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Last active January 17, 2023 07:09
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=== Instabot ===
Contributors: instabot, abidzan
Tags: chatbot, chatbots, instabot, live-chat, livechat
Requires at least: 4.0
Tested up to: 4.0
Stable tag: 0.1.0
Requires PHP: 5.4.0 or later
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
Easily add a chatbot to your existing website, mobile app, and email. Instabot provides and collects information from the user—personalizing and simplifying their experience. Instabot also has a REST API so it easily connects bot data with your internal systems and CRM.
== Description ==
* Chatbots automate processes that human workers don’t have the time to do—adding value to your business and helping you increase revenue.
* Build on a SaaS platform - Build bots quickly through an intuitive interface, designed for non-technical people.
* Launch with a single snippet of code - With a snippet of code (like Google Analytics) you have full control of what it says, when it launches & how it looks at all times.
* Strengthen + Optimize with Analytics + Feedback - You’ll receive fully transparent analytics, and data that allows you to optimize your bot.
* Easily Train with NLP - Gather the data you need to train your bot and easily leverage top NLP systems to make your bot smarter
== Installation ==
1. Upload the plugin files to the `/wp-content/plugins/plugin-name` directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' screen in WordPress
3. Use the Settings->Instabot screen to insert your [Instabot API key](
4. Create and launch your first bot in the [Instabot portal](
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= How do I get an Instabot account? =
Email us at with the subject “Instabot for Wordpress” and we’ll get you set up in minutes!
= Where do I find my Instabot API key? =
Find your Instabot API key [**here**](
= I’ve installed the Instabot plugin, now what? =
Build and launch your first bot by following our [**quick start guide**](!
= Where can I find documentation for Instabot? =
You can find documentation Instabot [**HERE**](
== Screenshots ==
1. Instabot is a chatbot for your website, email, or mobile app and is the perfect solution to increase conversion rates. Instabot provides and collects user information, launching at key points to personalize a user’s experience.
2. How Instabot works
3. Increase conversions, curate information, qualify and understand your users
4. Built for non-technical folks, update on the fly, and lives anywhere!
5. Easy to deploy, trigger bots on user behavior, launch based on location, device and segments
== Changelog ==
= 0.1.0 =
* First release
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