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Created December 31, 2018 16:56
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A Tibia 12 bot
#! python3
from PIL import Image
import pyautogui, sys, time, random, pytesseract, os
print('At any time, press Ctrl-C to quit the bot.\n')
clientDetected = False
clientPlaying = False
accountName = 'account' # Account
accountPass = 'password' # Password
accountChar = 'Character Name' # Desired character to login
accountPremium = False # Auto detected, just a variable
accountTotalChars = 4 # Total chars at account (still need to find a way to do it better)
accountChars = []
acctountLoggedChar = None
def getDirectionAxis(fromX, fromY, toX, toY):
if (toX == fromX):
if (toY < fromY):
return 0
return 4
if (toY == fromY):
if (toX < fromX):
return 6
return 2
if (toX < fromX):
if (toY < fromY):
return 7
return 5
if (toY < fromY):
return 1
return 3
def getDirName(directionAxis):
return {
0: 'N',
1: 'NE',
2: 'E',
3: 'SE',
4: 'S',
5: 'SW',
6: 'W',
7: 'NW',
def getPid(program):
os.system('(pidof ' + program + ') > .tmp')
pid = open('.tmp', 'r').read()
return pid.strip()
def getWindow(pid):
os.system('(xdotool search --pid ' + pid + ') > .tmp')
window = open('.tmp', 'r').read()
return window.strip()
def getActualDesktop():
os.system('(xdotool get_desktop) > .tmp')
desktop = open('.tmp', 'r').read()
return desktop.strip()
def goToDesktop(desktop):
os.system('(xdotool set_desktop ' + desktop + ') > .tmp')
return True
def getWindowDesktop(window):
os.system('(xdotool get_desktop_for_window ' + window + ') > .tmp')
windowDesktop = open('.tmp', 'r').read()
return windowDesktop.strip()
def setFocus(window):
os.system('(xdotool windowfocus ' + window + ') > .tmp')
window = open('.tmp', 'r').read()
return True
def maximizeWindow(window):
os.system('(xdotool windowmove ' + window + ' 0 0) > .tmp')
os.system('(xdotool windowsize ' + window + ' $(xdotool getdisplaygeometry)) > .tmp')
os.system('(xdotool windowactivate ' + window + ') > .tmp')
return True
def minimizeWindow(window):
os.system('(xdotool windowminimize ' + window + ') > .tmp')
return True
def setWindowPos(window, x, y):
os.system('(xdotool windowmove ' + window + ' ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y) +') > .tmp')
return True
return True
def resizeWindow(window, x, y):
os.system('(xdotool windowsize ' + window + ' ' + str(x) + ' ' + str(y) + ') > .tmp')
return True
def getWindowTitle(window):
os.system('(xdotool getwindowname ' + window + ') > .tmp')
windowTitle = open('.tmp', 'r').read()
return windowTitle.strip()
def clearImage(image):
pixels = image.load()
for i in range(image.size[0]):
for j in range(image.size[1]):
x,y,z = pixels[i,j][0],pixels[i,j][1],pixels[i,j][2]
x,y,z = abs(x-255), abs(y-255), abs(z-255)
# Black Range
if (x >= 100 and x <= 254):
if (y >= 100 and y <= 254):
if (y >= 100 and y <= 254):
pixels[i,j] = (x,y,z)
width, height = image.size
image = image.resize(((width * 2), (height * 2)), Image.NEAREST)
return image
def accountLogin():
global clientDetected, clientPlaying, accountPremium, accountChars, acctountLoggedChar
dialog = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('./images/client_login.png');
if (dialog != None):
dialogX = dialog[0]
dialogY = dialog[1]
delay = (random.randint(1, 25) / 100)
# Account Name
pyautogui.moveTo(dialogX + random.randint(170, 255), dialogY + random.randint(35, 45))'left', clicks=2, interval=delay)
pyautogui.typewrite(accountName, delay)
time.sleep((random.randint(3,10) / 100))
delay = (random.randint(1, 25) / 100)
# Account Password
pyautogui.moveTo(dialogX + random.randint(170, 255), dialogY + random.randint(65, 75))'left', clicks=2, interval=delay)
pyautogui.typewrite(accountPass, delay)
time.sleep((random.randint(3,10) / 100))
delay = (random.randint(1, 25) / 100)
# Login Button
pyautogui.moveTo(dialogX + random.randint(170, 255), dialogY + random.randint(145, 161))'left')
time.sleep(1 + (random.randint(2,5) / 100))
delay = (random.randint(1, 25) / 100)
dialogError = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('./images/login_error.png')
if (dialogError != None):
print('Account login erro detected, trying again.')
dialogErrorX = dialogError[0]
dialogErrorY = dialogError[1]
delay = (random.randint(1, 25) / 100)
pyautogui.moveTo(dialogX + random.randint(243, 280), dialogY + random.randint(66, 84))'left', clicks=1, interval=delay)
time.sleep((random.randint(3,10) / 100))
delay = (random.randint(1, 25) / 100)
return False
print('Login successfully.')
dialogChars = pyautogui.locateOnScreen('./images/client_characters.png');
