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Last active December 26, 2015 19:26
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jnthn's module/precomp input

Moving towards a better pre-comp and module management design


This document contians my (jnthn) input to where implementation work for Perl 6 module/precomp stuff should head. While much has been converged on by existing work, some problems have also been consistently avoided or punted on; robust pre-compilation management is one such issue. Everything here is subject to course corrections as implementation takes place, but it should hopefully set out a good direction to move in. Also, don't expect this to be a complete deign. It's as much as I had time to figure out before I vanish for a week on honeymoon, and I'm sharing it in its current state so that others can carry it forward. Thanks goes to lizmat++ for highly valuable input on an earlier private draft.


To keep discussion precise, here are some definitions of the atoms under consideration:

  • A compilation unit, or compunit for short, is a piece of Perl 6 code that is analyzed and compiled as a single unit. Typically, this comes from a source file on disk, but what's inside an EVAL also counts as a compilation unit.
  • Compilation is the process by which a compilation unit is parsed and analyzed, and turned into a set of objects representing its declarations ("meta-objects") and executable code representing its statements. Note that, thanks to the many meta-programming features of Perl 6, compilation will involve the execution of code, some of which may come from the compilation unit being compiled (as happens with BEGIN blocks).
  • A script refers to a compilation unit that is provided to Perl 6 as the entry point for execution. In an invocation like perl6 foo.p6, we say that foo.p6 is first compiled and then executed. In Rakudo Perl 6, in this case, the results of the compilation only exist in memory.
  • A module refers to a compilation unit that is used by a script, or by another module used from a script. A module must also be compiled before it can be made use of. (There is nothing preventing a given source file serving as both a script and a module depending on how it is used.)
  • A distribution is a set of zero or more scripts and modules that are distributed together, along with some meta-data and potentially with some resources and tests.

This "usage" of modules by scripts and other modules is complex, and is the focus of much of this document. Some further terminology to enable precise discussion of the area is useful:

  • A dependency specification is how one module or script's need for another module is declared. In source code, it follows a use or need statement. An example is Sereal:auth<cpan:*>:ver(1..*). The same syntax is used in the depends section of a META6.json.
  • The dependencies of a script or module are identified during its compilation by evaluating the dependency specifications that follow its use or need statements.
  • The transitive dependencies of a script or module is the union of its dependencies together with the transitive dependencies of each of those dependencies (TRAN-DEP(m) = Union(DEP(m), TRAN-DEP(d) | d in DEP(m))).
  • The reverse dependencies of a module are those scripts and modules that have it as a dependency.
  • The transitive reverse dependencies of a module is the union of its reverse dependencies together with the transitive reverse dependencies of those reverse dependencies (TRAN-REV(m) = Union(REV(m), TRAN-REV(m) | m in REV(m))).
  • The dependent distributions of a distribution are those identified by evaluating the dependency specifications in a META6.json. The transitive, reverse, and reverse transitive relations can also be established.

In this document, the term "dependency" will always refer to a dependency between compilation units, discovered at compile time of the depending compilation unit. Those declared in META6.json are instead known as distribution dependencies. They're very different concepts, and it's important to keep them apart. The first is interesting for precompilation management, and the latter for module installation tooling.


Precompilation is a mechanism for caching the results of compilation on disk, such that the overhead of compilation can be avoided in the future. The precompilation of a compilation unit can only be formed if all of its dependencies have already been precompiled (implying that at the point the precompilation of a module is completed, all of its transitive dependencies must have already been precompiled). Note this does not mean there is any need for the dependencies to be precompiled before precompilation of begins. It is not only reasonable, but also desirable, for dependencies to be precompiled "on demand" and recursively as they are discovered. That is, you start precompiling at the "top" of a dependency graph and by the time you've precompiled that module, the whole graph has been precompiled.

Since resolving dependency specifications to dependencies is a part of the compilation process, a cached precompilation directly identifies the cached precompilations it depends on. That is to say, the compiled effect of a use or need statement is not to resolve a dependency specification, but instead to identify a precise dependency to load. This in turn means that no module database lookups are required. It also has the consequence that once you load an existing precompilation, all module resolution from that point on is "predestined". It's important, therefore, to ensure that precompilations are tied to the entire set of "repositories" available for consideration at the point they were formed.

