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Created September 8, 2019 10:18
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An array based implementation of a segment tree
extension Int {
fileprivate func nextPowerOf2() -> Int {
guard self != 0 else {
return 1
return 1 << (bitWidth - (self - 1).leadingZeroBitCount)
struct SegmentTree<T: Comparable> {
private var array: [T]
private let priority: (T, T) -> T
private let inputMax: Int
init(_ elements: [T], priority: @escaping (T, T) -> T) {
precondition(!elements.isEmpty, "elements shouldn't be empty")
self.priority = priority
self.array = Array(repeating: elements.first!, count: elements.count.nextPowerOf2() * 2 - 1)
self.inputMax = elements.count - 1
construct(input: elements, min: 0, max: elements.count-1, pos: 0)
private mutating func construct(input: [T], min: Int, max: Int, pos: Int) {
guard min != max else {
array[pos] = input[min]
let mid = min + (max - min) / 2
construct(input: input, min: min, max: mid, pos: 2*pos+1)
construct(input: input, min: mid+1, max: max, pos: 2*pos+2)
array[pos] = priority(array[2*pos+1], array[2*pos+2])
public func query(min: Int, max: Int) -> T? {
guard min >= 0, max <= inputMax else { return nil }
return query(qMin: min, qMax: max, min: 0, max: inputMax, pos: 0)
public mutating func update(index: Int, value: T) {
update(index: index, value: value, min: 0, max: inputMax, pos: 0)
private mutating func update(index: Int, value: T, min: Int, max: Int, pos: Int) {
if index < min || index > max { return }
if min == max {
array[pos] = value
let mid = min + (max - min) / 2
update(index: index, value: value, min: min, max: mid, pos: 2*pos+1)
update(index: index, value: value, min: mid+1, max: max, pos: 2*pos+2)
array[pos] = priority(array[2*pos+1], array[2*pos+2])
private func query(qMin: Int, qMax: Int, min: Int, max: Int, pos: Int) -> T? {
if qMin <= min, qMax >= max { // total overlap
return array[pos]
if qMin > max || qMax < min { // no overlap
return nil
// partial overlap
let mid = min + (max - min) / 2
let left = query(qMin: qMin, qMax: qMax, min: min, max: mid, pos: 2*pos+1)
let right = query(qMin: qMin, qMax: qMax, min: mid+1, max: max, pos: 2*pos+2)
if let left = left, let right = right {
return priority(left,right)
} else if let left = left {
return left
} else if let right = right {
return right
} else {
return nil
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