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Created June 15, 2017 14:08
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* jQuery JavaScript Library v2.1.3
* Includes Sizzle.js
* Copyright 2005, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* Date: 2014-12-18T15:11Z
function updateEmbedCode() {
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var o = a.src || a.href || $("iframe", a)[0].src,
s = Cookies.get(atCookie),
i = Cookies.get(ctCookie);
if (
? $(".campaign-link").show()
: $(".campaign-link").hide(), -1 === o.indexOf("?") &&
(o += "?"), atParamRegex.test(o)
? (atReplaceParamValue = -1 === $.inArray(s, badTokenValues)
? "&at=" + s
: "", o = o.replace(atReplaceParamRegex, atReplaceParamValue))
: -1 === $.inArray(s, badTokenValues) &&
? o = o.slice(0, o.indexOf("id=")) +
"at=" +
s +
"&" +
: o += "&at=" + s), ctParamRegex.test(o)
? (ctReplaceParamValue = -1 === $.inArray(i, badTokenValues)
? "&ct=" + i
: "", o = o.replace(ctReplaceParamRegex, ctReplaceParamValue))
: -1 === $.inArray(i, badTokenValues) &&
? atParamRegex.test(o) &&
(o = o.slice(0, o.indexOf("&id=")) +
"&ct=" +
i +
: o += "&ct=" + i), -1 !== $.inArray(s, badTokenValues) &&
(o = o.replace(ctReplaceParamRegex, "")), a.src = o
.substr(o.indexOf("://") + 1)
.replace(/\?$/i, ""), a.href = o.replace(/\?$/i, ""), n &&
($("iframe", a)[0].src = o.replace(
)), updatedEmbedCode = a.outerHTML
.replace(/amp\;/g, "")
.replace("?&", "?"), $("#embedCode").val(updatedEmbedCode), t)
if (($directLink = $(".direct-link"), o.indexOf("at=") > 1)) {
if (n)
o.indexOf("ct=") > 1
? $directLink.text().split("&at=")[0] + "&at=" + s + "&ct=" + i
: $directLink.text().split("&at=")[0] + "&at=" + s
else {
var d = o.slice(o.indexOf("at="), o.length);
-1 == o.indexOf("?") &&
(d = "?" + d.replace("&", "")), $directLink.text(
"&" ===
$directLink.text().charAt($directLink.text().indexOf("at=") - 1)
? $directLink.text().split("at=")[0] + d
: $directLink.text().split("at=")[0] + "&" + d
$directLink.attr("href", $directLink.text());
} else
function updateRssToken() {
var e = Cookies.get(atCookie);
? (currentToken = e, token = "?at=" + currentToken)
: (currentToken = "", token = "");
var t = $('input:radio[name="explicitOption"]:checked').val();
checkExplicit = "Yes" == t ? "explicit" : "non-explicit";
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checkFormat = "JSON" == a ? "json" : "xml", $("#feedUrl").val(
currentEmbedUri +
"/" +
$("#country").val() +
"/" +
$("#mediaType").val() +
"/" +
$("#feedType").val() +
"/" +
$("#resultsLimit").val() +
"/" +
checkExplicit +
"/" +
checkFormat +
function htmlDecode(e) {
var t = document.createElement("div");
return t.innerHTML = e, 0 === t.childNodes.length
? ""
: t.childNodes[0].nodeValue;
function getUrlParam(e) {
return decodeURIComponent(
(new RegExp("[?|&]" + e + "=([^&;]+?)(&|#|;|$)").exec( ||
["", ""])[1].replace(/\+/g, "%20")
) ||
function log(e) {
loggingEnabled && console.log(Math.round(new Date().getTime()), e);
!(function(e, t) {
"object" == typeof module && "object" == typeof module.exports
? module.exports = e.document
? t(e, !0)
: (function(e) {
if (!e.document)
throw new Error("jQuery requires a window with a document");
return t(e);
: t(e);
})("undefined" != typeof window ? window : this, function(e, t) {
function a(e) {
var t = e.length, a = Z.type(e);
return "function" === a || Z.isWindow(e)
? !1
: 1 === e.nodeType && t
? !0
: "array" === a ||
0 === t ||
"number" == typeof t && t > 0 && t - 1 in e;
function n(e, t, a) {
if (Z.isFunction(t)) return Z.grep(e, function(e, n) {
return !!, n, e) !== a;
if (t.nodeType) return Z.grep(e, function(e) {
return e === t !== a;
if ("string" == typeof t) {
if (dt.test(t)) return Z.filter(t, e, a);
t = Z.filter(t, e);
return Z.grep(e, function(e) {
return, e) >= 0 !== a;
function o(e, t) {
for (; (e = e[t]) && 1 !== e.nodeType; );
return e;
function s(e) {
var t = mt[e] = {};
return Z.each(e.match(bt) || [], function(e, a) {
t[a] = !0;
}), t;
function i() {
), e.removeEventListener("load", i, !1), Z.ready();
function d() {
Object.defineProperty(this.cache = {}, 0, {
get: function() {
return {};
}), this.expando = Z.expando + d.uid++;
function l(e, t, a) {
var n;
if (void 0 === a && 1 === e.nodeType)
if (
(n = "data-" + t.replace(wt, "-$1").toLowerCase(), a = e.getAttribute(
), "string" == typeof a)
) {
try {
a = "true" === a
? !0
: "false" === a
? !1
: "null" === a
? null
: +a + "" === a ? +a : yt.test(a) ? Z.parseJSON(a) : a;
} catch (o) {
vt.set(e, t, a);
} else
a = void 0;
return a;
function p() {
return !0;
function r() {
return !1;
function c() {
try {
return Q.activeElement;
} catch (e) {
function u(e, t) {
return Z.nodeName(e, "table") &&
Z.nodeName(11 !== t.nodeType ? t : t.firstChild, "tr")
? e.getElementsByTagName("tbody")[0] ||
: e;
function b(e) {
return e.type = (null !== e.getAttribute("type")) + "/" + e.type, e;
function m(e) {
var t = Rt.exec(e.type);
return t ? e.type = t[1] : e.removeAttribute("type"), e;
function g(e, t) {
for (
var a = 0, n = e.length;
n > a;
) ht.set(e[a], "globalEval", !t || ht.get(t[a], "globalEval"));
function f(e, t) {
var a, n, o, s, i, d, l, p;
if (1 === t.nodeType) {
if (ht.hasData(e) && (s = ht.access(e), i = ht.set(t, s), p = {
delete i.handle, = {};
for (o in p)
for (a = 0, n = p[o].length; n > a; a++)
Z.event.add(t, o, p[o][a]);
vt.hasData(e) && (d = vt.access(e), l = Z.extend({}, d), vt.set(t, l));
function h(e, t) {
var a = e.getElementsByTagName
? e.getElementsByTagName(t || "*")
: e.querySelectorAll ? e.querySelectorAll(t || "*") : [];
return void 0 === t || t && Z.nodeName(e, t) ? Z.merge([e], a) : a;
function v(e, t) {
var a = t.nodeName.toLowerCase();
"input" === a && $t.test(e.type)
? t.checked = e.checked
: ("input" === a || "textarea" === a) &&
(t.defaultValue = e.defaultValue);
function y(t, a) {
var n,
o = Z(a.createElement(t)).appendTo(a.body),
s = e.getDefaultComputedStyle && (n = e.getDefaultComputedStyle(o[0]))
? n.display
: Z.css(o[0], "display");
return o.detach(), s;
function w(e) {
var t = Q, a = Mt[e];
return a ||
(a = y(e, t), "none" !== a && a ||
(It = (It ||
Z("<iframe frameborder='0' width='0' height='0'/>")).appendTo(
), t = It[0].contentDocument, t.write(), t.close(), a = y(
), It.detach()), Mt[e] = a), a;
function k(e, t, a) {
var n, o, s, i, d =;
return a = a ||
), a && (i = a.getPropertyValue(t) || a[t]), a && ("" !== i || Z.contains(e.ownerDocument, e) || (i =, t)), zt.test(i) && Ft.test(t) && (n = d.width, o = d.minWidth, s = d.maxWidth, d.minWidth = d.maxWidth = d.width = i, i = a.width, d.width = n, d.minWidth = o, d.maxWidth = s)), void 0 !== i ? i + "" : i;
function x(e, t) {
return {
get: function() {
return e()
? void delete this.get
: (this.get = t).apply(this, arguments);
function C(e, t) {
if (t in e) return t;
for (
var a = t[0].toUpperCase() + t.slice(1), n = t, o = Gt.length;
) if ((t = Gt[o] + a, t in e)) return t;
return n;
function $(e, t, a) {
var n = Bt.exec(t);
return n ? Math.max(0, n[1] - (a || 0)) + (n[2] || "px") : t;
function T(e, t, a, n, o) {
for (
var s = a === (n ? "border" : "content") ? 4 : "width" === t ? 1 : 0,
i = 0;
4 > s;
s += 2
) "margin" === a && (i += Z.css(e, a + xt[s], !0, o)), n ? ("content" === a && (i -= Z.css(e, "padding" + xt[s], !0, o)), "margin" !== a && (i -= Z.css(e, "border" + xt[s] + "Width", !0, o))) : (i += Z.css(e, "padding" + xt[s], !0, o), "padding" !== a && (i += Z.css(e, "border" + xt[s] + "Width", !0, o)));
return i;
function E(e, t, a) {
var n = !0,
o = "width" === t ? e.offsetWidth : e.offsetHeight,
s = Ut(e),
i = "border-box" === Z.css(e, "boxSizing", !1, s);
if (0 >= o || null == o) {
if (
(o = k(e, t, s), (0 > o || null == o) && (o =[t]), zt.test(o))
return o;
n = i && (K.boxSizingReliable() || o ===[t]), o = parseFloat(o) ||
return o + T(e, t, a || (i ? "border" : "content"), n, s) + "px";
function _(e, t) {
for (
var a, n, o, s = [], i = 0, d = e.length;
d > i;
) n = e[i], && (s[i] = ht.get(n, "olddisplay"), a =, t ? (s[i] || "none" !== a || ( = ""), "" === && Ct(n) && (s[i] = ht.access(n, "olddisplay", w(n.nodeName)))) : (o = Ct(n), "none" === a && o || ht.set(n, "olddisplay", o ? a : Z.css(n, "display"))));
for (
i = 0;
d > i;
) n = e[i], && (t && "none" !== && "" !== || ( = t ? s[i] || "" : "none"));
return e;
function A(e, t, a, n, o) {
return new A.prototype.init(e, t, a, n, o);
function S() {
return setTimeout(function() {
Kt = void 0;
}), Kt =;
function j(e, t) {
var a, n = 0, o = { height: e };
for (
t = t ? 1 : 0;
4 > n;
n += 2 - t
) a = xt[n], o["margin" + a] = o["padding" + a] = e;
return t && (o.opacity = o.width = e), o;
function D(e, t, a) {
for (
var n, o = (aa[t] || []).concat(aa["*"]), s = 0, i = o.length;
i > s;
) if (n = o[s].call(a, t, e)) return n;
function O(e, t, a) {
var n,
c = this,
u = {},
b =,
m = e.nodeType && Ct(e),
g = ht.get(e, "fxshow");
a.queue ||
(d = Z._queueHooks(e, "fx"), null == d.unqueued &&
(d.unqueued = 0, l =, = function() {
d.unqueued || l();
}), d.unqueued++, c.always(function() {
c.always(function() {
d.unqueued--, Z.queue(e, "fx").length ||;
})), 1 === e.nodeType &&
("height" in t || "width" in t) &&
(a.overflow = [b.overflow, b.overflowX, b.overflowY], p = Z.css(
), r = "none" === p
? ht.get(e, "olddisplay") || w(e.nodeName)
: p, "inline" === r &&
"none" === Z.css(e, "float") &&
(b.display = "inline-block")), a.overflow && (b.overflow = "hidden", c.always(function() {
b.overflow = a.overflow[
], b.overflowX = a.overflow[1], b.overflowY = a.overflow[2];
for (n in t) if ((o = t[n], Jt.exec(o))) {
if (
(delete t[n], s = s || "toggle" === o, o === (m ? "hide" : "show"))
) {
if ("show" !== o || !g || void 0 === g[n]) continue;
m = !0;
u[n] = g && g[n] ||, n);
} else
p = void 0;
if (Z.isEmptyObject(u))
"inline" === ("none" === p ? w(e.nodeName) : p) && (b.display = p);
else {
g ? "hidden" in g && (m = g.hidden) : g = ht.access(e, "fxshow", {}), s &&
(g.hidden = !m), m ? Z(e).show() : c.done(function() {
}), c.done(function() {
var t;
ht.remove(e, "fxshow");
for (t in u), t, u[t]);
for (n in u)
i = D(m ? g[n] : 0, n, c), n in g ||
(g[n] = i.start, m &&
(i.end = i.start, i.start = "width" === n || "height" === n
? 1
: 0));
function N(e, t) {
var a, n, o, s, i;
for (a in e) if (
(n = Z.camelCase(a), o = t[n], s = e[a], Z.isArray(s) &&
(o = s[1], s = e[a] = s[0]), a !== n &&
(e[n] = s, delete e[a]), i = Z.cssHooks[n], i && "expand" in i)
) {
s = i.expand(s), delete e[n];
for (a in s)
a in e || (e[a] = s[a], t[a] = o);
} else
t[n] = o;
function L(e, t, a) {
var n,
s = 0,
i = ta.length,
d = Z.Deferred().always(function() {
delete l.elem;
l = function() {
if (o) return !1;
for (
var t = Kt || S(),
a = Math.max(0, p.startTime + p.duration - t),
n = a / p.duration || 0,
s = 1 - n,
i = 0,
l = p.tweens.length;
l > i;
return d.notifyWith(e, [p, s, a]), 1 > s && l
? a
: (d.resolveWith(e, [p]), !1);
p = d.promise({
elem: e,
props: Z.extend({}, t),
opts: Z.extend(!0, { specialEasing: {} }, a),
originalProperties: t,
originalOptions: a,
startTime: Kt || S(),
duration: a.duration,
tweens: [],
createTween: function(t, a) {
var n = Z.Tween(
p.opts.specialEasing[t] || p.opts.easing
return p.tweens.push(n), n;
stop: function(t) {
var a = 0, n = t ? p.tweens.length : 0;
if (o) return this;
for (o = !0; n > a; a++)
return t ? d.resolveWith(e, [p, t]) : d.rejectWith(e, [p, t]), this;
r = p.props;
for (
N(r, p.opts.specialEasing);
i > s;
) if (n = ta[s].call(p, e, r, p.opts)) return n;
), Z.isFunction(p.opts.start) &&, p), Z.fx.timer(Z.extend(l, { elem: e, anim: p, queue: p.opts.queue })), p.progress(p.opts.progress).done(p.opts.done, p.opts.complete).fail(;
function q(e) {
return function(t, a) {
"string" != typeof t && (a = t, t = "*");
var n, o = 0, s = t.toLowerCase().match(bt) || [];
if (Z.isFunction(a))
for (; n = s[o++]; )
"+" === n[0]
? (n = n.slice(1) || "*", (e[n] = e[n] || []).unshift(a))
: (e[n] = e[n] || []).push(a);
function R(e, t, a, n) {
function o(d) {
var l;
return s[d] = !0, Z.each(e[d] || [], function(e, d) {
var p = d(t, a, n);
return "string" != typeof p || i || s[p]
? i ? !(l = p) : void 0
: (t.dataTypes.unshift(p), o(p), !1);
}), l;
var s = {}, i = e === ya;
return o(t.dataTypes[0]) || !s["*"] && o("*");
function P(e, t) {
var a, n, o = Z.ajaxSettings.flatOptions || {};
for (a in t) void 0 !== t[a] && ((o[a] ? e : n || (n = {}))[a] = t[a]);
return n && Z.extend(!0, e, n), e;
function H(e, t, a) {
for (
var n, o, s, i, d = e.contents, l = e.dataTypes;
"*" === l[0];
) l.shift(), void 0 === n && (n = e.mimeType || t.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"));
if (n)
for (o in d)
if (d[o] && d[o].test(n)) {
if (l[0] in a)
s = l[0];
else {
for (o in a) {
if (!l[0] || e.converters[o + " " + l[0]]) {
s = o;
i || (i = o);
s = s || i;
return s ? (s !== l[0] && l.unshift(s), a[s]) : void 0;
function I(e, t, a, n) {
var o, s, i, d, l, p = {}, r = e.dataTypes.slice();
if (r[1]) for (i in e.converters) p[i.toLowerCase()] = e.converters[i];
for (s = r.shift(); s; ) if (
(e.responseFields[s] && (a[e.responseFields[s]] = t), !l &&
n &&
e.dataFilter &&
(t = e.dataFilter(t, e.dataType)), l = s, s = r.shift())
if ("*" === s)
s = l;
else if ("*" !== l && l !== s) {
if ((i = p[l + " " + s] || p["* " + s], !i))
for (o in p)
if (
(d = o.split(" "), d[1] === s &&
(i = p[l + " " + d[0]] || p["* " + d[0]]))
) {
i === !0
? i = p[o]
: p[o] !== !0 && (s = d[0], r.unshift(d[1]));
if (i !== !0)
if (i && e["throws"])
t = i(t);
try {
t = i(t);
} catch (c) {
return {
state: "parsererror",
error: i ? c : "No conversion from " + l + " to " + s
return { state: "success", data: t };
function M(e, t, a, n) {
var o;
if (Z.isArray(t)) Z.each(t, function(t, o) {
a || $a.test(e)
? n(e, o)
: M(e + "[" + ("object" == typeof o ? t : "") + "]", o, a, n);
else if (a || "object" !== Z.type(t)) n(e, t);
else for (o in t) M(e + "[" + o + "]", t[o], a, n);
function F(e) {
return Z.isWindow(e) ? e : 9 === e.nodeType && e.defaultView;
var z = [],
U = z.slice,
W = z.concat,
B = z.push,
V = z.indexOf,
Y = {},
X = Y.toString,
G = Y.hasOwnProperty,
K = {},
Q = e.document,
J = "2.1.3",
Z = function(e, t) {
return new Z.fn.init(e, t);
et = /^[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+|[\s\uFEFF\xA0]+$/g,
tt = /^-ms-/,
at = /-([\da-z])/gi,
nt = function(e, t) {
return t.toUpperCase();
Z.fn = Z.prototype = {
jquery: J,
constructor: Z,
selector: "",
length: 0,
toArray: function() {
get: function(e) {
return null != e ? 0 > e ? this[e + this.length] : this[e] :;
pushStack: function(e) {
var t = Z.merge(this.constructor(), e);
return t.prevObject = this, t.context = this.context, t;
each: function(e, t) {
return Z.each(this, e, t);
map: function(e) {
return this.pushStack(, function(t, a) {
return, a, t);
slice: function() {
return this.pushStack(U.apply(this, arguments));
first: function() {
return this.eq(0);
last: function() {
return this.eq(-1);
eq: function(e) {
var t = this.length, a = +e + (0 > e ? t : 0);
return this.pushStack(a >= 0 && t > a ? [this[a]] : []);
end: function() {
return this.prevObject || this.constructor(null);
push: B,
sort: z.sort,
splice: z.splice
}, Z.extend = Z.fn.extend = function() {
var e,
i = arguments[0] || {},
d = 1,
l = arguments.length,
p = !1;
for (
"boolean" == typeof i && (p = i, i = arguments[d] || {}, d++), "object" ==
typeof i ||
Z.isFunction(i) ||
(i = {}), d === l && (i = this, d--);
l > d;
if (null != (e = arguments[d]))
for (t in e)
a = i[t], n = e[t], i !== n &&
(p && n && (Z.isPlainObject(n) || (o = Z.isArray(n)))
? (o
? (o = !1, s = a && Z.isArray(a) ? a : [])
: s = a && Z.isPlainObject(a) ? a : {}, i[t] = Z.extend(
: void 0 !== n && (i[t] = n));
return i;
}, Z.extend({
expando: "jQuery" + (J + Math.random()).replace(/\D/g, ""),
isReady: !0,
error: function(e) {
throw new Error(e);
noop: function() {},
isFunction: function(e) {
return "function" === Z.type(e);
isArray: Array.isArray,
isWindow: function(e) {
return null != e && e === e.window;
isNumeric: function(e) {
return !Z.isArray(e) && e - parseFloat(e) + 1 >= 0;
isPlainObject: function(e) {
return "object" !== Z.type(e) || e.nodeType || Z.isWindow(e)
? !1
: e.constructor && !, "isPrototypeOf")
? !1
: !0;
isEmptyObject: function(e) {
var t;
for (t in e)
return !1;
return !0;
type: function(e) {
return null == e
? e + ""
: "object" == typeof e || "function" == typeof e
? Y[] || "object"
: typeof e;
globalEval: function(e) {
var t, a = eval;
e = Z.trim(e), e &&
(1 === e.indexOf("use strict")
? (t = Q.createElement("script"), t.text = e, Q.head.appendChild(
: a(e));
camelCase: function(e) {
return e.replace(tt, "ms-").replace(at, nt);
nodeName: function(e, t) {
return e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === t.toLowerCase();
each: function(e, t, n) {
var o, s = 0, i = e.length, d = a(e);
if (n) {
if (d) for (; i > s && (o = t.apply(e[s], n), o !== !1); s++);
else for (s in e) if ((o = t.apply(e[s], n), o === !1)) break;
} else if (d) for (; i > s && (o =[s], s, e[s]), o !== !1); s++);
else for (s in e) if ((o =[s], s, e[s]), o === !1)) break;
return e;
trim: function(e) {
return null == e ? "" : (e + "").replace(et, "");
makeArray: function(e, t) {
var n = t || [];
return null != e &&
? Z.merge(n, "string" == typeof e ? [e] : e)
:, e)), n;
inArray: function(e, t, a) {
return null == t ? -1 :, e, a);
merge: function(e, t) {
for (var a = +t.length, n = 0, o = e.length; a > n; n++)
e[o++] = t[n];
return e.length = o, e;
grep: function(e, t, a) {
for (var n, o = [], s = 0, i = e.length, d = !a; i > s; s++)
n = !t(e[s], s), n !== d && o.push(e[s]);
return o;
map: function(e, t, n) {
var o, s = 0, i = e.length, d = a(e), l = [];
if (d) for (; i > s; s++) o = t(e[s], s, n), null != o && l.push(o);
else for (s in e) o = t(e[s], s, n), null != o && l.push(o);
return W.apply([], l);
guid: 1,
proxy: function(e, t) {
var a, n, o;
return "string" == typeof t && (a = e[t], t = e, e = a), Z.isFunction(e)
? (n =, 2), o = function() {
return e.apply(t || this, n.concat(;
}, o.guid = e.guid = e.guid || Z.guid++, o)
: void 0;
support: K
}), Z.each("Boolean Number String Function Array Date RegExp Object Error".split(" "), function(e, t) {
Y["[object " + t + "]"] = t.toLowerCase();
var ot /*!
