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Created October 1, 2014 18:05
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itemfit <- function(x, Zh = TRUE, X2 = FALSE, S_X2 = TRUE, group.size = 150, mincell = 1, S_X2.tables = FALSE,
empirical.plot = NULL, empirical.CI = 0, method = 'EAP', Theta = NULL,
impute = 0, ...){
fn <- function(collect, obj, Theta, ...){
tmpdat <- imputeMissing(obj, Theta)
tmpmod <- mirt(tmpdat, obj@nfact, pars = vals)
tmpmod@pars <- obj@pars
return(itemfit(tmpmod, Theta=Theta, ...))
if(is(x, 'MixedClass'))
stop('mixedmirt objects not supported')
discrete <- FALSE
if(is(x, 'DiscreteClass')){
class(x) <- 'MultipleGroupClass'
discrete <- TRUE
if(any($data)) && !is(x, 'MultipleGroupClass')){
if(impute == 0 || is.null(Theta))
stop('Fit statistics cannot be computed when there are missing data. Pass suitable
Theta and impute arguments to compute statistics following multiple data
collect <- vector('list', impute)
vals <- mod2values(x)
vals$est <- FALSE
collect <- myLapply(collect, fn, obj=x, Theta=Theta, vals=vals,
Zh=Zh, X2=X2, group.size=group.size, mincell=mincell,
S_X2.tables=S_X2.tables, empirical.plot=empirical.plot,
empirical.CI=empirical.CI, method=method, impute=0,
discrete=discrete, ...)
ave <- SD <- collect[[1L]]
pick1 <- 1:nrow(ave)
pick2 <- sapply(ave, is.numeric)
ave[pick1, pick2] <- SD[pick1, pick2] <- 0
for(i in 1L:impute)
ave[pick1, pick2] <- ave[pick1, pick2] + collect[[i]][pick1, pick2]
ave[pick1, pick2] <- ave[pick1, pick2]/impute
for(i in 1L:impute)
SD[pick1, pick2] <- (ave[pick1, pick2] - collect[[i]][pick1, pick2])^2
SD[pick1, pick2] <- sqrt(SD[pick1, pick2]/impute)
SD$item <- paste0('SD_', SD$item)
SD <- rbind(NA, SD)
return(rbind(ave, SD))
if(is(x, 'MultipleGroupClass')){
ret <- vector('list', length(x@pars))
Theta <- fscores(x, method=method, scores.only=TRUE, full.scores=TRUE, ...)
for(g in 1L:length(x@pars)){
tmpTheta <- Theta[x@Data$groupNames[g] == x@Data$group, , drop=FALSE]
tmp <- x@pars[[g]]
tmp@Data <- x@Data
tmp@Data$fulldata[[1L]] <- x@Data$fulldata[[g]]
ret[[g]] <- itemfit(tmp, Zh=Zh, X2=X2, group.size=group.size, mincell=mincell,
S_X2.tables=S_X2.tables, empirical.plot=empirical.plot,
Theta=tmpTheta, empirical.CI=empirical.CI, method=method,
impute=impute, discrete=discrete, ...)
names(ret) <- x@Data$groupNames
dots <- list(...)
discrete <- dots$discrete
discrete <- ifelse(is.null(discrete), FALSE, discrete)
if(S_X2.tables || discrete) Zh <- X2 <- FALSE
ret <- data.frame(item=colnames(x@Data$data))
J <- ncol(x@Data$data)
itemloc <- x@itemloc
pars <- x@pars
if(Zh || X2){
Theta <- fscores(x, verbose=FALSE, full.scores=TRUE,
scores.only=TRUE, method=method, ...)