Furthermore, precompilations are statically linked against the precompilations of their transitive dependencies as well as against a particular compilation of the Perl 6 compiler and its CORE.setting. Therefore, the identify of the Perl 6 compiler - obtained through $* - should also be considered part of the environment the precompilation was formed in. This will also support rakudobrew style tools, which enable switching between different versions and backends.

In an ideal world, precompilation would always be possible for all compilation units. In reality, some things simply won't work out. Stashing a file handle in a BEGIN block and reading from it later won't work, because file handles cannot be serialized. And trying to load the precompilation of two modules that make incompatible augmentations to the same class can be expected to fail. While we can culturally encourage writing precompilation-clean code, it's also important to provide a mechanism whereby a compilation unit can opt out. This in turn means that its transitive reverse dependencies can not be precompiled. A compilation unit can declare it is not elligible for being precompiled with:

no precompilation;


Something that can locate and load modules, and potentially manage their installation and precompilation, is known as a repository (or, more fully, a compilation unit repository). A repository at its simplest could just map module names to source files on disk. A more complex repository might support installation of a distribution's modules along with associated resources, as well as managing precompilation of modules.

Repositories are structured as a linked list - that is, a repository may refer to another. A repository can always provide its unique identity, which must incorporate the identity of any repository it refers to. In normal startup, the PROCESS::<$REPO> symbol will be set a default repository that supports the installation of distributions (a CompUnit::Repository::Installation). Any -I includes, or any paths in a PERL6LIB environment variable, will cause PROCESS::<$REPO> to instead point to a chain of repositories that ends with the default CompUnit::Repository::Installation that is normally there.

A use lib installs a lexical $?REPO which takes precedence over that in PROCESS. Note that for Perl, we will only support the use of use lib in scripts, not in modules, as its interaction with precompilation is more complex than we have time to reasonably consider (and it's better to wait until we've a good answer than to use a hacky one now).

This linked list replaces @?INC. There are a number of benefits to this design:

  • Precompilations must factor in the whole set of repositories that could have been considered when resolving a dependency specification. To see why, consider an installed module M that contains use N. Its precompilation will have been done at installation time, and so only considered other installed modules N. Later, the developer of N is developing a new version, and uses -Ilib to ensure this new N is used. His test script does use M, and the expectation would be that the N is lib is loaded. However, if we hit the precomp of M, it has already committed to an installed N. For correct behavior, the repository for -Ilib - assuming it supports precompilation management - must itself manage precompilations for the whole transitive dependency chain. Put another way, only the module precompilations stored by the repository at the head of the chain are valid. This is most easily delivered by the head of the chain passing its precomp repository "down the chain".
  • You can trivially implement a repository that gives you a "clean room" with no system-wide modules just by it never delegating to the next thing in the chain.
  • If you want "parallel" consideration of a set of other repositories with no ambiguities allowed across them, or "sequential" consideration of a set of repositories with the first providing a resolution winning, these can both be provided by a repository that contains an array of other repositories and delegates as needed.
  • It's easier to test repository implementations in isolation if they're not tied up with some global state, like an @?INC.

Module management API

The module management API can be broken up into:

  • Guts provided by a Perl 6 implementation (e.g. Rakudo) that do the various low-level tasks.
  • Entities that capture the information associated with concepts such as "dependency specification" and "compilation unit".
  • Roles for the various aspects of module management. Some of these are pure interfaces (that is, entirely required methods). Others provide default implementations that will usually be sufficient, and just need some details to be filled in.
  • Provided implementations of those interfaces for a number of common use cases.

Alternative implementations of the roles to handle use cases beyond what Perl 6 provides direct support for are both expected and encouraged.