* Sizzle CSS Selector Engine v2.2.0-pre
* Copyright 2008, 2014 jQuery Foundation, Inc. and other contributors
* Released under the MIT license
* Date: 2014-12-16
*/ = (function(
) {
function t(e, t, a, n) {
var o, s, i, d, l, p, c, b, m, g;
if (
((t ? t.ownerDocument || t : M) !== O && D(t), t = t || O, a = a ||
[], d = t.nodeType, "string" != typeof e ||
!e ||
1 !== d && 9 !== d && 11 !== d)
return a;
if (!n && L) {
if (11 !== d && (o = vt.exec(e)))
if (i = o[1]) {
if (9 === d) {
if ((s = t.getElementById(i), !s || !s.parentNode)) return a;
if ( === i) return a.push(s), a;
} else if (
t.ownerDocument &&
(s = t.ownerDocument.getElementById(i)) &&
H(t, s) && === i
return a.push(s), a;
} else {
if (o[2]) return J.apply(a, t.getElementsByTagName(e)), a;
if ((i = o[3]) && k.getElementsByClassName)
return J.apply(a, t.getElementsByClassName(i)), a;
if (k.qsa && (!q || !q.test(e))) {
if (
(b = c = I, m = t, g = 1 !== d && e, 1 === d &&
"object" !== t.nodeName.toLowerCase())
) {
for (
p = T(e), (c = t.getAttribute("id"))
? b = c.replace(wt, "\\$&")
: t.setAttribute("id", b), b = "[id='" +
b +
"'] ", l = p.length;
p[l] = b + u(p[l]);
m = yt.test(e) && r(t.parentNode) || t, g = p.join(",");
if (g)
try {
return J.apply(a, m.querySelectorAll(g)), a;
} catch (f) {
} finally {
c || t.removeAttribute("id");
return _(e.replace(lt, "$1"), t, a, n);
function a() {
function e(a, n) {
return t.push(a + " ") > x.cacheLength && delete e[t.shift()], e[
a + " "
] = n;
var t = [];
return e;
function n(e) {
return e[I] = !0, e;
function o(e) {
var t = O.createElement("div");
try {
return !!e(t);
} catch (a) {
return !1;
} finally {
t.parentNode && t.parentNode.removeChild(t), t = null;
function s(e, t) {
for (var a = e.split("|"), n = e.length; n--; )
x.attrHandle[a[n]] = t;
function i(e, t) {
var a = t && e,
n = a &&
1 === e.nodeType &&
1 === t.nodeType &&
(~t.sourceIndex || Y) - (~e.sourceIndex || Y);
if (n) return n;
if (a) for (; a = a.nextSibling; ) if (a === t) return -1;
return e ? 1 : -1;
function d(e) {
return function(t) {
var a = t.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return "input" === a && t.type === e;
function l(e) {
return function(t) {
var a = t.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return ("input" === a || "button" === a) && t.type === e;
function p(e) {
return n(function(t) {
return t = +t, n(function(a, n) {
for (
var o, s = e([], a.length, t), i = s.length;
) a[o = s[i]] && (a[o] = !(n[o] = a[o]));
function r(e) {
return e && "undefined" != typeof e.getElementsByTagName && e;
function c() {}
function u(e) {
for (var t = 0, a = e.length, n = ""; a > t; t++)
n += e[t].value;
return n;
function b(e, t, a) {
var n = t.dir, o = a && "parentNode" === n, s = z++;
return t.first
? (function(t, a, s) {
for (; t = t[n]; )
if (1 === t.nodeType || o) return e(t, a, s);
: (function(t, a, i) {
var d, l, p = [F, s];
if (i) {
for (; t = t[n]; )
if ((1 === t.nodeType || o) && e(t, a, i)) return !0;
} else
for (; t = t[n]; )
if (1 === t.nodeType || o) {
if (
(l = t[I] || (t[I] = {}), (d = l[n]) &&
d[0] === F &&
d[1] === s)
return p[2] = d[2];
if ((l[n] = p, p[2] = e(t, a, i))) return !0;
function m(e) {
return e.length > 1
? (function(t, a, n) {
for (var o = e.length; o--; )
if (!e[o](t, a, n)) return !1;
return !0;
: e[0];
function g(e, a, n) {
for (var o = 0, s = a.length; s > o; o++)
t(e, a[o], n);
return n;
function f(e, t, a, n, o) {
for (var s, i = [], d = 0, l = e.length, p = null != t; l > d; d++)
(s = e[d]) && (!a || a(s, n, o)) && (i.push(s), p && t.push(d));
return i;
function h(e, t, a, o, s, i) {
return o && !o[I] && (o = h(o)), s && !s[I] && (s = h(s, i)), n(function(
) {
var p,
u = [],
b = [],
m = i.length,
h = n || g(t || "*", d.nodeType ? [d] : d, []),
v = !e || !n && t ? h : f(h, u, e, d, l),
y = a ? s || (n ? e : m || o) ? [] : i : v;
if ((a && a(v, y, d, l), o))
for (p = f(y, b), o(p, [], d, l), r = p.length; r--; )
(c = p[r]) && (y[b[r]] = !(v[b[r]] = c));
if (n) {
if (s || e) {
if (s) {
for (p = [], r = y.length; r--; )
(c = y[r]) && p.push(v[r] = c);
s(null, y = [], p, l);
for (r = y.length; r--; )
(c = y[r]) &&
(p = s ? et(n, c) : u[r]) > -1 &&
(n[p] = !(i[p] = c));
} else
y = f(y === i ? y.splice(m, y.length) : y), s
? s(null, i, y, l)
: J.apply(i, y);
function v(e) {
for (
var t,
o = e.length,
s = x.relative[e[0].type],
i = s || x.relative[" "],
d = s ? 1 : 0,
l = b(
function(e) {
return e === t;
p = b(
function(e) {
return et(t, e) > -1;
r = [
function(e, a, n) {
var o = !s && (n || a !== A) ||
((t = a).nodeType ? l(e, a, n) : p(e, a, n));
return t = null, o;
o > d;
if (a = x.relative[e[d].type])
r = [b(m(r), a)];
else {
if ((a = x.filter[e[d].type].apply(null, e[d].matches), a[I])) {
for (n = ++d; o > n && !x.relative[e[n].type]; n++);
return h(
d > 1 && m(r),
d > 1 &&
.slice(0, d - 1)
.concat({ value: " " === e[d - 2].type ? "*" : "" })
).replace(lt, "$1"),
n > d && v(e.slice(d, n)),
o > n && v(e = e.slice(n)),
o > n && u(e)
return m(r);
function y(e, a) {
var o = a.length > 0,
s = e.length > 0,
i = function(n, i, d, l, p) {
var r,
b = 0,
m = "0",
g = n && [],
h = [],
v = A,
y = n || s && x.find.TAG("*", p),
w = F += null == v ? 1 : Math.random() || 0.1,
k = y.length;
for (p && (A = i !== O && i); m !== k && null != (r = y[m]); m++) {
if (s && r) {
for (c = 0; u = e[c++]; )
if (u(r, i, d)) {
p && (F = w);
o && ((r = !u && r) && b--, n && g.push(r));
if ((b += m, o && m !== b)) {
for (c = 0; u = a[c++]; )
u(g, h, i, d);
if (n) {
if (b > 0) for (; m--; ) g[m] || h[m] || (h[m] =;
h = f(h);
J.apply(l, h), p &&
!n &&
h.length > 0 &&
b + a.length > 1 &&
return p && (F = w, A = v), g;
return o ? n(i) : i;
var w,
I = "sizzle" + 1 * new Date(),
M = e.document,
F = 0,
z = 0,
U = a(),
W = a(),
B = a(),
V = function(e, t) {
return e === t && (j = !0), 0;
Y = 1 << 31,
X = ({}).hasOwnProperty,
G = [],
K = G.pop,
Q = G.push,
J = G.push,
Z = G.slice,
et = function(e, t) {
for (var a = 0, n = e.length; n > a; a++)
if (e[a] === t) return a;
return -1;
tt = "checked|selected|async|autofocus|autoplay|controls|defer|disabled|hidden|ismap|loop|multiple|open|readonly|required|scoped",
at = "[\\x20\\t\\r\\n\\f]",
nt = "(?:\\\\.|[\\w-]|[^\\x00-\\xa0])+",
ot = nt.replace("w", "w#"),
st = "\\[" +
at +
"*(" +
nt +
")(?:" +
at +
"*([*^$|!~]?=)" +
at +
"*(?:'((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\"|(" +
ot +
"))|)" +
at +
it = ":(" +
nt +
")(?:\\((('((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\'])*)'|\"((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\\"])*)\")|((?:\\\\.|[^\\\\()[\\]]|" +
st +
dt = new RegExp(at + "+", "g"),
lt = new RegExp(
"^" + at + "+|((?:^|[^\\\\])(?:\\\\.)*)" + at + "+$",
pt = new RegExp("^" + at + "*," + at + "*"),
rt = new RegExp("^" + at + "*([>+~]|" + at + ")" + at + "*"),
ct = new RegExp("=" + at + "*([^\\]'\"]*?)" + at + "*\\]", "g"),
ut = new RegExp(it),
bt = new RegExp("^" + ot + "$"),
mt = {
ID: new RegExp("^#(" + nt + ")"),
CLASS: new RegExp("^\\.(" + nt + ")"),
TAG: new RegExp("^(" + nt.replace("w", "w*") + ")"),
ATTR: new RegExp("^" + st),
PSEUDO: new RegExp("^" + it),
CHILD: new RegExp(
"^:(only|first|last|nth|nth-last)-(child|of-type)(?:\\(" +
at +
"*(even|odd|(([+-]|)(\\d*)n|)" +
at +
"*(?:([+-]|)" +
at +
"*(\\d+)|))" +
at +
bool: new RegExp("^(?:" + tt + ")$", "i"),
needsContext: new RegExp(
"^" +
at +
"*[>+~]|:(even|odd|eq|gt|lt|nth|first|last)(?:\\(" +
at +
"*((?:-\\d)?\\d*)" +
at +
gt = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i,
ft = /^h\d$/i,
ht = /^[^{]+\{\s*\[native \w/,
vt = /^(?:#([\w-]+)|(\w+)|\.([\w-]+))$/,
yt = /[+~]/,
wt = /'|\\/g,
kt = new RegExp("\\\\([\\da-f]{1,6}" + at + "?|(" + at + ")|.)", "ig"),
xt = function(e, t, a) {
var n = "0x" + t - 65536;
return n !== n || a
? t
: 0 > n
? String.fromCharCode(n + 65536)
: String.fromCharCode(n >> 10 | 55296, 1023 & n | 56320);
Ct = function() {
try {
J.apply(G =, M.childNodes), G[
} catch ($t) {
J = {
apply: (
? (function(e, t) {
: (function(e, t) {
for (var a = e.length, n = 0; e[a++] = t[n++]; );
e.length = a - 1;
k = = {}, $ = t.isXML = function(e) {
var t = e && (e.ownerDocument || e).documentElement;
return t ? "HTML" !== t.nodeName : !1;
}, D = t.setDocument = function(e) {
var t, a, n = e ? e.ownerDocument || e : M;
return n !== O && 9 === n.nodeType && n.documentElement
? (O = n, N = n.documentElement, a = n.defaultView, a &&
a !== &&
? a.addEventListener("unload", Ct, !1)
: a.attachEvent && a.attachEvent("onunload", Ct)), L = !$(
), k.attributes = o(function(e) {
return e.className = "i", !e.getAttribute("className");
}), k.getElementsByTagName = o(function(e) {
return e.appendChild(
), !e.getElementsByTagName("*").length;
}), k.getElementsByClassName = ht.test(
), k.getById = o(function(e) {
return N.appendChild(
).id = I, !n.getElementsByName || !n.getElementsByName(I).length;
}), k.getById
? (x.find.ID = function(e, t) {
if ("undefined" != typeof t.getElementById && L) {
var a = t.getElementById(e);
return a && a.parentNode ? [a] : [];
}, x.filter.ID = function(e) {
var t = e.replace(kt, xt);
return function(e) {
return e.getAttribute("id") === t;
: (delete x.find.ID, x.filter.ID = function(e) {
var t = e.replace(kt, xt);
return function(e) {
var a = "undefined" != typeof e.getAttributeNode &&
return a && a.value === t;
}), x.find.TAG = k.getElementsByTagName
? (function(e, t) {
return "undefined" != typeof t.getElementsByTagName
? t.getElementsByTagName(e)
: k.qsa ? t.querySelectorAll(e) : void 0;
: (function(e, t) {
var a, n = [], o = 0, s = t.getElementsByTagName(e);
if ("*" === e) {
for (; a = s[o++]; )
1 === a.nodeType && n.push(a);
return n;
return s;
}), x.find.CLASS = k.getElementsByClassName &&
function(e, t) {
return L ? t.getElementsByClassName(e) : void 0;
}, R = [], q = [], (k.qsa = ht.test(n.querySelectorAll)) &&
(o(function(e) {
N.appendChild(e).innerHTML = "<a id='" +
I +
"'></a><select id='" +
I +
"-\f]' msallowcapture=''><option selected=''></option></select>", e.querySelectorAll("[msallowcapture^='']").length && q.push("[*^$]=" + at + "*(?:''|\"\")"), e.querySelectorAll("[selected]").length || q.push("\\[" + at + "*(?:value|" + tt + ")"), e.querySelectorAll("[id~=" + I + "-]").length || q.push("~="), e.querySelectorAll(":checked").length || q.push(":checked"), e.querySelectorAll("a#" + I + "+*").length || q.push(".#.+[+~]");
}), o(function(e) {
var t = n.createElement("input");
), e.appendChild(t).setAttribute("name", "D"), e.querySelectorAll("[name=d]").length && q.push("name" + at + "*[*^$|!~]?="), e.querySelectorAll(":enabled").length || q.push(":enabled", ":disabled"), e.querySelectorAll("*,:x"), q.push(",.*:");
})), (k.matchesSelector = ht.test(
P = N.matches ||
N.webkitMatchesSelector ||
N.mozMatchesSelector ||
N.oMatchesSelector ||
)) &&
o(function(e) {
k.disconnectedMatch =
),, "[s!='']:x"), R.push("!=", it);
}), q = q.length && new RegExp(q.join("|")), R = R.length &&
new RegExp(R.join("|")), t = ht.test(
), H = t || ht.test(N.contains)
? (function(e, t) {
var a = 9 === e.nodeType ? e.documentElement : e,
n = t && t.parentNode;
return e === n ||
!(!n ||
1 !== n.nodeType ||
? a.contains(n)
: e.compareDocumentPosition &&
16 & e.compareDocumentPosition(n)));
: (function(e, t) {
if (t) for (; t = t.parentNode; ) if (t === e) return !0;
return !1;
}), V = t
? (function(e, t) {
if (e === t) return j = !0, 0;
var a = !e.compareDocumentPosition - !t.compareDocumentPosition;
return a
? a
: (a = (e.ownerDocument || e) === (t.ownerDocument || t)
? e.compareDocumentPosition(t)
: 1, 1 & a ||
!k.sortDetached && t.compareDocumentPosition(e) === a
? e === n || e.ownerDocument === M && H(M, e)
? -1
: t === n || t.ownerDocument === M && H(M, t)
? 1
: S ? et(S, e) - et(S, t) : 0
: 4 & a ? -1 : 1);
: (function(e, t) {
if (e === t) return j = !0, 0;
var a,
o = 0,
s = e.parentNode,
d = t.parentNode,
l = [e],
p = [t];
if (!s || !d)
return e === n
? -1
: t === n
? 1
: s ? -1 : d ? 1 : S ? et(S, e) - et(S, t) : 0;
