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Created January 2, 2019 15:15
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GAE datastore/anom unique fields
from anom import Model, Key, transactional, delete_multi
from models.exceptions import IntegrityError
class Unique(Model):
"""A model to store unique values.
The only purpose of this model is to "reserve" values that must be unique
within a given scope, as a workaround because datastore doesn't support
the concept of uniqueness for entity properties.
For example, suppose we have a model `User` with three properties that
must be unique across a given group: `username`, `auth_id` and `email`::
from anom import props, Model, Key
class User(UniqueModelMixin, Model):
unique_fields = ("username", "auth_id", "email")
name = props.String(indexed=True)
surname = props.String(optional=True)
username = props.String(indexed=True)
auth_id = props.String(indexed=True)
email = props.String(indexed=True)
first_name = props.String()
To ensure property uniqueness when creating a new `User`, we first create
`Unique` records for those properties, and if everything goes well we can
save the new `User` record::
Based on the idea from
def create(cls, value):
"""Creates a new unique value.
:param value:
The value to be unique, as a string.
The value should include the scope in which the value must be
unique (ancestor, namespace, kind and/or property name).
For example, for a unique property `email` from kind `User`, the
value can be ``. In this case ``
is the scope, and `` is the value to be unique.
True if the unique value was created, False otherwise.
entity = cls(key=Key(cls, value))
txn = lambda: entity.put() if not entity.key.get() else None
return transactional()(txn)() is not None
def create_multi(cls, values):
"""Creates multiple unique values at once.
:param values:
A sequence of values to be unique. See :meth:`create`.
A tuple (bool, list_of_keys). If all values were created, bool is
True and list_of_keys is empty. If one or more values weren't
created, bool is False and the list contains all the values that
already existed in datastore during the creation attempt.
keys = [Key(cls, value) for value in values]
# Create all records transactional.
created = []
entities = [cls(key=key) for key in keys]
for entity in entities:
func = lambda: entity.put() if not entity.key.get() else None
key = transactional()(func)()
if key:
if created != keys:
# A poor man's "rollback": delete all recently created records.
return False, [ for k in keys if k not in created]
return True, []
class UniqueModelMixin:
unique_fields = ()
def pre_put_hook(self):
"""check that the email_id is not present already and raise error if so"""
if not self.key.id_or_name:
cls = type(self)
cls_name = cls.__name__
success, existing = Unique.create_multi([
f"{cls_name}.{fld}:{getattr(self, fld)}" for fld in self.unique_fields
for efld in existing:
raise IntegrityError(f'Duplicate entry: {efld}')
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