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Last active November 3, 2023 02:35
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Piece of code demonstrating how to build regressive features for machine learning modeling, such as the sum of sales for the last 3 months, the mean of sales for the last 6 months and so on.
# Creating a spine table with three columns ----
# customer_id: identifier of the customer, for which we are going to predict the next month sales
# year_month: reference date
# sales: the metric we want to predict
spine_tbl <- tibble(
customer_id = c(rep("João", 24), rep("Denise", 24)),
year_month = c( seq( ymd("2021-11-01"), ymd("2023-10-01"), by = '1 month' ), seq( ymd("2021-11-01"), ymd("2023-10-01"), by = '1 month' ) ),
sales = sample(100:1000, 48, replace = TRUE)
spine_tbl %>%
# Arrange to properly build the rolling and aggregated features
arrange(customer_id, year_month) %>%
group_by(customer_id) %>%
# We use the “lag” function because we can get data up to the current reference
# date (year_month) and NOT including the current year_month sales. That is because
# in theory, we do not know the sales of the current year_month.
sales1m = lag(sales),
sales2m = lag(sales, 2),
) %>%
na.omit() %>%
# Building the rolling and aggregated features
sum_sales = cumsum(sales1m),
sum_sales3m = zoo::rollapply(sales1m, 3, sum, partial = TRUE, align = "right"),
sum_sales6m = zoo::rollapply(sales1m, 6, sum, partial = TRUE, align = "right"),
mean_sales = cummean(sales1m),
mean_sales3m = zoo::rollapply(sales1m, 3, mean, partial = TRUE, align = "right"),
mean_sales6m = zoo::rollapply(sales1m, 6, mean, partial = TRUE, align = "right"),
# Output ----
# A tibble: 44 × 11
# Groups: customer_id [2]
# customer_id year_month sales sales1m sales2m sum_sales sum_sales3m sum_sales6m mean_sales mean_sales3m mean_sales6m
# <chr> <date> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <int> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1 Denise 2022-01-01 493 335 312 335 335 335 335 335 335
# 2 Denise 2022-02-01 726 493 335 828 828 828 414 414 414
# 3 Denise 2022-03-01 658 726 493 1554 1554 1554 518 518 518
# 4 Denise 2022-04-01 139 658 726 2212 1877 2212 553 626. 553
# 5 Denise 2022-05-01 626 139 658 2351 1523 2351 470. 508. 470.
# 6 Denise 2022-06-01 674 626 139 2977 1423 2977 496. 474. 496.
# 7 Denise 2022-07-01 524 674 626 3651 1439 3316 522. 480. 553.
# 8 Denise 2022-08-01 784 524 674 4175 1824 3347 522. 608 558.
# 9 Denise 2022-09-01 604 784 524 4959 1982 3405 551 661. 568.
# 10 Denise 2022-10-01 944 604 784 5563 1912 3351 556. 637. 558.
# ℹ 34 more rows
# So, for each customer, we can fit a machine learning algorithm to predict the sales
# for a specific year_month based on the following builded features:
# sales1m: last sales month
# sales2m: sales for the past 2 month
# sum_sales: cumulative sum, a.k.a total sales
# sum_sales3m: sum of the last 3 months
# sum_sales6m: sum of the last 6 months
# mean_sales: cumulative mean of sales
# mean_sales3m: mean sales of the last 3 months
# mean_sales6m: mean sales of the last 6 months
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