl.Monad.IO.Class
importimport Control.Monad.Trans.ExceptControl.Monad.Trans.Except
importimport Data.Aeson.TypesData.Aeson.Types ((ToJSONToJSON((....)),, FromJSONFromJSON((....)),, ValueValue((....))))
importimport Data.BinaryData.Binary
importimportqualifiedqualified Data.HashSetData.HashSetasas HashSetHashSet
importimport Data.HashableData.Hashable
importimport Data.MaybeData.Maybe
importimportqualifiedqualified Data.TextData.Textasas TT
importimportqualifiedqualified Data.Text.IOData.Text.IOasas TT
importimport Data.TypeableData.Typeable
importimport Development.IDE.Core.OfInterestDevelopment.IDE.Core.OfInterest
importimport Development.IDE.Core.RulesDevelopment.IDE.Core.Rules
importimport Development.IDE.Core.ShakeDevelopment.IDE.Core.Shake
importimport Development.IDE.Types.DiagnosticsDevelopment.IDE.Types.Diagnosticsasas DD
importimport Development.IDE.Types.LocationDevelopment.IDE.Types.Location
importimport Development.Shake
-- import Development.Shake hiding ( Diagnostic )
-- import Development.Shake hiding ( Diagnostic )
importimport GHCGHC hidinghiding((DynFlagsDynFlags((....))))
#ifndef GHC_LIB
importimport GHCGHC ((DynFlagsDynFlags((....))))
importimport HscTypesHscTypes ((hsc_dflagshsc_dflags))
import RealGHC (DynFlags(..))
import RealGHC.HscTypes (hsc_dflags)
import qualified RealGHC.EnumSet as EnumSet
import Language.Haskell.GhclibParserEx.GHC.Driver.Session as GhclibParserEx (readExtension)
importimport Ide.LoggerIde.Logger
importimport Ide.TypesIde.Types
importimport Ide.PluginIde.Plugin
importimport Ide.PluginUtilsIde.PluginUtils
importimport Language.Haskell.HLintLanguage.Haskell.HLintasas HlintHlint
importimport Language.Haskell.LSP.TypesLanguage.Haskell.LSP.Types
importimportqualifiedqualified Language.Haskell.LSP.TypesLanguage.Haskell.LSP.Typesasas LSPLSP
importimportqualifiedqualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.LensLanguage.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lensasas LSPLSP
importimport Text.Regex.TDFA.TextText.Regex.TDFA.Text(())
importimport GHC.GenericsGHC.Generics ((GenericGeneric)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
descriptordescriptor:::: PluginIdPluginId->-> PluginDescriptorPluginDescriptor
descriptordescriptor plIdplId== ((defaultPluginDescriptordefaultPluginDescriptor plIdplId))
{{ pluginRulespluginRules== rulesrules
,, pluginCommandspluginCommands==
[[ PluginCommandPluginCommand "applyOne""applyOne" "Apply a single hint""Apply a single hint" applyOneCmdapplyOneCmd
,, PluginCommandPluginCommand "applyAll""applyAll" "Apply all hints to the file""Apply all hints to the file" applyAllCmdapplyAllCmd
,, pluginCodeActionProviderpluginCodeActionProvider== JustJust codeActionProvidercodeActionProvider
datadata GetHlintDiagnosticsGetHlintDiagnostics== GetHlintDiagnosticsGetHlintDiagnostics
derivingderiving ((EqEq,, ShowShow,, TypeableTypeable,, GenericGeneric))
instanceinstance HashableHashable GetHlintDiagnosticsGetHlintDiagnostics
instanceinstance NFDataNFData GetHlintDiagnosticsGetHlintDiagnostics
instanceinstance BinaryBinary GetHlintDiagnosticsGetHlintDiagnostics
typetypeinstanceinstance RuleResultRuleResult GetHlintDiagnosticsGetHlintDiagnostics== (())
rulesrules:::: RulesRules (())
rulesrules== dodo
definedefine $$ \\GetHlintDiagnosticsGetHlintDiagnostics filefile->-> dodo
ideasideas<-<- getIdeasgetIdeas filefile
returnreturn $$ ((diagnosticsdiagnostics filefile ideasideas,, JustJust (())))
getHlintSettingsRulegetHlintSettingsRule ((HlintEnabledHlintEnabled [[]]))
actionaction $$ dodo
filesfiles<-<- getFilesOfInterestgetFilesOfInterest
voidvoid $$ usesuses GetHlintDiagnosticsGetHlintDiagnostics $$ HashSet.toListHashSet.toList filesfiles
diagnosticsdiagnostics:::: NormalizedFilePathNormalizedFilePath->-> EitherEither ParseErrorParseError [[IdeaIdea]]->-> [[FileDiagnosticFileDiagnostic]]
diagnosticsdiagnostics filefile ((RightRight ideasideas))==
[[((filefile,, ShowDiagShowDiag,, ideaToDiagnosticideaToDiagnostic ii))|| ii<-<- ideasideas,, ideaSeverityideaSeverity ii /=/= IgnoreIgnore]]
diagnosticsdiagnostics filefile ((LeftLeft parseErrparseErr))==
[[((filefile,, ShowDiagShowDiag,, parseErrorToDiagnosticparseErrorToDiagnostic parseErrparseErr))]]
ideaToDiagnosticideaToDiagnostic:::: IdeaIdea->-> DiagnosticDiagnostic
ideaToDiagnosticideaToDiagnostic ideaidea==
_range_range== srcSpanToRangesrcSpanToRange $$ ideaSpanideaSpan ideaidea
,, _severity_severity== JustJust LSP.DsInfoLSP.DsInfo
,, _code_code== JustJust ((LSP.StringValueLSP.StringValue $$ T.packT.pack $$ ideaHintideaHint ideaidea))
,, _source_source== JustJust "hlint""hlint"
,, _message_message== T.packT.pack $$ showshow ideaidea
,, _relatedInformation_relatedInformation== NothingNothing
,, _tags_tags== NothingNothing
parseErrorToDiagnosticparseErrorToDiagnostic:::: ParseErrorParseError->-> DiagnosticDiagnostic
parseErrorToDiagnosticparseErrorToDiagnostic ((Hlint.ParseErrorHlint.ParseError ll msgmsg contentscontents))==
_range_range== srcSpanToRangesrcSpanToRange ll
,, _severity_severity== JustJust LSP.DsInfoLSP.DsInfo
