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Code Duplication Checker
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sun Sep 06 07:29:38 2015
@author: Jeffrey
Python code clone detector,
using Abstract Syntax Trees.
import ast
import collections
__author__ = 'FBV'
__license__ = 'MIT'
__version__ = '0.0.2'
__status__ = 'alpha'
class Position(ast.NodeVisitor):
Find a clone position in the code (its line-span).
Count child nodes.
def init(self, clone):
Lazy initialization.
self.begin_line = self.end_line = clone.node.lineno
self.node_count = 0
def visit(self, node):
Find node's line and column span.
if hasattr(node, 'lineno'):
self.begin_line = min(self.begin_line, node.lineno)
self.end_line = max(self.end_line, node.lineno)
self.node_count += 1
class Clone(collections.namedtuple('Clone', 'node file position')):
A set of code.
def source(self, indent=''):
Retrieve original source code.
if not hasattr(self.position, 'begin_line'):
lines = self.file.source[
return (self.position.begin_line, self.position.end_line,
'\n'.join(indent + line.rstrip() for line in lines))
class Clones(list):
A list of identical code snippets.
def score(self):
Provide a score for ordering clones while reporting.
This sorts by number of nodes in the subtree, number
of clones of the node, and code size.
candidate = self[0] # Pick the first clone.
size = len(candidate.source()[-1])
return (candidate.position.node_count, len(self), size)
class File:
A source file.
def __init__(self, name, source):
Create a file with name and source-code.
''' = name
self.source = source
def digest(node):
Return an unambiguous string representation of a sub-tree in node.
Emulates ast.dump(node, False).
if isinstance(node, ast.AST):
if not hasattr(node, '_cached'):
node._cached = '%s(%s)' % (node.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(
digest(b) for a, b in ast.iter_fields(node)))
return node._cached
elif isinstance(node, list):
return '[%s]' % ', '.join(digest(x) for x in node)
return repr(node)
class Index(ast.NodeVisitor):
A source code repository.
def __init__(self, exclude):
Create a new file indexer.
self.nodes = collections.defaultdict(Clones)
self.blacklist = frozenset(exclude)
def add(self, file):
Add a file to the index and parse it.
source = open(file).readlines()
tree = ast.parse(''.join(source))
self._file = File(file, source)
def visit(self, node):
Walk the Abstract Syntax Tree of a file.
Convert each sub-tree to a string, which is used
as a key in the clones dictionnary.
if hasattr(node, 'lineno'):
if node.__class__.__name__ not in self.blacklist:
expr = digest(node)
Clone(node, self._file, Position()))
def clones(self):
Returns a list of duplicate constructs.
return sorted(((expr, nodes)
for expr, nodes in self.nodes.items() if len(nodes)>1),
key=lambda n: n[1].score(), reverse=True)
def source_obj(s):
c = s.strip(" ").strip("\t")
if c[:3] == 'def' and 'self' in c:
return "method"
elif c[:3] == 'def':
return "function"
elif c[:2] == 'if' or c[:4] == 'elif':
return "logic"
elif c[:3] == 'try':
return "error handling"
return "other code"
all_files = r"C:\Users\Jeffrey\Desktop\qi-commons\qi_commons\allfiles.out"
def make_aggregate_file(flist):
with open(all_files, 'w') as outfile:
for fname in flist:
with open(fname) as infile:
if __name__ == '__main__':
import argparse
import itertools
import os
# Parse command-line arguments.
args = argparse.ArgumentParser(description=__doc__)
# metavar='FILE', nargs='+',
# help='set of Python files to check for duplicate code')
args.add_argument('--ignore', '-i',
metavar='NODE', nargs='+', default=['Name'],
help='skip some syntactic constructs (default: Name)')
args.add_argument('--min', '-m',
metavar='N', type=int, default=1,
help='report items duplicated at least N times')
args.add_argument('--version', '-v',
action='version', version='%(prog)s ' + __version__)
input = args.parse_args()
files_search = []
for root, subFolders, files in os.walk(r'C:\Users\Jeffrey\Desktop\qi-commons\qi_commons'):
for fil in files:
files_search.append(os.path.join(root, fil))
files_search = [f for f in files_search if all((c not in f for c in ('test', 'spyder','yaml','pyc','xlsx', 'allfiles.out')))]
# Process files.
sources = Index(input.ignore)
for f in files_search:
results = []
# Report clones.
for expr, clones in sources.clones():
if len(clones) >= input.min:
print("+%d repetitions of: %s ->" %
(len(clones), expr))
for file, group in itertools.groupby(clones,
lambda clone:
fname = file.split("qi_commons")[-1]
print(" - in %s" % fname)
for clone in group:
begin, end, source = clone.source(' '*8)
if begin == end:
line = 'line %d' % begin
line = 'lines %d to %d' % (begin, end)
print(' %s:\n%s' % (line, source))
results.append((len(clones), expr, fname, begin, end, end - begin, len(source), source_obj(source), source))
import pandas as pd
df = pd.DataFrame(results, columns=['cnt', 'expression', 'file', 'begin', 'end', 'length', 'char length', 'object', 'source'])
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