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Last active September 21, 2016 10:48
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Sample output using --dry-run
Starting AtkAtspiAtta
DRY RUN ONLY: No assertions will be tested.
Starting server on http://localhost:4119/
/usr/lib/python3.5/site-packages/pyatspi/ Warning: g_object_unref: assertion 'G_IS_OBJECT (object)' ==================================
READY: Next test is 'cell properties' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/example-cell-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:38] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [table cell | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"colcount": "8",
"colindex": "4",
"display": "inline",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"table-cell-index": "0",
"tag": "span",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "cell"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_TABLE_CELL",
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_TABLE_CELL'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"colcount": "8",
"colindex": "4",
"display": "inline",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"table-cell-index": "0",
"tag": "span",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "cell"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_TABLE_CELL",
"stateSet": [
1. ['interface', 'TableCell'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:38] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:38] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'main properties' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/example-main-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:38] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [section | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "main"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_SECTION",
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_LANDMARK'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "main"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_SECTION",
"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'xml-roles:main', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:38] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:38] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'application' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/application-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:38] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [embedded | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 1,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "application"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_EMBEDDED",
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_EMBEDDED', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:38] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:38] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'aria-busy="false" on a grid ' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/aria-busy_false_on_a_grid-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:38] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [table | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 3,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"busy": "false",
"container-busy": "false",
"display": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "grid"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_TABLE",
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_TABLE', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 3,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"busy": "false",
"container-busy": "false",
"display": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "grid"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_TABLE",
"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'xml-roles:grid', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 3,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"busy": "false",
"container-busy": "false",
"display": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "grid"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
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"stateSet": [
2. ['interface', 'Table', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
"name": "",
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
"name": "",
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"display": "block",
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"role": "ROLE_TABLE",
"stateSet": [
5. ['state', 'STATE-BUSY', 'false'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:39] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:39] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'aria-busy="false" on a listbox ' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/aria-busy_false_on_a_listbox-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:39] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [list box | ]
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"childCount": 2,
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"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_LIST_BOX', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"childCount": 2,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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"formatting": "block",
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"stateSet": [
1. ['interface', 'Selection', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 2,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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"relationSet": {},
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"stateSet": [
2. ['Selection', 'clear_selection()', 'false'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 2,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"tag": "ul",
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"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_LIST_BOX",
"stateSet": [
3. ['state', 'STATE-BUSY', 'false'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:39] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:39] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'aria-busy="false" on a menubar ' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/aria-busy_false_on_a_menubar-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:39] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [menu bar | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 3,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"busy": "false",
"container-busy": "false",
"display": "block",
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"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
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"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
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"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
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"get_extents(int ctype)",
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"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
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"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
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"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
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"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
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"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
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READY: Next test is 'aria-busy="true" on a grid ' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/aria-busy_true_on_a_grid-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:40] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [table | ]
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"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
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"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
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"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
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"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
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"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
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"get_uri(int i)",
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"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
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"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
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"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
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"Collection": [
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
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"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
"name": "",
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"busy": "true",
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"role": "ROLE_TABLE",
"stateSet": [
4. ['state', 'STATE-BUSY', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:40] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:40] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'aria-busy="true" on a listbox' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/aria-busy_true_on_a_listbox-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:40] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [list box | ]
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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0. ['role', 'ROLE_LIST_BOX', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_LIST_BOX",
"stateSet": [
1. ['interface', 'Selection', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 2,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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"xml-roles": "listbox"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_LIST_BOX",
"stateSet": [
2. ['Selection', 'select_child(1)', 'false'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 2,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
