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Created September 20, 2021 17:00
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Refresh KPI front-end files without rebuilding them
# jnm 20210526
set -e
test -e kpi && test -e kobo-install || (
echo 'This script must be run from the directory where `kpi` and `kobo-install` reside.'
exit 1
echo 'Hello! This script assumes you have recently rebuilt the KPI image'
echo 'using `./ -cf build kpi`, `./ -bkf`, or similar.'
echo 'Despite doing this, old static files are still being served(!) because'
echo 'the fresh static files inside the newly built Docker image are being'
echo 'shadowed upon container creation by the `../kpi:/srv/src/kpi`'
echo 'volume defined in `kobo-docker/docker-compose.frontend.override.yml`.'
echo 'To make a long story short, this script fixes the problem :D'
echo "If you HAVE NOT yet rebuilt the KPI image, this won't help!"
echo 'Press return to proceed, or CTRL+C to exit.'
read trash
echo 'Looking for KPI images…'
latest_kpi_image=$(kobo-install/ -cf images | grep _kpi_ | awk '{print $4}')
echo 'The latest KPI image found is:'
docker images | sed -n "1p;/$latest_kpi_image/p"
echo 'Starting a temporary container using latest KPI image…'
docker run --rm --detach "$latest_kpi_image" ping localhost
echo 'Copying files generated by `npm run build` from within image to `kpi/jsapp/compiled/`…'
rm -r kpi/jsapp/compiled
docker cp "$container_id:/srv/src/kpi/jsapp/compiled" kpi/jsapp/
docker stop "$container_id" > /dev/null &
echo 'Updating static files served by NGINX…'
kobo-install/ -cf run --rm kpi \
bash -c 'python collectstatic --noinput && rsync -aq --delete --chown=www-data "${KPI_SRC_DIR}/staticfiles/" "${NGINX_STATIC_DIR}/"' \
2>&1 | sed 's/^/\t/'
kobo-install/ -cf ps | grep kpi > /dev/null && (
echo 'Restarting KPI container…'
kobo-install/ -cf restart kpi
echo 'Waiting for temporary container to stop…'
echo 'Done?!'
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