if (s === d) return i(e, t);
for (a = e; a = a.parentNode; )
for (a = t; a = a.parentNode; )
for (; l[o] === p[o]; )
return o ? i(l[o], p[o]) : l[o] === M ? -1 : p[o] === M ? 1 : 0;
}), n)
: O;
}, t.matches = function(e, a) {
return t(e, null, null, a);
}, t.matchesSelector = function(e, a) {
if (
((e.ownerDocument || e) !== O && D(e), a = a.replace(
), !(!k.matchesSelector || !L || R && R.test(a) || q && q.test(a)))
try {
var n =, a);
if (
n || k.disconnectedMatch || e.document && 11 !== e.document.nodeType
return n;
} catch (o) {
return t(a, O, null, [e]).length > 0;
}, t.contains = function(e, t) {
return (e.ownerDocument || e) !== O && D(e), H(e, t);
}, t.attr = function(e, t) {
(e.ownerDocument || e) !== O && D(e);
var a = x.attrHandle[t.toLowerCase()],
n = a &&, t.toLowerCase()) ? a(e, t, !L) : void 0;
return void 0 !== n
? n
: k.attributes || !L
? e.getAttribute(t)
: (n = e.getAttributeNode(t)) && n.specified ? n.value : null;
}, t.error = function(e) {
throw new Error("Syntax error, unrecognized expression: " + e);
}, t.uniqueSort = function(e) {
var t, a = [], n = 0, o = 0;
if (
(j = !k.detectDuplicates, S = !k.sortStable && e.slice(0), e.sort(V), j)
) {
for (; t = e[o++]; )
t === e[o] && (n = a.push(o));
for (; n--; )
e.splice(a[n], 1);
return S = null, e;
}, C = t.getText = function(e) {
var t, a = "", n = 0, o = e.nodeType;
if (o) {
if (1 === o || 9 === o || 11 === o) {
if ("string" == typeof e.textContent) return e.textContent;
for (e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling)
a += C(e);
} else if (3 === o || 4 === o) return e.nodeValue;
} else
for (; t = e[n++]; )
a += C(t);
return a;
}, x = t.selectors = {
cacheLength: 50,
createPseudo: n,
match: mt,
attrHandle: {},
find: {},
relative: {
">": { dir: "parentNode", first: !0 },
" ": { dir: "parentNode" },
"+": { dir: "previousSibling", first: !0 },
"~": { dir: "previousSibling" }
preFilter: {
ATTR: function(e) {
return e[1] = e[1].replace(kt, xt), e[3] = (e[3] ||
e[4] ||
e[5] ||
"").replace(kt, xt), "~=" === e[2] &&
(e[3] = " " + e[3] + " "), e.slice(0, 4);
CHILD: function(e) {
return e[1] = e[1].toLowerCase(), "nth" === e[1].slice(0, 3)
? (e[3] || t.error(e[0]), e[4] = +(e[4]
? e[5] + (e[6] || 1)
: 2 * ("even" === e[3] || "odd" === e[3])), e[5] = +(e[7] +
e[8] ||
"odd" === e[3]))
: e[3] && t.error(e[0]), e;
PSEUDO: function(e) {
var t, a = !e[6] && e[2];
return mt.CHILD.test(e[0])
? null
: (e[3]
? e[2] = e[4] || e[5] || ""
: a &&
ut.test(a) &&
(t = T(a, !0)) &&
(t = a.indexOf(")", a.length - t) - a.length) &&
(e[0] = e[0].slice(0, t), e[2] = a.slice(0, t)), e.slice(
filter: {
TAG: function(e) {
var t = e.replace(kt, xt).toLowerCase();
return "*" === e
? (function() {
return !0;
: (function(e) {
return e.nodeName && e.nodeName.toLowerCase() === t;
CLASS: function(e) {
var t = U[e + " "];
return t ||
(t = new RegExp("(^|" + at + ")" + e + "(" + at + "|$)")) &&
U(e, function(e) {
return t.test(
"string" == typeof e.className && e.className ||
"undefined" != typeof e.getAttribute &&
e.getAttribute("class") ||
ATTR: function(e, a, n) {
return function(o) {
var s = t.attr(o, e);
return null == s
? "!=" === a
: a
? (s += "", "=" === a
? s === n
: "!=" === a
? s !== n
: "^=" === a
? n && 0 === s.indexOf(n)
: "*=" === a
? n && s.indexOf(n) > -1
: "$=" === a
? n && s.slice(-n.length) === n
: "~=" === a
? (" " +
s.replace(dt, " ") +
" ").indexOf(n) >
: "|=" === a
? s === n ||
s.slice(0, n.length + 1) ===
n + "-"
: !1)
: !0;
CHILD: function(e, t, a, n, o) {
var s = "nth" !== e.slice(0, 3),
i = "last" !== e.slice(-4),
d = "of-type" === t;
return 1 === n && 0 === o
? (function(e) {
return !!e.parentNode;
: (function(t, a, l) {
var p,
g = s !== i ? "nextSibling" : "previousSibling",
f = t.parentNode,
h = d && t.nodeName.toLowerCase(),
v = !l && !d;
if (f) {
if (s) {
for (; g; ) {
for (c = t; c = c[g]; )
if (
d ? c.nodeName.toLowerCase() === h : 1 === c.nodeType
return !1;
m = g = "only" === e && !m && "nextSibling";
return !0;
if ((m = [i ? f.firstChild : f.lastChild], i && v)) {
for (
r = f[I] || (f[I] = {}), p = r[e] || [], b = p[0] === F &&
p[1], u = p[0] === F && p[2], c = b && f.childNodes[b];
c = ++b && c && c[g] || (u = b = 0) || m.pop();
if (1 === c.nodeType && ++u && c === t) {
r[e] = [F, b, u];
} else if (v && (p = (t[I] || (t[I] = {}))[e]) && p[0] === F)
u = p[1];
for (
(c = ++b && c && c[g] || (u = b = 0) || m.pop()) &&
? c.nodeName.toLowerCase() !== h
: 1 !== c.nodeType) ||
!++u ||
(v && ((c[I] || (c[I] = {}))[e] = [F, u]), c !== t));
return u -= o, u === n || u % n === 0 && u / n >= 0;
PSEUDO: function(e, a) {
var o,
s = x.pseudos[e] ||
x.setFilters[e.toLowerCase()] ||
t.error("unsupported pseudo: " + e);
return s[I]
? s(a)
: s.length > 1
? (o = [e, e, "", a], x.setFilters.hasOwnProperty(
? n(function(e, t) {
for (
var n, o = s(e, a), i = o.length;
) n = et(e, o[i]), e[n] = !(t[n] = o[i]);
: (function(e) {
return s(e, 0, o);
: s;
pseudos: {
not: n(function(e) {
var t = [], a = [], o = E(e.replace(lt, "$1"));
return o[I]
? n(function(e, t, a, n) {
for (
var s, i = o(e, null, n, []), d = e.length;
) (s = i[d]) && (e[d] = !(t[d] = s));
: (function(e, n, s) {
return t[0] = e, o(t, null, s, a), t[0] = null, !a.pop();
has: n(function(e) {
return function(a) {
return t(e, a).length > 0;
contains: n(function(e) {
return e = e.replace(kt, xt), function(t) {
return (t.textContent || t.innerText || C(t)).indexOf(e) > -1;
lang: n(function(e) {
return bt.test(e || "") ||
"unsupported lang: " + e
), e = e.replace(kt, xt).toLowerCase(), function(t) {
var a;
do if (
a = L
? t.lang
: t.getAttribute("xml:lang") || t.getAttribute("lang")
return a = a.toLowerCase(), a === e ||
0 ===
e + "-"
); while ((t = t.parentNode) && 1 === t.nodeType);
return !1;
target: function(t) {
var a = e.location && e.location.hash;
return a && a.slice(1) ===;
root: function(e) {
return e === N;
focus: function(e) {
return e === O.activeElement &&
(!O.hasFocus || O.hasFocus()) &&
!!(e.type || e.href || ~e.tabIndex);
enabled: function(e) {
return e.disabled === !1;
disabled: function(e) {
return e.disabled === !0;
checked: function(e) {
var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return "input" === t && !!e.checked || "option" === t && !!e.selected;
selected: function(e) {
return e.parentNode && e.parentNode.selectedIndex, e.selected === !0;
empty: function(e) {
for (e = e.firstChild; e; e = e.nextSibling)
if (e.nodeType < 6) return !1;
return !0;
parent: function(e) {
return !x.pseudos.empty(e);
header: function(e) {
return ft.test(e.nodeName);
input: function(e) {
return gt.test(e.nodeName);
button: function(e) {
var t = e.nodeName.toLowerCase();
return "input" === t && "button" === e.type || "button" === t;
text: function(e) {
var t;
return "input" === e.nodeName.toLowerCase() &&
"text" === e.type &&
(null == (t = e.getAttribute("type")) ||
"text" === t.toLowerCase());
first: p(function() {
return [0];
last: p(function(e, t) {
return [t - 1];
eq: p(function(e, t, a) {
return [0 > a ? a + t : a];
even: p(function(e, t) {
for (var a = 0; t > a; a += 2) e.push(a);
return e;
odd: p(function(e, t) {
for (var a = 1; t > a; a += 2) e.push(a);
return e;
lt: p(function(e, t, a) {
for (var n = 0 > a ? a + t : a; --n >= 0; ) e.push(n);
return e;
gt: p(function(e, t, a) {
for (var n = 0 > a ? a + t : a; ++n < t; ) e.push(n);
return e;
}, x.pseudos.nth = x.pseudos.eq;
for (w in { radio: !0, checkbox: !0, file: !0, password: !0, image: !0 })
x.pseudos[w] = d(w);
for (w in { submit: !0, reset: !0 })
x.pseudos[w] = l(w);
return c.prototype = x.filters = x.pseudos, x.setFilters = new c(), T = t.tokenize = function(
) {
var n, o, s, i, d, l, p, r = W[e + " "];
if (r) return a ? 0 : r.slice(0);
for (d = e, l = [], p = x.preFilter; d; ) {
(!n || (o = pt.exec(d))) &&
(o && (d = d.slice(o[0].length) || d), l.push(
s = []
)), n = !1, (o = rt.exec(d)) &&
(n = o.shift(), s.push({
value: n,
type: o[0].replace(lt, " ")
}), d = d.slice(n.length));
for (i in x.filter)
!(o = mt[i].exec(d)) ||
p[i] && !(o = p[i](o)) ||
(n = o.shift(), s.push({
value: n,
type: i,
matches: o
}), d = d.slice(n.length));
if (!n) break;
return a ? d.length : d ? t.error(e) : W(e, l).slice(0);
}, E = t.compile = function(e, t) {
var a, n = [], o = [], s = B[e + " "];
if (!s) {
for (t || (t = T(e)), a = t.length; a--; )
s = v(t[a]), s[I] ? n.push(s) : o.push(s);
s = B(e, y(o, n)), s.selector = e;
return s;
}, _ = = function(e, t, a, n) {
var o,
p = "function" == typeof e && e,
c = !n && T(e = p.selector || e);
if ((a = a || [], 1 === c.length)) {
if (
(s = c[0] = c[0].slice(0), s.length > 2 &&
"ID" === (i = s[0]).type &&
k.getById &&
9 === t.nodeType &&
L &&
) {
if ((t = (x.find.ID(i.matches[0].replace(kt, xt), t) || [])[0], !t))
return a;
p && (t = t.parentNode), e = e.slice(s.shift().value.length);
for (
o = mt.needsContext.test(e) ? 0 : s.length;
o-- && (i = s[o], !x.relative[d = i.type]);
if (
(l = x.find[d]) &&
(n = l(
i.matches[0].replace(kt, xt),
yt.test(s[0].type) && r(t.parentNode) || t
) {
if ((s.splice(o, 1), e = n.length && u(s), !e))
return J.apply(a, n), a;
return (p || E(e, c))(n, t, !L, a, yt.test(e) && r(t.parentNode) || t), a;
}, k.sortStable = I.split("").sort(V).join("") ===
I, k.detectDuplicates = !!j, D(), k.sortDetached = o(function(e) {
return 1 & e.compareDocumentPosition(O.createElement("div"));
}), o(function(e) {
return e.innerHTML = "<a href='#'></a>", "#" === e.firstChild.getAttribute("href");
}) || s("type|href|height|width", function(e, t, a) {
return a
? void 0
: e.getAttribute(t, "type" === t.toLowerCase() ? 1 : 2);
}), k.attributes && o(function(e) {
return e.innerHTML = "<input/>", e.firstChild.setAttribute("value", ""), "" === e.firstChild.getAttribute("value");
}) || s("value", function(e, t, a) {
return a || "input" !== e.nodeName.toLowerCase()
? void 0
: e.defaultValue;
}), o(function(e) {
return null == e.getAttribute("disabled");
}) || s(tt, function(e, t, a) {
var n;
return a
? void 0
: e[t] === !0
? t.toLowerCase()
: (n = e.getAttributeNode(t)) && n.specified ? n.value : null;
}), t;
Z.find = ot, Z.expr = ot.selectors, Z.expr[":"] = Z.expr.pseudos, Z.unique = ot.uniqueSort, Z.text = ot.getText, Z.isXMLDoc = ot.isXML, Z.contains = ot.contains;
var st = Z.expr.match.needsContext,
it = /^<(\w+)\s*\/?>(?:<\/\1>|)$/,
dt = /^.[^:#\[\.,]*$/;
Z.filter = function(e, t, a) {
var n = t[0];
return a && (e = ":not(" + e + ")"), 1 === t.length && 1 === n.nodeType
? Z.find.matchesSelector(n, e) ? [n] : []
: Z.find.matches(e, Z.grep(t, function(e) {
return 1 === e.nodeType;
}, Z.fn.extend({
find: function(e) {
var t, a = this.length, n = [], o = this;
if ("string" != typeof e) return this.pushStack(Z(e).filter(function() {
for (t = 0; a > t; t++) if (Z.contains(o[t], this)) return !0;
for (t = 0; a > t; t++)
Z.find(e, o[t], n);
return n = this.pushStack(
a > 1 ? Z.unique(n) : n
), n.selector = this.selector ? this.selector + " " + e : e, n;
filter: function(e) {
return this.pushStack(n(this, e || [], !1));
not: function(e) {
return this.pushStack(n(this, e || [], !0));
is: function(e) {
return !!n(
"string" == typeof e && st.test(e) ? Z(e) : e || [],
var lt,
pt = /^(?:\s*(<[\w\W]+>)[^>]*|#([\w-]*))$/,
rt = Z.fn.init = function(e, t) {
var a, n;
if (!e) return this;
if ("string" == typeof e) {
if (
(a = "<" === e[0] && ">" === e[e.length - 1] && e.length >= 3
? [null, e, null]
: pt.exec(e), !a || !a[1] && t)
return !t || t.jquery
? (t || lt).find(e)
: this.constructor(t).find(e);
if (a[1]) {
if (
(t = t instanceof Z ? t[0] : t, Z.merge(
Z.parseHTML(a[1], t && t.nodeType ? t.ownerDocument || t : Q, !0)
), it.test(a[1]) && Z.isPlainObject(t))
for (a in t)
Z.isFunction(this[a]) ? this[a](t[a]) : this.attr(a, t[a]);
return this;
return n = Q.getElementById(a[2]), n &&
n.parentNode &&
(this.length = 1, this[
] = n), this.context = Q, this.selector = e, this;
return e.nodeType
? (this.context = this[0] = e, this.length = 1, this)
: Z.isFunction(e)
