Hello Friends,
This elf begging to climb onto the web for Christmas began as a personal email, a review of Paul Graham's little Lisp Bel. He sprouted arms, legs, and in gingerstyle ran away. Arms for symbols, legs for conses: these primitives are the mark a Lisp — even more so than the parenthesis. What do we get when we remove these foundation stones: naming and pairing?
No pairs. No cons. No structure. Unordered. Chaos. Eve, a beautifully incomplete aspect oriented triple store. No need for legs when you can effortlessly transport to your destination. Lazy. Pure. Here and now, a retrospective.
No symbols. No names. No variables. Combinators. Forth. No need for arms when you can effortlessly push and pop your stack. No words. A world without words. Virtual worlds. Virtual reality. Space. Time. Motion. Action. Kinetic Programming, a proposal.
I apologize in advance. Checking my pocketwatch, I see I haven't t