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Created September 14, 2020 12:44
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Automate the authentication of Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client in macOS
set vpnServer to ""
set vpnPassword to "myb64pwd"
set vpnAppBundleName to "Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client"
set vpnAppBundleId to ""
set keyCodeDelete to 51
set keyCodeReturn to 36
set tinyDelay to 1
set smallDelay to 3
--Decode base64 string
on base64decode(str)
return do shell script "base64 -D <<<" & quoted form of str
end base64decode
--Open the application
tell application vpnAppBundleName
end tell
set decodedPwd to base64decode(vpnPassword)
--Main tell block
tell application "System Events"
delay tinyDelay
tell process vpnAppBundleName
set frontmost to true
set visible to true
--Set the VPN server
keystroke "a" using command down
key code keyCodeDelete
keystroke vpnServer
key code keyCodeReturn
--Wait for the connection and authentication dialog
delay smallDelay
--Input authentication
keystroke decodedPwd
key code keyCodeReturn
end tell
end tell
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