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Last active November 20, 2019 23:46
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Difference of max and max_by in Ruby
array = [
{ id: 1, lv: 56 },
{ id: 2, lv: 12 },
{ id: 3, lv: 38 },
{ id: 4, lv: 99 },
{ id: 5, lv: 27 },
p array.max { |a, b| a[:lv] <=> b[:lv] } # => {:id:4, lv:99}
p array.max_by { |v| v[:lv] } # => {:id:4, lv:99}
hash = {
a: { id: 1, lv: 56 },
b: { id: 2, lv: 12 },
c: { id: 3, lv: 38 },
d: { id: 4, lv: 99 },
e: { id: 5, lv: 27 },
p hash.max { |(k1, v1), (k2, v2)| v1[:lv] <=> v2[:lv] } # => [:d, {:id=>4, :lv=>99}]
p hash.max_by { |(k, v)| v[:lv] } # => [:d, {:id=>4, :lv=>99}]
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