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Last active December 1, 2016 17:56
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Javascript Object slides

JavaScript Objects


After this lesson, students will be able to:

  • Compare objects and key-value stores to arrays as data structures
  • Explain the difference between object properties and methods
  • Create empty objects and objects with multiple properties and methods using object literal syntax
  • Compare adding and retrieving properties to an existing object using the dot and bracket notations
  • Access properties of an object using keys and helper methods (.hasOwnProperty)
  • Iterate over the keys of an object to return and manipulate values

What is an object?

  • Objects are a type of data structure that is nearly universal across programming languages, although they may have different names in different languages
  • Like arrays, objects can hold multiple pieces of data of varying types; but unlike arrays, objects use named keys rather than indices to order and access those pieces of data
  • Objects in general are made up of two things – properties and methods. Properties are data attached to an object that describe it or are related to it in some way. Methods are just functions, but because they're attached to an object, you can think of them as actions that the object can invoke on itself
  • In JavaScript, an object is a type of key-value store, or a way to group many pairs of keys and values together, so sometimes it's used like a hash (in Ruby) or a dictionary (in other languages)

Collections of name-value pairs

  • Javascript objects work as lists of keys (A property name) and corresponding values (A property value).
  • This way of storing/reading data is widely used across programs and languages because it’s highly customizable and quick to implement.
  • A key can be either a name, a number or a string, the corresponding value to a key can be any value part of JavaScript, including arrays, null or undefinedand even another object. Objects structures can therefore be nested (objects inside objects) and of any complexity.

Creating Objects

There are 4 different ways to create an object.

Object constructor

var myObject = new Object();

Object literal syntax

var myObject = {};

Constructor function

It is also possible to use a function statement to create an object that serves as a "constructor function."

The first step is to write a function that will define the object. By convention, this function we start the function name with a capital letter. Once the function is defined (in the current scope), you can create a new object by using the keyword new.

function Classroom(name, numberOfStudents) { = name;
  this.numberOfStudents = numberOfStudents;

var wdi = new Classroom("WDI 1 OC", 25);


Object.create example

var Person = {
  type: "Human",
  displayType: function(){

var person1 = Object.create(Person);
// => Human

var person2 = Object.create(Person);
person2.type = "Man";
// => Man

Object Properties

  • Objects in JavaScript always have properties associated with them.
  • You can think of a property on a JavaScript object as a type of variable that contains a value.
  • Properties of an object can be accessed using "dot notation":

Obj Properties Example

var Person = {
  name: "Gerry"
// => "Gerry"

  • You can also define or re-assign a property by assigning it a value using = as you would a normal variable.
var Person = {
  name: "Gerry"
// => "Gerry" = "Leslie"
// => "Leslie"

Creating an object with properties

  • Let's create an object classroom that contains properties name and campus:

var classroom = new Object();
// => undefined = "WDI 1";
// => "WDI 1"

classroom.campus = "Orange County";
// => "Orange County"

// => Object {name: "WDI 1", campus: "Orange County"}

Bracket notation

There is another way to set properties on a JavaScript object.

classroom["name"]   = "WDI 1";
classroom["campus"] = "Orange County";

// => "WDI 1";

var property = "campus";

// => "Orange County";

Deleting properties

var classroom = {name: "WDI 1", campus: "Orange County", start: "11/28/2016"};
delete classroom.start;
// => {name: "WDI 2", campus: "Orange County"}

Object methods

  • As we've said before, the value of a property can be anything in JavaScript, means we can also attach functions to objects properties.
  • When a function is attached to a property, this function becomes a method.
  • Methods are defined the exact same way as a function, except that they have to be defined as the property of an object.
var classroom = {
  name: "WDI 1",
  campus: "Orange County",
  start: "1/1/2016",
  sayHello: function() {

  • To call the method, we add a pair of parentheses to execute it:
// => Hello

Assigning a previously-defined function

  • We can attach regular functions to objects as methods, even after they are created.
var sayHello = function() { console.log("Hello"); }

classroom.sayHello = sayHello;  

// => Hello

##this for object references

  • In JavaScript, this is a keyword that refers to the current object.
  • When used in a method on an object, it will always refer to the current object.
var classroom = {
  name: "WDI 1",
  campus: "Orange County",
  start: "11/28/2016",
  classInfo: function(){
    console.log("This is " + + " and the class starts on " + this.start);

// => This is WDI 40 and it starts on 11/28/2016

Activity: Getters and setters

  • A getter is a method that gets the value of a specific property. A setter is a method that sets the value of a specific property.
  • You can define getters and setters on any predefined core object or user-defined object that supports the addition of new properties.
  • The syntax for defining getters and setters uses the object literal syntax.

var o = {
	a: 7,
	get b() {
		return this.a + 1;
	set c(x) {
		this.a = x / 2

// => 7

// => 8

o.c = 50;
// => 25

Enumerating properties of an object

There are three native ways to list the properties of an object:

  • loops This method traverses all enumerable properties of an object and its prototype chain
  • Object.keys(o) This method returns an array with all the own (not in the prototype chain) enumerable properties' names ("keys") of an object o.
  • Object.getOwnPropertyNames(o) This method returns an array containing all own properties' names (enumerable or not) of an object o.

Object iteration

  • You can use the bracket notation with to iterate over all the enumerable properties of an object.
var myCar = {make: "Ford", model: "Mustang", year: 1969};

function showProps(obj, objName) {
  var result = "";
  for (var i in obj) {
    if (obj.hasOwnProperty(i)) {
      result += objName + "." + i + " = " + obj[i] + "\n";
  return result;

showProps(myCar, "Car");
=> Car.make = Ford
=> Car.model = Mustang
=> Car.year = 1969

Comparing Objects

In JavaScript, if two objects are created separately, they are distinct, even if they are given the same properties.

var student = {name: "Chris"};
// => undefined

var student2 = {name: "Chris"};
// => undefined

student == student2
// => false

student === student
// => true


  • Create a monkey object, which has the following properties:

    • name
    • species
    • foodsEaten

    And the following methods:

    • eatSomething(thingAsString)
    • introduce: producers a string introducing itself, including its name, species, and what it's eaten
  • Create 3 monkeys total. Make sure all 3 monkeys have all properties set and methods defined.

  • Exercise your monkeys by retrieving their properties and using their methods. Practice using both syntaxes for retrieving properties (dot notation and brackets).

Conclusion (5 mins)

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