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Last active January 19, 2020 05:23
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Do 3-legged Twitter authentication for rtweet
# _____ __ __
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# This code demonstrates how to do 3-legged authentication for Twitter
# using the {rtweet} package. Based heavily on code from Michael Kearney and Calli Gross
# To run this you need:
# 1. An app set up in the twitter developer portal (and set as a callback URL)
# 2. A config.yml file set up with the API keys like so:
# default:
# consumer_key: "xxx"
# consumer_secret: "xxx"
# access_token: "xxx"
# access_secret: "xxx"
# 3. The following file saved to a "www" folder in the same folder as this file:
# then to actually run it, use the command: `shiny::runApp(port=80L, launch.browser=FALSE)` and navigate to
# the url in your browser. It's important that you use port 80 and your desktop browser instead
# of the RStudio one for the app to work.
library(shinyjs) # for the cookie storing stuff
# this loads the consumer/access keys from a yaml file using the config package.
# You can load them however you want!
keys <- config::get()
# this folder is where the keys will be stored so people can use them without
# having to log in again each time
if (!dir.exists('data/')) {
# this is a modification of Michael's code to make the signature for authenticating twitter
# API requests. It's pulled from tokens.R in the rtweet package
oauth_sig <- function(url, method,
token = NULL,
token_secret = NULL,
private_key = NULL, ...) {
httr::oauth_header(httr::oauth_signature(url, method, app, token,
token_secret, private_key, other_params = list(...)))
# This function creates a URL for users to click to authenticate.
# You should use it to show a URL when users haven't authenticated yet.
# the callback_url HAS to be in the app configuration on the developer portal,
# and it needs to have the right http/https protocol.
# for testing in RSTudio I found it best to user and have shiny use port 80
get_authorization_url <- function(app, callback_url, permission=NULL){
private_key <- NULL
response <- httr::POST("",
"POST", private_key = NULL, oauth_callback = callback_url))
params <- httr::content(response, type = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
authorize_url <- httr::modify_url("",
query = list(oauth_token = params$oauth_token, permission = permission))
# Once a user authenticates them, Twitter will pass them back to the callback
# url in the authentication one, with the results of the authentication in the query
# of the callback url. This function takes the information from the query
# and does the final conversion to get it into the useful format
get_access_token <- function(app, oauth_token, oauth_verifier){
url <- paste0("",
response <- httr::POST(url,
private_key = NULL))
if(response$status_code == 200L){
results <- content(response,type="application/x-www-form-urlencoded", encoding="UTF-8")
results[["screen_name"]] <- NULL # since storing that might be creepy
results[["user_id"]] <- NULL # since storing that might be creepy
} else {
# this code is to handle the fact that Shiny (frustratingly) does not have built in cookie
# manipulation functions. With this code from Calli Gross (
# it's now simple to do so!
# Notice that the "expires: 90" means the cookies expire after 90 days.
addResourcePath("js", "www")
jsCode <- '
shinyjs.getcookie = function(params) {
var cookie = Cookies.get("id");
if (typeof cookie !== "undefined") {
Shiny.onInputChange("jscookie", cookie);
} else {
var cookie = "";
Shiny.onInputChange("jscookie", cookie);
shinyjs.setcookie = function(params) {
Cookies.set("id", escape(params), { expires: 90 });
Shiny.onInputChange("jscookie", params);
shinyjs.rmcookie = function(params) {
Shiny.onInputChange("jscookie", "");
# The app we'll be using. I didn't give it a name since it doesn't seem to matter
app <- oauth_app(
app = "",
key = keys$consumer_key,
secret = keys$consumer_secret
ui <- fluidPage(
tags$script(src = "js/js.cookie.min.js")
extendShinyjs(text = jsCode),
uiOutput("main") # this will either show a link to authenticate or some tweets
server <- function(input, output, session) {
# store the user id that will span sessions. It's a UUID stored in the user cookies
user_id <- reactive({
# If the cookie loading but it's empty that means we have a new user
# and need to give them an id
if (!is.null(input$jscookie) &&
is.character(input$jscookie) &&
nchar(trimws(input$jscookie)) == 0) {
user_id <- UUIDgenerate()
} else {
user_id <- input$jscookie
# this will be NULL if the user hasn't logged in yet, otherwise
# it will have the valid twitter token for user
access_token <- reactive({
if(is.null(user_id())){ # if we don't even have a UUID yet then there are no keys
access_token <- NULL
} else {
key_file <- paste0("data/",user_id(),".json")
# check if we have saved the keys to a file
if(nchar(user_id()) > 0 && file.exists(key_file)){
access_token <- read_json(key_file) # load from a file if possible
} else {
# is the user is coming in from having just authenticated?
# if yes save the tokens, if not then no keys to user
query <- getQueryString(session)
&& !is.null(query$oauth_token)
&& !is.null(query$oauth_verifier)){
access_token <- get_access_token(app, query$oauth_token, query$oauth_verifier)
write_json(access_token, key_file)
} else {
access_token <- NULL
# turn the information from the file into a valid token object
access_token = access_token$oauth_token,
access_secret = access_token$oauth_token_secret)
# either show the authentication URL or a few tweets
output$main <- renderUI({
url <- get_authorization_url(app, callback_url = "")
a(href = url, "Click here to authorize this app")
} else {,lapply(get_my_timeline(token = access_token())$text[1:3], p))
# make sure you use port 80 or whatever you put in the twitter developer portal
# in RStudio if you hit "Run App" it ignore the port, so watch out!
shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server, options=list(port=80L))
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