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Created October 22, 2012 22:17
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\title{\bfseries\Huge Project Manager\\
Lead developer }
\author{Jean-Sébastien C. Ney}
3 rue villa Bolero \hfill 33 years old\\
75019 Paris \hfill French\\
+33 649 887 272\\
\section*{Highlights of expertise}
Methodologies & Scrum, Agile\vspace{5pt}\\
Computed Languages
&{\bf Javascript}, {\bf HTML}, {\bf Ruby}, Lua, Go, etc.
Web Technologies
&{ {\bf HTML5}, {\bf CSS3}, {\bf Node.js}, Ruby on {\bf Rails}, {\bf jQuery}, {\bf Angular.js}, Backbone.js}, {\bf nginx}
&{ Postgresql, Riak, MongoDB, Redis, Memcache }
Operating Systems
&{\bf Linux}
Revision Control Systems
&{ {\bf git}, svn}
\section*{Educational Background}
& IBM TSM Certification
& IT Engineering degree, ESIMed (formerly ECML) Marseille
& IT Bachelor's degree (BTS-IG)
& Baccalauréat Economics and Social Sciences (major in mathematics)
\section*{Professional Experience}
2009--2012&{\bf Project manager \& developer -- {\itshape Le Figaro} Group}\\
&{ Project manager \& developer for {\itshape Le Figaro} Group and its website \url{}, France's number 1 daily newspaper}.\vspace{-10pt}\\
\item[Technical project manager for mobile projects]
Conception and management of teams of developers working on iPad, iPhone, Android, WebOS, RIM (etc.) applications.
Awards: \href{}{Orange trophees mobile} 2011, best mobile media application.
\item[Workflow expertise]
Managing flows for various platforms ({\itshape Yahoo}, {\itshape La Poste}, {\itshape Boursorama}) from website databases including \url{}, \url{}, \url{}, \url{}.
\item[Windows 8]
Conception and development of the first submitted version of Windows 8 application (mobile and desktop).
Conception and development of an html5 mobile application using Backbone.js.
Project manager. Website designed in Django.
Project manager. Sinequa Intuition (Search index), smarty php.
Indexation platform for all of {\itshape Le Figaro} Group articles since 1997.
Web development - Ruby on Rails, html, javascript, css.
Project management for the online store
{\itshape \href{}{La Boutique Madame}}.
2008&{\bf Freelance web developer }\\
&{ Freelance developer for various companies including {\itshape Silentale}, a Paris based startup, and {\itshape Akira web}, a Luxemburg based company.
Ruby on Rails. html. Javascript. css.}
2006--2008&{\bf {\itshape 7theories}' co-founder}\\
&{ Company specialized in designing social websites among which, a social web 2.0 shopping engine, developped using various technologies including Ruby on Rails, jQuery, memcache, PostgreSQL, tsearch, nginx.}\\
\item Client side: Javascript, html and css
\item Server side: Ruby on Rails
2002--2006&{\bf {\itshape IBM TSM} Consultant at {\itshape SOS-Restore}}\\
&{ Security and Backup storage consultant on {\itshape IBM TSM}.}
{\bf Some projects realized during my training}
\item[Car park management application]
3/3 application using Java and Oracle.
\item[Instant messaging application]
Application designed using UML methodology for conception and Java language for development.
\item[Database admin]
Application administrating an Oracle database in Delphi.
\item[Web design]
Social association {\itshape Champ Visuel} aiming to help disabled people.
\item[Caisse d'épargne]
Intranet development for French bank {\itshape Caisse d’épargne}.
Integration of {\itshape France Télécom} reports.
French & Mother tongue\vspace{5pt}\\
English & Fluent, used daily for technical needs\vspace{5pt}\\
German & Intermediate\vspace{5pt}\\
Sport & Kick boxing
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