? "undefined" != typeof lt.ready ? lt.ready(e) : e(Z)
: (void 0 !== e.selector &&
(this.selector = e.selector, this.context = e.context), Z.makeArray(
rt.prototype = Z.fn, lt = Z(Q);
var ct = /^(?:parents|prev(?:Until|All))/,
ut = { children: !0, contents: !0, next: !0, prev: !0 };
dir: function(e, t, a) {
for (var n = [], o = void 0 !== a; (e = e[t]) && 9 !== e.nodeType; )
if (1 === e.nodeType) {
if (o && Z(e).is(a)) break;
return n;
sibling: function(e, t) {
for (var a = []; e; e = e.nextSibling)
1 === e.nodeType && e !== t && a.push(e);
return a;
}), Z.fn.extend({
has: function(e) {
var t = Z(e, this), a = t.length;
return this.filter(function() {
for (var e = 0; a > e; e++) if (Z.contains(this, t[e])) return !0;
closest: function(e, t) {
for (
var a,
n = 0,
o = this.length,
s = [],
i = st.test(e) || "string" != typeof e ? Z(e, t || this.context) : 0;
o > n;
for (a = this[n]; a && a !== t; a = a.parentNode)
if (
a.nodeType < 11 &&
? i.index(a) > -1
: 1 === a.nodeType && Z.find.matchesSelector(a, e))
) {
return this.pushStack(s.length > 1 ? Z.unique(s) : s);
index: function(e) {
return e
? "string" == typeof e
?, this[0])
:, e.jquery ? e[0] : e)
: this[0] && this[0].parentNode ? this.first().prevAll().length : -1;
add: function(e, t) {
return this.pushStack(Z.unique(Z.merge(this.get(), Z(e, t))));
addBack: function(e) {
return this.add(null == e ? this.prevObject : this.prevObject.filter(e));
}), Z.each({
parent: function(e) {
var t = e.parentNode;
return t && 11 !== t.nodeType ? t : null;
parents: function(e) {
return Z.dir(e, "parentNode");
parentsUntil: function(e, t, a) {
return Z.dir(e, "parentNode", a);
next: function(e) {
return o(e, "nextSibling");
prev: function(e) {
return o(e, "previousSibling");
nextAll: function(e) {
return Z.dir(e, "nextSibling");
prevAll: function(e) {
return Z.dir(e, "previousSibling");
nextUntil: function(e, t, a) {
return Z.dir(e, "nextSibling", a);
prevUntil: function(e, t, a) {
return Z.dir(e, "previousSibling", a);
siblings: function(e) {
return Z.sibling((e.parentNode || {}).firstChild, e);
children: function(e) {
return Z.sibling(e.firstChild);
contents: function(e) {
return e.contentDocument || Z.merge([], e.childNodes);
}, function(e, t) {
Z.fn[e] = function(a, n) {
var o =, t, a);
return "Until" !== e.slice(-5) && (n = a), n &&
"string" == typeof n &&
(o = Z.filter(n, o)), this.length > 1 &&
(ut[e] || Z.unique(o), ct.test(e) && o.reverse()), this.pushStack(o);
var bt = /\S+/g, mt = {};
Z.Callbacks = function(e) {
e = "string" == typeof e ? mt[e] || s(e) : Z.extend({}, e);
var t,
l = [],
p = !e.once && [],
r = function(s) {
for (
t = e.memory && s, a = !0, d = o || 0, o = 0, i = l.length, n = !0;
l && i > d;
if (l[d].apply(s[0], s[1]) === !1 && e.stopOnFalse) {
t = !1;
n = !1, l && (p ? p.length && r(p.shift()) : t ? l = [] : c.disable());
c = {
add: function() {
if (l) {
var a = l.length;
!(function s(t) {
Z.each(t, function(t, a) {
var n = Z.type(a);
"function" === n
? e.unique && c.has(a) || l.push(a)
: a && a.length && "string" !== n && s(a);
})(arguments), n ? i = l.length : t && (o = a, r(t));
return this;
remove: function() {
return l && Z.each(arguments, function(e, t) {
for (
var a;
(a = Z.inArray(t, l, a)) > -1;
) l.splice(a, 1), n && (i >= a && i--, d >= a && d--);
}), this;
has: function(e) {
return e ? Z.inArray(e, l) > -1 : !(!l || !l.length);
empty: function() {
return l = [], i = 0, this;
disable: function() {
return l = p = t = void 0, this;
disabled: function() {
return !l;
lock: function() {
return p = void 0, t || c.disable(), this;
locked: function() {
return !p;
fireWith: function(e, t) {
return !l ||
a && !p ||
(t = t || [], t = [e, t.slice ? t.slice() : t], n
? p.push(t)
: r(t)), this;
fire: function() {
return c.fireWith(this, arguments), this;
fired: function() {
return !!a;
return c;
}, Z.extend({
Deferred: function(e) {
var t = [
["resolve", "done", Z.Callbacks("once memory"), "resolved"],
["reject", "fail", Z.Callbacks("once memory"), "rejected"],
["notify", "progress", Z.Callbacks("memory")]
a = "pending",
n = {
state: function() {
return a;
always: function() {
return o.done(arguments).fail(arguments), this;
then: function() {
var e = arguments;
return Z.Deferred(function(a) {
Z.each(t, function(t, s) {
var i = Z.isFunction(e[t]) && e[t];
o[s[1]](function() {
var e = i && i.apply(this, arguments);
e && Z.isFunction(e.promise)
? e
: a[s[0] + "With"](
this === n ? a.promise() : this,
i ? [e] : arguments
}), e = null;
promise: function(e) {
return null != e ? Z.extend(e, n) : n;
o = {};
return n.pipe = n.then, Z.each(t, function(e, s) {
var i = s[2], d = s[3];
n[s[1]] = i.add, d &&
function() {
a = d;
t[1 ^ e][2].disable,
), o[s[0]] = function() {
return o[s[0] + "With"](this === o ? n : this, arguments), this;
}, o[s[0] + "With"] = i.fireWith;
}), n.promise(o), e &&, o), o;
when: function(e) {
var t,
o = 0,
s =,
i = s.length,
d = 1 !== i || e && Z.isFunction(e.promise) ? i : 0,
l = 1 === d ? e : Z.Deferred(),
p = function(e, a, n) {
return function(o) {
a[e] = this, n[e] = arguments.length > 1
: o, n === t ? l.notifyWith(a, n) : --d || l.resolveWith(a, n);
if (i > 1)
for (t = new Array(i), a = new Array(i), n = new Array(i); i > o; o++)
s[o] && Z.isFunction(s[o].promise)
? s[o]
.done(p(o, n, s))
.progress(p(o, a, t))
: --d;
return d || l.resolveWith(n, s), l.promise();
var gt;
Z.fn.ready = function(e) {
return Z.ready.promise().done(e), this;
}, Z.extend({
isReady: !1,
readyWait: 1,
holdReady: function(e) {
e ? Z.readyWait++ : Z.ready(!0);
ready: function(e) {
(e === !0 ? --Z.readyWait : Z.isReady) ||
(Z.isReady = !0, e !== !0 && --Z.readyWait > 0 ||
(gt.resolveWith(Q, [Z]), Z.fn.triggerHandler &&
(Z(Q).triggerHandler("ready"), Z(Q).off("ready"))));
}), Z.ready.promise = function(t) {
return gt ||
(gt = Z.Deferred(), "complete" === Q.readyState
? setTimeout(Z.ready)
: (Q.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", i, !1), e.addEventListener(
))), gt.promise(t);
}, Z.ready.promise();
var ft = Z.access = function(e, t, a, n, o, s, i) {
var d = 0, l = e.length, p = null == a;
if ("object" === Z.type(a)) {
o = !0;
for (d in a)
Z.access(e, t, d, a[d], !0, s, i);
} else if (
void 0 !== n &&
(o = !0, Z.isFunction(n) || (i = !0), p &&
? (, n), t = null)
: (p = t, t = function(e, t, a) {
return, a);
})), t)
for (; l > d; d++)
t(e[d], a, i ? n :[d], d, t(e[d], a)));
return o ? e : p ? : l ? t(e[0], a) : s;
Z.acceptData = function(e) {
return 1 === e.nodeType || 9 === e.nodeType || !+e.nodeType;
}, d.uid = 1, d.accepts = Z.acceptData, d.prototype = {
key: function(e) {
if (!d.accepts(e)) return 0;
var t = {}, a = e[this.expando];
if (!a) {
a = d.uid++;
try {
t[this.expando] = { value: a }, Object.defineProperties(e, t);
} catch (n) {
t[this.expando] = a, Z.extend(e, t);
return this.cache[a] || (this.cache[a] = {}), a;
set: function(e, t, a) {
var n, o = this.key(e), s = this.cache[o];
if ("string" == typeof t) s[t] = a;
else if (Z.isEmptyObject(s)) Z.extend(this.cache[o], t);
else for (n in t) s[n] = t[n];
return s;
get: function(e, t) {
var a = this.cache[this.key(e)];
return void 0 === t ? a : a[t];
access: function(e, t, a) {
var n;
return void 0 === t || t && "string" == typeof t && void 0 === a
? (n = this.get(e, t), void 0 !== n ? n : this.get(e, Z.camelCase(t)))
: (this.set(e, t, a), void 0 !== a ? a : t);
remove: function(e, t) {
var a, n, o, s = this.key(e), i = this.cache[s];
if (void 0 === t)
this.cache[s] = {};
else {
? n = t.concat(
: (o = Z.camelCase(t), t in i
? n = [t, o]
: (n = o, n = n in i ? [n] : n.match(bt) || [])), a = n.length;
for (; a--; )
delete i[n[a]];
hasData: function(e) {
return !Z.isEmptyObject(this.cache[e[this.expando]] || {});
discard: function(e) {
e[this.expando] && delete this.cache[e[this.expando]];
var ht = new d(),
vt = new d(),
yt = /^(?:\{[\w\W]*\}|\[[\w\W]*\])$/,
wt = /([A-Z])/g;
hasData: function(e) {
return vt.hasData(e) || ht.hasData(e);
data: function(e, t, a) {
return vt.access(e, t, a);
removeData: function(e, t) {
vt.remove(e, t);
_data: function(e, t, a) {
return ht.access(e, t, a);
_removeData: function(e, t) {
ht.remove(e, t);
}), Z.fn.extend({
data: function(e, t) {
var a, n, o, s = this[0], i = s && s.attributes;
if (void 0 === e) {
if (
this.length &&
(o = vt.get(s), 1 === s.nodeType && !ht.get(s, "hasDataAttrs"))
) {
for (a = i.length; a--; )
i[a] &&
(n = i[a].name, 0 === n.indexOf("data-") &&
(n = Z.camelCase(n.slice(5)), l(s, n, o[n])));
ht.set(s, "hasDataAttrs", !0);
return o;
return "object" == typeof e
? this.each(function() {
vt.set(this, e);
: ft(
function(t) {
var a, n = Z.camelCase(e);
if (s && void 0 === t) {
if ((a = vt.get(s, e), void 0 !== a)) return a;
if ((a = vt.get(s, n), void 0 !== a)) return a;
if ((a = l(s, n, void 0), void 0 !== a)) return a;
} else
this.each(function() {
var a = vt.get(this, n);
), -1 !== e.indexOf("-") && void 0 !== a && vt.set(this, e, t);
arguments.length > 1,
removeData: function(e) {
return this.each(function() {
vt.remove(this, e);
}), Z.extend({
queue: function(e, t, a) {
var n;
return e
? (t = (t || "fx") + "queue", n = ht.get(e, t), a &&
(!n || Z.isArray(a)
? n = ht.access(e, t, Z.makeArray(a))
: n.push(a)), n || [])
: void 0;
dequeue: function(e, t) {
t = t || "fx";
var a = Z.queue(e, t),
n = a.length,
o = a.shift(),
s = Z._queueHooks(e, t),
i = function() {
Z.dequeue(e, t);
"inprogress" === o && (o = a.shift(), n--), o &&
("fx" === t && a.unshift("inprogress"), delete s.stop,
)), !n && s &&;
_queueHooks: function(e, t) {
var a = t + "queueHooks";
return ht.get(e, a) ||
ht.access(e, a, { empty: Z.Callbacks("once memory").add(function() {
ht.remove(e, [t + "queue", a]);
}) });
}), Z.fn.extend({
queue: function(e, t) {
var a = 2;
return "string" != typeof e && (t = e, e = "fx", a--), arguments.length <
? Z.queue(this[0], e)
: void 0 === t ? this : this.each(function() {
var a = Z.queue(this, e, t);
), "fx" === e && "inprogress" !== a[0] && Z.dequeue(this, e);
dequeue: function(e) {
return this.each(function() {
Z.dequeue(this, e);
clearQueue: function(e) {
return this.queue(e || "fx", []);
promise: function(e, t) {
var a,
n = 1,
o = Z.Deferred(),
s = this,
i = this.length,
d = function() {
--n || o.resolveWith(s, [s]);
for ("string" != typeof e && (t = e, e = void 0), e = e || "fx"; i--; )
a = ht.get(s[i], e + "queueHooks"), a &&
a.empty &&
(n++, a.empty.add(d));
return d(), o.promise(t);
var kt = /[+-]?(?:\d*\.|)\d+(?:[eE][+-]?\d+|)/.source,
xt = ["Top", "Right", "Bottom", "Left"],
Ct = function(e, t) {
return e = t || e, "none" === Z.css(e, "display") ||
!Z.contains(e.ownerDocument, e);
$t = /^(?:checkbox|radio)$/i;
!(function() {
var e = Q.createDocumentFragment(),
t = e.appendChild(Q.createElement("div")),
a = Q.createElement("input");
), a.setAttribute("checked", "checked"), a.setAttribute("name", "t"), t.appendChild(a), K.checkClone = t.cloneNode(!0).cloneNode(!0).lastChild.checked, t.innerHTML = "<textarea>x</textarea>", K.noCloneChecked = !!t.cloneNode(!0).lastChild.defaultValue;
var Tt = "undefined";
K.focusinBubbles = ("onfocusin" in e);
var Et = /^key/,
_t = /^(?:mouse|pointer|contextmenu)|click/,
At = /^(?:focusinfocus|focusoutblur)$/,
St = /^([^.]*)(?:\.(.+)|)$/;
Z.event = {
global: {},
add: function(e, t, a, n, o) {
var s, i, d, l, p, r, c, u, b, m, g, f = ht.get(e);
if (f)
for (
a.handler && (s = a, a = s.handler, o = s.selector), a.guid ||
(a.guid = Z.guid++), (l = ||
(l = = {}), (i = f.handle) ||
(i = f.handle = function(t) {
return typeof Z !== Tt && Z.event.triggered !== t.type
? Z.event.dispatch.apply(e, arguments)
: void 0;
}), t = (t || "").match(bt) || [""], p = t.length;
d = St.exec(t[p]) || [], b = g = d[1], m = (d[2] || "")
.sort(), b &&
(c = Z.event.special[b] || {}, b = (o
? c.delegateType
: c.bindType) ||
b, c = Z.event.special[b] || {}, r = Z.extend(
type: b,
origType: g,
data: n,
handler: a,
guid: a.guid,
selector: o,
needsContext: o && Z.expr.match.needsContext.test(o),
namespace: m.join(".")