,, _code_code== JustJust ((LSP.StringValueLSP.StringValue "parser""parser"))
,, _source_source== JustJust "hlint""hlint"
,, _message_message== T.unlinesT.unlines [[T.packT.pack msgmsg,,T.packT.pack contentscontents]]
,, _relatedInformation_relatedInformation== NothingNothing
,, _tags_tags== NothingNothing
-- This one is defined in Development.IDE.GHC.Error but here
-- the types could come from ghc-lib or ghc
-- This one is defined in Development.IDE.GHC.Error but here
-- the types could come from ghc-lib or ghc
srcSpanToRangesrcSpanToRange:::: SrcSpanSrcSpan->-> LSP.RangeLSP.Range
srcSpanToRangesrcSpanToRange ((RealSrcSpanRealSrcSpan spanspan))== RangeRange{{
_start_start== LSP.PositionLSP.Position{{
_line_line== srcSpanStartLinesrcSpanStartLine spanspan -- 11
,, _character_character== srcSpanStartColsrcSpanStartCol spanspan -- 11}}
,, _end_end== LSP.PositionLSP.Position{{
_line_line== srcSpanEndLinesrcSpanEndLine spanspan -- 11
,, _character_character== srcSpanEndColsrcSpanEndCol spanspan -- 11}}
srcSpanToRangesrcSpanToRange ((UnhelpfulSpanUnhelpfulSpan __))== noRangenoRange
getIdeasgetIdeas:::: NormalizedFilePathNormalizedFilePath->-> ActionAction ((EitherEither ParseErrorParseError [[IdeaIdea]]))
getIdeasgetIdeas nfpnfp== dodo
logmlogm $$ "getIdeas:file:""getIdeas:file:" ++++ showshow nfpnfp
((flagsflags,, classifyclassify,, hinthint))<-<- useNoFile_useNoFile_ GetHlintSettingsGetHlintSettings
letlet applyHints'applyHints' ((JustJust ((RightRight modExmodEx))))== RightRight $$ applyHintsapplyHints classifyclassify hinthint [[modExmodEx]]
applyHints'applyHints' ((JustJust ((LeftLeft errerr))))== LeftLeft errerr
applyHints'applyHints' NothingNothing== RightRight [[]]
fmapfmap applyHints'applyHints' ((moduleExmoduleEx flagsflags))
wherewhere moduleExmoduleEx:::: ParseFlagsParseFlags->-> ActionAction ((MaybeMaybe ((EitherEither ParseErrorParseError ModuleExModuleEx))))
#ifndef GHC_LIB
moduleExmoduleEx _flags_flags== dodo
mbpmmbpm<-<- getParsedModulegetParsedModule nfpnfp
casecase mbpmmbpmofof
NothingNothing ->-> returnreturn NothingNothing
JustJust pmpm ->-> dodo
letlet annsanns== pm_annotationspm_annotations pmpm
letlet modumodu== pm_parsed_sourcepm_parsed_source pmpm
returnreturn $$ JustJust $$ RightRight ((createModuleExcreateModuleEx annsanns modumodu)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
moduleEx flags = do
flags' <- setExtensions flags
Just <$> (liftIO $ parseModuleEx flags' (fromNormalizedFilePath nfp) Nothing)
setExtensions flags = do
hsc <- hscEnv <$> use_ GhcSession nfp
let dflags = hsc_dflags hsc
let hscExts = EnumSet.toList (extensionFlags dflags)
logm $ "getIdeas:setExtensions:hscExtensions:" ++ show hscExts
let hlintExts = mapMaybe (GhclibParserEx.readExtension . show) hscExts
logm $ "getIdeas:setExtensions:hlintExtensions:" ++ show hlintExts
return $ flags { enabledExtensions = hlintExts }
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
datadata HlintUsageHlintUsage
== HlintEnabledHlintEnabled {{ cmdArgscmdArgs:::: [[StringString]]}}
|| HlintDisabledHlintDisabled
derivingderiving ShowShow
datadata GetHlintSettingsGetHlintSettings== GetHlintSettingsGetHlintSettings
derivingderiving ((EqEq,, ShowShow,, TypeableTypeable,, GenericGeneric))
instanceinstance HashableHashable GetHlintSettingsGetHlintSettings
instanceinstance NFDataNFData GetHlintSettingsGetHlintSettings
instanceinstance NFDataNFData HintHintwherewhere rnfrnf== rwhnfrwhnf
instanceinstance NFDataNFData ClassifyClassifywherewhere rnfrnf== rwhnfrwhnf
instanceinstance NFDataNFData ParseFlagsParseFlagswherewhere rnfrnf== rwhnfrwhnf
instanceinstance ShowShow HintHintwherewhere showshow== constconst "<hint>""<hint>"
instanceinstance ShowShow ParseFlagsParseFlagswherewhere showshow== constconst "<parseFlags>""<parseFlags>"
instanceinstance BinaryBinary GetHlintSettingsGetHlintSettings
typetypeinstanceinstance RuleResultRuleResult GetHlintSettingsGetHlintSettings== ((ParseFlagsParseFlags,, [[ClassifyClassify]],, HintHint))
getHlintSettingsRulegetHlintSettingsRule:::: HlintUsageHlintUsage->-> RulesRules (())
getHlintSettingsRulegetHlintSettingsRule usageusage==
defineNoFiledefineNoFile $$ \\GetHlintSettingsGetHlintSettings->->
liftIOliftIO $$ casecase usageusageofof
HlintEnabledHlintEnabled cmdArgscmdArgs ->-> argsSettingsargsSettings cmdArgscmdArgs
HlintDisabledHlintDisabled ->-> failfail "hlint configuration unspecified"
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
codeActionProvidercodeActionProvider:::: CodeActionProviderCodeActionProvider
codeActionProvidercodeActionProvider __ __ plIdplId docIddocId __ contextcontext== ((RightRight .. LSP.ListLSP.List .. mapmap CACodeActionCACodeAction)) <$><$> hlintActionshlintActions
hlintActionshlintActions:::: IOIO [[LSP.CodeActionLSP.CodeAction]]
hlintActionshlintActions== catMaybescatMaybes <$><$> mapMmapM mkHlintActionmkHlintAction ((filterfilter validCommandvalidCommand diagsdiags)
-- |Some hints do not have an associated refactoring
-- |Some hints do not have an associated refactoring
