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  • Diamond Age Data Science
  • Boston, MA
  • X @ordinator
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# run clusterprofiler
all.results.gsea <- all.results[[1]]$stats.eset # these are all the statistical results from running DESeq2
lfcs <- all.results.gsea$log2FoldChange # the log fold changes from the comparison
names(lfcs) <- all.results.gsea$entrezID # I previously annotated the stats results with the entrezids using biomart
lfcs <- sort(lfcs, decreasing=TRUE)
results = GSEA(lfcs, TERM2GENE=set2gene, minGSSize=200, maxGSSize=1700) # my set2gene was just a two column dataframe with the geneset id in the first column and the entrez gene ids in the second
# Batch Correction
There is a batch effect, which we will need to eliminate as it is confounded with the sample class. Ideally, all the A samples would cluster together.
Try using [RUVseq]( to remove variation associated wtih batch.
Leverage the two technical replicates we have that span the batches.
```{r ruvseqs}
counts <- counts(dds, normalized=TRUE) # count matrix from the DESeq2 object
jnhutchinson / hypergeometric.R
Last active July 27, 2017 18:10
Hypergeometric overlap
#basic hypergeometic overlap
dds #DESeq2 object
totalassayed = 30000 # this is the total number of genes you assayed in common in both comparisons
totalsigA = 300 # this is the total number of genes that were significant in comparison A
totalsigB = 350 # this is the total number oF genes that were significant in comparison B
overlapAB = 100 # this is the number of genes that were significant in BOTH comparisons A and B
prob.overlap <- 1 - phyper(overlapAB - 1, totalsigA, totalassayed - totalsigA, totalsigB) # probability you would see an overlap this large at random
jnhutchinson /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:20 — forked from tleonardi/
# Wrapper script to run Vim-R-plugin R sessions as interactive jobs on FAS RC Odyssey SLURM platform.
# To use it, edit ~/.vimrc and add 'let vimrplugin_r_path = <path_to_script>'
echo How much memory do you want?
echo "1) 4GB"
echo "2) 8GB"
echo "3) 16GB"
echo "4) 32GB"
echo "5) 64GB"
## colors in colorpalette should be in hexadecimal format, without alpha shading i.e. #FF0000 (red)
## my favorite palette (color blind accessible)
cbPalette <- c("#999999", "#E69F00", "#56B4E9", "#009E73", "#F0E442", "#0072B2", "#D55E00", "#CC79A7", "#000000")
## try to make the colorpalette at least as long as the number of categories
## alpha is a numerical value from 0 to 1
PCAplot <- function(eset=NULL, categories=NULL, title=NULL, colorpalette=NULL, alpha=1){
# get metadata
pd <- pData(eset)
# adjust alpha to hexadecimal format
jnhutchinson / same.order.func.r
Created June 5, 2013 15:27
Function to see if vectors are in the exact same order
sameorder = function(x,y) {
all(diff(match(x, y))==1)
jnhutchinson / pheatmap.r
Created April 23, 2013 21:20
pheatmap for pathprint
# annotations
heatmap.annots <- pData(mic.norm.eset)[,c("ID", "study", "stage", "gender")]
heatmap.annots <-, 2, unlist))
row.names(heatmap.annots) <- heatmap.annots$ID
heatmap.annots$ID <- NULL
# annotation colors
study_colors <- c("#FF0000","#00FF00", "#0000FF", cbPalette )
names(study_colors) <- unique(unlist(pd$study))
stage_colors <- c("white", "darkgrey", "black")
names(stage_colors) <- unique(unlist(pd$stage))
jnhutchinson / STEM.r
Last active December 15, 2015 12:49
Convert deseq counts to STEM object
## Rory's kickass annotated dataframe function
annotate_df = function(d) {
ensembl = useMart('ensembl', dataset = ensembl_gene)
a = getBM(attributes=c(filter_type, gene_symbol, "description"),
filters=c(filter_type), values=d[, 'id'],
m = merge(d, a, by.x='id', by.y=filter_type)
jnhutchinson /
Created June 15, 2012 13:59
wait.on.lsf() { ## wait on jobs{
n=`bjobs -P $projectID | awk 'NR>1' | wc -l`
while [ $n -ne 0 ]
n=`bjobs -P $projectID | awk 'NR>1' | wc -l`
# number of running
echo "Running: "`bjobs -P $projectID | grep RUN | wc -l`
# number of pending
echo "Pending: "`bjobs -P $projectID | grep PEND | wc -l`
sleep 60 ##raising this to 120 will cause LSF to drop the script
jnhutchinson / knitr.rmd
Created June 11, 2012 16:38
example knitr.r
```{r setup, echo=FALSE}
opts_chunk$set(tidy=TRUE, cache=FALSE, highlight=TRUE, figalign="center", warning=FALSE, error=FALSE, message=FALSE, fig.height=11, fig.width=11)
```{r libraries}