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Last active August 29, 2015 13:56
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Prime sieve
A direct implementation of a prime sieve ...
module ArrSieve
( Sieve(unSieve)
, isPrime
, unsafeIsPrime
, sieve
) where
import Data.Array.MArray
import Data.Array.ST
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import Data.Word
A prime sieve, where indices map to a flag indicating whether
the corresponding number is composite or prime.
newtype Sieve = Sieve { unSieve :: UArray Word64 Bool }
isPrime s n
tests @n@ for primeness with bounds checking, returning
@Nothing@ if @n@ is out of bounds.
isPrime :: Sieve -> Integer -> Maybe Bool
isPrime (Sieve v) = f . fromIntegral
where f i = if inRange (bounds v) i then Just (not $ v ! i) else Nothing
unsafeIsPrime s n
tests @n@ for primeness without bounds checking.
Typical use-case
foo ... = do
let f = unsafeIsPrime (sieve someLargeNumber)
forM_ [2..someLargeNumber] $ \n -> do
putStrLn (show n ++ " " ++ if f n then "is" else "isn't" ++ " prime")
unsafeIsPrime :: Sieve -> Integer -> Bool
unsafeIsPrime (Sieve v) = not . (v !) . fromIntegral
sieve n
returns a sieve for prime numbers up to @n@.
The computation errors if @n > (maxBound :: Word64)@.
sieve :: Integer -> Sieve
sieve n | n > fromIntegral (maxBound :: Word64) = error "sieve: n is too large"
sieve n = Sieve $ runSTUArray $ do
let n' = fromIntegral n
v <- newArray (2, n') False
let loop i = do
mapM_ (flip (writeArray v) True) (drop 1 $ enumFromThenTo i (i + i) n')
maybe (return ()) loop =<< firstM (fmap not . readArray v) [i + 1 .. n']
loop 2
return v
firstM (const $ return True) (1 : repeat undefined) = return $ Just 1
firstM :: (Monad m) => (a -> m Bool) -> [a] -> m (Maybe a)
firstM f = go where
go [] = return Nothing
go (x:xs) = do
b <- f x
if b then return (Just x) else go xs
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