3. ['state', 'STATE-BUSY', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:40] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:40] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'aria-busy="true" on a menubar ' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/aria-busy_true_on_a_menubar-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:40] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [menu bar | ]
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"childCount": 3,
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"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_MENU_BAR', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'xml-roles:menubar', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
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"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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2. ['interface', 'Selection', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
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"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
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"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
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"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
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"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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3. ['Selection', 'clear_selection()', 'false'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
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"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
4. ['state', 'STATE-BUSY', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:40] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:40] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'aria-colindex' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/aria-colindex-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:40] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'aria-keyshortcuts' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/aria-keyshortcuts-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [dialog | ]
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"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
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"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"interfaceSet": {
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"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_DIALOG",
"stateSet": [
1. ['interface', 'Window', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 1,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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"display": "block",
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"stateSet": [
2. ['state', 'STATE_MODAL', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'aria-placeholder' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/aria-placeholder-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [entry | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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0. ['role', 'ROLE_ENTRY', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
1. ['interface', 'EditableText', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
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"description": "",
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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"stateSet": [
2. ['state', 'STATE_SINGLE_LINE', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
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"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
3. ['attribute', 'placeholder-text:DD/MM/YYYY', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'aria-valuenow' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/aria-valuenow-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [push button | Go Fish]
"properties": {
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "Go Fish",
"objectAttributeSet": {
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"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
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"margin-top": "0px",
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"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON', 'state'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
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"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "Go Fish",
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"display": "block",
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"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
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"roledescription": "SassyButton",
"tag": "div",
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"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "button"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'roledescription:SassyButton', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'article' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/article-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [document frame | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
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"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"xml-roles": "article"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_ARTICLE '] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'xml-roles:article', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
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"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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2. ['attribute', 'posinset:4', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
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"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
3. ['attribute', 'setsize:8', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'cell' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/cell-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [table cell | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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0. ['role', 'ROLE_TABLE_CELL', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
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"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
1. ['interface', 'TableCell', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:46] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'checkbox' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/checkbox-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [check box | I like cars]
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "I like cars",
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"xml-roles": "checkbox"
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"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_CHECK_BOX",
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_CHECK_BOX', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "I like cars",
"objectAttributeSet": {
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"class": "chkbox",
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"tag": "div",
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"role": "ROLE_CHECK_BOX",
"stateSet": [
1. ['state', 'STATE_CHECKABLE', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
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"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "I like cars",
"objectAttributeSet": {
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"id": "test",
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"tag": "div",
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"xml-roles": "checkbox"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_CHECK_BOX",
"stateSet": [
2. ['state', 'STATE_CHECKED', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'grid' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/grid-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [table | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 1,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
"name": "",
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"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_TABLE', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 1,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
"name": "",
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"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_TABLE",
"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'xml-roles:grid', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 1,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"colcount": "2",
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"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
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"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_TABLE",
"stateSet": [
2. ['interface', 'Table', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 1,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Selection": [
"deselect_child(int child_index)",
"deselect_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"get_selected_child(int selected_child_index)",
"is_child_selected(int child_index)",
"select_child(int child_index)"
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"colcount": "2",
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"stateSet": [
3. ['interface', 'Selection', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'log' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/log-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [section | ]
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"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_LOG', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"role": "ROLE_SECTION",
"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'xml-roles:log', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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"stateSet": [
