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Created November 6, 2019 12:18
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* Copyright (C) 2008 Pei Wang
* This file is part of Open-NARS.
* Open-NARS is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* Open-NARS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with Open-NARS. If not, see <>.
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.LinkedHashMap;
import java.util.Set;
import java.util.SortedSet;
import static*;
import static;
* Parse input String into Task or Term. Abstract class with static methods
* only.
public abstract class StringParser {
* Parse a line of input experience
* <p>
* called from ExperienceIO.loadLine
* @param buffer The line to be parsed
* @param memory Reference to the memory
* @param time The current time
* @return An experienced task
public static Task parseExperience(StringBuffer buffer, Memory memory, long time) {
int i = buffer.indexOf(PREFIX_MARK + "");
if (i > 0) {
String prefix = buffer.substring(0, i).trim();
if (!OUTPUT_LINE.equals(prefix)) {
if (INPUT_LINE.equals(prefix)) {
buffer.delete(0, i + 1);
else return null;
char c = buffer.charAt(buffer.length() - 1);
if (c == STAMP_CLOSER) {
int j = buffer.lastIndexOf(STAMP_OPENER + "");
buffer.delete(j - 1, buffer.length());
return parseTask(buffer.toString().trim(), memory, time);
* Enter a new Task in String into the memory, called from InputWindow or
* locally.
* @param s the single-line input String
* @param memory Reference to the memory
* @param time The current time
* @return An experienced task
public static Task parseTask(String s, Memory memory, long time) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(s);
Task task = null;
try {
String budgetString = getBudgetString(buffer);
String truthString = getTruthString(buffer);
String str = buffer.toString().trim();
int last = str.length() - 1;
char punc = str.charAt(last);
StampHandle stamp = new StampHandle(time);
TruthValue truth = parseTruth(truthString, punc);
Term content = parseTerm(str.substring(0, last), memory);
Sentence sentence = new Sentence(content, punc, truth, stamp);
if ((content instanceof Conjunction) && Variable.containVarDep(content.getName()))
BudgetValue budget = parseBudget(budgetString, punc, truth);
task = new Task(sentence, budget);
} catch (InvalidInputException e) {
String message = " !!! INVALID INPUT: parseTask: " + buffer + " --- " + e.getMessage();
// showWarning(message);
return task;
* Return the prefix of a task string that contains a BudgetValue
* @param s the input in a StringBuffer
* @return a String containing a BudgetValue
* @throws if the input cannot be
* parsed into a BudgetValue
public static String getBudgetString(StringBuffer s) throws InvalidInputException {
if (s.charAt(0) != BUDGET_VALUE_MARK) {
return null;
int i = s.indexOf(BUDGET_VALUE_MARK + "", 1); // looking for the end
assert i >= 0 : "missing budget closer";
String budgetString = s.substring(1, i).trim();
assert budgetString.length() != 0 : "empty budget";
s.delete(0, i + 1);
return budgetString;
/* ---------- parse values ---------- */
* Return the postfix of a task string that contains a TruthValue
* @param s the input in a StringBuffer
* @return a String containing a TruthValue
* @throws if the input cannot be
* parsed into a TruthValue
public static String getTruthString(StringBuffer s) throws InvalidInputException {
int last = s.length() - 1;
if (s.charAt(last) != TRUTH_VALUE_MARK) { // use default
return null;
int first = s.indexOf(TRUTH_VALUE_MARK + ""); // looking for the beginning
// no matching closer
assert first != last : "missing truth mark";
String truthString = s.substring(first + 1, last).trim();
// empty usage
assert truthString.length() != 0 : "empty truth";
s.delete(first, last + 1); // remaining input to be processed outside
return truthString;
* parse the input String into a TruthValue (or DesireValue)
* @param s input String
* @param type Task type
* @return the input TruthValue
public static TruthValue parseTruth(String s, char type) {
if (type != QUESTION_MARK) {
float frequency = 1.0f;
float confidence = Parameters.DEFAULT_JUDGMENT_CONFIDENCE;
if (s != null) {
int i = s.indexOf(VALUE_SEPARATOR);
if (i < 0) {
frequency = Float.parseFloat(s);
} else {
frequency = Float.parseFloat(s.substring(0, i));
confidence = Float.parseFloat(s.substring(i + 1));
return new TruthValue(frequency, confidence);
return null;
* parse the input String into a BudgetValue
* @param truth the TruthValue of the task
* @param inputString input String
* @param punctuation Task punctuation
* @return the input BudgetValue
* @throws If the String cannot
* be parsed into a BudgetValue
public static BudgetValue parseBudget(String inputString, char punctuation, TruthValue truth) throws InvalidInputException {
float priority, durability;
switch (punctuation) {
priority = Parameters.DEFAULT_JUDGMENT_PRIORITY;
durability = Parameters.DEFAULT_JUDGMENT_DURABILITY;
priority = Parameters.DEFAULT_QUESTION_PRIORITY;
durability = Parameters.DEFAULT_QUESTION_DURABILITY;
throw new InvalidInputException("unknown punctuation: '" + punctuation + "'");
if (inputString != null) { // overrite default
int i = inputString.indexOf(VALUE_SEPARATOR);
if (i < 0) { // default durability
priority = Float.parseFloat(inputString);
} else {
priority = Float.parseFloat(inputString.substring(0, i));
durability = Float.parseFloat(inputString.substring(i + 1));
float quality = (truth == null) ? 1 : BudgetFunctions.truthToQuality(truth);
return new BudgetValue(priority, durability, quality);
* Top-level method that parse a Term in general, which may recursively call
* itself.