prodlist <- attr(pars, 'prodlist')
nfact <- x@nfact + length(prodlist)
fulldata <- x@Data$fulldata[[1L]]
if(method %in% c('ML', 'WLE')){
for(i in 1L:ncol(Theta)){
tmp <- Theta[,i]
tmp[tmp %in% c(-Inf, Inf)] <- NA
Theta[Theta[,i] == Inf, i] <- max(tmp, na.rm=TRUE) + .1
Theta[Theta[,i] == -Inf, i] <- min(tmp, na.rm=TRUE) - .1
N <- nrow(Theta)
itemtrace <- matrix(0, ncol=ncol(fulldata), nrow=N)
for (i in 1L:J)
itemtrace[ ,itemloc[i]:(itemloc[i+1L] - 1L)] <- ProbTrace(x=pars[[i]], Theta=Theta)
LL <- itemtrace * fulldata
LL[LL < .Machine$double.eps] <- 1
Lmatrix <- matrix(log(LL[as.logical(fulldata)]), N, J)
mu <- sigma2 <- rep(0, J)
log_itemtrace <- log(itemtrace)
for(item in 1L:J){
P <- itemtrace[ ,itemloc[item]:(itemloc[item+1L]-1L)]
log_P <- log_itemtrace[ ,itemloc[item]:(itemloc[item+1L]-1L)]
mu[item] <- sum(P * log_P)
for(i in 1L:ncol(P))
for(j in 1L:ncol(P))
if(i != j)
sigma2[item] <- sigma2[item] + sum(P[,i] * P[,j] *
log_P[,i] * log(P[,i]/P[,j]))
ret$Zh <- (colSums(Lmatrix) - mu) / sqrt(sigma2)
#if all Rasch models, infit and outfit
if(all(x@itemtype %in% c('Rasch', 'rsm', 'gpcm'))){
oneslopes <- rep(FALSE, length(x@itemtype))
for(i in 1L:length(x@itemtype))
oneslopes[i] <- closeEnough(x@pars[[i]]@par[1L], 1-1e-10, 1+1e-10)
attr(x, 'inoutfitreturn') <- TRUE
pf <- personfit(x, method=method, Theta=Theta)
z2 <- pf$resid^2 / pf$W
outfit <- colSums(z2) / N
q.outfit <- sqrt(colSums((pf$C / pf$W^2) / N^2) - 1 / N)
q.outfit[q.outfit > 1.4142] <- 1.4142
z.outfit <- (outfit^(1/3) - 1) * (3/q.outfit) + (q.outfit/3)
infit <- colSums(pf$W * z2) / colSums(pf$W)
q.infit <- sqrt(colSums(pf$C - pf$W^2) / colSums(pf$W)^2)
q.infit[q.infit > 1.4142] <- 1.4142
z.infit <- (infit^(1/3) - 1) * (3/q.infit) + (q.infit/3)
ret$outfit <- outfit
ret$z.outfit <- z.outfit
ret$infit <- infit
ret$z.infit <- z.infit
if((X2 || !is.null(empirical.plot)) && nfact == 1L){
ord <- order(Theta[,1L])
fulldata <- fulldata[ord,]
Theta <- Theta[ord, , drop = FALSE]
den <- dnorm(Theta, 0, .5)
den <- den / sum(den)
cumTheta <- cumsum(den)
Groups <- rep(20, length(ord))
ngroups <- ceiling(nrow(fulldata) / group.size)
weight <- 1/ngroups
for(i in 1L:20L)
Groups[round(cumTheta,2) >= weight*(i-1) & round(cumTheta,2) < weight*i] <- i
n.uniqueGroups <- length(unique(Groups))
X2 <- df <- RMSEA <- rep(0, J)
if(nfact > 1L) stop('Cannot make empirical plot for multidimensional models')
theta <- seq(-4,4, length.out=40)
ThetaFull <- thetaComb(theta, nfact)
inames <- colnames(x@Data$data)
ind <- 1L:length(inames)
empirical.plot <- ind[inames == empirical.plot]
empirical.plot_P <- ProbTrace(pars[[empirical.plot]], ThetaFull)
empirical.plot_points <- matrix(NA, length(unique(Groups)), x@K[empirical.plot] + 2L)
for (i in 1L:J){
if(!is.null(empirical.plot) && i != empirical.plot) next
for(j in unique(Groups)){
dat <- fulldata[Groups == j, itemloc[i]:(itemloc[i+1] - 1), drop = FALSE]
r <- colSums(dat)
N <- nrow(dat)
mtheta <- matrix(mean(Theta[Groups == j,]), nrow=1)
tmp <- r/N
empirical.plot_points[j, ] <- c(mtheta, N, tmp)
P <- ProbTrace(x=pars[[i]], Theta=mtheta)
if(any(N * P < 2)){
df[i] <- df[i] - 1
X2[i] <- X2[i] + sum((r - N*P)^2 / N*P)
df[i] <- df[i] + n.uniqueGroups*(length(r) - 1) - sum(pars[[i]]@est)
X2[X2 == 0] <- NA
K <- x@K[empirical.plot]
EPCI.lower <- EPCI.upper <- NULL
if(K == 2 && empirical.CI != 0){
p.L <- function(x, alpha) if (x[1] == 0) 0 else qbeta(alpha, x[1], x[2] - x[1] + 1)
p.U <- function(x, alpha) if (x[1] == x[2]) 1 else
qbeta(1 - alpha, x[1] + 1, x[2] - x[1])
N <- empirical.plot_points[,2]
O <- empirical.plot_points[,ncol(empirical.plot_points)] * N
EPCI.lower <- apply(cbind(O, N), 1, p.L, (1-empirical.CI)/2)
EPCI.upper <- apply(cbind(O, N), 1, p.U, (1-empirical.CI)/2)
empirical.plot_points <- empirical.plot_points[,-2]
colnames(empirical.plot_points) <- c('theta', paste0('p.', 1:K))
while(nrow(empirical.plot_points) < nrow(empirical.plot_P))
empirical.plot_points <- rbind(empirical.plot_points,
rep(NA, length(empirical.plot_points[1,])))
plt.1 <- data.frame(id = 1:nrow(ThetaFull), Theta=ThetaFull, P=empirical.plot_P)
plt.1 <- reshape(plt.1, varying = 3:ncol(plt.1), direction = 'long', timevar = 'cat')
plt.2 <- data.frame(id = 1:nrow(empirical.plot_points), empirical.plot_points)
plt.2 <- reshape(plt.2, varying = 3:ncol(plt.2), direction = 'long', timevar = 'cat')
plt <- cbind(plt.1, plt.2)
if(K == 2) plt <- plt[plt$cat != 1, ]
return(xyplot(P ~ Theta, plt, group = cat,
main = paste('Empirical plot for item', empirical.plot),
ylim = c(-0.1,1.1), xlab = expression(theta), ylab=expression(P(theta)),
auto.key=ifelse(K==2, FALSE, TRUE), EPCI.lower=EPCI.lower,
panel = function(x, y, groups, subscripts, EPCI.lower, EPCI.upper, ...){
panel.xyplot(x=x, y=y, groups=groups, type='l',
subscripts=subscripts, ...)