2. ['attribute', 'container-live:polite', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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3. ['attribute', 'live:polite', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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4. ['attribute', 'container-live-role:log', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'main' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/main-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [section | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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0. ['role', 'ROLE_LANDMARK', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'xml-roles:main', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'menuitem' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/menuitem-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:47] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [menu item | • option 2]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
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"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "\u2022 option 2",
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"properties": {
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "\u2022 option 2",
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"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'posinset:4', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
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"description": "",
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "\u2022 option 2",
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"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_MENU_ITEM",
"stateSet": [
2. ['attribute', 'setsize:8', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'menuitemcheckbox' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/menuitemcheckbox-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [check menu item | • panda doodles]
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"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "\u2022 panda doodles",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"checkable": "true",
"class": "ckbox",
"display": "list-item",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
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"margin-right": "0px",
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"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_MENU_ITEM', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "\u2022 panda doodles",
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1. ['state', 'STATE_CHECKABLE', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"properties": {
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
3. ['attribute', 'posinset:4', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "\u2022 panda doodles",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"checkable": "true",
"class": "ckbox",
"display": "list-item",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
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"xml-roles": "menuitemcheckbox"
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"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
4. ['attribute', 'setsize:8', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'menuitemradio' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/menuitemradio-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [radio menu item | • option 3]
"properties": {
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"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "\u2022 option 3",
"objectAttributeSet": {
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"parentID": null,
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"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_RADIO_MENU_ITEM', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
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"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "\u2022 option 3",
"objectAttributeSet": {
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"display": "list-item",
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"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
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"margin-top": "0px",
"posinset": "3",
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"tag": "li",
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"xml-roles": "menuitemradio"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
1. ['state', 'STATE_CHECKABLE', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "\u2022 option 3",
"objectAttributeSet": {
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"display": "list-item",
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"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"posinset": "3",
"setsize": "3",
"tag": "li",
"text-align": "left",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "menuitemradio"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
2. ['state', 'STATE_CHECKED', 'false'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'radio' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/radio-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [radio button | Car]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "Car",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"checkable": "true",
"class": "radio",
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"posinset": "4",
"setsize": "8",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "radio"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_RADIO_BUTTON', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "Car",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"checkable": "true",
"class": "radio",
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"posinset": "4",
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"tag": "div",
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"xml-roles": "radio"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
1. ['state', 'STATE_CHECKABLE', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "Car",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"checkable": "true",
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"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
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"margin-top": "0px",
"posinset": "4",
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"text-align": "start",
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"xml-roles": "radio"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
2. ['state', 'STATE_CHECKED', 'false'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "Car",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"checkable": "true",
"class": "radio",
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"posinset": "4",
"setsize": "8",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "radio"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
3. ['attribute', 'posinset:4', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "Car",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"checkable": "true",
"class": "radio",
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"posinset": "4",
"setsize": "8",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "radio"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
4. ['attribute', 'setsize:8', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'role button and aria-roledescription spaces' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/role_button_and_aria-roledescription_spaces-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [push button | Go Fish]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "Go Fish",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"roledescription": " ",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "button"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "Go Fish",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"roledescription": " ",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "button"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'roledescription:false', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:48] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'role button with aria-roledescription empty' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/role_button_with_aria-roledescription_empty-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [push button | Go Fish]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "Go Fish",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"roledescription": "",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "button"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_PUSH_BUTTON', 'role'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "Go Fish",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"roledescription": "",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "button"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'roledescription:false', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'search' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/search-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [section | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "search"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_SECTION",
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_LANDMARK', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
"display": "block",
"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
"margin-left": "0px",
"margin-right": "0px",
"margin-top": "0px",
"tag": "div",
"text-align": "start",
"text-indent": "0px",
"xml-roles": "search"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_SECTION",
"stateSet": [
1. ['attribute', 'xml-roles:search', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'searchbox' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/searchbox-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [entry | ]
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"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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0. ['role', 'ROLE_ENTRY', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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"xml-roles": "searchbox"
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"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_ENTRY",
"stateSet": [
1. ['state', 'STATE_SINGLE_LINE', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
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"xml-roles": "searchbox"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_ENTRY",
"stateSet": [