* <p>
* There are 5 valid cases: 1. (Op, A1, ..., An) is a CompoundTerm if Op is
* a built-in operator 2. {A1, ..., An} is an ExtensionSet; 3. [A1, ..., An] is an
* IntensionSet; 4. <T1 Re T2> is a Statement (including higher-order Statement);
* 5. otherwise it is a simple term.
* @param s0 the String to be parsed
* @param memory Reference to the memory
* @return the Term generated from the String
public static Term parseTerm(String s0, Memory memory) {
String s = s0.trim();
try {
if (s.length() != 0) {
Term t = memory.nameToListedTerm(s); // existing constant or operator
if (t == null) {
int index = s.length() - 1;
char first = s.charAt(0);
char last = s.charAt(index);
switch (first) {
assert last == COMPOUND_TERM_CLOSER : "missing CompoundTerm closer";
CompoundTerm compoundTerm = (CompoundTerm) CompoundTerm.parseCompoundTerm(s.substring(1, index), memory);
return compoundTerm;
assert last == SET_EXT_CLOSER : "missing ExtensionSet closer";
return (ExtensionSet) ExtensionSet.make(parseArguments(s.substring(1, index) + ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR, memory), memory);
assert last == SET_INT_CLOSER : "missing IntensionSet closer";
return (IntensionSet) IntensionSet.make(parseArguments(s.substring(1, index) + ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR, memory), memory);
assert last == STATEMENT_CLOSER : "missing Statement closer";
return (Statement)parseStatement(s.substring(1, index), memory);
return parseAtomicTerm(s);
} else {
return t;
} // existing Term
} else {
throw new InvalidInputException("missing content");
} catch (Throwable e) {
String message = " !!! INVALID INPUT: parseTerm: " + s + " --- " + e.getMessage();
// showWarning(message);
return null;
/* ---------- parse String into term ---------- */
* Parse a Term that has no internal structure.
* <p>
* The Term can be a constant or a variable.
* @param s0 the String to be parsed
* @return the Term generated from the String
* @throws the String cannot be
* parsed into a Term
public static Term parseAtomicTerm(String s0) throws InvalidInputException {
String s = s0.trim();
assert s.length() != 0 : "missing term";
// invalid characters in a name
assert !s.contains(" ") : "invalid term";
if (Variable.containVar(s)) {
return new Variable(s);
} else {
return new Term(s);
// public static void showWarning(String message) {
// new TemporaryFrame( message + "\n( the faulty line has been kept in the input window )",
// 40000, TemporaryFrame.WARNING );
// }
* Parse a String to create a Statement.
* @param s0 The input String to be parsed
* @return the Statement generated from the String
* @throws the String cannot be
* parsed into a Term
public static Statement parseStatement(String s0, Memory memory) throws InvalidInputException {
String s = s0.trim();
int i = topRelation(s);
assert i >= 0 : "invalid statement";
String relation = s.substring(i, i + 3);
Term subject = parseTerm(s.substring(0, i), memory);
Term predicate = parseTerm(s.substring(i + 3), memory);
Statement t = Statement.make(relation, subject, predicate, memory);
assert t != null : "invalid statement";
return t;
* Parse a String into the argument get of a CompoundTerm.