panel.points(cbind(plt$theta, plt$p), col=groups, pch=groups, ...)
theta <- na.omit(plt$theta)
for(i in 1:length(theta))
panel.lines(c(theta[i], theta[i]), c(EPCI.lower[i],
lty = 2, col = 'red')
ret$X2 <- X2
ret$df <- df
ret$p.X2 <- round(1 - pchisq(X2, df), 4)
dat <- x@Data$data
adj <- x@Data$mins
if(any(adj > 0))
message('Data adjusted so that the lowest category score for every item is 0')
dat <- t(t(dat) - adj)
S_X2 <- df.S_X2 <- numeric(J)
O <- makeObstables(dat, x@K)
Nk <- rowSums(O[[1L]])
dots <- list(...)
QMC <- ifelse(is.null(dots$QMC), FALSE, dots$QMC)
quadpts <- dots$quadpts
if(is.null(quadpts) && QMC) quadpts <- 2000L
if(is.null(quadpts)) quadpts <- select_quadpts(x@nfact)
theta_lim <- dots$theta_lim
if(is.null(theta_lim)) theta_lim <- c(-6,6)
gp <- ExtractGroupPars(pars[[length(pars)]])
E <- EAPsum(x, S_X2 = TRUE, gp = gp, CUSTOM.IND=x@CUSTOM.IND,
quadpts=quadpts, theta_lim=theta_lim, discrete=discrete, QMC=QMC)
for(i in 1L:J)
E[[i]] <- E[[i]] * Nk
coll <- collapseCells(O, E, mincell=mincell)
if(S_X2.tables) return(list(,, O=coll$O, E=coll$E))
O <- coll$O
E <- coll$E
for(i in 1L:J){
if (is.null(dim(O[[i]]))) next
S_X2[i] <- sum((O[[i]] - E[[i]])^2 / E[[i]], na.rm = TRUE)
df.S_X2[i] <- sum(![[i]])) - nrow(E[[i]]) - sum(pars[[i]]@est)
S_X2[df.S_X2 <= 0] <- NaN
ret$S_X2 <- S_X2
ret$df.S_X2 <- df.S_X2
ret$p.S_X2 <- round(1 - pchisq(S_X2, df.S_X2), 4)
#' #make some data
#' set.seed(1234)
#' a <- matrix(rlnorm(20, meanlog=0, sdlog = .1),ncol=1)
#' d <- matrix(rnorm(20),ncol=1)
#' items <- rep('dich', 20)
#' data <- simdata(a,d, 2000, items)
#' x <- mirt(data, 1)
#' raschfit <- mirt(data, 1, itemtype='Rasch')
#' fit <- itemfit(x)
#' fit
#' itemfit(x, empirical.plot = 1) #empirical item plot
#' itemfit(x, empirical.plot = 1, empirical.CI = .99) #empirical item plot with 99% CI's
#' #method='ML' agrees better with eRm package
#' itemfit(raschfit, method = 'ML') #infit and outfit stats
#' #same as above, but inputting ML estimates instead
#' Theta <- fscores(raschfit, method = 'ML', full.scores=TRUE, scores.only=TRUE)
#' itemfit(raschfit, Theta=Theta)
#' #similar example to Kang and Chen 2007
#' a <- matrix(c(.8,.4,.7, .8, .4, .7, 1, 1, 1, 1))
#' d <- matrix(rep(c(2.0,0.0,-1,-1.5),10), ncol=4, byrow=TRUE)
#' dat <- simdata(a,d,2000, itemtype = rep('graded', 10)) - 1
#' head(dat)
#' mod <- mirt(dat, 1)
#' itemfit(mod)
#' mod2 <- mirt(dat, 1, 'Rasch')
#' itemfit(mod2)
#' #massive list of tables
#' tables <- itemfit(mod, S_X2.tables = TRUE)
#' #observed and expected total score patterns for item 1 (post collapsing)
#' tables$O[[1]]
#' tables$E[[1]]
#' # fit stats with missing data (run in parallel using all cores)
#' data[sample(1:prod(dim(data)), 500)] <- NA
#' raschfit <- mirt(data, 1, itemtype='Rasch')
#' mirtCluster()
#' Theta <- fscores(raschfit, method = 'ML', full.scores=TRUE)
#' itemfit(raschfit, impute = 10, Theta=Theta)
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