validCommandvalidCommand ((LSP.DiagnosticLSP.Diagnostic __ __ ((JustJust ((LSP.StringValueLSP.StringValue codecode)))) ((JustJust "hlint""hlint")) __ __ __))==
codecode /=/= "Eta reduce""Eta reduce"
validCommandvalidCommand __== FalseFalse
LSP.ListLSP.List diagsdiags== contextcontext ^.^. LSP.diagnosticsLSP.diagnostics
mkHlintActionmkHlintAction:::: LSP.DiagnosticLSP.Diagnostic->-> IOIO ((MaybeMaybe LSP.CodeActionLSP.CodeAction))
mkHlintActionmkHlintAction diagdiag@@((LSP.DiagnosticLSP.Diagnostic ((LSP.RangeLSP.Range startstart __)) _s_s ((JustJust ((LSP.StringValueLSP.StringValue codecode)))) ((JustJust "hlint""hlint")) mm __ __))==
JustJust .. codeActioncodeAction <$><$> mkLspCommandmkLspCommand plIdplId "applyOne""applyOne" titletitle ((JustJust argsargs))
codeActioncodeAction cmdcmd== LSP.CodeActionLSP.CodeAction titletitle ((JustJust LSP.CodeActionQuickFixLSP.CodeActionQuickFix)) ((JustJust ((LSP.ListLSP.List [[diagdiag]])))) NothingNothing ((JustJust cmdcmd))
titletitle== "Apply hint:""Apply hint:" <><> headhead ((T.linesT.lines mm)
-- need 'file', 'start_pos' and hint title (to distinguish between alternative suggestions at the same location)
-- need 'file', 'start_pos' and hint title (to distinguish between alternative suggestions at the same location)
argsargs== [[toJSONtoJSON ((AOPAOP ((docIddocId ^.^. LSP.uriLSP.uri)) startstart codecode))]]
mkHlintActionmkHlintAction ((LSP.DiagnosticLSP.Diagnostic _r_r _s_s _c_c _source_source _m_m __ __))== returnreturn Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
applyAllCmdapplyAllCmd:::: CommandFunctionCommandFunction UriUri
applyAllCmdapplyAllCmd _lf_lf ideide uriuri== dodo
letlet filefile== maybemaybe ((errorerror $$ showshow uriuri ++++ " is not a file."" is not a file."))
((uriToFilePath'uriToFilePath' uriuri))
logmlogm $$ "applyAllCmd:file=""applyAllCmd:file=" ++++ showshow filefile
resres<-<- applyHintapplyHint ideide filefile NothingNothing
logmlogm $$ "applyAllCmd:res=""applyAllCmd:res=" ++++ showshow resres
returnreturn $$
casecase resresofof
LeftLeft errerr ->-> ((LeftLeft ((responseErrorresponseError ((T.packT.pack $$ "applyAll: ""applyAll: " ++++ showshow errerr)))),, NothingNothing))
RightRight fsfs ->-> ((RightRight NullNull,, JustJust ((WorkspaceApplyEditWorkspaceApplyEdit,, ApplyWorkspaceEditParamsApplyWorkspaceEditParams fsfs)))
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
datadata ApplyOneParamsApplyOneParams== AOPAOP
{{ filefile :::: UriUri
,, start_posstart_pos:::: Position
-- | There can be more than one hint suggested at the same position, so HintTitle is used to distinguish between them.
-- | There can be more than one hint suggested at the same position, so HintTitle is used to distinguish between them.
,, hintTitlehintTitle:::: HintTitleHintTitle
}} derivingderiving ((EqEq,,ShowShow,,GenericGeneric,,FromJSONFromJSON,,ToJSONToJSON))
typetype HintTitleHintTitle== T.TextT.Text
datadata OneHintOneHint== OneHintOneHint
{{ oneHintPosoneHintPos:::: PositionPosition
,, oneHintTitleoneHintTitle:::: HintTitleHintTitle
}} derivingderiving ((EqEq,, ShowShow))
applyOneCmdapplyOneCmd:::: CommandFunctionCommandFunction ApplyOneParamsApplyOneParams
applyOneCmdapplyOneCmd _lf_lf ideide ((AOPAOP uriuri pospos titletitle))== dodo
letlet oneHintoneHint== OneHintOneHint pospos titletitle
letlet filefile== maybemaybe ((errorerror $$ showshow uriuri ++++ " is not a file."" is not a file.")) toNormalizedFilePath'toNormalizedFilePath'
((uriToFilePath'uriToFilePath' uriuri))
resres<-<- applyHintapplyHint ideide filefile ((JustJust oneHintoneHint))
logmlogm $$ "applyOneCmd:file=""applyOneCmd:file=" ++++ showshow filefile
logmlogm $$ "applyOneCmd:res=""applyOneCmd:res=" ++++ showshow resres
returnreturn $$
casecase resresofof
LeftLeft errerr ->-> ((LeftLeft ((responseErrorresponseError ((T.packT.pack $$ "applyOne: ""applyOne: " ++++ showshow errerr)))),, NothingNothing))
RightRight fsfs ->-> ((RightRight NullNull,, JustJust ((WorkspaceApplyEditWorkspaceApplyEdit,, ApplyWorkspaceEditParamsApplyWorkspaceEditParams fsfs))))
applyHintapplyHint:::: IdeStateIdeState->-> NormalizedFilePathNormalizedFilePath->-> MaybeMaybe OneHintOneHint->-> IOIO ((EitherEither StringString WorkspaceEditWorkspaceEdit))
applyHintapplyHint ideide nfpnfp mhintmhint==
runExceptTrunExceptT $$ dodo
ideasideas<-<- bimapExceptTbimapExceptT showParseErrorshowParseError idid $$ ExceptTExceptT $$ liftIOliftIO $$ runActionrunAction "applyHint""applyHint" ideide $$ getIdeasgetIdeas nfpnfp
letlet ideas'ideas'== maybemaybe ideasideas ((``filterIdeasfilterIdeas`` ideasideas)) mhintmhint
letlet commandscommands== mapmap ((showshow &&&&&& ideaRefactoringideaRefactoring)) ideas'ideas'
liftIOliftIO $$ logmlogm $$ "applyHint:apply=""applyHint:apply=" ++++ showshow commands
-- set Nothing as "position" for "applyRefactorings" because
-- applyRefactorings expects the provided position to be _within_ the scope
-- of each refactoring it will apply.
-- But "Idea"s returned by HLint point to starting position of the expressions
-- that contain refactorings, so they are often outside the refactorings' boundaries.
