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Created May 19, 2010 12:15
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require 'formula'
class Go <Formula
head '', :revision => 'release'
homepage ''
aka 'google-go'
skip_clean 'bin'
def cruft
%w[src include test doc]
def rmfiles
%w[src/*.bash src/lib9 src/libbio src/libcgo src/libmach src/pkg src/all-arm.bash src/all-nacl.bash src/all.bash src/clean.bash src/env.bash src/make.bash src/quietgcc.bash src/run.bash src/sudo.bash src/version.bash src/cmd include test doc]
def install
ENV.j1 #
prefix.install cruft<<'misc'
Dir.chdir prefix
FileUtils.mkdir %w[pkg bin lib]
ENV['GOROOT'] = Dir.getwd
ENV['GOBIN'] = bin.to_s
ENV['GOARCH'] = Hardware.is_64_bit? ? 'amd64' : '386'
ENV['GOOS'] = 'darwin'
ENV.prepend 'PATH', ENV['GOBIN'], ':'
Dir.chdir 'src' do
system "./all.bash"
FileUtils.rm_rf rmfiles
def caveats; <<-EOS
In order to use Go you need to set the following in your ~/.profile:
export GOROOT=`brew --cellar`/go/#{version}
export GOARCH=#{ENV['GOARCH']}
export GOOS=#{ENV['GOOS']}
Presumably at some point the Go developers won't require us to mutilate our
shell environments in order to compile Go code...
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