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Created March 18, 2018 14:22
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Upload DXF to Postgis database, and add filename to field mapfile
# -i input DXF file
# To execute in batch mode:
# find . -type d \( -name "MERGE*" -o -name "Extra" -o -name "RESOLVE*" -o -name "SEPARATE*" \) -prune -o -iname "*.dxf" -print0 | xargs -0 -I {} ./ -i "{}"
# By Joakim Skjefstad
while getopts ":i:" opt; do
case $opt in
echo "-i was triggered, Parameter: $OPTARG" >&2
PATHNAME=`dirname "$OPTARG"`
echo "Working on $PATHNAME/$FILENAME"
ogr2ogr --config CPL_DEBUG ON -f "PostgreSQL" PG:"dbname=mapDatabase user=postgres" "$OPTARG" -dim XY -dialect SQLITE -sql "SELECT *, '$FILE' AS Mapfile FROM entities e WHERE ST_GeometryType(e.geometry) IN ('POINT', 'POINT Z', 'LINESTRING', 'LINESTRING Z', 'MULTILINESTRING', 'MULTILINESTRING Z', 'POLYGON', 'POLYGON Z', 'MULTIPOLYGON', 'MULTIPOLYGON Z');" -nln 'dxfworld' -append
echo "Invalid option: -$OPTARG" >&2
exit 1
echo "Option -$OPTARG requires an argument." >&2
exit 1
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