-- Example:
-- Given an expression "hlintTest = reid $ (myid ())"
-- Hlint returns an idea at the position (1,13)
-- That contains "Redundant brackets" refactoring at position (1,20):
-- [("src/App/Test.hs:5:13: Warning: Redundant bracket\nFound:\n reid $ (myid ())\nWhy not:\n reid $ myid ()\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 20, endLine = 5, endCol = 29}, subts = [("x",SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 21, endLine = 5, endCol = 28})], orig = "x"}])]
-- If we provide "applyRefactorings" with "Just (1,13)" then
-- the "Redundant bracket" hint will never be executed
-- because SrcSpan (1,20,??,??) doesn't contain position (1,13).
-- set Nothing as "position" for "applyRefactorings" because
-- applyRefactorings expects the provided position to be _within_ the scope
-- of each refactoring it will apply.
-- But "Idea"s returned by HLint point to starting position of the expressions
-- that contain refactorings, so they are often outside the refactorings' boundaries.
-- Example:
-- Given an expression "hlintTest = reid $ (myid ())"
-- Hlint returns an idea at the position (1,13)
-- That contains "Redundant brackets" refactoring at position (1,20):
-- [("src/App/Test.hs:5:13: Warning: Redundant bracket\nFound:\n reid $ (myid ())\nWhy not:\n reid $ myid ()\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 20, endLine = 5, endCol = 29}, subts = [("x",SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 21, endLine = 5, endCol = 28})], orig = "x"}])]
-- If we provide "applyRefactorings" with "Just (1,13)" then
-- the "Redundant bracket" hint will never be executed
-- because SrcSpan (1,20,??,??) doesn't contain position (1,13).
letlet fpfp== fromNormalizedFilePathfromNormalizedFilePath nfpnfp
resres<-<- liftIOliftIO $$ ((RightRight <$><$> applyRefactoringsapplyRefactorings NothingNothing commandscommands fpfp)) ``catchescatches``
[[ HandlerHandler $$ \\ee->-> returnreturn ((LeftLeft ((showshow ((ee:::: IOExceptionIOException))))))
,, HandlerHandler $$ \\ee->-> returnreturn ((LeftLeft ((showshow ((ee:::: ErrorCallErrorCall))))))
casecase resresofof
RightRight appliedFileappliedFile ->-> dodo
letlet uriuri== fromNormalizedUrifromNormalizedUri ((filePathToUri'filePathToUri' nfpnfp))
oldContentoldContent<-<- liftIOliftIO $$ T.readFileT.readFile fpfp
liftIOliftIO $$ logmlogm $$ "applyHint:oldContent=""applyHint:oldContent=" ++++ showshow oldContentoldContent
liftIOliftIO $$ logmlogm $$ "applyHint:appliedFile=""applyHint:appliedFile=" ++++ showshow ((T.packT.pack appliedFileappliedFile))
letlet wsEditwsEdit== diffText'diffText' TrueTrue ((uriuri,, oldContentoldContent)) ((T.packT.pack appliedFileappliedFile)) IncludeDeletionsIncludeDeletions
liftIOliftIO $$ logmlogm $$ "applyHint:diff=""applyHint:diff=" ++++ showshow wsEditwsEdit
ExceptTExceptT $$ RightRight <$><$> ((returnreturn wsEditwsEdit))
LeftLeft errerr ->->
throwEthrowE ((showshow errerr))
-- | If we are only interested in applying a particular hint then
-- let's filter out all the irrelevant ideas
-- | If we are only interested in applying a particular hint then
-- let's filter out all the irrelevant ideas
filterIdeasfilterIdeas:::: OneHintOneHint->-> [[IdeaIdea]]->-> [[IdeaIdea]]
filterIdeasfilterIdeas ((OneHintOneHint ((PositionPosition ll cc)) titletitle)) ideasideas==
letlet title'title'== T.unpackT.unpack titletitle
ideaPosideaPos== ((srcSpanStartLinesrcSpanStartLine &&&&&& srcSpanStartColsrcSpanStartCol)) .. toRealSrcSpantoRealSrcSpan .. ideaSpanideaSpan
inin filterfilter ((\\ii->-> ideaHintideaHint ii ==== title'title' &&&& ideaPosideaPos ii ==== ((ll++11,, cc++11)))) ideasideas
toRealSrcSpantoRealSrcSpan ((RealSrcSpanRealSrcSpan realreal))== realreal
toRealSrcSpantoRealSrcSpan ((UnhelpfulSpanUnhelpfulSpan xx))== errorerror $$ "No real source span: ""No real source span: " ++++ showshow xx
showParseErrorshowParseError:::: Hlint.ParseErrorHlint.ParseError->-> StringString
showParseErrorshowParseError ((Hlint.ParseErrorHlint.ParseError locationlocation messagemessage contentcontent))==
unlinesunlines [[showshow locationlocation,, messagemessage,, contentcontent]
-- | Map over both failure and success.
-- | Map over both failure and success.
bimapExceptTbimapExceptT:::: FunctorFunctor mm=>=> ((ee->-> ff))->-> ((aa->-> bb))->-> ExceptTExceptT ee mm aa->-> ExceptTExceptT ff mm bb
bimapExceptTbimapExceptT ff gg ((ExceptTExceptT mm))== ExceptTExceptT ((fmapfmap hh mm))wherewhere
hh ((LeftLeft ee)) == LeftLeft ((ff ee))
hh ((RightRight aa))== RightRight ((gg aa))
{-# INLINE{-# INLINE bimapExceptTbimapExceptT#-}
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | apply-refact applies refactorings specified by the refact package. It is
-- currently integrated into hlint to enable the automatic application of
-- suggestions.
module Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.ApplyRefact where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception ( IOException
, ErrorCall
, Handler(..)
, catches
, try
import Control.Lens hiding ( List )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Aeson hiding (Error)
import Data.Maybe
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadFunctions
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadTypes
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.PluginUtils
import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension
import Language.Haskell.HLint4 as Hlint
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import Refact.Apply
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Eta reduce" :: String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant do" :: String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
type HintTitle = T.Text
applyRefactDescriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor
applyRefactDescriptor plId = PluginDescriptor
{ pluginId = plId
, pluginName = "ApplyRefact"
, pluginDesc = "apply-refact applies refactorings specified by the refact package. It is currently integrated into hlint to enable the automatic application of suggestions."