), (u = l[b]) ||
(u = l[b] = [], u.delegateCount = 0, c.setup &&, n, m, i) !== !1 ||
e.addEventListener && e.addEventListener(b, i, !1)), c.add &&
(, r), r.handler.guid || (r.handler.guid = a.guid)), o
? u.splice((u.delegateCount++), 0, r)
: u.push(r),[b] = !0);
remove: function(e, t, a, n, o) {
var s, i, d, l, p, r, c, u, b, m, g, f = ht.hasData(e) && ht.get(e);
if (f && (l = {
for (t = (t || "").match(bt) || [""], p = t.length; p--; )
if (
(d = St.exec(t[p]) || [], b = g = d[1], m = (d[2] || "")
.sort(), b)
) {
for (
c = Z.event.special[b] || {}, b = (n
? c.delegateType
: c.bindType) ||
b, u = l[b] || [], d = d[2] &&
new RegExp(
"(^|\\.)" + m.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)"
), i = s = u.length;
r = u[s], !o && g !== r.origType ||
a && a.guid !== r.guid ||
d && !d.test(r.namespace) ||
n && n !== r.selector && ("**" !== n || !r.selector) ||
(u.splice(s, 1), r.selector && u.delegateCount--, c.remove &&, r));
i &&
!u.length &&
(c.teardown &&, m, f.handle) !== !1 ||
Z.removeEvent(e, b, f.handle), delete l[b]);
} else
for (b in l)
Z.event.remove(e, b + t[p], a, n, !0);
Z.isEmptyObject(l) && (delete f.handle, ht.remove(e, "events"));
trigger: function(t, a, n, o) {
var s,
u = [n || Q],
b =, "type") ? t.type : t,
m =, "namespace") ? t.namespace.split(".") : [];
if (
(i = d = n = n || Q, 3 !== n.nodeType &&
8 !== n.nodeType &&
!At.test(b + Z.event.triggered) &&
(b.indexOf(".") >= 0 &&
(m = b.split("."), b = m.shift(), m.sort()), p = b.indexOf(":") <
0 &&
"on" + b, t = t[Z.expando]
? t
: new Z.Event(b, "object" == typeof t && t), t.isTrigger = o
? 2
: 3, t.namespace = m.join("."), t.namespace_re = t.namespace
? new RegExp("(^|\\.)" + m.join("\\.(?:.*\\.|)") + "(\\.|$)")
: null, t.result = void 0, || ( = n), a = null == a
? [t]
: Z.makeArray(a, [t]), c = Z.event.special[b] || {}, o ||
!c.trigger ||
c.trigger.apply(n, a) !== !1))
) {
if (!o && !c.noBubble && !Z.isWindow(n)) {
for (
l = c.delegateType || b, At.test(l + b) || (i = i.parentNode);
i = i.parentNode
u.push(i), d = i;
d === (n.ownerDocument || Q) &&
u.push(d.defaultView || d.parentWindow || e);
for (s = 0; (i = u[s++]) && !t.isPropagationStopped(); )
t.type = s > 1 ? l : c.bindType || b, r = (ht.get(i, "events") || {})[
] &&
ht.get(i, "handle"), r && r.apply(i, a), r = p && i[p], r &&
r.apply &&
Z.acceptData(i) &&
(t.result = r.apply(i, a), t.result === !1 && t.preventDefault());
return t.type = b, o ||
t.isDefaultPrevented() ||
c._default && c._default.apply(u.pop(), a) !== !1 ||
!Z.acceptData(n) ||
p &&
Z.isFunction(n[b]) &&
!Z.isWindow(n) &&
(d = n[p], d && (n[p] = null), Z.event.triggered = b, n[
](), Z.event.triggered = void 0, d && (n[p] = d)), t.result;
dispatch: function(e) {
e = Z.event.fix(e);
var t,
i = [],
d =,
l = (ht.get(this, "events") || {})[e.type] || [],
p = Z.event.special[e.type] || {};
if (
(d[0] = e, e.delegateTarget = this, !p.preDispatch ||, e) !== !1)
) {
for (
i =, e, l), t = 0;
(o = i[t++]) && !e.isPropagationStopped();
for (
e.currentTarget = o.elem, a = 0;
(s = o.handlers[a++]) && !e.isImmediatePropagationStopped();
(!e.namespace_re || e.namespace_re.test(s.namespace)) &&
(e.handleObj = s, =, n = ((Z.event.special[
] ||
{}).handle ||
s.handler).apply(o.elem, d), void 0 !== n &&
(e.result = n) === !1 &&
(e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation()));
return p.postDispatch &&, e), e.result;
handlers: function(e, t) {
var a, n, o, s, i = [], d = t.delegateCount, l =;
if (d && l.nodeType && (!e.button || "click" !== e.type))
for (; l !== this; l = l.parentNode || this)
if (l.disabled !== !0 || "click" !== e.type) {
for (n = [], a = 0; d > a; a++)
s = t[a], o = s.selector + " ", void 0 === n[o] &&
(n[o] = s.needsContext
? Z(o, this).index(l) >= 0
: Z.find(o, this, null, [l]).length), n[o] && n.push(s);
n.length && i.push({ elem: l, handlers: n });
return d < t.length && i.push({ elem: this, handlers: t.slice(d) }), i;
props: "altKey bubbles cancelable ctrlKey currentTarget eventPhase metaKey relatedTarget shiftKey target timeStamp view which".split(
" "
fixHooks: {},
keyHooks: {
props: "char charCode key keyCode".split(" "),
filter: function(e, t) {
return null == e.which &&
(e.which = null != t.charCode ? t.charCode : t.keyCode), e;
mouseHooks: {
props: "button buttons clientX clientY offsetX offsetY pageX pageY screenX screenY toElement".split(
" "
filter: function(e, t) {
var a, n, o, s = t.button;
return null == e.pageX &&
null != t.clientX &&
(a = ||
Q, n = a.documentElement, o = a.body, e.pageX = t.clientX +
(n && n.scrollLeft || o && o.scrollLeft || 0) -
(n && n.clientLeft || o && o.clientLeft || 0), e.pageY = t.clientY +
(n && n.scrollTop || o && o.scrollTop || 0) -
(n && n.clientTop || o && o.clientTop || 0)), e.which ||
void 0 === s ||
(e.which = 1 & s ? 1 : 2 & s ? 3 : 4 & s ? 2 : 0), e;
fix: function(e) {
if (e[Z.expando]) return e;
var t, a, n, o = e.type, s = e, i = this.fixHooks[o];
for (
i ||
(this.fixHooks[o] = i = _t.test(o)
? this.mouseHooks
: Et.test(o) ? this.keyHooks : {}), n = i.props
? this.props.concat(i.props)
: this.props, e = new Z.Event(s), t = n.length;
a = n[t], e[a] = s[a];
return || ( = Q), 3 === &&
( =, i.filter ? i.filter(e, s) : e;
special: {
load: { noBubble: !0 },
focus: {
trigger: function() {
return this !== c() && this.focus ? (this.focus(), !1) : void 0;
delegateType: "focusin"
blur: {
trigger: function() {
return this === c() && this.blur ? (this.blur(), !1) : void 0;
delegateType: "focusout"
click: {
trigger: function() {
return "checkbox" === this.type && &&
Z.nodeName(this, "input")
? (, !1)
: void 0;
_default: function(e) {
return Z.nodeName(, "a");
beforeunload: {
postDispatch: function(e) {
void 0 !== e.result &&
e.originalEvent &&
(e.originalEvent.returnValue = e.result);
simulate: function(e, t, a, n) {
var o = Z.extend(new Z.Event(), a, {
type: e,
isSimulated: !0,
originalEvent: {}
? Z.event.trigger(o, null, t)
:, o), o.isDefaultPrevented() &&
}, Z.removeEvent = function(e, t, a) {
e.removeEventListener && e.removeEventListener(t, a, !1);
}, Z.Event = function(e, t) {
return this instanceof Z.Event
? (e && e.type
? (this.originalEvent = e, this.type = e.type, this.isDefaultPrevented = e.defaultPrevented ||
void 0 === e.defaultPrevented && e.returnValue === !1
? p
: r)
: this.type = e, t && Z.extend(this, t), this.timeStamp = e &&
e.timeStamp ||, void (this[Z.expando] = !0))
: new Z.Event(e, t);
}, Z.Event.prototype = {
isDefaultPrevented: r,
isPropagationStopped: r,
isImmediatePropagationStopped: r,
preventDefault: function() {
var e = this.originalEvent;
this.isDefaultPrevented = p, e && e.preventDefault && e.preventDefault();
stopPropagation: function() {
var e = this.originalEvent;
this.isPropagationStopped = p, e &&
e.stopPropagation &&
stopImmediatePropagation: function() {
var e = this.originalEvent;
this.isImmediatePropagationStopped = p, e &&
e.stopImmediatePropagation &&
e.stopImmediatePropagation(), this.stopPropagation();
}, Z.each({ mouseenter: "mouseover", mouseleave: "mouseout", pointerenter: "pointerover", pointerleave: "pointerout" }, function(e, t) {
Z.event.special[e] = {
delegateType: t,
bindType: t,
handle: function(e) {
var a, n = this, o = e.relatedTarget, s = e.handleObj;
return (!o || o !== n && !Z.contains(n, o)) &&
(e.type = s.origType, a = s.handler.apply(
), e.type = t), a;
}), K.focusinBubbles ||
Z.each({ focus: "focusin", blur: "focusout" }, function(e, t) {
var a = function(e) {
Z.event.simulate(t,, Z.event.fix(e), !0);
Z.event.special[t] = {
setup: function() {
var n = this.ownerDocument || this, o = ht.access(n, t);
o || n.addEventListener(e, a, !0), ht.access(n, t, (o || 0) + 1);
teardown: function() {
var n = this.ownerDocument || this, o = ht.access(n, t) - 1;
? ht.access(n, t, o)
: (n.removeEventListener(e, a, !0), ht.remove(n, t));
}), Z.fn.extend({
on: function(e, t, a, n, o) {
var s, i;
if ("object" == typeof e) {
"string" != typeof t && (a = a || t, t = void 0);
for (i in e)
this.on(i, t, a, e[i], o);
return this;
if (
(null == a && null == n
? (n = t, a = t = void 0)
: null == n &&
("string" == typeof t
? (n = a, a = void 0)
: (n = a, a = t, t = void 0)), n === !1)
n = r;
else if (!n) return this;
return 1 === o &&
(s = n, n = function(e) {
return Z().off(e), s.apply(this, arguments);
}, n.guid = s.guid || (s.guid = Z.guid++)), this.each(function() {
Z.event.add(this, e, n, a, t);
one: function(e, t, a, n) {
return this.on(e, t, a, n, 1);
off: function(e, t, a) {
var n, o;
if (e && e.preventDefault && e.handleObj)
return n = e.handleObj, Z(e.delegateTarget).off(
n.namespace ? n.origType + "." + n.namespace : n.origType,
), this;
if ("object" == typeof e) {
for (o in e), t, e[o]);
return this;
return (t === !1 || "function" == typeof t) && (a = t, t = void 0), a ===
!1 &&
(a = r), this.each(function() {
Z.event.remove(this, e, a, t);
trigger: function(e, t) {
return this.each(function() {
Z.event.trigger(e, t, this);
triggerHandler: function(e, t) {
var a = this[0];
return a ? Z.event.trigger(e, t, a, !0) : void 0;
var jt = /<(?!area|br|col|embed|hr|img|input|link|meta|param)(([\w:]+)[^>]*)\/>/gi,
Dt = /<([\w:]+)/,
Ot = /<|&#?\w+;/,
Nt = /<(?:script|style|link)/i,
Lt = /checked\s*(?:[^=]|=\s*.checked.)/i,
qt = /^$|\/(?:java|ecma)script/i,
Rt = /^true\/(.*)/,
Pt = /^\s*<!(?:\[CDATA\[|--)|(?:\]\]|--)>\s*$/g,
Ht = {
option: [1, "<select multiple='multiple'>", "</select>"],
thead: [1, "<table>", "</table>"],
col: [2, "<table><colgroup>", "</colgroup></table>"],
tr: [2, "<table><tbody>", "</tbody></table>"],
td: [3, "<table><tbody><tr>", "</tr></tbody></table>"],
_default: [0, "", ""]
Ht.optgroup = Ht.option, Ht.tbody = Ht.tfoot = Ht.colgroup = Ht.caption = Ht.thead, =, Z.extend({
clone: function(e, t, a) {
var n, o, s, i, d = e.cloneNode(!0), l = Z.contains(e.ownerDocument, e);
if (
!(K.noCloneChecked ||
1 !== e.nodeType && 11 !== e.nodeType ||
for (i = h(d), s = h(e), n = 0, o = s.length; o > n; n++)
v(s[n], i[n]);
if (t)
if (a)
for (s = s || h(e), i = i || h(d), n = 0, o = s.length; o > n; n++)
f(s[n], i[n]);
f(e, d);
return i = h(d, "script"), i.length > 0 && g(i, !l && h(e, "script")), d;
buildFragment: function(e, t, a, n) {
for (
var o,
r = t.createDocumentFragment(),
c = [],
u = 0,
b = e.length;
b > u;
if ((o = e[u], o || 0 === o))
if ("object" === Z.type(o))
Z.merge(c, o.nodeType ? [o] : o);
else if (Ot.test(o)) {
for (
s = s || r.appendChild(t.createElement("div")), i = (Dt.exec(o) ||
["", ""])[1].toLowerCase(), d = Ht[i] ||
Ht._default, s.innerHTML = d[1] +
o.replace(jt, "<$1></$2>") +
d[2], p = d[0];
s = s.lastChild;
Z.merge(c, s.childNodes), s = r.firstChild, s.textContent = "";
} else
for (r.textContent = "", u = 0; o = c[u++]; )
if (
(!n || -1 === Z.inArray(o, n)) &&
(l = Z.contains(o.ownerDocument, o), s = h(
), l && g(s), a)
for (p = 0; o = s[p++]; )
qt.test(o.type || "") && a.push(o);
return r;
cleanData: function(e) {
for (
var t, a, n, o, s = Z.event.special, i = 0;
void 0 !== (a = e[i]);
) {
if (Z.acceptData(a) && (o = a[ht.expando], o && (t = ht.cache[o]))) {
if (
for (n in
s[n] ? Z.event.remove(a, n) : Z.removeEvent(a, n, t.handle);
ht.cache[o] && delete ht.cache[o];
delete vt.cache[a[vt.expando]];
}), Z.fn.extend({
text: function(e) {
return ft(
function(e) {
return void 0 === e ? Z.text(this) : this.empty().each(function() {
(1 === this.nodeType ||
11 === this.nodeType ||
9 === this.nodeType) &&
(this.textContent = e);
append: function() {
return this.domManip(arguments, function(e) {
if (
1 === this.nodeType || 11 === this.nodeType || 9 === this.nodeType
) {
var t = u(this, e);
prepend: function() {
return this.domManip(arguments, function(e) {
if (
1 === this.nodeType || 11 === this.nodeType || 9 === this.nodeType
) {
var t = u(this, e);
t.insertBefore(e, t.firstChild);
before: function() {
return this.domManip(arguments, function(e) {
this.parentNode && this.parentNode.insertBefore(e, this);
after: function() {
return this.domManip(arguments, function(e) {
this.parentNode && this.parentNode.insertBefore(e, this.nextSibling);
remove: function(e, t) {
for (
var a, n = e ? Z.filter(e, this) : this, o = 0;
null != (a = n[o]);
t || 1 !== a.nodeType || Z.cleanData(h(a)), a.parentNode &&
(t &&
Z.contains(a.ownerDocument, a) &&
g(h(a, "script")), a.parentNode.removeChild(a));
return this;
empty: function() {
for (var e, t = 0; null != (e = this[t]); t++)
1 === e.nodeType && (Z.cleanData(h(e, !1)), e.textContent = "");
return this;
clone: function(e, t) {
return e = null == e ? !1 : e, t = null == t
? e
: t, {
return Z.clone(this, e, t);
html: function(e) {
return ft(
function(e) {
var t = this[0] || {}, a = 0, n = this.length;
if (void 0 === e && 1 === t.nodeType) return t.innerHTML;
if (
"string" == typeof e &&
!Nt.test(e) &&
!Ht[(Dt.exec(e) || ["", ""])[1].toLowerCase()]
) {
e = e.replace(jt, "<$1></$2>");
try {
for (; n > a; a++)
t = this[a] || {}, 1 === t.nodeType &&
(Z.cleanData(h(t, !1)), t.innerHTML = e);
t = 0;
} catch (o) {
t && this.empty().append(e);
replaceWith: function() {
var e = arguments[0];
return this.domManip(arguments, function(t) {
e = this.parentNode, Z.cleanData(h(this)), e && e.replaceChild(t, this);
}), e && (e.length || e.nodeType) ? this : this.remove();
detach: function(e) {
return this.remove(e, !0);
domManip: function(e, t) {
e = W.apply([], e);
var a,
l = 0,
p = this.length,
r = this,
c = p - 1,
u = e[0],
g = Z.isFunction(u);
if (g || p > 1 && "string" == typeof u && !K.checkClone && Lt.test(u))
return this.each(function(a) {
var n = r.eq(a);
g && (e[0] =, a, n.html())), n.domManip(e, t);
if (
p &&
(a = Z.buildFragment(
), n = a.firstChild, 1 === a.childNodes.length && (a = n), n)
) {
for (o =, "script"), b), s = o.length; p > l; l++)
i = a, l !== c &&
(i = Z.clone(i, !0, !0), s && Z.merge(o, h(i, "script"))),
if (s)
for (
d = o[o.length - 1].ownerDocument,, m), l = 0;
s > l;
i = o[l], qt.test(i.type || "") &&
!ht.access(i, "globalEval") &&
Z.contains(d, i) &&
? Z._evalUrl && Z._evalUrl(i.src)
: Z.globalEval(i.textContent.replace(Pt, "")));
return this;
}), Z.each({ appendTo: "append", prependTo: "prepend", insertBefore: "before", insertAfter: "after", replaceAll: "replaceWith" }, function(e, t) {
Z.fn[e] = function(e) {
for (var a, n = [], o = Z(e), s = o.length - 1, i = 0; s >= i; i++)
a = i === s ? this : this.clone(!0), Z(o[i])[t](a), B.apply(n, a.get());
return this.pushStack(n);
var It,
Mt = {},
Ft = /^margin/,
zt = new RegExp("^(" + kt + ")(?!px)[a-z%]+$", "i"),
Ut = function(t) {
return t.ownerDocument.defaultView.opener
? t.ownerDocument.defaultView.getComputedStyle(t, null)
: e.getComputedStyle(t, null);
!(function() {
function t() { = "-webkit-box-sizing:border-box;-moz-box-sizing:border-box;box-sizing:border-box;display:block;margin-top:1%;top:1%;border:1px;padding:1px;width:4px;position:absolute", i.innerHTML = "", o.appendChild(s);
var t = e.getComputedStyle(i, null);
a = "1%" !==, n = "4px" === t.width, o.removeChild(s);
var a,
o = Q.documentElement,
s = Q.createElement("div"),
i = Q.createElement("div"); &&
( = "content-box", i.cloneNode(
).style.backgroundClip = "", K.clearCloneStyle = "content-box" ===, = "border:0;width:0;height:0;top:0;left:-9999px;margin-top:1px;position:absolute", s.appendChild(
), e.getComputedStyle && Z.extend(K, {
pixelPosition: function() {
return t(), a;
boxSizingReliable: function() {
return null == n && t(), n;
reliableMarginRight: function() {
var t, a = i.appendChild(Q.createElement("div"));
return = = "-webkit-box-sizing:content-box;-moz-box-sizing:content-box;box-sizing:content-box;display:block;margin:0;border:0;padding:0", = = "0", = "1px", o.appendChild(
), t = !parseFloat(
e.getComputedStyle(a, null).marginRight
