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Created February 22, 2021 20:56
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SQLRite - - Part 2
extern crate clap;
mod meta_command;
mod repl;
mod sql;
mod error;
use repl::{REPLHelper, get_config, get_command_type, CommandType};
use meta_command::{handle_meta_command};
use sql::{process_command};
use rustyline::error::ReadlineError;
use rustyline::{Editor};
use clap::{App, crate_authors, crate_description, crate_version};
fn main() -> rustyline::Result<()> {
let _matches = App::new("Rust-SQLite")
// Starting Rustyline with a default configuration
let config = get_config();
// Getting a new Rustyline Helper
let helper = REPLHelper::default();
// Initiatlizing Rustyline Editor with set config and setting helper
let mut repl = Editor::with_config(config);
// This method loads history file into memory
// If it doesn't exist, creates one
// TODO: Check history file size and if too big, clean it.
if repl.load_history("history").is_err() {
println!("No previous history.");
// Friendly intro message for the user
println!("Rust-SQLite - {}\n{}{}{}{}",
"Enter .exit to quit.\n",
"Enter .help for usage hints.\n",
"Connected to a transient in-memory database.\n",
"Use '.open FILENAME' to reopen on a persistent database.");
loop {
let p = format!("sqlrite> ");
.expect("No helper found")
.colored_prompt = format!("\x1b[1;32m{}\x1b[0m", p);
// Source for ANSI Color information:
let readline = repl.readline(&p);
match readline {
Ok(command) => {
// Parsing user's input and returning and enum of repl::CommandType
match get_command_type(&command.trim().to_owned()) {
CommandType::SQLCommand(_cmd) => {
// process_command takes care of tokenizing, parsing and executing
// the SQL Statement and returning a Result<String, SQLRiteError>
let _ = match process_command(&command) {
Ok(response) => println!("{}",response),
Err(err) => println!("An error occured: {}", err),
CommandType::MetaCommand(cmd) => {
// handle_meta_command parses and executes the MetaCommand
// and returns a Result<String, SQLRiteError>
let _ = match handle_meta_command(cmd) {
Ok(response) => println!("{}",response),
Err(err) => println!("An error occured: {}", err),
Err(ReadlineError::Interrupted) => {
Err(ReadlineError::Eof) => {
Err(err) => {
println!("An error occured: {:?}", err);
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