if (dialogChars != None):
charactersImg = pyautogui.screenshot(region=(dialogChars[0], dialogChars[1], (dialogChars[0] + 635), (dialogChars[1] + 430)))
showOutfit = pyautogui.locate('./images/active_show_outfit.png', charactersImg)
if (showOutfit != None):
delay = (random.randint(1, 25) / 100)
pyautogui.moveTo(dialogChars[0] + 215, dialogChars[1] + 404)'left', clicks=1, interval=delay)
charactersImg = pyautogui.screenshot(region=(dialogChars[0], dialogChars[1], (dialogChars[0] + 635), (dialogChars[1] + 430)))
premium = pyautogui.locate('./images/premium.png', charactersImg)
if (premium != None):
print("Detected that this account is a Premium Account.");
accountPremium = True;
for x in range(0, accountTotalChars):
charName = charactersImg.crop((17,(47 + (x * 29)),294,(76 + (x * 29))))
charName = clearImage(charName)
charNameTxt = pytesseract.image_to_string(charName);
charLvl = charactersImg.crop((296,(47 + (x * 29)),339,(76 + (x * 29))))
charLvl = clearImage(charLvl)
charLvlTxt = pytesseract.image_to_string(charLvl);
charClasse = charactersImg.crop((341,(47 + (x * 29)),454,(76 + (x * 29))))
charClasse = clearImage(charClasse)
charClasseTxt = pytesseract.image_to_string(charClasse);
selectedChar = False
if (charNameTxt == accountChar):
selectedChar = True
accountChars.insert(x, (charNameTxt, charClasseTxt, charLvlTxt, selectedChar))
print('Char: ' + charNameTxt + ' - ' + charClasseTxt + ' (' + charLvlTxt + ') ', ("","[Playing]")[selectedChar == True])
for charIdx, char in enumerate(accountChars):
if (char[3] == True):
delay = (random.randint(1, 25) / 100)
pyautogui.moveTo(dialogChars[0] + random.randint(341,454), dialogChars[1] + random.randint((47 + (charIdx * 29)), (76 + (charIdx * 29))))'left', clicks=2, interval=delay)
clientPlaying = True
acctountLoggedChar = charIdx
print("Account logged successfully")
return True
print('No character selection dialog detected, trying again.')
return False
def detectGameOpen():
global clientDetected, clientPlaying, accountChars, acctountLoggedChar
clientDetected = False
clientPlaying = False
pid = getPid('Tibia/client')
if (pid != False and pid != ""):
window = getWindow(pid)
if (window != False and window != ""):
clientDetected = True
title = getWindowTitle(window).split(" - ")
if (len(title) == 2):
clientPlaying = True
accountChars.insert(0, (title[1], "Unknow", "00", True))
acctountLoggedChar = 0
def detectAlreadyLoggedCharacter():
return True; # TODO
def start():
while True:
if (clientDetected == False):
print('Detecting Tibia Client')
if (clientDetected == False and clientPlaying == False):
print('Could not find the Tibia Client');
if (clientDetected == True and clientPlaying == False):
print('Logging into Tibia account')
if (clientDetected == True and clientPlaying == True):
# if (acctountLoggedChar == None):
# detectAlreadyLoggedCharacter()
return False
except KeyboardInterrupt:
print('\n\nBot stoped...\n\n')
# main start
if (clientDetected == True and clientPlaying == True):
char = accountChars[acctountLoggedChar]
x, y = pyautogui.position()
positionStr = '\n\nCharacter: ' + char[0] + '\n' + 'Profession: ' + char[1] + '\n' + 'Level: ' + char[2] + '\n\nMouse Position:\nX: ' + str(x).rjust(4) + '\nY: ' + str(y).rjust(4) + '\nDir: ' + getDirName(getDirectionAxis(x,y,2925,191)).ljust(2, ' ')
print(positionStr, end='')
print('\b' * len(positionStr), end='', flush=True)
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PyautoGUI é muito bom, porem o FASTGRAB não se compara na performance...
Vlw por compartilhar jovem!

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Opa, valew por compartilhar essa informação! não conhecia o FASTGRAB, provavelmente utilize em outras aplicações.

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Kirattus commented Aug 26, 2021

from fastgrab import screenshot
import pyautogui
import time

inicio = time.time()
for x in range(0,100):
    img = screenshot.Screenshot().capture()
fim = time.time()
print(fim - inicio)

inicio = time.time()
for x in range(0,100):
    img = pyautogui.screenshot()
fim = time.time()
print(fim - inicio)


eu gostei foi do seu projeto "pyxdotool-wrapper", aproveitei ele todo, performance 100x melhor que do meu projeto.
Não sei se você percebeu nos seus testes(se testou já haha), mas o PyAutoGUI freeza o jogo (.5sec~ no linux) quando faz interações (click e Hotkeys). O pynput (keyboard) já não tive esse problema...
Nunca trabalhei com programação, mas fico brincando com python pra desenvolver minha logica haha
Espero ter compartilhado algo de útil também... tmj

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