The CompUnit::Loader is responsible for actually loading a compilation unit into memory, either from source or a precompiled representation. It can work with both files and in-memory byte buffers in either case. Implementations are free to efficiently mmap files into memory, allowing a single copy of a precompiled module to exist in memory and be shared by many Perl 6 processes. The methods on this are all expected to be called on the CompUnit::Loader type object.

class CompUnit::Loader is repr('Uninstantiable') {
    # Load a file from source and compile it
    method load-source-file(Str $path) returns CompUnit::Handle {

    # Decode the specified byte buffer as source code, and compile it
    method load-source(Buf:D $bytes) returns CompUnit::Handle {

    # Load a pre-compiled file
    method load-precompilation-file(Str $path) returns CompUnit::Handle {

    # Load the specified byte buffer as if it was the contents of a
    # precompiled file
    method load-precompilation(Buf:D $bytes) returns CompUnit::Handle {
        ... # XXX this one needs MoarVM/JVM backends to expose a new API

The CompUnit::Loader class only expects to be asked to load a given source or precompiled file into memory once. Asking it to load the same pre-compiled file twice is erroneous. Provided this is respected, concurrent calls to the methods of CompUnit::Loader are allowed.


The CompUnit::Handle class is a handle to a loaded compilation unit. Its exact internals are implementation defined, but it can be expected to have the following methods:

class CompUnit::Handle {
    # If the compilation unit has a callable EXPORT subroutine, it will
    # be returned here. A Callable type object otherwise.
    method export-sub() returns Callable {

    # The EXPORT package from the UNIT of the compilation unit; a
    # Stash type object if none
    method export-package() returns Stash {

    # The EXPORTHOW package from the UNIT of the compilation unit;
    # a Stash type object if none.
    method export-how-package() returns Stash {

    # The GLOBALish package from the UNIT of the compilation unit
    # (the module's contributions to GLOBAL, for merging); a Stash
    # type object if none.
    method globalish-package() returns Stash {

Since these methods are all reads, it is safe for them to be called concurrently on the same instance. (If the internal implementation is not automatically threadsafe, it must do appropriate concurrency control, so consumers of this class don't have to worry.)

Importation/Global Merging

We'll likely end up wanting to factor this into some guts-providing class too, to be discovered/defined during implementation.



A dependency specification consists of a short name for a module (for example, Grammar::Tracer), and optionally a version matcher and auth matcher (which will be smart-matched against the version and authority of a potential dependency to see if it is satisfactory).

class CompUnit::DependencySpecification {
    has Str:D $.short-name is required;
    has $version-matcher = True;
    has $auth-matcher = True;


A compilation unit is represented as follows:

class CompUnit {
    # The CompUnit::Repository that loaded this CompUnit.
    has CompUnit::Repository $.repo is required;

    # That repository's identifier for the compilation unit. This is not
    # globally unique.
    has Str:D $.repo-id is required;

    # The low-level handle.
    has CompUnit::Handle $.handle is required;

    # The short name, version, and auth of the compilation unit, if known.
    has $.short-name;
    has $.version;
    has $.auth;

    # Whether the module was loaded from a precompilation or not.
    has Bool $.precompiled = False;

    # The distribution that this compilation unit was installed as part of
    # (if known).
    has Distribution $.distribution;


To be more fully defined, but consists of the metadata from a and a way to reach any resources declared within it.



A precompilation store provides storage of pre-compiled things. It is not concerned with precompilation validity, just storage. Most of the time, the Perl 6 built-in implementation that stores precompiled files on disk will be sufficient. However, a tool that wished to bundle a Perl 6 implementation together with a bunch of precompiled scripts/modules for distribution would do an alternative implementation of this role.

subset CompUnit::PrecompilationId of Str:D
    where { 2 < .chars < 64 && /^<[A..Za..z0..9_]>$/ };
role CompUnit::PrecompilationStore {
    # Load the precompilation identified by the pairing of the specified
    # compiler and precompilation ID.
    method load(CompUnit::PrecompilationId $compiler-id,
                CompUnit::PrecompilationId $precomp-id)
                { ... }

