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Last active March 30, 2021 11:43
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babashka script to generate a frequency distribution table
(ns script
(:require [clojure.pprint :as pprint]))
(def sequence (sort (map #(Float/parseFloat %) *command-line-args*)))
(def n (count sequence))
(def k (int (Math/ceil (Math/sqrt n))))
(def es (apply min sequence))
(def ei (apply max sequence))
(def i (/ (- ei es) k))
(def classes (map #(+ es (* i %)) (range k)))
(def table
(fn [j _class]
(let [lower-bound (+ es (* j i))
upper-bound (+ es (* (inc j) i))
range-fmt (str "[%5.2f, %.2f" (if (= (inc j) k) "]" ")"))
max-comp (if (= (inc j) k) <= <)
numbers (filter #(and (<= lower-bound %) (max-comp % upper-bound)) sequence)
F (count numbers)
F-prime (count (filter #(max-comp % upper-bound) sequence))
f (float (/ F n))
f-prime (float (/ F-prime n))
c (float (/ (+ lower-bound upper-bound) 2))]
{"j" (inc j)
"class" (format range-fmt lower-bound upper-bound)
"F" F
"F-prime" F-prime
"f" f
"f-prime" f-prime
"c" (format "%.2f" c)}))
(pprint/print-table table)
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