* @param s0 The String to be parsed
* @return the arguments in an ArrayList
* @throws the String cannot be
* parsed into an argument get
public static ArrayList<Term> parseArguments(String s0, Memory memory) throws InvalidInputException {
String s = s0.trim();
ArrayList<Term> list = new ArrayList<>();
int start = 0;
int end = 0;
while (end < s.length() - 1) {
end = nextSeparator(s, start);
// recursive call
Term t = parseTerm(s.substring(start, end), memory);
start = end + 1;
assert !list.isEmpty() : "null argument";
return list;
* Locate the first top-level separator in a CompoundTerm
* @param s The String to be parsed
* @param first The starting index
* @return the index of the next seperator in a String
public static int nextSeparator(String s, int first) {
int levelCounter = 0;
int i = first;
while (i < s.length() - 1) {
if (isOpener(s, i)) {
} else if (isCloser(s, i)) {
} else if (s.charAt(i) == ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR) {
if (levelCounter == 0) {
return i;
/* ---------- locate top-level substring ---------- */
* locate the top-level relation in a statement
* @param s The String to be parsed
* @return the index of the top-level relation
public static int topRelation(String s) { // need efficiency improvement
int levelCounter = 0;
int i = 0;
while (i < s.length() - 3) { // don't need to check the last 3 characters
if ((levelCounter == 0) && (Statement.isRelation(s.substring(i, i + 3)))) {
return i;
if (isOpener(s, i)) {
} else if (isCloser(s, i)) {
return -1;
* Check CompoundTerm opener symbol
* @param s The String to be checked
* @param i The starting index
* @return if the given String is an opener symbol
public static boolean isOpener(String s, int i) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
boolean b = (c ==
|| (c == SET_EXT_OPENER)
|| (c == SET_INT_OPENER)
if (!b) {
return false;
if (i + 3 <= s.length() && Statement.isRelation(s.substring(i, i + 3))) {
return false;
return true;
/* ---------- recognize symbols ---------- */
* Check CompoundTerm closer symbol
* @param s The String to be checked
* @param i The starting index
* @return if the given String is a closer symbol
public static boolean isCloser(String s, int i) {
char c = s.charAt(i);
boolean b = (c == COMPOUND_TERM_CLOSER)
|| (c == SET_EXT_CLOSER)
|| (c == SET_INT_CLOSER)
if (!b) {
return false;
if (i >= 2 && Statement.isRelation(s.substring(i - 2, i + 1))) {
return false;
return true;
* All kinds of invalid input lines
public static class InvalidInputException extends Exception {
* An invalid input line.
* @param s type of error
InvalidInputException(String s) {
static class StampHandle {
public StampHandle(long time) {
static class TruthValueRefier {
static class Term {
private final String name;
public Term(String name) { = name;
public String getName() {
return name;
static class Variable extends Term {
public Variable(String s) {
public static boolean containVarDep(String name) {
return false;
public static boolean containVar(String s) {
return false;
static class Conjunction extends Term {
public Conjunction(String s) {
static class BudgetValue {
private final float priority;
private final float durability;
private final float quality;
public BudgetValue(float priority, float durability, float quality) {
this.priority = priority;
this.durability = durability;
this.quality = quality;
static class TruthValue {
private final float frequency;
private final float confidence;
public TruthValue(float frequency, float confidence) {
this.frequency = frequency;
this.confidence = confidence;
static class BudgetFunctions {
private static TruthValue truth;
public static float truthToQuality(TruthValue truth) {
BudgetFunctions.truth = truth;
return 0;
static class Task {
private final Sentence sentence;
private final BudgetValue budget;
public Task(Sentence sentence, BudgetValue budget) {
this.sentence = sentence;
this.budget = budget;
static class Memory {
private LinkedHashMap<String, Term> terms = new LinkedHashMap<>();
public Term nameToListedTerm(String termName) {
return terms.computeIfAbsent(termName, (named -> new Term(named)));
static class Statement extends Term {
public Statement(String s) {
public static Statement make(String relation, Term subject, Term predicate, Memory memory) {
return null;
public static boolean isRelation(String substring) {
return false;
static class Sentence {
private final Term content;
private final char punc;
private final TruthValue truth;
private final StampHandle stamp;
boolean revisible;
public Sentence(Term content, char punc, TruthValue truth, StampHandle stamp) {
this.content = content;
this.punc = punc;
this.truth = truth;
this.stamp = stamp;
public boolean getRevisible() {
return revisible;
public void setRevisible(boolean revisible) {
this.revisible = revisible;
private static class CompoundTerm extends Term
public static final Set<String> COMP_OPERATORS = Set.of(
public CompoundTerm(String name) {
* Parse a String to create a CompoundTerm.
