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Last active May 6, 2017 21:50
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0. Like in algebra (remember those days?), variables are used in Javascript to assign a value. In Javascript, variables are
called as such because their values can be changed/reassigned. For example, a variable could be represented by something as simple
as "x" or "y" (again, like in algebra), though it would be better practice in Javascript to give your variables more pertinent names.
1. Declaring a variable.
To create a variable, use the keyword "var" and name it. This could look like:
var petName
where you are "declaring" var petName. The variable name should be in camelCase. thisIsCamelCase. ThisIsNot. Noristhis.
When a variable is first declared, it remains undefined because it hasn't had a value assigned to it. Think of it in terms of a form at
the vet's office. You may see "Pet's Name:" with a blank space next to it where you're supposed to write in your dog's name. The field
"Pet's Name" exists, but no one's going to know what your pet's name is until you write it in.
When we run "var petName", it will come up as undefined.
console.log(petName); // prints -> undefined
Which leads us to...
2. Initializing a variable (aka assigning a variable)
To assign a value to our variable, set the variable name to equal the desired value. The value can be any one of a variety of data types,
which we will discuss later.
petName = 'Bear';
where I have assigned "Bear" to petName. When I call petName, it will now print "Bear"
console.log(petName); //prints -> Bear
But also remember that we can reassign variables. Since I've decided I no longer like the name "Bear," I am renaming by pet. Now his name
is Mortimer.
petName = 'Mortimer';
console.log(petName); // prints -> Mortimer
3. Let and Const
You can also declare a variable with "let" and "const." Instead of something like "var chattyCathy" you could do "let chattyCathy" or "const
chattyCathy." But what's the difference?
3a. Let
Let are var are almost interchangeable, but not quite. The difference is all about scope. Let is used to declare variables that are limited in scope.
Below is a great example from MDN that explains things pretty well:
function varTest() {
var x = 1;
if (true) {
var x = 2; // same variable!
console.log(x); // 2
console.log(x); // 2
function letTest() {
let x = 1;
if (true) {
let x = 2; // different variable
console.log(x); // 2
console.log(x); // 1
3b. Const
Const declares a constant variable, which means it cannot be reassigned the way var can be. Trying to reassign a const will result in an error.
const favColor = "pink" // prints -> "pink"
favColor = "blue" // prints -> ERROR
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