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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Naive hash chains
A naive implementation of hash chains; can be used for
one-time password systems.
See <>.
module HashChain (
HashChain(_size, _hash)
, next
, init_chain
, nhash
, chain2
) where
import Crypto.Hash
import qualified Data.ByteString as SB
import Data.Byteable
data HashChain a = HashChain
{ _size :: Int
-- ^ The size of the hash chain, decreased by 1 on each successful
-- authentication.
-- A chain of size @n@ can be used @n@ times.
, _hash :: (Digest a)
-- ^ The result of @h^n(message)@, where @h@ is the hash function,
-- @n@ is the number of iterations, and @message@ is a secret.
} deriving (Show)
-- | Authenticate user input, assumed to be @h^(n - 1)(password)@
-- where @n@ is the size of the hash chain and @h@ is the hash
-- function.
-- Authentication succeeds if @h(h^(n - 1)(password))@ matches the
-- recorded hash chain value.
-- Each successful authentication attempt consumes a link in the hash chain,
-- until exhaustion.
-- On success, the original chain becomes obsolete and must be replaced
-- (permitting subsequent authentications against the same chain defeats
-- its purpose).
-- Returns @(success, new)@ where @success@ indicates authentication
-- outcome and @Just new@ is the next state of the chain or @Nothing@ on
-- authentication failure or chain exhaustion.
next :: HashAlgorithm a => Digest a -> HashChain a -> (Bool, Maybe (HashChain a))
next h0 (HashChain n h1) = (v, k)
v = hash (toBytes h0) == h1
k | v && n > 0 = Just $ HashChain (n - 1) h0
| otherwise = Nothing
-- | Create a new hash chain, to be stored on the server.
init_chain :: HashAlgorithm a => Int -> SB.ByteString -> HashChain a
init_chain n secret = HashChain n (nhash n secret)
-- | @h^n(message)@.
nhash :: HashAlgorithm a => Int -> (SB.ByteString -> Digest a)
nhash n | n < 1 = error "nhash: expecting at least 1 iteration"
nhash n = foldr1 composeHash (replicate n hash)
-- | @composeHash h1 h2 x = h1 (h2 x)@
composeHash :: (HashAlgorithm a, HashAlgorithm b)
=> (SB.ByteString -> Digest b)
-> (SB.ByteString -> Digest a)
-> (SB.ByteString -> Digest b)
composeHash h1 h2 x = h1 (toBytes $ h2 x)
-- | A binary hash chain.
-- @chain(h1, h2) = h(h1 + h2)@
chain2 :: (HashAlgorithm a, HashAlgorithm b, HashAlgorithm c) => Digest a -> Digest b -> Digest c
chain2 a b = hash (toBytes a `SB.append` toBytes b)
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