    # Store the file at the specified path in the precompilation store,
    # under the given compiler ID and precompilation ID.
    method store(CompUnit::PrecompilationId $compiler-id,
                 CompUnit::PrecompilationId $precomp-id,
                 Str:D $path)
                 { ... }

    # Delete an individual precompilation.
    method delete(CompUnit::PrecompilationId $compiler-id,
                  CompUnit::PrecompilationId $precomp-id)
                  { ... }

    # Delete all precompilations for a particular compiler.
    method delete-by-compiler(CompUnit::PrecompilationId $compiler-id)
        { ... }

The CompUnit::PrecompilationId subset type restricts the identifiers that can be passed to things that should be valid on any even slightly modern file system.


A precompilation manager is responsible the creation, location, and validity testing of precompiled modules. The only thing it's not concerned with is their actual storage. Therefore, a precompilation repository will typically be configured with an implementation of CompUnit::PrecompilationStore.


A class implementing the CompUnit::Repository role knows how to resolve a dependency specification to a concrete dependency and load it. It can also provide a list of all the compilation units it has loaded. Implementations of this role should take care to cache dependencies they already loaded, so the same CompUnit instance can be handed back each time the same dependency is requested. Further, implementations of CompUnit::Repository should cope with concurrent calls.

The CompUnit::Repository role is defined as follows:

role CompUnit::Repository {
    # Resolves a dependency specification to a concrete dependency. If the
    # dependency was not already loaded, loads it. Returns a CompUnit
    # object that represents the selected dependency. If there is no
    # matching dependency, throws X::CompUnit::UnsatisfiedDependency.
    method need(CompUnit::DependencySpecification $spec,
                # If we're first in the chain, our precomp repo is
                # the chosen one.
                CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository $precomp =
        returns CompUnit:D
        { ... }

    # Returns the CompUnit objects describing all of the compilation
    # units that have been loaded by this repository in the current
    # process.
    method loaded()
        returns Iterable
        { ... }

    method precomp-repository()
        returns CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository
        { CompUnit::PrecompilationRepository::None }

The X::CompUnit::UnsatisfiedDependency type is defiend as:

class X::CompUnit::UnsatisfiedDependency is Exception {
    has DependencySpecification $.specification;
    method message() { ... }

If there is no unique module that can be considered the "best" given the specification, an X::CompUnit::AmbiguousDependencySpecification exception will be thrown:

class X::CompUnit::AmbiguousDependencySpecification is Exception {
    has DependencySpecification $.specification;
    has @.ambiguous;
    method message() { ... }


A compilation unit repository that supports installation of distributions should implement the following role:

role CompUnit::Repository::Installable does CompUnit::Repository {
    # Installs a distribution into the repository.
    method install(
        # A Distribution object 
        Distribution $dist,
        # A hash mapping entries in `provides` to a disk location that
        # holds the source files; they will be copied (and may also be
        # precompiled by some CompUnit::Repository implementations).
        # A hash mapping entries in the `resources` to a disk location
        # that holds the files; again, these will be copied and stored.
        { ... }

    # Returns True if we can install modules (this will typically do a
    # .w check on the module databaes).
    method can-install() returns Bool { ... }

    # Returns the Distribution objects for all installed distributions.
    method installed() returns Iterable { }



An implementation of a precompilation store that stores the files on disk. It expects to be constructed with a prefix.

my $psf =
    prefix => "$path/.precomp"

Its directory layout is straightforward: one directory per compiler ID, which contains subdirectories named for the first two letters of the precompilation ID, which in turn contain the files. So:

$'comp-1', 'deafbeef');
$'comp-2', 'deafbeef');
$'comp-1', 'baadf00d');

Would create:


Those used to Git internals will note this is the same structure as it uses for loose objects.