* @param s0 The String to be parsed
* @return the Term generated from the String
* @throws InvalidInputException the String cannot be
* parsed into a Term
public static Term parseCompoundTerm(String s0, Memory memory) throws InvalidInputException {
String s = s0.trim();
int firstSeparator = s.indexOf(ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR);
String op = s.substring(0, firstSeparator).trim();
assert CompoundTerm.isOperator(op) : "unknown operator: " + op;
ArrayList<Term> arg = parseArguments(s.substring(firstSeparator + 1) + ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR, memory);
Term t = CompoundTerm.make(op, arg, memory);
assert t != null : "invalid compound term";
return t;
private static Term make(String op, ArrayList<Term> arg, Memory memory) {
return null;
* Check CompoundTerm operator symbol
* @return if the given String is an operator symbol
* @param s The String to be checked
public static boolean isOperator(String s) {
return COMP_OPERATORS.contains(s);
private static class ExtensionSet extends Term {
public ExtensionSet(String name) {
public static ExtensionSet make(ArrayList<Term> parseArguments, Memory memory) {
return null;
private static class IntensionSet extends Term {
public IntensionSet(String name) {
public static IntensionSet make(ArrayList<Term> parseArguments, Memory memory) {
return null;
* Collected system parameters. To be modified before compiling.
class Parameters {
/* ---------- initial values of run-time adjustable parameters ---------- */
* Concept decay rate in ConceptBag, in [1, 99].
public static final int CONCEPT_FORGETTING_CYCLE = 10;
* TaskLink decay rate in TaskLinkBag, in [1, 99].
public static final int TASK_LINK_FORGETTING_CYCLE = 20;
* TermLink decay rate in TermLinkBag, in [1, 99].
public static final int TERM_LINK_FORGETTING_CYCLE = 50;
* Silent threshold for task reporting, in [0, 100].
public static final int SILENT_LEVEL = 0;
/* ---------- time management ---------- */
* Task decay rate in TaskBuffer, in [1, 99].
public static final int NEW_TASK_FORGETTING_CYCLE = 1;
* Maximum TermLinks checked for novelty for each TaskLink in TermLinkBag
public static final int MAX_MATCHED_TERM_LINK = 10;
* Maximum TermLinks used in reasoning for each Task in Concept
public static final int MAX_REASONED_TERM_LINK = 3;
/* ---------- logical parameters ---------- */
* Evidential Horizon, the amount of future evidence to be considered.
public static final int HORIZON = 1; // or 2, can be float
* Reliance factor, the empirical confidence of analytical truth.
public static final float RELIANCE = (float) 0.9; // the same as default confidence
/* ---------- budget thresholds ---------- */
* The budget threshold rate for task to be accepted.
public static final float BUDGET_THRESHOLD = (float) 0.01;
/* ---------- default input values ---------- */
* Default expectation for confirmation.
public static final float DEFAULT_CONFIRMATION_EXPECTATION = (float) 0.8;
* Default expectation for confirmation.
public static final float DEFAULT_CREATION_EXPECTATION = (float) 0.66;
* Default confidence of input judgment.
public static final float DEFAULT_JUDGMENT_CONFIDENCE = (float) 0.9;
* Default priority of input judgment
public static final float DEFAULT_JUDGMENT_PRIORITY = (float) 0.8;
* Default durability of input judgment
public static final float DEFAULT_JUDGMENT_DURABILITY = (float) 0.8;
* Default priority of input question
public static final float DEFAULT_QUESTION_PRIORITY = (float) 0.9;
* Default durability of input question
public static final float DEFAULT_QUESTION_DURABILITY = (float) 0.9;
/* ---------- space management ---------- */
* Level granularity in Bag, two digits
public static final int BAG_LEVEL = 100;
* Level separation in Bag, one digit, for display (run-time adjustable) and management (fixed)
public static final int BAG_THRESHOLD = 10;
* Hashtable load factor in Bag
public static final float LOAD_FACTOR = (float) 0.5;
* Size of ConceptBag
public static final int CONCEPT_BAG_SIZE = 1000;
* Size of TaskLinkBag
public static final int TASK_LINK_BAG_SIZE = 20;
* Size of TermLinkBag
public static final int TERM_LINK_BAG_SIZE = 100;
* Size of TaskBuffer
public static final int TASK_BUFFER_SIZE = 10;
/* ---------- avoiding repeated reasoning ---------- */
* Maximum length of Stamp, a power of 2
public static final int MAXIMUM_STAMP_LENGTH = 8;
* Remember recently used TermLink on a Task
public static final int TERM_LINK_RECORD_LENGTH = 10;
* Maximum number of beliefs kept in a Concept
public static final int MAXIMUM_BELIEF_LENGTH = 7;
* Maximum number of goals kept in a Concept
public static final int MAXIMUM_QUESTIONS_LENGTH = 5;
* The ASCII symbols used in I/O.
