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Last active May 29, 2019 05:51
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lazy val orchestration = OrchestraProject("orchestration", file("orchestration"))
name := "Orchestration",
organization := "com.drivetribe",
version ~= (_.replace('+', '-')),
ThisBuild / version / aggregate := false,
scalaVersion := "2.12.4",
scalacOptions ++= Seq(
ThisBuild / Compile / packageDoc / publishArtifact := false,
resolvers += Opts.resolver.sonatypeSnapshots,
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.beachape" %%% "enumeratum" % "1.5.13",
"com.amazonaws" % "aws-java-sdk" % "1.11.310",
"com.github.gilbertw1" %% "slack-scala-client" % "0.2.3",
"org.zeroturnaround" % "zt-zip" % "1.12"
) ++ monocle.value ++ orchestra.value
lazy val orchestrationJVM = orchestration.jvm
scalaJSPipeline / devCommands ++= Seq("publishLocal", "console", "test"),
Docker / maintainer := "DriveTribe",
dockerRepository := Option(""),
dockerUpdateLatest := true
lazy val orchestrationJS = orchestration.js
lazy val orchestra = Def.setting {
"com.drivetribe" %%% "orchestra-github" % orchestraVersion,
"com.drivetribe" %%% "orchestra-cron" % orchestraVersion,
"com.drivetribe" %% "orchestra-lock" % orchestraVersion
lazy val monocle = Def.setting {
val monocleVersion = "1.5.0-cats"
"com.github.julien-truffaut" %% "monocle-core" % monocleVersion,
"com.github.julien-truffaut" %% "monocle-macro" % monocleVersion
import scala.concurrent.Future
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.errors.RefNotFoundException
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.Dsl._
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.filesystem.{Directory, LocalFile}
import org.eclipse.jgit.transport.UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider
import org.eclipse.jgit.api.Git
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.github.{GitRef, Repository}
object GitUtils {
val backendRepo = Repository("drivetribe/backend")
val frontendRepo = Repository("drivetribe/frontend")
val orchestrationRepo = Repository("drivetribe/orchestration")
def cloneOrchestration(ref: GitRef = GitRef("master"))(implicit workDir: Directory) =
clone(s"${}.git", LocalFile("orchestration"), ref)
def cloneInfrastructure(ref: GitRef = GitRef("master"))(implicit workDir: Directory) =
clone(s"", LocalFile("infrastructure"), ref)
def cloneBackend(ref: GitRef = GitRef("master"))(implicit workDir: Directory) =
clone(s"${}.git", LocalFile("backend"), ref)
def cloneWeb(ref: GitRef = GitRef("staging"))(implicit workDir: Directory) =
clone(s"${}.git", LocalFile("web"), ref)
def cloneStudio(ref: GitRef = GitRef("staging"))(implicit workDir: Directory) =
clone(s"", LocalFile("studio"), ref)
private def clone(uri: String, directory: LocalFile, ref: GitRef) = Future {
println(s"Cloning $uri and checking out ${}")
val git = Git
new UsernamePasswordCredentialsProvider("orchestra", sys.env("ORCHESTRA_GITHUB_TOKEN"))
try git.checkout().setName(s"origin/${}").call()
catch {
case _: RefNotFoundException => git.checkout().setName(
import scala.concurrent.{Await, Future}
import scala.concurrent.duration._
import io.k8s.api.core.v1._
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.Dsl._
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.board.JobBoard
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.filesystem.Directory
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.github.GitRef
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.job.Job
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.model.JobId
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.parameter.Input
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.utils.Directories._
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.utils.Stages._
import com.drivetribe.orchestration.GitUtils
import com.drivetribe.orchestration.backend.{SbtCachedContainer, SbtContainer}
object Publish {
lazy val board =
JobBoard[GitRef => String](JobId("publishOrchestration"), "Publish Orchestration")(Input[GitRef]("Git ref"))
lazy val job = {
implicit val sbt = SbtCachedContainer
volumes =
Option(Seq(Volume("docker-sock", hostPath = Option(HostPathVolumeSource("/var/run/docker.sock"))))))
) { implicit workDir => gitRef =>
for {
orchestration <- GitUtils.cloneOrchestration(gitRef)
version <- dir(orchestration) { implicit workDir =>
for {
_ <- PullRequest.test()
version <- publish()
} yield version
} yield version,
def publish()(implicit workDir: Directory, sbt: SbtContainer): Future[String] =
stage("Publish") {
for {
_ <- sbt("orchestrationJVM/docker:publish")
log <- sbt("-Dsbt.log.noformat=true orchestrationJVM/version")
regex = """(?s).*\[info\] (\d.*?)\s.*""".r
} yield
log match {
case regex(version) => version
case _ => throw new IllegalStateException("Can't get version")
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.filesystem.Directory
import com.drivetribe.orchestra.utils.Shells._
import io.k8s.api.core.v1.{Container, ResourceRequirements, VolumeMount}
import io.k8s.apimachinery.pkg.api.resource.Quantity
object SbtCachedContainer
extends Container(
name = "sbt",
image = Option(""),
tty = Option(true),
command = Option(Seq("cat")),
volumeMounts = Option(Seq(VolumeMount("docker-sock", mountPath = "/var/run/docker.sock"))),
resources = Option(
requests = Option(Map("cpu" -> Quantity("4000m"), "memory" -> Quantity("5.5G"))),
limits = Option(Map("cpu" -> Quantity("5000m"), "memory" -> Quantity("5.5G")))
with SbtContainer
object SbtCachedTestContainer
extends Container(
name = "sbt",
image = Option(""),
tty = Option(true),
command = Option(Seq("cat")),
volumeMounts = Option(Seq(VolumeMount("docker-sock", mountPath = "/var/run/docker.sock"))),
resources = Option(
requests = Option(Map("cpu" -> Quantity("4000m"), "memory" -> Quantity("8.5G"))),
limits = Option(Map("cpu" -> Quantity("5000m"), "memory" -> Quantity("8.5G")))
with SbtContainer
object SbtLatestContainer
extends Container(
name = "sbt",
image = Option(""),
tty = Option(true),
command = Option(Seq("cat")),
volumeMounts = Option(Seq(VolumeMount("docker-sock", mountPath = "/var/run/docker.sock")))
with SbtContainer
trait SbtContainer extends Container {
def apply(command: String)(implicit workDir: Directory) = sh(s"sbt -mem 3072 $command", this)
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