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Last active March 15, 2020 05:16
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struct HeightedUnion {
typealias QuickUnionRootHeight = (root: Int, height: Int)
private var ids: [Int]
// Complexity: O(n)
init(_ N: Int) {
ids = Array(0..<N)
private func rootHeight(var i: Int) -> QuickUnionRootHeight {
var height = 1
while (i != ids[i]) {
i = ids[i]
return (i, height)
// Complexity: O(n) - Worst carse we will traverse everything
func connected(p: Int, q: Int) -> Bool {
return rootHeight(p).root == rootHeight(q).root
// Complexity: O(n) - Worst carse we will traverse everything
mutating func union(from: Int, _ to: Int) {
let rootHeightFrom = rootHeight(from)
let rootHeightTo = rootHeight(to)
if rootHeightFrom.height <= rootHeightTo.height {
ids[from] = to
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