, pluginCommands =
[ PluginCommand "applyOne" "Apply a single hint" applyOneCmd
, PluginCommand "applyAll" "Apply all hints to the file" applyAllCmd
, pluginCodeActionProvider = Just codeActionProvider
, pluginDiagnosticProvider = Nothing
, pluginHoverProvider = Nothing
, pluginSymbolProvider = Nothing
, pluginFormattingProvider = Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
data ApplyOneParams = AOP
{ file :: Uri
, start_pos :: Position
-- | There can be more than one hint suggested at the same position, so HintTitle is used to distinguish between them.
, hintTitle :: HintTitle
} deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,FromJSON,ToJSON)
data OneHint = OneHint
{ oneHintPos :: Position
, oneHintTitle :: HintTitle
} deriving (Eq, Show)
applyOneCmd :: ApplyOneParams -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult WorkspaceEdit)
applyOneCmd (AOP uri pos title) = pluginGetFile "applyOne: " uri $ \fp -> do
let oneHint = OneHint pos title
revMapp <- reverseFileMap
let defaultResult = do
debugm "applyOne: no access to the persisted file."
return $ IdeResultOk mempty
withMappedFile fp defaultResult $ \file' -> do
res <- liftToGhc $ applyHint file' (Just oneHint) revMapp
logm $ "applyOneCmd:file=" ++ show fp
logm $ "applyOneCmd:res=" ++ show res
case res of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail
(IdeError PluginError (T.pack $ "applyOne: " ++ show err) Null)
Right fs -> return (IdeResultOk fs)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
applyAllCmd :: Uri -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult WorkspaceEdit)
applyAllCmd uri = pluginGetFile "applyAll: " uri $ \fp -> do
let defaultResult = do
debugm "applyAll: no access to the persisted file."
return $ IdeResultOk mempty
revMapp <- reverseFileMap
withMappedFile fp defaultResult $ \file' -> do
res <- liftToGhc $ applyHint file' Nothing revMapp
logm $ "applyAllCmd:res=" ++ show res
case res of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail (IdeError PluginError
(T.pack $ "applyAll: " ++ show err) Null)
Right fs -> return (IdeResultOk fs)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- AZ:TODO: Why is this in IdeGhcM?
lint :: Uri -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult PublishDiagnosticsParams)
lint uri = pluginGetFile "lint: " uri $ \fp -> do
defaultResult = do
debugm "lint: no access to the persisted file."
$ IdeResultOk (PublishDiagnosticsParams (filePathToUri fp) $ List [])
withMappedFile fp defaultResult $ \file' -> do
eitherErrorResult <- liftIO
(try $ runExceptT $ runLint file' [] :: IO
(Either IOException (Either [Diagnostic] [Idea]))
case eitherErrorResult of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail
(IdeError PluginError (T.pack $ "lint: " ++ show err) Null)
Right res -> case res of
Left diags ->
(PublishDiagnosticsParams (filePathToUri fp) $ List diags)
Right fs ->
$ IdeResultOk
$ PublishDiagnosticsParams (filePathToUri fp)
$ List (map hintToDiagnostic $ stripIgnores fs)
runLint :: FilePath -> [String] -> ExceptT [Diagnostic] IO [Idea]
runLint fp args = do
(flags,classify,hint) <- liftIO $ argsSettings args
let myflags = flags { hseFlags = (hseFlags flags) { extensions = EnableExtension TypeApplications:extensions (hseFlags flags)}}
res <- bimapExceptT parseErrorToDiagnostic id $ ExceptT $ parseModuleEx myflags fp Nothing
pure $ applyHints classify hint [res]
parseErrorToDiagnostic :: Hlint.ParseError -> [Diagnostic]
parseErrorToDiagnostic (Hlint.ParseError l msg contents) =
{ _range = srcLoc2Range l
, _severity = Just DsInfo -- Not displayed
, _code = Just (LSP.StringValue "parser")
, _source = Just "hlint"
, _message = T.unlines [T.pack msg,T.pack contents]
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
-- | An idea suggest by a 'Hint'.
data Idea = Idea
{ideaModule :: String -- ^ The module the idea applies to, may be @\"\"@ if the module cannot be determined or is a result of cross-module hints.
,ideaDecl :: String -- ^ The declaration the idea applies to, typically the function name, but may be a type name.
,ideaSeverity :: Severity -- ^ The severity of the idea, e.g. 'Warning'.
,ideaHint :: String -- ^ The name of the hint that generated the idea, e.g. @\"Use reverse\"@.
,ideaSpan :: SrcSpan -- ^ The source code the idea relates to.
,ideaFrom :: String -- ^ The contents of the source code the idea relates to.
,ideaTo :: Maybe String -- ^ The suggested replacement, or 'Nothing' for no replacement (e.g. on parse errors).
,ideaNote :: [Note] -- ^ Notes about the effect of applying the replacement.
,ideaRefactoring :: [Refactoring R.SrcSpan] -- ^ How to perform this idea
deriving (Eq,Ord)
-- | Map over both failure and success.
bimapExceptT :: Functor m => (e -> f) -> (a -> b) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT f m b
bimapExceptT f g (ExceptT m) = ExceptT (fmap h m) where
h (Left e) = Left (f e)
h (Right a) = Right (g a)
{-# INLINE bimapExceptT #-}
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
stripIgnores :: [Idea] -> [Idea]
stripIgnores ideas = filter notIgnored ideas
notIgnored idea = ideaSeverity idea /= Ignore
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
hintToDiagnostic :: Idea -> Diagnostic
hintToDiagnostic idea
= Diagnostic
{ _range = ss2Range (ideaSpan idea)
, _severity = Just (hintSeverityMap $ ideaSeverity idea)
, _code = Just (LSP.StringValue $ T.pack $ ideaHint idea)
, _source = Just "hlint"
, _message = idea2Message idea
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
idea2Message :: Idea -> T.Text
idea2Message idea = T.unlines $ [T.pack $ ideaHint idea, "Found:", " " <> T.pack (ideaFrom idea)]
<> toIdea <> map (T.pack . show) (ideaNote idea)
toIdea :: [T.Text]
toIdea = case ideaTo idea of
Nothing -> []
Just i -> [T.pack "Why not:", T.pack $ " " ++ i]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Maps hlint severities to LSP severities
-- | We want to lower the severities so HLint errors and warnings
-- | don't mix with GHC errors and warnings:
-- | as per
hintSeverityMap :: Severity -> DiagnosticSeverity
hintSeverityMap Ignore = DsInfo -- cannot really happen after stripIgnores
hintSeverityMap Suggestion = DsHint
hintSeverityMap Warning = DsInfo
hintSeverityMap Error = DsInfo
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
srcLoc2Range :: SrcLoc -> Range
srcLoc2Range (SrcLoc _ l c) = Range ps pe
ps = Position (l-1) (c-1)
pe = Position (l-1) 100000
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ss2Range :: SrcSpan -> Range
ss2Range ss = Range ps pe
ps = Position (srcSpanStartLine ss - 1) (srcSpanStartColumn ss - 1)
pe = Position (srcSpanEndLine ss - 1) (srcSpanEndColumn ss - 1)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
applyHint :: FilePath -> Maybe OneHint -> (FilePath -> FilePath) -> IdeM (Either String WorkspaceEdit)
applyHint fp mhint fileMap = do
runExceptT $ do
ideas <- getIdeas fp mhint
let commands = map (show &&& ideaRefactoring) ideas
liftIO $ logm $ "applyHint:apply=" ++ show commands
-- set Nothing as "position" for "applyRefactorings" because
-- applyRefactorings expects the provided position to be _within_ the scope
-- of each refactoring it will apply.
