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Created July 19, 2017 20:38
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Bucket Sort python code.
import random
import math
import timeit
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
timeBubble = []
timeSelection = []
timeInsertion = []
timeQuick = []
timeMerge = []
timeShell = []
timeCounting = []
timeRadix = []
timeBucket = []
elementos = [1000, 5000, 9000, 13000, 17000, 21000, 25000]
def randArray(length):
array = []
tmp = 0
while tmp < length:
num = random.randint(1, length*10)
if num not in array:
tmp += 1
return array
def bubbleSort(array):
for i in range(len(array)-1, 0, -1):
for j in range(i):
if array[j] > array[j+1]:
tmp = array[j]
array[j] = array[j+1]
array[j+1] = tmp
def selectionSort(array):
for position in range(len(array)-1, 0, -1):
tmp = 0
maxPosition = 0
for location in range(1, position + 1):
if array[location] > array[maxPosition]:
maxPosition = location
tmp = array[position]
array[position] = array[maxPosition]
array[maxPosition] = tmp
def insertionSort(array):
for i in range(1, len(array)):
tmp = 0
tmp = array[i]
position = i
while position > 0 and array[position - 1] > tmp:
array[position] = array[position - 1]
position -= 1
array[position] = tmp
def quickSort(array):
pivote = len(array) // 2
lesser, equal, greater = [], [], []
for i in range(len(array)):
if array[i] < array[pivote]:
elif array[i] > array[pivote]:
else: equal.append(array[i])
if len(lesser) > 1:
lesser = quickSort(lesser)
if len(greater) > 1:
greater = quickSort(greater)
return lesser + equal + greater
def mergeSort(array):
if len(array) > 1:
half = len(array) // 2
lArray = array[:half]
rArray = array[half:]
lMark, rMark, position = 0, 0, 0
while lMark < len(lArray) and rMark < len(rArray):
if lArray[lMark] < rArray[rMark]:
array[position] = lArray[lMark]
lMark += 1
array[position] = rArray[rMark]
rMark += 1
position += 1
while lMark < len(lArray):
array[position] = lArray[lMark]
lMark += 1
position += 1
while rMark < len(rArray):
array[position] = rArray[rMark]
rMark += 1
position += 1
def shellSort(array):
gap = len(array) // 2
while gap > 0:
for i in range(gap):
for j in range(i+gap, len(array), gap):
_tmp = array[j]
pos = j
while pos>=gap and array[pos] > array[pos-gap]:
array[pos] = array[pos-gap]
pos = pos-gap
array[pos] = _tmp
gap = gap // 2
def countingSort(array):
countI = max(array) + 1
countA = [0]*countI
position = 0
for freq in array:
countA[freq] += 1
for freq in range(countI):
for i in range(countA[freq]):
array[position] += 1
position += 1
return array
def radixSort(lista):
RADIX = 10
maxLength = False
tmp = -1
placement = 1
while not maxLength:
maxLength = True
buckets = [list() for _ in range( RADIX )]
for i in lista:
tmp = i // placement
buckets[tmp % RADIX].append( i )
if maxLength and tmp > 0:
maxLength = False
a = 0
for b in range( RADIX ):
buck = buckets[b]
for i in buck:
lista[a] = i
a += 1
placement *= RADIX
def hashing(array):
m = array[0]
for i in range(1, len(array)):
if ( m < array[i] ):
m = array[i]
result = [m,int(math.sqrt( len(array)))]
return result
def re_hashing(i, code ):
return int(i/code[0]*(code[1]-1))
def bucketSort(array):
code = hashing(array)
buckets = [list() for _ in range( code[1] )]
for i in array:
x = re_hashing( i, code )
buck = buckets[x]
buck.append( i )
for bucket in buckets:
ndx = 0
for b in range( len( buckets ) ):
for v in buckets[b]:
array[ndx] = v
ndx += 1
def timePopulate():
for numElementos in elementos:
base = []
base = randArray(numElementos)
_tmp = list(base)
timeBubble.append(timeit.timeit("bubbleSort({})".format(_tmp), \
setup="from __main__ import bubbleSort", \
_tmp = list(base)
timeSelection.append(timeit.timeit("selectionSort({})".format(_tmp), \
setup="from __main__ import selectionSort", \
_tmp = list(base)
timeInsertion.append(timeit.timeit("insertionSort({})".format(_tmp), \
setup="from __main__ import insertionSort", \
_tmp = list(base)
timeQuick.append(timeit.timeit("quickSort({})".format(_tmp), \
setup="from __main__ import quickSort", \
_tmp = list(base)
timeMerge.append(timeit.timeit("mergeSort({})".format(_tmp), \
setup="from __main__ import mergeSort", \
_tmp = list(base)
timeShell.append(timeit.timeit("shellSort({})".format(_tmp), \
setup="from __main__ import shellSort", \
_tmp = list(base)
timeCounting.append(timeit.timeit("countingSort({})".format(_tmp), \
setup="from __main__ import countingSort", \
_tmp = list(base)
timeRadix.append(timeit.timeit("radixSort({})".format(_tmp), \
setup="from __main__ import radixSort", \
_tmp = list(base)
timeBucket.append(timeit.timeit("bucketSort({})".format(_tmp), \
setup="from __main__ import bucketSort", \
def axis():
plt.plot(elementos, timeBubble, label="Bubble Sort")
plt.plot(elementos, timeSelection, label="Selection Sort")
plt.plot(elementos, timeInsertion, label="Insertion Sort")
plt.plot(elementos, timeQuick, label="QuickSort")
plt.plot(elementos, timeMerge, label="MergeSort")
plt.plot(elementos, timeShell, label="ShellSort")
plt.plot(elementos, timeCounting, label="CountingSort")
plt.plot(elementos, timeRadix, label="RadixSort")
plt.plot(elementos, timeBucket, label="BucketSort")
def graphic():
plt.legend(loc='upper center', shadow=True).get_frame().set_facecolor('0.90')
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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