), o.removeChild(s), i.removeChild(a), t;
})(), Z.swap = function(e, t, a, n) {
var o, s, i = {};
for (s in t)
i[s] =[s],[s] = t[s];
o = a.apply(e, n || []);
for (s in t)[s] = i[s];
return o;
var Wt = /^(none|table(?!-c[ea]).+)/,
Bt = new RegExp("^(" + kt + ")(.*)$", "i"),
Vt = new RegExp("^([+-])=(" + kt + ")", "i"),
Yt = { position: "absolute", visibility: "hidden", display: "block" },
Xt = { letterSpacing: "0", fontWeight: "400" },
Gt = ["Webkit", "O", "Moz", "ms"];
cssHooks: {
opacity: {
get: function(e, t) {
if (t) {
var a = k(e, "opacity");
return "" === a ? "1" : a;
cssNumber: {
columnCount: !0,
fillOpacity: !0,
flexGrow: !0,
flexShrink: !0,
fontWeight: !0,
lineHeight: !0,
opacity: !0,
order: !0,
orphans: !0,
widows: !0,
zIndex: !0,
zoom: !0
cssProps: { float: "cssFloat" },
style: function(e, t, a, n) {
if (e && 3 !== e.nodeType && 8 !== e.nodeType && {
var o, s, i, d = Z.camelCase(t), l =;
return t = Z.cssProps[d] || (Z.cssProps[d] = C(l, d)), i = Z.cssHooks[
] ||
Z.cssHooks[d], void 0 === a
? i && "get" in i && void 0 !== (o = i.get(e, !1, n)) ? o : l[t]
: (s = typeof a, "string" === s &&
(o = Vt.exec(a)) &&
(a = (o[1] + 1) * o[2] +
parseFloat(Z.css(e, t)), s = "number"), null != a &&
a === a &&
("number" !== s ||
Z.cssNumber[d] ||
(a += "px"), K.clearCloneStyle ||
"" !== a ||
0 !== t.indexOf("background") ||
(l[t] = "inherit"), i &&
"set" in i &&
void 0 === (a = i.set(e, a, n)) ||
(l[t] = a)), void 0);
css: function(e, t, a, n) {
var o, s, i, d = Z.camelCase(t);
return t = Z.cssProps[d] ||
(Z.cssProps[d] = C(, d)), i = Z.cssHooks[t] ||
Z.cssHooks[d], i && "get" in i && (o = i.get(e, !0, a)), void 0 === o &&
(o = k(e, t, n)), "normal" === o && t in Xt && (o = Xt[t]), "" === a ||
? (s = parseFloat(o), a === !0 || Z.isNumeric(s) ? s || 0 : o)
: o;
}), Z.each(["height", "width"], function(e, t) {
Z.cssHooks[t] = {
get: function(e, a, n) {
return a
? Wt.test(Z.css(e, "display")) && 0 === e.offsetWidth
? Z.swap(e, Yt, function() {
return E(e, t, n);
: E(e, t, n)
: void 0;
set: function(e, a, n) {
var o = n && Ut(e);
return $(
n ? T(e, t, n, "border-box" === Z.css(e, "boxSizing", !1, o), o) : 0
}), Z.cssHooks.marginRight = x(K.reliableMarginRight, function(e, t) {
return t
? Z.swap(e, { display: "inline-block" }, k, [e, "marginRight"])
: void 0;
}), Z.each({ margin: "", padding: "", border: "Width" }, function(e, t) {
Z.cssHooks[e + t] = {
expand: function(a) {
for (
var n = 0, o = {}, s = "string" == typeof a ? a.split(" ") : [a];
4 > n;
o[e + xt[n] + t] = s[n] || s[n - 2] || s[0];
return o;
}, Ft.test(e) || (Z.cssHooks[e + t].set = $);
}), Z.fn.extend({
css: function(e, t) {
return ft(
function(e, t, a) {
var n, o, s = {}, i = 0;
if (Z.isArray(t)) {
for (n = Ut(e), o = t.length; o > i; i++)
s[t[i]] = Z.css(e, t[i], !1, n);
return s;
return void 0 !== a ?, t, a) : Z.css(e, t);
arguments.length > 1
show: function() {
return _(this, !0);
hide: function() {
return _(this);
toggle: function(e) {
return "boolean" == typeof e
? e ? : this.hide()
: this.each(function() {
Ct(this) ? Z(this).show() : Z(this).hide();
}), Z.Tween = A, A.prototype = {
constructor: A,
init: function(e, t, a, n, o, s) {
this.elem = e, this.prop = a, this.easing = o ||
"swing", this.options = t, this.start = = this.cur(), this.end = n, this.unit = s ||
(Z.cssNumber[a] ? "" : "px");
cur: function() {
var e = A.propHooks[this.prop];
return e && e.get ? e.get(this) : A.propHooks._default.get(this);
run: function(e) {
var t, a = A.propHooks[this.prop];
return this.pos = t = this.options.duration
? Z.easing[this.easing](
this.options.duration * e,
: e, = (this.end - this.start) * t +
this.start, this.options.step &&,, this), a && a.set
? a.set(this)
: A.propHooks._default.set(this), this;
}, A.prototype.init.prototype = A.prototype, A.propHooks = {
_default: {
get: function(e) {
var t;
return null == e.elem[e.prop] || && null !=[e.prop]
? (t = Z.css(e.elem, e.prop, ""), t && "auto" !== t ? t : 0)
: e.elem[e.prop];
set: function(e) {
? Z.fx.step[e.prop](e)
: &&
(null !=[Z.cssProps[e.prop]] || Z.cssHooks[e.prop])
?, e.prop, + e.unit)
: e.elem[e.prop] =;
}, A.propHooks.scrollTop = A.propHooks.scrollLeft = {
set: function(e) {
e.elem.nodeType && e.elem.parentNode && (e.elem[e.prop] =;
}, Z.easing = {
linear: function(e) {
return e;
swing: function(e) {
return 0.5 - Math.cos(e * Math.PI) / 2;
}, Z.fx = A.prototype.init, Z.fx.step = {};
var Kt,
Jt = /^(?:toggle|show|hide)$/,
Zt = new RegExp("^(?:([+-])=|)(" + kt + ")([a-z%]*)$", "i"),
ea = /queueHooks$/,
ta = [O],
aa = {
"*": [
function(e, t) {
var a = this.createTween(e, t),
n = a.cur(),
o = Zt.exec(t),
s = o && o[3] || (Z.cssNumber[e] ? "" : "px"),
i = (Z.cssNumber[e] || "px" !== s && +n) &&
Zt.exec(Z.css(a.elem, e)),
d = 1,
l = 20;
if (i && i[3] !== s) {
s = s || i[3], o = o || [], i = +n || 1;
d = d || ".5", i /= d,, e, i + s);
while (d !== (d = a.cur() / n) && 1 !== d && --l);
return o &&
(i = a.start = +i || +n || 0, a.unit = s, a.end = o[1]
? i + (o[1] + 1) * o[2]
: +o[2]), a;
Z.Animation = Z.extend(L, {
tweener: function(e, t) {
Z.isFunction(e) ? (t = e, e = ["*"]) : e = e.split(" ");
for (var a, n = 0, o = e.length; o > n; n++)
a = e[n], aa[a] = aa[a] || [], aa[a].unshift(t);
prefilter: function(e, t) {
t ? ta.unshift(e) : ta.push(e);
}), Z.speed = function(e, t, a) {
var n = e && "object" == typeof e
? Z.extend({}, e)
: {
complete: a || !a && t || Z.isFunction(e) && e,
duration: e,
easing: a && t || t && !Z.isFunction(t) && t
return n.duration =
? 0
: "number" == typeof n.duration
? n.duration
: n.duration in Z.fx.speeds
? Z.fx.speeds[n.duration]
: Z.fx.speeds._default, (null == n.queue || n.queue === !0) &&
(n.queue = "fx"), n.old = n.complete, n.complete = function() {
Z.isFunction(n.old) &&, n.queue &&
Z.dequeue(this, n.queue);
}, n;
}, Z.fn.extend({
fadeTo: function(e, t, a, n) {
return this
.css("opacity", 0)
.animate({ opacity: t }, e, a, n);
animate: function(e, t, a, n) {
var o = Z.isEmptyObject(e),
s = Z.speed(t, a, n),
i = function() {
var t = L(this, Z.extend({}, e), s);
(o || ht.get(this, "finish")) && t.stop(!0);
return i.finish = i, o || s.queue === !1
? this.each(i)
: this.queue(s.queue, i);
stop: function(e, t, a) {
var n = function(e) {
var t = e.stop;
delete e.stop, t(a);
return "string" != typeof e && (a = t, t = e, e = void 0), t &&
e !== !1 &&
this.queue(e || "fx", []), this.each(function() {
var t = !0,
o = null != e && e + "queueHooks",
s = Z.timers,
i = ht.get(this);
if (o) i[o] && i[o].stop && n(i[o]);
else for (o in i) i[o] && i[o].stop && ea.test(o) && n(i[o]);
for (
o = s.length;
) s[o].elem !== this || null != e && s[o].queue !== e || (s[o].anim.stop(a), t = !1, s.splice(o, 1));
(t || !a) && Z.dequeue(this, e);
finish: function(e) {
return e !== !1 && (e = e || "fx"), this.each(function() {
var t,
a = ht.get(this),
n = a[e + "queue"],
o = a[e + "queueHooks"],
s = Z.timers,
i = n ? n.length : 0;
for (
a.finish = !0, Z.queue(this, e, []), o &&
o.stop &&, !0), t = s.length;
) s[t].elem === this && s[t].queue === e && (s[t].anim.stop(!0), s.splice(t, 1));
for (t = 0; i > t; t++) n[t] && n[t].finish && n[t];
delete a.finish;
}), Z.each(["toggle", "show", "hide"], function(e, t) {
var a = Z.fn[t];
Z.fn[t] = function(e, n, o) {
return null == e || "boolean" == typeof e
? a.apply(this, arguments)
: this.animate(j(t, !0), e, n, o);
}), Z.each(
slideDown: j("show"),
slideUp: j("hide"),
slideToggle: j("toggle"),
fadeIn: { opacity: "show" },
fadeOut: { opacity: "hide" },
fadeToggle: { opacity: "toggle" }
function(e, t) {
Z.fn[e] = function(e, a, n) {
return this.animate(t, e, a, n);
), Z.timers = [], Z.fx.tick = function() {
var e, t = 0, a = Z.timers;
for (Kt =; t < a.length; t++)
e = a[t], e() || a[t] !== e || a.splice((t--), 1);
a.length || Z.fx.stop(), Kt = void 0;
}, Z.fx.timer = function(e) {
Z.timers.push(e), e() ? Z.fx.start() : Z.timers.pop();
}, Z.fx.interval = 13, Z.fx.start = function() {
Qt || (Qt = setInterval(Z.fx.tick, Z.fx.interval));
}, Z.fx.stop = function() {
clearInterval(Qt), Qt = null;
}, Z.fx.speeds = { slow: 600, fast: 200, _default: 400 }, Z.fn.delay = function(
) {
return e = Z.fx ? Z.fx.speeds[e] || e : e, t = t ||
"fx", this.queue(t, function(t, a) {
var n = setTimeout(t, e);
a.stop = function() {
}, (function() {
var e = Q.createElement("input"),
t = Q.createElement("select"),
a = t.appendChild(Q.createElement("option"));
e.type = "checkbox", K.checkOn = "" !== e.value, K.optSelected = a.selected, t.disabled = !0, K.optDisabled = !a.disabled, e = Q.createElement("input"), e.value = "t", e.type = "radio", K.radioValue = "t" === e.value;
var na, oa, sa = Z.expr.attrHandle;
attr: function(e, t) {
return ft(this, Z.attr, e, t, arguments.length > 1);
removeAttr: function(e) {
return this.each(function() {
Z.removeAttr(this, e);
}), Z.extend({
attr: function(e, t, a) {
var n, o, s = e.nodeType;
if (e && 3 !== s && 8 !== s && 2 !== s)
return typeof e.getAttribute === Tt
? Z.prop(e, t, a)
: (1 === s && Z.isXMLDoc(e) ||
(t = t.toLowerCase(), n = Z.attrHooks[t] ||
(Z.expr.match.bool.test(t) ? oa : na)), void 0 === a
? n && "get" in n && null !== (o = n.get(e, t))
? o
: (o = Z.find.attr(e, t), null == o ? void 0 : o)
: null !== a
? n && "set" in n && void 0 !== (o = n.set(e, a, t))
? o
: (e.setAttribute(t, a + ""), a)
: void Z.removeAttr(e, t));
removeAttr: function(e, t) {
var a, n, o = 0, s = t && t.match(bt);
if (s && 1 === e.nodeType)
for (; a = s[o++]; )
n = Z.propFix[a] || a, Z.expr.match.bool.test(a) &&
(e[n] = !1), e.removeAttribute(a);
attrHooks: {
type: {
set: function(e, t) {
if (!K.radioValue && "radio" === t && Z.nodeName(e, "input")) {
var a = e.value;
return e.setAttribute("type", t), a && (e.value = a), t;
}), oa = {
set: function(e, t, a) {
return t === !1 ? Z.removeAttr(e, a) : e.setAttribute(a, a), a;
}, Z.each(Z.expr.match.bool.source.match(/\w+/g), function(e, t) {
var a = sa[t] || Z.find.attr;
sa[t] = function(e, t, n) {
var o, s;
return n ||
(s = sa[t], sa[t] = o, o = null != a(e, t, n)
? t.toLowerCase()
: null, sa[t] = s), o;
var ia = /^(?:input|select|textarea|button)$/i;
prop: function(e, t) {
return ft(this, Z.prop, e, t, arguments.length > 1);
removeProp: function(e) {
return this.each(function() {
delete this[Z.propFix[e] || e];
}), Z.extend({
propFix: { for: "htmlFor", class: "className" },
prop: function(e, t, a) {
var n, o, s, i = e.nodeType;
if (e && 3 !== i && 8 !== i && 2 !== i)
return s = 1 !== i || !Z.isXMLDoc(e), s &&
(t = Z.propFix[t] || t, o = Z.propHooks[t]), void 0 !== a
? o && "set" in o && void 0 !== (n = o.set(e, a, t)) ? n : e[t] = a
: o && "get" in o && null !== (n = o.get(e, t)) ? n : e[t];
propHooks: {
tabIndex: {
get: function(e) {
return e.hasAttribute("tabindex") || ia.test(e.nodeName) || e.href
? e.tabIndex
: -1;
}), K.optSelected ||
(Z.propHooks.selected = {
get: function(e) {
var t = e.parentNode;
return t && t.parentNode && t.parentNode.selectedIndex, null;
}), Z.each(["tabIndex", "readOnly", "maxLength", "cellSpacing", "cellPadding", "rowSpan", "colSpan", "useMap", "frameBorder", "contentEditable"], function() {
Z.propFix[this.toLowerCase()] = this;
var da = /[\t\r\n\f]/g;
addClass: function(e) {
var t,
d = "string" == typeof e && e,
l = 0,
p = this.length;
if (Z.isFunction(e)) return this.each(function(t) {
Z(this).addClass(, t, this.className));
if (d)
for (t = (e || "").match(bt) || []; p > l; l++)
if (
(a = this[l], n = 1 === a.nodeType &&
(a.className ? (" " + a.className + " ").replace(da, " ") : " "))
) {
for (s = 0; o = t[s++]; )
n.indexOf(" " + o + " ") < 0 && (n += o + " ");
i = Z.trim(n), a.className !== i && (a.className = i);
return this;
removeClass: function(e) {
var t,
d = 0 === arguments.length || "string" == typeof e && e,
l = 0,
p = this.length;
if (Z.isFunction(e)) return this.each(function(t) {
Z(this).removeClass(, t, this.className));
if (d)
for (t = (e || "").match(bt) || []; p > l; l++)
if (
(a = this[l], n = 1 === a.nodeType &&
(a.className ? (" " + a.className + " ").replace(da, " ") : ""))
) {
for (s = 0; o = t[s++]; )
for (; n.indexOf(" " + o + " ") >= 0; )
n = n.replace(" " + o + " ", " ");
i = e ? Z.trim(n) : "", a.className !== i && (a.className = i);
return this;
toggleClass: function(e, t) {
var a = typeof e;
return "boolean" == typeof t && "string" === a
? t ? this.addClass(e) : this.removeClass(e)
: this.each(
? (function(a) {
Z(this).toggleClass(, a, this.className, t), t);
: (function() {
if ("string" === a)
for (
var t, n = 0, o = Z(this), s = e.match(bt) || [];
t = s[n++];
o.hasClass(t) ? o.removeClass(t) : o.addClass(t);
(a === Tt || "boolean" === a) &&
(this.className &&
), this.className = this.className || e === !1
? ""
: ht.get(this, "__className__") || "");
hasClass: function(e) {
for (var t = " " + e + " ", a = 0, n = this.length; n > a; a++)
if (
1 === this[a].nodeType &&
(" " + this[a].className + " ").replace(da, " ").indexOf(t) >= 0
return !0;
return !1;
var la = /\r/g;
val: function(e) {
var t, a, n, o = this[0];
if (arguments.length)
return n = Z.isFunction(e), this.each(function(a) {
var o;
1 === this.nodeType &&
(o = n ?, a, Z(this).val()) : e, null == o
? o = ""
: "number" == typeof o
? o += ""
: Z.isArray(o) && (o =, function(e) {
return null == e ? "" : e + "";
})), t = Z.valHooks[this.type] ||
Z.valHooks[this.nodeName.toLowerCase()], t &&
"set" in t &&
void 0 !== t.set(this, o, "value") ||
(this.value = o));
if (o)
return t = Z.valHooks[o.type] ||
Z.valHooks[o.nodeName.toLowerCase()], t &&
"get" in t &&
void 0 !== (a = t.get(o, "value"))
? a
: (a = o.value, "string" == typeof a
? a.replace(la, "")
: null == a ? "" : a);
}), Z.extend({
valHooks: {
option: {
get: function(e) {
var t = Z.find.attr(e, "value");
return null != t ? t : Z.trim(Z.text(e));
select: {
get: function(e) {
for (
var t,
n = e.options,
o = e.selectedIndex,
s = "select-one" === e.type || 0 > o,
i = s ? null : [],
d = s ? o + 1 : n.length,
l = 0 > o ? d : s ? o : 0;
d > l;
if (
(a = n[l], !(!a.selected && l !== o ||
? a.disabled
: null !== a.getAttribute("disabled")) ||
a.parentNode.disabled && Z.nodeName(a.parentNode, "optgroup")))
) {
if ((t = Z(a).val(), s)) return t;
return i;
set: function(e, t) {
for (var a, n, o = e.options, s = Z.makeArray(t), i = o.length; i--; )
n = o[i], (n.selected = Z.inArray(n.value, s) >= 0) && (a = !0);
return a || (e.selectedIndex = -1), s;
}), Z.each(["radio", "checkbox"], function() {
Z.valHooks[this] = {
set: function(e, t) {
return Z.isArray(t)
? e.checked = Z.inArray(Z(e).val(), t) >= 0
: void 0;
}, K.checkOn ||
(Z.valHooks[this].get = function(e) {
return null === e.getAttribute("value") ? "on" : e.value;
}), Z.each(
"blur focus focusin focusout load resize scroll unload click dblclick mousedown mouseup mousemove mouseover mouseout mouseenter mouseleave change select submit keydown keypress keyup error contextmenu".split(
" "
function(e, t) {
Z.fn[t] = function(e, a) {
return arguments.length > 0 ? this.on(t, null, e, a) : this.trigger(t);
), Z.fn.extend({
hover: function(e, t) {
return this.mouseenter(e).mouseleave(t || e);
bind: function(e, t, a) {
return this.on(e, null, t, a);
unbind: function(e, t) {
return, null, t);
delegate: function(e, t, a, n) {
return this.on(t, e, a, n);
undelegate: function(e, t, a) {
return 1 === arguments.length
?, "**")
:, e || "**", a);
var pa =, ra = /\?/;
Z.parseJSON = function(e) {
return JSON.parse(e + "");
}, Z.parseXML = function(e) {
var t, a;
if (!e || "string" != typeof e) return null;
try {
a = new DOMParser(), t = a.parseFromString(e, "text/xml");
} catch (n) {
t = void 0;
return (!t || t.getElementsByTagName("parsererror").length) &&
Z.error("Invalid XML: " + e), t;
var ca = /#.*$/,