-- But "Idea"s returned by HLint pont to starting position of the expressions
-- that contain refactorings, so they are often outside the refactorings' boundaries.
-- Example:
-- Given an expression "hlintTest = reid $ (myid ())"
-- Hlint returns an idea at the position (1,13)
-- That contains "Redundant brackets" refactoring at position (1,20):
-- [("src/App/Test.hs:5:13: Warning: Redundant bracket\nFound:\n reid $ (myid ())\nWhy not:\n reid $ myid ()\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 20, endLine = 5, endCol = 29}, subts = [("x",SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 21, endLine = 5, endCol = 28})], orig = "x"}])]
-- If we provide "applyRefactorings" with "Just (1,13)" then
-- the "Redundant bracket" hint will never be executed
-- because SrcSpan (1,20,??,??) doesn't contain position (1,13).
res <- liftIO $ (Right <$> applyRefactorings Nothing commands fp) `catches`
[ Handler $ \e -> return (Left (show (e :: IOException)))
, Handler $ \e -> return (Left (show (e :: ErrorCall)))
case res of
Right appliedFile -> do
diff <- ExceptT $ Right <$> makeDiffResult fp (T.pack appliedFile) fileMap
liftIO $ logm $ "applyHint:diff=" ++ show diff
return diff
Left err ->
throwE (show err)
-- | Gets HLint ideas for
getIdeas :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Maybe OneHint -> ExceptT String m [Idea]
getIdeas lintFile mhint = do
let hOpts = hlintOpts lintFile (oneHintPos <$> mhint)
ideas <- runHlint lintFile hOpts
pure $ maybe ideas (`filterIdeas` ideas) mhint
-- | If we are only interested in applying a particular hint then
-- let's filter out all the irrelevant ideas
filterIdeas :: OneHint -> [Idea] -> [Idea]
filterIdeas (OneHint (Position l c) title) ideas =
title' = T.unpack title
ideaPos = (srcSpanStartLine &&& srcSpanStartColumn) . ideaSpan
in filter (\i -> ideaHint i == title' && ideaPos i == (l+1, c+1)) ideas
hlintOpts :: FilePath -> Maybe Position -> [String]
hlintOpts lintFile mpos =
posOpt (Position l c) = " --pos " ++ show (l+1) ++ "," ++ show (c+1)
opts = maybe "" posOpt mpos
in [lintFile, "--quiet", "--refactor", "--refactor-options=" ++ opts ]
runHlint :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> [String] -> ExceptT String m [Idea]
runHlint fp args =
do (flags,classify,hint) <- liftIO $ argsSettings args
let myflags = flags { hseFlags = (hseFlags flags) { extensions = EnableExtension TypeApplications:extensions (hseFlags flags)}}
res <- bimapExceptT showParseError id $ ExceptT $ liftIO $ parseModuleEx myflags fp Nothing
pure $ applyHints classify hint [res]
showParseError :: Hlint.ParseError -> String
showParseError (Hlint.ParseError location message content) =
unlines [show location, message, content]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
codeActionProvider :: CodeActionProvider
codeActionProvider plId docId _ context = IdeResultOk <$> hlintActions
hlintActions :: IdeM [LSP.CodeAction]
hlintActions = catMaybes <$> mapM mkHlintAction (filter validCommand diags)
-- |Some hints do not have an associated refactoring
validCommand (LSP.Diagnostic _ _ (Just (LSP.StringValue code)) (Just "hlint") _ _) =
case code of
"Eta reduce" -> False
_ -> True
validCommand _ = False
LSP.List diags = context ^. LSP.diagnostics
mkHlintAction :: LSP.Diagnostic -> IdeM (Maybe LSP.CodeAction)
mkHlintAction diag@(LSP.Diagnostic (LSP.Range start _) _s (Just (LSP.StringValue code)) (Just "hlint") m _) =
Just . codeAction <$> mkLspCommand plId "applyOne" title (Just args)
codeAction cmd = LSP.CodeAction title (Just LSP.CodeActionQuickFix) (Just (LSP.List [diag])) Nothing (Just cmd)
title = "Apply hint:" <> head (T.lines m)
-- need 'file', 'start_pos' and hint title (to distinguish between alternative suggestions at the same location)
args = [toJSON (AOP (docId ^. LSP.uri) start code)]
mkHlintAction (LSP.Diagnostic _r _s _c _source _m _) = return Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveAnyClass #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-}
{-# LANGUAGE DuplicateRecordFields #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- | apply-refact applies refactorings specified by the refact package. It is
-- currently integrated into hlint to enable the automatic application of
-- suggestions.
module Haskell.Ide.Engine.Plugin.ApplyRefact where
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Exception ( IOException
, ErrorCall
, Handler(..)
, catches
, try
import Control.Lens hiding ( List )
import Control.Monad.IO.Class
import Control.Monad.Trans.Except
import Data.Aeson hiding (Error)
import Data.Maybe
import Data.Monoid ((<>))
import qualified Data.Text as T
import GHC.Generics
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadFunctions
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.MonadTypes
import Haskell.Ide.Engine.PluginUtils
import Language.Haskell.Exts.SrcLoc
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Parser
import Language.Haskell.Exts.Extension
import Language.Haskell.HLint4 as Hlint
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types as LSP
import qualified Language.Haskell.LSP.Types.Lens as LSP
import Refact.Apply
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Eta reduce" :: String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Redundant do" :: String) #-}
{-# ANN module ("HLint: ignore Reduce duplication" :: String) #-}
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
type HintTitle = T.Text
applyRefactDescriptor :: PluginId -> PluginDescriptor
applyRefactDescriptor plId = PluginDescriptor
{ pluginId = plId
, pluginName = "ApplyRefact"
, pluginDesc = "apply-refact applies refactorings specified by the refact package. It is currently integrated into hlint to enable the automatic application of suggestions."
