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Last active March 18, 2016 19:49
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Adapted Gitlab communications section

Internal Communication DRAFT

  • Use asynchronous communication when possible (issues and email instead of chat), issues are preferred over email, email is preferred over chat, announcements happen via email or team standup, and people should be able to do their work without getting interrupted by chat.
    • More importantly, a verbal or chat record does not spread communication widely and can vary based the person delivering the message (bias) or other tribal interpretation. A written record is always critical when it comes to questions, strategy and decisions. When decisions or information is ad-hoc is reinforces the idea that people are treated unequally, do not have a voice and are kept in the dark.
  • It is very OK to ask as many questions as you have, but ask them so many people can answer them and many people see the answer (so use issues or public chat channels instead of private messages or one-on-one emails) and make sure you try to document the answers.
    • If applicable, use github to track q&a or the wiki.
    • etherpad is good for one off ad-hoc stuff but is not a permanent data store
    • Example: IRC/Slack - if it is on topic and work related, ask in the general (no gifs, jokes, etc - stay on topic)
  • If you have to use email please send one email per subject as multiple items in one email will cause delays (have to respond to everything) or misses (forgot one of the items).
  • If you mention something (a merge request, issue, commit, webpage, comment, etc.) please include a link to it.
  • Always reply to emails, even when no action is needed. This lets the other person know that you received it. A thread is done when there is a single word reply, such as OK, thanks, or done.
  • Email forwarding:
    • If you need the receiving parties to take action please include [ACTION] in the subject / body
    • If something is urgent / important and time sensitive include [URGENT] in the subject / body
    • If you forward an email without other comments that’s information include [FYI] in the subject / body
  • If you want to create, or be added or removed from an internal email alias please reach our to (redacted) to remove/add/create.
  • If you use chat please use a public channel whenever possible, mention the person you want to reach if it is urgent. This ensures it is easy for other people to chime in, and easy to involve other people, if needed.
  • In chat try to keep the use of keywords that mention the whole channel to a minimum. They should only be used for urgent and important pings. By overusing them you make it harder to respond to personal mentions in a timely manner since people get pinged too frequently.
  • If you agree in a chat to start a video or voice call (typically by asking ‘call?’) the person that didn’t leave the last comment starts the call in their video room/number. So either respond to the ‘call?’ request with a vidyo link or say ‘yes’ and let the other person start it. Don’t say ‘yes’ and start a call 5 seconds later since it is likely you’ll both be creating a video call link at the same time in the wrong place.
  • All company data should be shareable by default. Don’t use a local text file but leave comments on an issue. Create Google docs with your company Google Apps account, Wiki pages or Github. By default share Google docs with the whole org ‘anyone in the org can find and access’ with edit (preferred) or comment access for everyone. An easy way to do this, is to create your Google docs in a Shared Folder in Google Drive.
  • All our procedures and templates are stored in (mostly public) git repositories instead of Google/Word/Wiki documents. This makes them easier to find and suggest changes to with the organization and shows our commitment to open collaboration outside the organization.
  • Use vidyo calls if you find yourself going back and forth in an issue/via email or over chat.
    • When you have phone, or vidyo calls please write down/share notes in written form when applicable. Send meeting notes / action items to all participants after a meeting, include those who missed it due to conflicts, illness, etc.
  • Having pets, children, significant others, friends and family visible during video chats is encouraged. If they are humans, ask them to wave at your remote team member to say ‘Hi’.
  • Email forwarding/lists general guidelines:
    • (internal email lists redacted)
  • Emails are asynchronous, for example if your manager emails you on a weekend it is fine to reply during the workweek.
  • We work across many timezones; when asking for action please set a date/time for the action to be completed but give sufficient time (at least 24 hours) for a response.
  • If an email is or has become urgent feel free to ping people via chat referencing the subject of the email.
  • Thank people that did a great job in our ’(redacted)’ slack channel. If someone is an employee just “@” mention them. If multiple people were working on something try mentioning each person by “@” name. ‘Thanks everyone’ does not say much.
  • If there is something that you want to discuss, but you do not feel that it is a reasonable option to discuss with either your manager, director or VP, then you can reach out to (names redacted)
  • Please remove jargon as much as possible: we all know it’s hard not to say things like “lets table this” or “circle back for the synergy” but business or technical jargon while speeding conversation can confuse others and not be specific or clear.
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jnoller commented Mar 17, 2016

Hmm. need to add note about how not to trigger activation. Worth a leadership / general section on how to inquire (ask a question) without randomizing (a lead asked me about this I must do it!!!111). Of course, I have an essay on urgent vs. important ;)

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