class Symbols {
/* sentence type and delimitors */
public static final char JUDGMENT_MARK = '.';
public static final char QUESTION_MARK = '?';
/* variable type */
public static final char VAR_INDEPENDENT = '$';
public static final char VAR_DEPENDENT = '#';
public static final char VAR_QUERY = '?';
/* numerical value delimitors, must be different from the Term delimitors */
public static final char BUDGET_VALUE_MARK = '$';
public static final char TRUTH_VALUE_MARK = '%';
public static final char VALUE_SEPARATOR = ';';
/* CompountTerm delimitors, must use 4 different pairs */
public static final char COMPOUND_TERM_OPENER = '(';
public static final char COMPOUND_TERM_CLOSER = ')';
public static final char STATEMENT_OPENER = '<';
public static final char STATEMENT_CLOSER = '>';
public static final char SET_EXT_OPENER = '{';
public static final char SET_EXT_CLOSER = '}';
public static final char SET_INT_OPENER = '[';
public static final char SET_INT_CLOSER = ']';
/* special characors in argument list */
public static final char ARGUMENT_SEPARATOR = ',';
public static final char IMAGE_PLACE_HOLDER = '_';
/* CompountTerm operators, length = 1 */
public static final String INTERSECTION_EXT_OPERATOR = "&";
public static final String INTERSECTION_INT_OPERATOR = "|";
public static final String DIFFERENCE_EXT_OPERATOR = "-";
public static final String DIFFERENCE_INT_OPERATOR = "~";
public static final String PRODUCT_OPERATOR = "*";
public static final String IMAGE_EXT_OPERATOR = "/";
public static final String IMAGE_INT_OPERATOR = "\\";
/* CompoundStatement operators, length = 2 */
public static final String NEGATION_OPERATOR = "--";
public static final String DISJUNCTION_OPERATOR = "||";
public static final String CONJUNCTION_OPERATOR = "&&";
/* built-in relations, length = 3 */
public static final String INHERITANCE_RELATION = "-->";
public static final String SIMILARITY_RELATION = "<->";
public static final String INSTANCE_RELATION = "{--";
public static final String PROPERTY_RELATION = "--]";
public static final String INSTANCE_PROPERTY_RELATION = "{-]";
public static final String IMPLICATION_RELATION = "==>";
public static final String EQUIVALENCE_RELATION = "<=>";
/* experience line prefix */
public static final String INPUT_LINE = "IN";
public static final String OUTPUT_LINE = "OUT";
public static final char PREFIX_MARK = ':';
public static final char RESET_MARK = '*';
public static final char COMMENT_MARK = '/';
/* Stamp, display only */
public static final char STAMP_OPENER = '{';
public static final char STAMP_CLOSER = '}';
public static final char STAMP_SEPARATOR = ';';
public static final char STAMP_STARTER = ':';
/* TermLink type, display only */
public static final String TO_COMPONENT_1 = " @(";
public static final String TO_COMPONENT_2 = ")_ ";
public static final String TO_COMPOUND_1 = " _@(";
public static final String TO_COMPOUND_2 = ") ";
/** At C, point to C; TaskLink only */
public static final short SELF = 0;
/** At (&&, A, C), point to C */
public static final short COMPONENT = 1;
/** At C, point to (&&, A, C) */
public static final short COMPOUND = 2;
/** At <C --> A>, point to C */
public static final short COMPONENT_STATEMENT = 3;
/** At C, point to <C --> A> */
public static final short COMPOUND_STATEMENT = 4;
/** At <(&&, C, B) ==> A>, point to C */
public static final short COMPONENT_CONDITION = 5;
/** At C, point to <(&&, C, B) ==> A> */
public static final short COMPOUND_CONDITION = 6;
/** At C, point to <(*, C, B) --> A>; TaskLink only */
public static final short TRANSFORM = 8;
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