, pluginCommands =
[ PluginCommand "applyOne" "Apply a single hint" applyOneCmd
, PluginCommand "applyAll" "Apply all hints to the file" applyAllCmd
, pluginCodeActionProvider = Just codeActionProvider
, pluginDiagnosticProvider = Nothing
, pluginHoverProvider = Nothing
, pluginSymbolProvider = Nothing
, pluginFormattingProvider = Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
data ApplyOneParams = AOP
{ file :: Uri
, start_pos :: Position
-- | There can be more than one hint suggested at the same position, so HintTitle is used to distinguish between them.
, hintTitle :: HintTitle
} deriving (Eq,Show,Generic,FromJSON,ToJSON)
data OneHint = OneHint
{ oneHintPos :: Position
, oneHintTitle :: HintTitle
} deriving (Eq, Show)
applyOneCmd :: ApplyOneParams -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult WorkspaceEdit)
applyOneCmd (AOP uri pos title) = pluginGetFile "applyOne: " uri $ \fp -> do
let oneHint = OneHint pos title
revMapp <- reverseFileMap
let defaultResult = do
debugm "applyOne: no access to the persisted file."
return $ IdeResultOk mempty
withMappedFile fp defaultResult $ \file' -> do
res <- liftToGhc $ applyHint file' (Just oneHint) revMapp
logm $ "applyOneCmd:file=" ++ show fp
logm $ "applyOneCmd:res=" ++ show res
case res of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail
(IdeError PluginError (T.pack $ "applyOne: " ++ show err) Null)
Right fs -> return (IdeResultOk fs)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
applyAllCmd :: Uri -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult WorkspaceEdit)
applyAllCmd uri = pluginGetFile "applyAll: " uri $ \fp -> do
let defaultResult = do
debugm "applyAll: no access to the persisted file."
return $ IdeResultOk mempty
revMapp <- reverseFileMap
withMappedFile fp defaultResult $ \file' -> do
res <- liftToGhc $ applyHint file' Nothing revMapp
logm $ "applyAllCmd:res=" ++ show res
case res of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail (IdeError PluginError
(T.pack $ "applyAll: " ++ show err) Null)
Right fs -> return (IdeResultOk fs)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- AZ:TODO: Why is this in IdeGhcM?
lint :: Uri -> IdeGhcM (IdeResult PublishDiagnosticsParams)
lint uri = pluginGetFile "lint: " uri $ \fp -> do
defaultResult = do
debugm "lint: no access to the persisted file."
$ IdeResultOk (PublishDiagnosticsParams (filePathToUri fp) $ List [])
withMappedFile fp defaultResult $ \file' -> do
eitherErrorResult <- liftIO
(try $ runExceptT $ runLint file' [] :: IO
(Either IOException (Either [Diagnostic] [Idea]))
case eitherErrorResult of
Left err -> return $ IdeResultFail
(IdeError PluginError (T.pack $ "lint: " ++ show err) Null)
Right res -> case res of
Left diags ->
(PublishDiagnosticsParams (filePathToUri fp) $ List diags)
Right fs ->
$ IdeResultOk
$ PublishDiagnosticsParams (filePathToUri fp)
$ List (map hintToDiagnostic $ stripIgnores fs)
runLint :: FilePath -> [String] -> ExceptT [Diagnostic] IO [Idea]
runLint fp args = do
(flags,classify,hint) <- liftIO $ argsSettings args
let myflags = flags { hseFlags = (hseFlags flags) { extensions = EnableExtension TypeApplications:extensions (hseFlags flags)}}
res <- bimapExceptT parseErrorToDiagnostic id $ ExceptT $ parseModuleEx myflags fp Nothing
pure $ applyHints classify hint [res]
parseErrorToDiagnostic :: Hlint.ParseError -> [Diagnostic]
parseErrorToDiagnostic (Hlint.ParseError l msg contents) =
{ _range = srcLoc2Range l
, _severity = Just DsInfo -- Not displayed
, _code = Just (LSP.StringValue "parser")
, _source = Just "hlint"
, _message = T.unlines [T.pack msg,T.pack contents]
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
-- | An idea suggest by a 'Hint'.
data Idea = Idea
{ideaModule :: String -- ^ The module the idea applies to, may be @\"\"@ if the module cannot be determined or is a result of cross-module hints.
,ideaDecl :: String -- ^ The declaration the idea applies to, typically the function name, but may be a type name.
,ideaSeverity :: Severity -- ^ The severity of the idea, e.g. 'Warning'.
,ideaHint :: String -- ^ The name of the hint that generated the idea, e.g. @\"Use reverse\"@.
,ideaSpan :: SrcSpan -- ^ The source code the idea relates to.
,ideaFrom :: String -- ^ The contents of the source code the idea relates to.
,ideaTo :: Maybe String -- ^ The suggested replacement, or 'Nothing' for no replacement (e.g. on parse errors).
,ideaNote :: [Note] -- ^ Notes about the effect of applying the replacement.
