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Created June 9, 2012 16:17
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Save jo-snips/2901645 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
The Events Calendar: Custom Events Advanced List Widget
* This is the template for the output of the events list widget.
* All the items are turned on and off through the widget admin.
* There is currently no default styling, which is highly needed.
* You can customize this view by putting a replacement file of the same name (events-list-load-widget-display.php) in the events/ directory of your theme.
* When the template is loaded, the following vars are set: $start, $end, $venue, $address, $city, $state, $province'], $zip, $country, $phone, $cost
* @return string
// Vars set:
// '$event->AllDay',
// '$event->StartDate',
// '$event->EndDate',
// '$event->ShowMapLink',
// '$event->ShowMap',
// '$event->Cost',
// '$event->Phone',
// Don't load directly
if ( !defined('ABSPATH') ) { die('-1'); }
$event = array();
$tribe_ecp = TribeEvents::instance();
reset($tribe_ecp->metaTags); // Move pointer to beginning of array.
foreach($tribe_ecp->metaTags as $tag){
$var_name = str_replace('_Event','',$tag);
$event[$var_name] = tribe_get_event_meta( $post->ID, $tag, true );
$event = (object) $event; //Easier to work with.
if ( !isset($alt_text) ) { $alt_text = ''; }
$class = ob_get_contents();
<li <?php echo $class ?>>
<div class="when">
$space = false;
$output = '';
echo __('Starts', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . ': ';
echo tribe_get_start_date( $post->ID, $start );
if($event->AllDay && $start) {
echo ' <small>('.__('All Day','tribe-events-calendar-pro').')</small>';
} else {
if ( $end && $event->EndDate != '') {
echo '<br/>' . __('Ends', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . ': ';
echo tribe_get_end_date($post->ID);
<div class="event">
<a href="<?php echo tribe_get_event_link($post) ?>"><?php echo $post->post_title ?></a>
<div class="loc"><?php
if ( $venue && tribe_get_venue() != '') {
$output .= ( $space ) ? '<br />' : '';
$output .= tribe_get_venue();
$space = true;
if ( $address && tribe_get_address()) {
$output .= ( $space ) ? '<br />' : '';
$output .= tribe_get_address();
$space = true;
if ( $city && tribe_get_city() != '' ) {
$output .= ( $space ) ? '<br />' : '';
$output .= tribe_get_city() . ', ';
$space = true;
if ( $region && tribe_get_region()) {
$output .= ( !$city ) ? '<br />' : '';
$space = true;
$output .= tribe_get_region();
} else {
$output = rtrim( $output, ', ' );
if ( $zip && tribe_get_zip() != '') {
$output .= ( $space ) ? '<br />' : '';
$output .= tribe_get_zip();
$space = true;
if ( $country && tribe_get_country() != '') {
$output .= ( $space ) ? '<br />' : ' ';
$output .= tribe_get_country();
if ( $phone && tribe_get_phone() != '') {
$output .= '<br/>';
$output .= tribe_get_phone();
if ( $cost && tribe_get_cost() != '') {
$output .= '<br/>';
$output .= __('Price:', 'tribe-events-calendar-pro') . ' ' . tribe_get_cost();
echo $output;
<?php $alt_text = ( empty( $alt_text ) ) ? 'alt' : ''; ?>
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