2. ['interface', 'EditibleText', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'searchbox-multiline' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/searchbox-multiline-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [entry | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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"formatting": "block",
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"parentID": null,
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"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_ENTRY', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
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"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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"xml-roles": "searchbox"
"parentID": null,
"relationSet": {},
"role": "ROLE_ENTRY",
"stateSet": [
1. ['state', 'STATE_SINGLE_LINE', 'false'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
"objectAttributeSet": {
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"role": "ROLE_ENTRY",
"stateSet": [
2. ['state', 'STATE_MULTI_LINE', 'true', 'interface', 'EditibleText', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'status' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/status-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [status bar | ]
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "",
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"relationSet": {},
"stateSet": [
0. ['role', 'ROLE_STATUSBAR', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
"properties": {
"childCount": 0,
"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
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"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
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"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
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"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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"stateSet": [
5. ['state', 'STATE_EXPANDED', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
READY: Next test is 'switch' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/switch-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:49] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [toggle button | power]
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"description": "",
"id": "test",
"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "power",
"objectAttributeSet": {
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"class": "switch",
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"formatting": "block",
"id": "test",
"margin-bottom": "0px",
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0. ['role', 'ROLE_CHECK_BOX', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
"name": "power",
"objectAttributeSet": {
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1. ['state', 'STATE_CHECKABLE', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'}
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"interfaceSet": {
"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
"Action": [
"do_action(int i)",
"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"EditableText": [
"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Hypertext": [
"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
"Text": [
"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
"set_caret_offset(int new_offset)",
"set_selection(int selection_num, int start_offset, int end_offset)"
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READY: Next test is 'tab' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/tab-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:50] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [page tab | Hello Bob]
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
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"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
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"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
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"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
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"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
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"get_action_name(int i)"
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
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"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
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"get_uri(int i)",
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"get_link(int link_index)",
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"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
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"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
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"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
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"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
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"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
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"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
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"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
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"copy_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
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"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
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"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
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"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
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"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
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"get_action_description(int i)",
"get_key_binding(int i)",
"get_localized_name(int i)",
"get_action_name(int i)"
"Collection": [
"get_matches(int rule, int sortby, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
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"cut_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"delete_text(int start_pos, int end_pos)",
"insert_text(int position, int text, int length)",
"paste_text(int position)",
"set_text_contents(int new_contents)"
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"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
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"get_link(int link_index)",
"get_link_index(int character_offset)",
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"add_selection(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_attribute_run(int offset, int include_defaults, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_attribute_value(int offset, int attribute_name)",
"get_text_attributes(int offset, int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_bounded_ranges(int x, int y, int width, int height, int type, int clipTypeX, int clipTypeY)",
"get_character_at_offset(int offset)",
"get_character_extents(int offset, int type)",
"get_offset_at_point(int x, int y, int type)",
"get_range_extents(int start_offset, int end_offset, int type)",
"get_selection(int selection_num)",
"get_string_at_offset(int offset, int granularity)",
"get_text(int start_offset, int end_offset)",
"get_text_after_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_at_offset(int offset, int type)",
"get_text_before_offset(int offset, int type)",
"remove_selection(int selection_num)",
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READY: Next test is 'table' (http://web-platform.test:8000/wai-aria/raw/table-manual.html) - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:50] "POST /start HTTP/1.1" 200 -
RUNNING TESTS: id: 'test' obj: [table | ]
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
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"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
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"get_uri(int i)",
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"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
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"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
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"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
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"Accessible": [
"get_child_at_index(int child_index)",
"set_cache_mask(int mask)"
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"get_matches_from(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int count, int traverse)",
"get_matches_to(int current_object, int rule, int sortby, int tree, int limit_scope, int count, int traverse)",
"is_ancestor_of(int test)"
"Component": [
"contains(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_accessible_at_point(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"get_extents(int ctype)",
"get_position(int ctype)",
"set_extents(int x, int y, int width, int height, int ctype)",
"set_position(int x, int y, int ctype)",
"set_size(int width, int height)"
"Hyperlink": [
"get_object(int i)",
"get_uri(int i)",
"Table": [
"add_column_selection(int column)",
"add_row_selection(int row)",
"get_accessible_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_at_index(int index)",
"get_column_description(int column)",
"get_column_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_column_header(int column)",
"get_index_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_at_index(int index)",
"get_row_column_extents_at_index(int index, int row, int col, int row_extents, int col_extents, int is_selected)",
"get_row_description(int row)",
"get_row_extent_at(int row, int column)",
"get_row_header(int row)",
"is_column_selected(int column)",
"is_row_selected(int row)",
"is_selected(int row, int column)",
"remove_column_selection(int column)",
"remove_row_selection(int row)"
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2. ['interface', 'Table', 'true'] {'message': 'DRY RUN', 'result': 'PASS'} - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:50] "POST /test HTTP/1.1" 200 - - - [21/Sep/2016 11:46:50] "GET /end HTTP/1.1" 200 -
Shutting down on signal SIGINT
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