,ideaRefactoring :: [Refactoring R.SrcSpan] -- ^ How to perform this idea
deriving (Eq,Ord)
-- | Map over both failure and success.
bimapExceptT :: Functor m => (e -> f) -> (a -> b) -> ExceptT e m a -> ExceptT f m b
bimapExceptT f g (ExceptT m) = ExceptT (fmap h m) where
h (Left e) = Left (f e)
h (Right a) = Right (g a)
{-# INLINE bimapExceptT #-}
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
stripIgnores :: [Idea] -> [Idea]
stripIgnores ideas = filter notIgnored ideas
notIgnored idea = ideaSeverity idea /= Ignore
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
hintToDiagnostic :: Idea -> Diagnostic
hintToDiagnostic idea
= Diagnostic
{ _range = ss2Range (ideaSpan idea)
, _severity = Just (hintSeverityMap $ ideaSeverity idea)
, _code = Just (LSP.StringValue $ T.pack $ ideaHint idea)
, _source = Just "hlint"
, _message = idea2Message idea
, _relatedInformation = Nothing
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
idea2Message :: Idea -> T.Text
idea2Message idea = T.unlines $ [T.pack $ ideaHint idea, "Found:", " " <> T.pack (ideaFrom idea)]
<> toIdea <> map (T.pack . show) (ideaNote idea)
toIdea :: [T.Text]
toIdea = case ideaTo idea of
Nothing -> []
Just i -> [T.pack "Why not:", T.pack $ " " ++ i]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
-- | Maps hlint severities to LSP severities
-- | We want to lower the severities so HLint errors and warnings
-- | don't mix with GHC errors and warnings:
-- | as per
hintSeverityMap :: Severity -> DiagnosticSeverity
hintSeverityMap Ignore = DsInfo -- cannot really happen after stripIgnores
hintSeverityMap Suggestion = DsHint
hintSeverityMap Warning = DsInfo
hintSeverityMap Error = DsInfo
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
srcLoc2Range :: SrcLoc -> Range
srcLoc2Range (SrcLoc _ l c) = Range ps pe
ps = Position (l-1) (c-1)
pe = Position (l-1) 100000
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
ss2Range :: SrcSpan -> Range
ss2Range ss = Range ps pe
ps = Position (srcSpanStartLine ss - 1) (srcSpanStartColumn ss - 1)
pe = Position (srcSpanEndLine ss - 1) (srcSpanEndColumn ss - 1)
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
applyHint :: FilePath -> Maybe OneHint -> (FilePath -> FilePath) -> IdeM (Either String WorkspaceEdit)
applyHint fp mhint fileMap = do
runExceptT $ do
ideas <- getIdeas fp mhint
let commands = map (show &&& ideaRefactoring) ideas
liftIO $ logm $ "applyHint:apply=" ++ show commands
-- set Nothing as "position" for "applyRefactorings" because
-- applyRefactorings expects the provided position to be _within_ the scope
-- of each refactoring it will apply.
-- But "Idea"s returned by HLint pont to starting position of the expressions
-- that contain refactorings, so they are often outside the refactorings' boundaries.
-- Example:
-- Given an expression "hlintTest = reid $ (myid ())"
-- Hlint returns an idea at the position (1,13)
-- That contains "Redundant brackets" refactoring at position (1,20):
-- [("src/App/Test.hs:5:13: Warning: Redundant bracket\nFound:\n reid $ (myid ())\nWhy not:\n reid $ myid ()\n",[Replace {rtype = Expr, pos = SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 20, endLine = 5, endCol = 29}, subts = [("x",SrcSpan {startLine = 5, startCol = 21, endLine = 5, endCol = 28})], orig = "x"}])]
-- If we provide "applyRefactorings" with "Just (1,13)" then
-- the "Redundant bracket" hint will never be executed
-- because SrcSpan (1,20,??,??) doesn't contain position (1,13).
res <- liftIO $ (Right <$> applyRefactorings Nothing commands fp) `catches`
[ Handler $ \e -> return (Left (show (e :: IOException)))
, Handler $ \e -> return (Left (show (e :: ErrorCall)))
case res of
Right appliedFile -> do
diff <- ExceptT $ Right <$> makeDiffResult fp (T.pack appliedFile) fileMap
liftIO $ logm $ "applyHint:diff=" ++ show diff
return diff
Left err ->
throwE (show err)
-- | Gets HLint ideas for
getIdeas :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Maybe OneHint -> ExceptT String m [Idea]
getIdeas lintFile mhint = do
let hOpts = hlintOpts lintFile (oneHintPos <$> mhint)
ideas <- runHlint lintFile hOpts
pure $ maybe ideas (`filterIdeas` ideas) mhint
-- | If we are only interested in applying a particular hint then
-- let's filter out all the irrelevant ideas
filterIdeas :: OneHint -> [Idea] -> [Idea]
filterIdeas (OneHint (Position l c) title) ideas =
title' = T.unpack title
ideaPos = (srcSpanStartLine &&& srcSpanStartColumn) . ideaSpan
in filter (\i -> ideaHint i == title' && ideaPos i == (l+1, c+1)) ideas
hlintOpts :: FilePath -> Maybe Position -> [String]
hlintOpts lintFile mpos =
posOpt (Position l c) = " --pos " ++ show (l+1) ++ "," ++ show (c+1)
opts = maybe "" posOpt mpos
in [lintFile, "--quiet", "--refactor", "--refactor-options=" ++ opts ]
runHlint :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> [String] -> ExceptT String m [Idea]
runHlint fp args =
do (flags,classify,hint) <- liftIO $ argsSettings args
let myflags = flags { hseFlags = (hseFlags flags) { extensions = EnableExtension TypeApplications:extensions (hseFlags flags)}}
res <- bimapExceptT showParseError id $ ExceptT $ liftIO $ parseModuleEx myflags fp Nothing
pure $ applyHints classify hint [res]
showParseError :: Hlint.ParseError -> String
showParseError (Hlint.ParseError location message content) =
unlines [show location, message, content]
-- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
codeActionProvider :: CodeActionProvider
codeActionProvider plId docId _ context = IdeResultOk <$> hlintActions
hlintActions :: IdeM [LSP.CodeAction]
hlintActions = catMaybes <$> mapM mkHlintAction (filter validCommand diags)
-- |Some hints do not have an associated refactoring
validCommand (LSP.Diagnostic _ _ (Just (LSP.StringValue code)) (Just "hlint") _ _) =
case code of
"Eta reduce" -> False
_ -> True
validCommand _ = False
LSP.List diags = context ^. LSP.diagnostics
mkHlintAction :: LSP.Diagnostic -> IdeM (Maybe LSP.CodeAction)
mkHlintAction diag@(LSP.Diagnostic (LSP.Range start _) _s (Just (LSP.StringValue code)) (Just "hlint") m _) =
Just . codeAction <$> mkLspCommand plId "applyOne" title (Just args)
codeAction cmd = LSP.CodeAction title (Just LSP.CodeActionQuickFix) (Just (LSP.List [diag])) Nothing (Just cmd)
title = "Apply hint:" <> head (T.lines m)
-- need 'file', 'start_pos' and hint title (to distinguish between alternative suggestions at the same location)
args = [toJSON (AOP (docId ^. LSP.uri) start code)]
mkHlintAction (LSP.Diagnostic _r _s _c _source _m _) = return Nothing
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