The installation compilation unit repository supports both installation and precompilation. It expects to be configured with a directory, where it will keep both original sources and precompilations.

class CompUnit::Repository::Installation
        does CompUnit::Repository::Installable {
    has $.prefix is required;


This repository expects that any changes to modules installed through it will be done directly using it, and so any changes to module sources done directly will not be taken into account. Under its prefix, an installation repository establishes the following structure:

repo.lock         # A lock file
dist/[sha1]       # JSON-serialized distribution info (SHA-1 of dist ID)
sources/[index]   # Module source files, by ascending ID
resources/[index] # Module resourece files, by ascending ID
short/[sha1]      # Short-name quick lookup file by sha1 of the shortname
precomp/...       # Precompilation store
dependencies      # Pairs of short-name to short-name SHA-1s
HEAD              # Current identifier

When we install a distribution, we do the following:

  1. Create the repo.lock file; if it already exists, fail.
  2. Create a SHA-1 of the unique identifier for the distribution, and check it does not already exist in dist; delete lock file and fail if so.
  3. Copy each of the source files into sources, allocating each one an ascending ID.
  4. Copy each of the resource files into resources, allocating each one an ascending ID.
  5. Update the Distribution object with this logical name => ID mapping.
  6. Serialize the Distribution object and store it into dist, using the SHA-1 of its unique identifier for the file name.
  7. XXX precomp newly added source files
  8. Load the dependencies file, and compute the transitive closure of short name relations from it.
  9. Take the provides section of the distribution, SHA-1 all the short names, and then find the the transitive reverse dependencies on those short names. This gives the set of modules whose precompilations will be invalidated by the new modules.
  10. XXX precompile all of those impacted modules
  11. Insert any new dependencies into the shortname dependency graph, and save it back to disk.
  12. Create/update the shortcut file for quick module resolution.
  13. Delete the repo.lock file.

If a CompUnit::Repository::Installation is not the final repository in a linked list, then it must also be sure to invalidate its precompilations if the identity of the next repository in the chain changes. (Since the usual case is per-user modules, it's reasonable to assume there will be write access to the precomp directory to update it).

Further, when queried for a module, a CompUnit::Repository::Installation that is followed in the chain by another CompUnit::Repository::Installation should consider its set of modules together with its own, such that the best option across the two of them wins (and if there are ambiguities, the nesting level does not count as a resolution). (Conjectural: we could have a CompUnit::Repository::Installation::Override that always considers itself to know better, and only delegates if it can't do better.)

XXX The exact factoring here may want a little futher explanation.


The file system compilation unit repository is used when the -I flag is specified. It is initialized with a prefix. It assumes it will be able to create and write to a .precomp directory beneath that path. When it is asked for a module, it first checks if it has a precompilation for it. If so, it ensures it is still valid. The validy check involves:

  • Checking the identity of the next repository in the chain
  • Checking the modification time of the module itself
  • Checking the modification times of the transitive dependencies of that module that live within this CompUnitRepo::FileSystem

A CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem always tries to satisfy a request for a module first, and only delegates if it is unable. It also doesn't care for versioning or authority.

class CompUnit::Repository::FileSystem does CompUnit::Repository {
    has $.prefix is required;

Questions and, if you're lucky, answers

Where libraries are installed?

System-wide modules go in a path derived from the --prefix that Rakudo is built with. The script can also be given a --module-prefix, which will override this. Tools like rakudobrew will likely wish to specify a single common --module-prefix so modules are shared between the things they will switch between. This directory will be managed by an instance of CompUnitRepo::Installation.

A user's local module installations go into a .perl6 in their home directory, with precompilations under it in .perl6/precomp/. This will be managed by a CompUnit::Repository::Installation (which will delegate to the system-wide CompUnit::Repository::Installation).

What about @?INC?

It's gone.

How does an installer choose the right target repository?

Good question. Perhaps there should be a lookup mechanism of installation repositories by some kind of identifier ("system", "user", etc.)

What about %?CUSTOM_LIB?

Probably also gone, though probably also partly covered by whatever we build to satisfy the previous question.

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skids commented Oct 20, 2015

The term "dependent distributions" should probably be something like "distributional dependency" because, well, it connotes to a reverse dependency otherwise.

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japhb commented Oct 25, 2015

jnthn++ for this!

One little nit: the regex in the definition of CompUnit::PrecompilationId is incorrect; it needs to support hyphens and more than one character.

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