ua = /([?&])_=[^&]*/,
ba = /^(.*?):[ \t]*([^\r\n]*)$/gm,
ma = /^(?:about|app|app-storage|.+-extension|file|res|widget):$/,
ga = /^(?:GET|HEAD)$/,
fa = /^\/\//,
ha = /^([\w.+-]+:)(?:\/\/(?:[^\/?#]*@|)([^\/?#:]*)(?::(\d+)|)|)/,
va = {},
ya = {},
wa = "*/".concat("*"),
ka = e.location.href,
xa = ha.exec(ka.toLowerCase()) || [];
active: 0,
lastModified: {},
etag: {},
ajaxSettings: {
url: ka,
type: "GET",
isLocal: ma.test(xa[1]),
global: !0,
processData: !0,
async: !0,
contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8",
accepts: {
"*": wa,
text: "text/plain",
html: "text/html",
xml: "application/xml, text/xml",
json: "application/json, text/javascript"
contents: { xml: /xml/, html: /html/, json: /json/ },
responseFields: {
xml: "responseXML",
text: "responseText",
json: "responseJSON"
converters: {
"* text": String,
"text html": !0,
"text json": Z.parseJSON,
"text xml": Z.parseXML
flatOptions: { url: !0, context: !0 }
ajaxSetup: function(e, t) {
return t ? P(P(e, Z.ajaxSettings), t) : P(Z.ajaxSettings, e);
ajaxPrefilter: q(va),
ajaxTransport: q(ya),
ajax: function(e, t) {
function a(e, t, a, i) {
var l, r, h, v, w, x = t;
2 !== y &&
(y = 2, d && clearTimeout(d), n = void 0, s = i ||
"", k.readyState = e > 0 ? 4 : 0, l = e >= 200 && 300 > e ||
304 === e, a && (v = H(c, k, a)), v = I(c, v, k, l), l
? (c.ifModified &&
(w = k.getResponseHeader("Last-Modified"), w &&
(Z.lastModified[o] = w), w = k.getResponseHeader("etag"), w &&
(Z.etag[o] = w)), 204 === e || "HEAD" === c.type
? x = "nocontent"
: 304 === e
? x = "notmodified"
: (x = v.state, r =, h = v.error, l = !h))
: (h = x, (e || !x) &&
(x = "error", 0 > e &&
(e = 0))), k.status = e, k.statusText = (t || x) + "", l
? m.resolveWith(u, [r, x, k])
: m.rejectWith(u, [k, x, h]), k.statusCode(f), f = void 0, p &&
b.trigger(l ? "ajaxSuccess" : "ajaxError", [
l ? r : h
]), g.fireWith(u, [k, x]), p &&
(b.trigger("ajaxComplete", [k, c]), ||
"object" == typeof e && (t = e, e = void 0), t = t || {};
var n,
c = Z.ajaxSetup({}, t),
u = c.context || c,
b = c.context && (u.nodeType || u.jquery) ? Z(u) : Z.event,
m = Z.Deferred(),
g = Z.Callbacks("once memory"),
f = c.statusCode || {},
h = {},
v = {},
y = 0,
w = "canceled",
k = {
readyState: 0,
getResponseHeader: function(e) {
var t;
if (2 === y) {
if (!i)
for (i = {}; t = ba.exec(s); )
i[t[1].toLowerCase()] = t[2];
t = i[e.toLowerCase()];
return null == t ? null : t;
getAllResponseHeaders: function() {
return 2 === y ? s : null;
setRequestHeader: function(e, t) {
var a = e.toLowerCase();
return y || (e = v[a] = v[a] || e, h[e] = t), this;
overrideMimeType: function(e) {
return y || (c.mimeType = e), this;
statusCode: function(e) {
var t;
if (e) if (2 > y) for (t in e) f[t] = [f[t], e[t]];
else k.always(e[k.status]);
return this;
abort: function(e) {
var t = e || w;
return n && n.abort(t), a(0, t), this;
if (
).complete = g.add, k.success = k.done, k.error =, c.url = ((e ||
c.url ||
ka) +
.replace(ca, "")
.replace(fa, xa[1] + "//"), c.type = t.method ||
t.type ||
c.method ||
c.type, c.dataTypes = Z
.trim(c.dataType || "*")
.match(bt) ||
[""], null == c.crossDomain &&
(l = ha.exec(c.url.toLowerCase()), c.crossDomain = !(!l ||
l[1] === xa[1] &&
l[2] === xa[2] &&
(l[3] || ("http:" === l[1] ? "80" : "443")) ===
(xa[3] || ("http:" === xa[1] ? "80" : "443")))), &&
c.processData &&
"string" != typeof &&
( = Z.param(, c.traditional)), R(va, c, t, k), 2 === y)
return k;
p = Z.event &&, p &&
0 === &&
), c.type = c.type.toUpperCase(), c.hasContent = !ga.test(
), o = c.url, c.hasContent ||
( &&
(o = c.url += (ra.test(o) ? "&" : "?") +, delete, c.cache === !1 &&
(c.url = ua.test(o)
? o.replace(ua, "$1_=" + pa++)
: o + (ra.test(o) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + pa++)), c.ifModified &&
(Z.lastModified[o] &&
k.setRequestHeader("If-Modified-Since", Z.lastModified[o]), Z.etag[
] &&
k.setRequestHeader("If-None-Match", Z.etag[o])), ( &&
c.hasContent &&
c.contentType !== !1 ||
t.contentType) &&
k.setRequestHeader("Content-Type", c.contentType), k.setRequestHeader(
c.dataTypes[0] && c.accepts[c.dataTypes[0]]
? c.accepts[c.dataTypes[0]] +
("*" !== c.dataTypes[0] ? ", " + wa + "; q=0.01" : "")
: c.accepts["*"]
for (r in c.headers)
k.setRequestHeader(r, c.headers[r]);
if (c.beforeSend && (, k, c) === !1 || 2 === y))
return k.abort();
w = "abort";
for (r in { success: 1, error: 1, complete: 1 })
if (n = R(ya, c, t, k)) {
k.readyState = 1, p && b.trigger("ajaxSend", [k, c]), c.async &&
c.timeout > 0 &&
(d = setTimeout(
function() {
try {
y = 1, n.send(h, a);
} catch (x) {
if (!(2 > y)) throw x;
a(-1, x);
} else
a(-1, "No Transport");
return k;
getJSON: function(e, t, a) {
return Z.get(e, t, a, "json");
getScript: function(e, t) {
return Z.get(e, void 0, t, "script");
}), Z.each(["get", "post"], function(e, t) {
Z[t] = function(e, a, n, o) {
return Z.isFunction(a) && (o = o || n, n = a, a = void 0), Z.ajax({
url: e,
type: t,
dataType: o,
data: a,
success: n
}), Z._evalUrl = function(e) {
return Z.ajax({
url: e,
type: "GET",
dataType: "script",
async: !1,
global: !1,
throws: !0
}, Z.fn.extend({
wrapAll: function(e) {
var t;
return Z.isFunction(e) ? this.each(function(t) {
Z(this).wrapAll(, t));
}) : (this[0] &&
(t = Z(e, this[0].ownerDocument).eq(0).clone(!0), this[
].parentNode &&
t.insertBefore(this[0]), {
for (var e = this; e.firstElementChild; ) e = e.firstElementChild;
return e;
}).append(this)), this);
wrapInner: function(e) {
return this.each(
? (function(t) {
Z(this).wrapInner(, t));
: (function() {
var t = Z(this), a = t.contents();
a.length ? a.wrapAll(e) : t.append(e);
wrap: function(e) {
var t = Z.isFunction(e);
return this.each(function(a) {
Z(this).wrapAll(t ?, a) : e);
unwrap: function() {
return this.parent().each(function() {
Z.nodeName(this, "body") || Z(this).replaceWith(this.childNodes);
}), Z.expr.filters.hidden = function(e) {
return e.offsetWidth <= 0 && e.offsetHeight <= 0;
}, Z.expr.filters.visible = function(e) {
return !Z.expr.filters.hidden(e);
var Ca = /%20/g,
$a = /\[\]$/,
Ta = /\r?\n/g,
Ea = /^(?:submit|button|image|reset|file)$/i,
_a = /^(?:input|select|textarea|keygen)/i;
Z.param = function(e, t) {
var a,
n = [],
o = function(e, t) {
t = Z.isFunction(t) ? t() : null == t ? "" : t, n[
] = encodeURIComponent(e) + "=" + encodeURIComponent(t);
if (
(void 0 === t &&
(t = Z.ajaxSettings && Z.ajaxSettings.traditional), Z.isArray(e) ||
e.jquery && !Z.isPlainObject(e))
Z.each(e, function() {
o(, this.value);
for (a in e)
M(a, e[a], t, o);
return n.join("&").replace(Ca, "+");
}, Z.fn.extend({
serialize: function() {
return Z.param(this.serializeArray());
serializeArray: function() {
return this
.map(function() {
var e = Z.prop(this, "elements");
return e ? Z.makeArray(e) : this;
.filter(function() {
var e = this.type;
return &&
!Z(this).is(":disabled") &&
_a.test(this.nodeName) &&
!Ea.test(e) &&
(this.checked || !$t.test(e));
.map(function(e, t) {
var a = Z(this).val();
return null == a ? null : Z.isArray(a) ?, function(e) {
return { name:, value: e.replace(Ta, "\r\n") };
}) : { name:, value: a.replace(Ta, "\r\n") };
}), Z.ajaxSettings.xhr = function() {
try {
return new XMLHttpRequest();
} catch (e) {
var Aa = 0, Sa = {}, ja = { 0: 200, 1223: 204 }, Da = Z.ajaxSettings.xhr();
e.attachEvent && e.attachEvent("onunload", function() {
for (var e in Sa) Sa[e]();
}), K.cors = !!Da &&
"withCredentials" in Da, K.ajax = Da = !!Da, Z.ajaxTransport(function(e) {
var t;
return K.cors || Da && !e.crossDomain
? {
send: function(a, n) {
var o, s = e.xhr(), i = ++Aa;
if (
), e.xhrFields)
for (o in e.xhrFields)
s[o] = e.xhrFields[o];
e.mimeType &&
s.overrideMimeType &&
s.overrideMimeType(e.mimeType), e.crossDomain ||
a["X-Requested-With"] ||
(a["X-Requested-With"] = "XMLHttpRequest");
for (o in a)
s.setRequestHeader(o, a[o]);
t = function(e) {
return function() {
t &&
(delete Sa[i], t = s.onload = s.onerror = null, "abort" === e
? s.abort()
: "error" === e
? n(s.status, s.statusText)
: n(
ja[s.status] || s.status,
"string" == typeof s.responseText
? { text: s.responseText }
: void 0,
}, s.onload = t(), s.onerror = t("error"), t = Sa[i] = t("abort");
try {
s.send(e.hasContent && || null);
} catch (d) {
if (t) throw d;
abort: function() {
t && t();
: void 0;
}), Z.ajaxSetup({
accepts: {
script: "text/javascript, application/javascript, application/ecmascript, application/x-ecmascript"
contents: { script: /(?:java|ecma)script/ },
converters: {
"text script": function(e) {
return Z.globalEval(e), e;
}), Z.ajaxPrefilter("script", function(e) {
void 0 === e.cache && (e.cache = !1), e.crossDomain && (e.type = "GET");
}), Z.ajaxTransport("script", function(e) {
if (e.crossDomain) {
var t, a;
return {
send: function(n, o) {
t = Z("<script>")
.prop({ async: !0, charset: e.scriptCharset, src: e.url })
"load error",
a = function(e) {
t.remove(), a = null, e &&
o("error" === e.type ? 404 : 200, e.type);
), Q.head.appendChild(t[0]);
abort: function() {
a && a();
var Oa = [], Na = /(=)\?(?=&|$)|\?\?/;
jsonp: "callback",
jsonpCallback: function() {
var e = Oa.pop() || Z.expando + "_" + pa++;
return this[e] = !0, e;
}), Z.ajaxPrefilter("json jsonp", function(t, a, n) {
var o,
d = t.jsonp !== !1 &&
? "url"
: "string" == typeof &&
!(t.contentType || "").indexOf(
) &&
Na.test( &&
return d || "jsonp" === t.dataTypes[0]
? (o = t.jsonpCallback = Z.isFunction(t.jsonpCallback)
? t.jsonpCallback()
: t.jsonpCallback, d
? t[d] = t[d].replace(Na, "$1" + o)
: t.jsonp !== !1 &&
(t.url += (ra.test(t.url) ? "&" : "?") +
t.jsonp +
"=" +
o), t.converters["script json"] = function() {
return i || Z.error(o + " was not called"), i[0];
}, t.dataTypes[0] = "json", s = e[o], e[o] = function() {
i = arguments;
}, n.always(function() {
] = s, t[o] && (t.jsonpCallback = a.jsonpCallback, Oa.push(o)), i && Z.isFunction(s) && s(i[0]), i = s = void 0;
}), "script")
: void 0;
}), Z.parseHTML = function(e, t, a) {
if (!e || "string" != typeof e) return null;
"boolean" == typeof t && (a = t, t = !1), t = t || Q;
var n = it.exec(e), o = !a && [];
return n
? [t.createElement(n[1])]
: (n = Z.buildFragment([e], t, o), o &&
o.length &&
Z(o).remove(), Z.merge([], n.childNodes));
var La = Z.fn.load;
Z.fn.load = function(e, t, a) {
if ("string" != typeof e && La) return La.apply(this, arguments);
var n, o, s, i = this, d = e.indexOf(" ");
return d >= 0 && (n = Z.trim(e.slice(d)), e = e.slice(0, d)), Z.isFunction(
? (a = t, t = void 0)
: t && "object" == typeof t && (o = "POST"), i.length > 0 &&
Z.ajax({ url: e, type: o, dataType: "html", data: t }).done(function(e) {
s = arguments, i.html(n ? Z("<div>").append(Z.parseHTML(e)).find(n) : e);
a &&
function(e, t) {
i.each(a, s || [e.responseText, t, e]);
), this;
}, Z.each(["ajaxStart", "ajaxStop", "ajaxComplete", "ajaxError", "ajaxSuccess", "ajaxSend"], function(e, t) {
Z.fn[t] = function(e) {
return this.on(t, e);
}), Z.expr.filters.animated = function(e) {
return Z.grep(Z.timers, function(t) {
return e === t.elem;
var qa = e.document.documentElement;
Z.offset = {
setOffset: function(e, t, a) {
var n, o, s, i, d, l, p, r = Z.css(e, "position"), c = Z(e), u = {};
"static" === r &&
( = "relative"), d = c.offset(), s = Z.css(
), l = Z.css(e, "left"), p = ("absolute" === r || "fixed" === r) &&
(s + l).indexOf("auto") > -1, p
? (n = c.position(), i =, o = n.left)
: (i = parseFloat(s) || 0, o = parseFloat(l) || 0), Z.isFunction(t) &&
(t =, a, d)), null != &&
( = - + i), null != t.left &&
(u.left = t.left - d.left + o), "using" in t
?, u)
: c.css(u);
}, Z.fn.extend({
offset: function(e) {
if (arguments.length) return void 0 === e ? this : this.each(function(t) {
Z.offset.setOffset(this, e, t);
var t, a, n = this[0], o = { top: 0, left: 0 }, s = n && n.ownerDocument;
if (s)
return t = s.documentElement, Z.contains(t, n)
? (typeof n.getBoundingClientRect !== Tt &&
(o = n.getBoundingClientRect()), a = F(s), {
top: + a.pageYOffset - t.clientTop,
left: o.left + a.pageXOffset - t.clientLeft
: o;
position: function() {
if (this[0]) {
var e, t, a = this[0], n = { top: 0, left: 0 };
return "fixed" === Z.css(a, "position")
? t = a.getBoundingClientRect()
: (e = this.offsetParent(), t = this.offset(), Z.nodeName(
) ||
(n = e.offset()), += Z.css(
), n.left += Z.css(e[0], "borderLeftWidth", !0)), {
top: - - Z.css(a, "marginTop", !0),
left: t.left - n.left - Z.css(a, "marginLeft", !0)
offsetParent: function() {
return {
for (
var e = this.offsetParent || qa;
e && !Z.nodeName(e, "html") && "static" === Z.css(e, "position");
) e = e.offsetParent;
return e || qa;
}), Z.each({ scrollLeft: "pageXOffset", scrollTop: "pageYOffset" }, function(
) {
var n = "pageYOffset" === a;
Z.fn[t] = function(o) {
return ft(
function(t, o, s) {
var i = F(t);
return void 0 === s
? i ? i[a] : t[o]
: void (i
? i.scrollTo(n ? e.pageXOffset : s, n ? s : e.pageYOffset)
: t[o] = s);
}), Z.each(["top", "left"], function(e, t) {
Z.cssHooks[t] = x(K.pixelPosition, function(e, a) {
return a
? (a = k(e, t), zt.test(a) ? Z(e).position()[t] + "px" : a)
: void 0;
}), Z.each({ Height: "height", Width: "width" }, function(e, t) {
Z.each({ padding: "inner" + e, content: t, "": "outer" + e }, function(
) {
Z.fn[n] = function(n, o) {
var s = arguments.length && (a || "boolean" != typeof n),
i = a || (n === !0 || o === !0 ? "margin" : "border");
return ft(
function(t, a, n) {
var o;
return Z.isWindow(t)
? t.document.documentElement["client" + e]
: 9 === t.nodeType
? (o = t.documentElement, Math.max(
t.body["scroll" + e],
o["scroll" + e],
t.body["offset" + e],
o["offset" + e],
o["client" + e]
: void 0 === n ? Z.css(t, a, i) :, a, n, i);
s ? n : void 0,
}), Z.fn.size = function() {
return this.length;
}, Z.fn.andSelf = Z.fn.addBack, "function" == typeof define && define.amd && define("jquery", [], function() {
return Z;
var Ra = e.jQuery, Pa = e.$;
return Z.noConflict = function(t) {
return e.$ === Z && (e.$ = Pa), t && e.jQuery === Z && (e.jQuery = Ra), Z;
}, typeof t === Tt && (e.jQuery = e.$ = Z), Z;
}), (function(e, t) {
e.rails !== t && e.error("jquery-ujs has already been loaded!");
var a, n = e(document);
e.rails = a = {
linkClickSelector: "a[data-confirm], a[data-method], a[data-remote], a[data-disable-with], a[data-disable]",
buttonClickSelector: "button[data-remote]:not(form button), button[data-confirm]:not(form button)",
inputChangeSelector: "select[data-remote], input[data-remote], textarea[data-remote]",
formSubmitSelector: "form",
formInputClickSelector: "form input[type=submit], form input[type=image], form button[type=submit], form button:not([type]), input[type=submit][form], input[type=image][form], button[type=submit][form], button[form]:not([type])",
disableSelector: "input[data-disable-with]:enabled, button[data-disable-with]:enabled, textarea[data-disable-with]:enabled, input[data-disable]:enabled, button[data-disable]:enabled, textarea[data-disable]:enabled",
enableSelector: "input[data-disable-with]:disabled, button[data-disable-with]:disabled, textarea[data-disable-with]:disabled, input[data-disable]:disabled, button[data-disable]:disabled, textarea[data-disable]:disabled",
requiredInputSelector: "input[name][required]:not([disabled]),textarea[name][required]:not([disabled])",
fileInputSelector: "input[type=file]",
linkDisableSelector: "a[data-disable-with], a[data-disable]",
buttonDisableSelector: "button[data-remote][data-disable-with], button[data-remote][data-disable]",
CSRFProtection: function(t) {
var a = e('meta[name="csrf-token"]').attr("content");
a && t.setRequestHeader("X-CSRF-Token", a);
refreshCSRFTokens: function() {
var t = e("meta[name=csrf-token]").attr("content"),
a = e("meta[name=csrf-param]").attr("content");
e('form input[name="' + a + '"]').val(t);
