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Created July 9, 2012 22:59
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use Perl6::Grammar;
use Perl6::Actions;
use Perl6::Compiler;
class Perl6ToJSON is Perl6::Compiler {
method json_dump($parse, *%adverbs) {
sub to_json($parse) {
my @list;
my @hash;
for $parse.list -> $m {
if nqp::islist($m) {
else {
for $parse.hash -> $m {
if nqp::islist($m.value) {
@hash.push('"' ~ $m.key ~ '": ' ~ array_of($m.value));
else {
@hash.push('"' ~ $m.key ~ '": ' ~ to_json($m.value));
'{ "text": "' ~ $parse ~ '", "list": [' ~
nqp::join(', ', @list) ~ '], "hash": {' ~
nqp::join(', ', @hash) ~ '} }';
sub array_of(@stuff) {
my @elems;
for @stuff -> $m {
'[ ' ~ nqp::join(', ', @elems) ~ ' ]'
sub MAIN(@ARGS) {
# Initialize dynops.
# Bump up Parrot's recursion limit
# Create and configure compiler object.
my $comp :=;
$comp.addstage('json_dump', :before<past>);
my $COMPILER_CONFIG := $comp.config;
# Add extra command line options.
my @clo := $comp.commandline_options();
# Set up module loading trace
my @*MODULES := [];
# Set up END block list, which we'll run at exit.
my @*END_PHASERS := [];
# Enter the compiler.
$comp.command_line(@ARGS, :encoding('utf8'), :transcode('ascii iso-8859-1'));
# Run any END blocks before exiting.
for @*END_PHASERS { $_() }
Take a Rakudo repo. Place the above file in src/json.nqp. Build it like this:
nqp --vmlibs=perl6_group,perl6_ops --target=pir --combine src/json.nqp src/gen/main-version.nqp > src/json.pir
Then you can do:
install\bin\parrot.exe src\json.pir -e "say 42"
Which will dump the parse tree as JSON.
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