fire: function(t, a, n) {
var o = e.Event(a);
return t.trigger(o, n), o.result !== !1;
confirm: function(e) {
return confirm(e);
ajax: function(t) {
return e.ajax(t);
href: function(e) {
return e[0].href;
handleRemote: function(n) {
var o, s, i, d, l, p;
if (, "ajax:before")) {
if (
(d ="with-credentials") || null, l ="type") ||
e.ajaxSettings && e.ajaxSettings.dataType,"form"))
) {
o = n.attr("method"), s = n.attr("action"), i = n.serializeArray();
var r ="ujs:submit-button");
r && (i.push(r),"ujs:submit-button", null));
} else
? (o ="method"), s =
), i = n.serialize(),"params") &&
(i = i + "&" +"params")))
? (o ="method") || "get", s =
), i = n.serialize(),"params") &&
(i = i + "&" +"params")))
: (o ="method"), s = a.href(n), i ="params") ||
return p = {
type: o || "GET",
data: i,
dataType: l,
beforeSend: function(e, o) {
return o.dataType === t &&
"*/*;q=0.5, " + o.accepts.script
),, "ajax:beforeSend", [e, o])
? void n.trigger("ajax:send", e)
: !1;
success: function(e, t, a) {
n.trigger("ajax:success", [e, t, a]);
complete: function(e, t) {
n.trigger("ajax:complete", [e, t]);
error: function(e, t, a) {
n.trigger("ajax:error", [e, t, a]);
crossDomain: a.isCrossDomain(s)
}, d && (p.xhrFields = { withCredentials: d }), s &&
(p.url = s), a.ajax(p);
return !1;
isCrossDomain: function(e) {
var t = document.createElement("a");
t.href = location.href;
var a = document.createElement("a");
try {
return a.href = e, a.href = a.href, !a.protocol ||
! ||
t.protocol + "//" + != a.protocol + "//" +;
} catch (n) {
return !0;
handleMethod: function(n) {
var o = a.href(n),
s ="method"),
i = n.attr("target"),
d = e("meta[name=csrf-token]").attr("content"),
l = e("meta[name=csrf-param]").attr("content"),
p = e('<form method="post" action="' + o + '"></form>'),
r = '<input name="_method" value="' + s + '" type="hidden" />';
l === t ||
d === t ||
a.isCrossDomain(o) ||
(r += '<input name="' +
l +
'" value="' +
d +
'" type="hidden" />'), i && p.attr("target", i), p
.appendTo("body"), p.submit();
formElements: function(t, a) {
return"form") ? e(t[0].elements).filter(a) : t.find(a);
disableFormElements: function(t) {
a.formElements(t, a.disableSelector).each(function() {
disableFormElement: function(e) {
var a, n;
a ="button") ? "html" : "val", n ="disable-with"),
), n !== t && e[a](n), e.prop("disabled", !0);
enableFormElements: function(t) {
a.formElements(t, a.enableSelector).each(function() {
enableFormElement: function(e) {
var t ="button") ? "html" : "val";"ujs:enable-with") && e[t]("ujs:enable-with")), e.prop(
allowAction: function(e) {
var t, n ="confirm"), o = !1;
return n
? (, "confirm") &&
(o = a.confirm(n), t =, "confirm:complete", [o])), o && t)
: !0;
blankInputs: function(t, a, n) {
var o, s, i = e(), d = a || "input,textarea", l = t.find(d);
return l.each(function() {
if (
(o = e(this), s ="input[type=checkbox],input[type=radio]")
: o.val(), !s == !n)
) {
if ("input[type=radio]") &&
'input[type=radio]:checked[name="' + o.attr("name") + '"]'
return !0;
i = i.add(o);
}), i.length ? i : !1;
nonBlankInputs: function(e, t) {
return a.blankInputs(e, t, !0);
stopEverything: function(t) {
return e(
), t.stopImmediatePropagation(), !1;
disableElement: function(e) {
var n ="disable-with");"ujs:enable-with", e.html()), n !== t &&
e.html(n), e.bind("click.railsDisable", function(e) {
return a.stopEverything(e);
enableElement: function(e) {"ujs:enable-with") !== t &&
(e.html("ujs:enable-with")), e.removeData(
)), e.unbind("click.railsDisable");
},, "rails:attachBindings") && (e.ajaxPrefilter(function(e, t, n) {
e.crossDomain || a.CSRFProtection(n);
}), e(window).on("pageshow.rails", function() {
e(e.rails.enableSelector).each(function() {
var t = e(this);"ujs:enable-with") && e.rails.enableFormElement(t);
}), e(e.rails.linkDisableSelector).each(function() {
var t = e(this);"ujs:enable-with") && e.rails.enableElement(t);
}), n.delegate(a.linkDisableSelector, "ajax:complete", function() {
}), n.delegate(a.buttonDisableSelector, "ajax:complete", function() {
}), n.delegate(a.linkClickSelector, "click.rails", function(n) {
var o = e(this),
s ="method"),
i ="params"),
d = n.metaKey || n.ctrlKey;
if (!a.allowAction(o)) return a.stopEverything(n);
if (
(!d && && a.disableElement(o),
) !==
) {
if (d && (!s || "GET" === s) && !i) return !0;
var l = a.handleRemote(o);
return l === !1 ? a.enableElement(o) : {
}), !1;
return s ? (a.handleMethod(o), !1) : void 0;
}), n.delegate(a.buttonClickSelector, "click.rails", function(t) {
var n = e(this);
if (!a.allowAction(n)) return a.stopEverything(t); && a.disableFormElement(n);
var o = a.handleRemote(n);
return o === !1 ? a.enableFormElement(n) : {
}), !1;
}), n.delegate(a.inputChangeSelector, "change.rails", function(t) {
var n = e(this);
return a.allowAction(n) ? (a.handleRemote(n), !1) : a.stopEverything(t);
}), n.delegate(a.formSubmitSelector, "submit.rails", function(n) {
var o, s, i = e(this), d ="remote") !== t;
if (!a.allowAction(i)) return a.stopEverything(n);
if (
i.attr("novalidate") == t &&
(o = a.blankInputs(i, a.requiredInputSelector), o &&, "ajax:aborted:required", [o]))
return a.stopEverything(n);
if (d) {
if (s = a.nonBlankInputs(i, a.fileInputSelector)) {
function() {
var l =, "ajax:aborted:file", [s]);
return l ||
function() {
), l;
return a.handleRemote(i), !1;
function() {
}), n.delegate(a.formInputClickSelector, "click.rails", function(t) {
var n = e(this);
if (!a.allowAction(n)) return a.stopEverything(t);
var o = n.attr("name"), s = o ? { name: o, value: n.val() } : null;
n.closest("form").data("ujs:submit-button", s);
}), n.delegate(a.formSubmitSelector, "ajax:send.rails", function(t) {
this == && a.disableFormElements(e(this));
}), n.delegate(a.formSubmitSelector, "ajax:complete.rails", function(t) {
this == && a.enableFormElements(e(this));
}), e(function() {
) /*!
* JavaScript Cookie v2.0.4
* Copyright 2006, 2015 Klaus Hartl & Fagner Brack
* Released under the MIT license
*/, (function(
) {
if ("function" == typeof define && define.amd)
else if ("object" == typeof exports)
module.exports = e();
else {
var t = window.Cookies, a = window.Cookies = e();
a.noConflict = function() {
return window.Cookies = t, a;
})(function() {
function e() {
for (var e = 0, t = {}; e < arguments.length; e++) {
var a = arguments[e];
for (var n in a) t[n] = a[n];
return t;
function t(a) {
function n(t, o, s) {
var i;
if (arguments.length > 1) {
if (
(s = e({ path: "/" }, n.defaults, s), "number" == typeof s.expires)
) {
var d = new Date();
d.getMilliseconds() + 864e5 * s.expires
), s.expires = d;
try {
i = JSON.stringify(o), /^[\{\[]/.test(i) && (o = i);
} catch (l) {
return o = encodeURIComponent(String(o)), o = o.replace(
), t = encodeURIComponent(String(t)), t = t.replace(
), t = t.replace(/[\(\)]/g, escape), document.cookie = [
s.expires && "; expires=" + s.expires.toUTCString(),
s.path && "; path=" + s.path,
s.domain && "; domain=" + s.domain, ? "; secure" : ""
t || (i = {});
for (
var p = document.cookie ? document.cookie.split("; ") : [],
r = /(%[0-9A-Z]{2})+/g,
c = 0;
c < p.length;
) {
var u = p[c].split("="),
b = u[0].replace(r, decodeURIComponent),
m = u.slice(1).join("=");
'"' === m.charAt(0) && (m = m.slice(1, -1));
try {
if ((m = a && a(m, b) || m.replace(r, decodeURIComponent), this.json))
try {
m = JSON.parse(m);
} catch (l) {
if (t === b) {
i = m;
t || (i[b] = m);
} catch (l) {
return i;
return n.get = n.set = n, n.getJSON = function() {
return n.apply({ json: !0 }, [];
}, n.defaults = {}, n.remove = function(t, a) {
n(t, "", e(a, { expires: -1 }));
}, n.withConverter = t, n;
return t();
var atTokenRegex = /^[0-1]{1,5}l[a-zA-Z0-9]+$/,
atParamRegex = /(at=)([a-z0-9]+)?/i,
atReplaceParamRegex = /\&?at\=[a-z0-9]+/gi,
atReplaceParamValue = "",
badTokenValues = [void 0, "undefined", ""],
ctTokenRegex = /^[a-z0-9\_\~\-]{1,40}$/i,
ctParamRegex = /(ct=)([a-z0-9\_\~\-]+)?/i,
ctReplaceParamRegex = /\&?ct\=[a-z0-9\_\~\-]+/gi,
ctReplaceParamValue = "";
$(function() {
).delegate(".webui-popover .affiliate-token", "keypress", function(e) {
var t = /^[a-z0-9]+$/i,
a = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.which),
n = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.which;
return t.test(a) || 8 === n || 0 === n
? !0
: (13 === n &&
.hide(), e.preventDefault(), !1);
}), $(
).delegate(".webui-popover .affiliate-token", "input", function() {
var e = $(this), t = e.parent();
atTokenRegex.test(e.val()) || "" === e.val()
? (t.removeClass("has-error"), "" !== e.val()
? ($(".campaign-link").show(), t.addClass("has-success"))
: t.removeClass("has-success"), Cookies.set(atCookie, e.val(), {
path: "/"
}), Cookies.set(atCookie, e.val(), {
path: "/",
domain: ""
}), window.location.href.match("rss")
? updateRssToken()
: updateEmbedCode())
: ("" === e.val()
? ($(".campaign-link").hide(), t
: ($(".campaign-link").hide(), t
.addClass("has-error")), window.location.href.match("rss") &&
}), $(
).delegate(".webui-popover .campaign-token", "keypress", function(e) {
var t = /[\w\-\~]+/,
a = String.fromCharCode(e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.which),
n = e.charCode ? e.charCode : e.which;
return t.test(a) || 8 === n || 0 === n
? !0
: (13 === n &&
.hide(), e.preventDefault(), !1);
}), $("body").delegate(".webui-popover .campaign-token", "input", function() {
var e = $(this), t = e.parent();
ctTokenRegex.test(e.val()) || "" === e.val()
? (t.removeClass("has-error").removeClass("has-success"), "" !==
e.val() &&
t.addClass("has-success"), Cookies.set(ctCookie, e.val(), {
path: "/"
}), Cookies.set(ctCookie, e.val(), {
path: "/",
domain: ""
}), updateEmbedCode())
: "" === e.val()
? t.removeClass("has-success").removeClass("has-error")
: t.removeClass("has-success").addClass("has-error");
}), !(function(e, t, a) {
"use strict";
function n(t, a) {
this.$element = e(t), a &&
("string" === e.type(a.delay) || "number" === e.type(a.delay)) &&
(a.delay = { show: a.delay, hide: a.delay }), this.options = e.extend(
), this._defaults = d, this._name = o, this._targetclick = !1, this.init(), l.push(
var o = "webuiPopover",
s = "webui-popover",
i = "webui.popover",
d = {
placement: "auto",
width: "auto",
height: "auto",
trigger: "click",
style: "",
delay: { show: null, hide: null },
async: { before: null, success: null },
cache: !0,
multi: !1,
arrow: !0,
title: "",
content: "",
closeable: !1,
padding: !0,
url: "",
type: "html",
constrains: null,
animation: null,
template: '<div class="webui-popover"><div class="arrow"></div><div class="webui-popover-inner"><a href="#" class="close">x</a><h3 class="webui-popover-title"></h3><div class="webui-popover-content"><i class="icon-refresh"></i> <p>&nbsp;</p></div></div></div>',
backdrop: !1,
dismissible: !0,
onShow: null,
onHide: null
l = [],
p = e('<div class="webui-popover-backdrop"></div>'),
r = 0,
c = e(a);
n.prototype = {
init: function() {
"click" === this.getTrigger()
? this.$"click").on("click", e.proxy(this.toggle, this))
: "hover" === this.getTrigger() &&
.off("mouseenter mouseleave click")
.on("mouseenter", e.proxy(this.mouseenterHandler, this))
e.proxy(this.mouseleaveHandler, this)
), this._poped = !1, this._inited = !0, this._opened = !1, this._idSeed = r, this.options.backdrop &&
p.appendTo(a.body).hide(), r++;
destroy: function() {
for (var e = -1, t = 0; t < l.length; t++)
if (l[t] === this.$element) {
e = t;
l.splice(e, 1), this.hide(), this.$
"plugin_" + o,
), "click" === this.getTrigger()
? this.$"click")
: "hover" === this.getTrigger() &&
this.$"mouseenter mouseleave"), this.$target &&
hide: function(t) {
if (this._opened) {
t && (t.preventDefault(), t.stopPropagation()), this.xhr &&
(this.xhr.abort(), this.xhr = null);
var a = e.Event("hide." + i);
this.$element.trigger(a), this.$target &&
this.$target.removeClass("in").hide(), this.options.backdrop &&
p.hide(), this._opened = !1, this.$element.trigger(
"hidden." + i
), this.options.onHide && this.options.onHide(this.$target);
toggle: function(e) {
e && (e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation()), this[
this.getTarget().hasClass("in") ? "hide" : "show"
hideAll: function() {
for (var e = 0; e < l.length; e++)
c.trigger("hiddenAll." + i);
show: function() {
var e = this
if ((this.options.multi || this.hideAll(), !this._opened)) {
if (!this.getCache() || !this._poped || "" === this.content) {
if (
(this.content = "", this.setTitle(
), this.options.closeable ||
e.find(".close").off("click").remove(), this.isAsync())
return this.setContentASync(
), void this.displayContent();
this.displayContent(), this.options.onShow &&
), this.bindBodyEvents(), this.options.backdrop &&, this._opened = !0;
displayContent: function() {
var t = this.getElementPosition(),
n = this
o = this.getContentElement(),
d = n[0].offsetWidth,
l = n[0].offsetHeight,
p = "bottom",
r = e.Event("show." + i);
this.$element.trigger(r), "auto" !== this.options.width &&
n.width(this.options.width), "auto" !== this.options.height &&
o.height(this.options.height), this.options.arrow ||
n.find(".arrow").remove(), n
top: -2e3,
left: -2e3,
display: "block"
}), this.getAnimation() && n.addClass(this.getAnimation()), n.appendTo(
), d = n[0].offsetWidth, l = n[0].offsetHeight, p = this.getPlacement(
), this.initTargetEvents();
var c = this.getTargetPositin(t, p, d, l);
if (
(this.$target.css(c.position).addClass(p).addClass("in"), "iframe" ===
) {
var u = n.find("iframe");
if (
( &&
s + "-" +
), this.options.padding ||
(o.css("height", o.outerHeight()), this.$target.addClass(
)), this.options.arrow ||
this.$target.css({ margin: 0 }), this.options.arrow)
) {
var b = this.$target.find(".arrow");
b.removeAttr("style"), c.arrowOffset && b.css(c.arrowOffset);
this._poped = !0, this.$element.trigger("shown." + i);
isTargetLoaded: function() {
return 0 === this.getTarget().find("i.glyphicon-refresh").length;
getTriggerElement: function() {
return this.$element;
getTarget: function() {
if (!this.$target) {
var t = o + this._idSeed;
this.$target = e(this.options.template)
.attr("id", t)
), this._customTargetClass = this.$target.attr("class") !== s
? this.$target.attr("class")
: null, this.getTriggerElement().attr("data-target", t);
return this.$target;
getTitleElement: function() {
return this.getTarget().find("." + s + "-title");
getContentElement: function() {
return this.getTarget().find("." + s + "-content");
getTitle: function() {
return this.$element.attr("data-title") ||
this.options.title ||
getUrl: function() {
return this.$element.attr("data-url") || this.options.url;
getCache: function() {
var e = this.$element.attr("data-cache");
if ("undefined" != typeof e)
switch (e.toLowerCase()) {
case "true":
case "yes":
case "1":
return !0;
case "false":
case "no":
case "0":
return !1;
return this.options.cache;
getTrigger: function() {
return this.$element.attr("data-trigger") || this.options.trigger;
getDelayShow: function() {
var e = this.$element.attr("data-delay-show");
return "undefined" != typeof e
? e
: 0 === ? 0 : || 100;
getHideDelay: function() {
var e = this.$element.attr("data-delay-hide");
return "undefined" != typeof e
? e
: 0 === this.options.delay.hide ? 0 : this.options.delay.hide || 100;
getConstrains: function() {
var e = this.$element.attr("data-contrains");
return "undefined" != typeof e ? e : this.options.constrains;
getAnimation: function() {
var e = this.$element.attr("data-animation");
return e || this.options.animation;
setTitle: function(e) {
var t = this.getTitleElement();
e ? t.html(e) : t.remove();
hasContent: function() {
return this.getContent();
getContent: function() {
if (this.getUrl())
"iframe" === this.options.type &&
(this.content = e('<iframe frameborder="0"></iframe>').attr(
else if (!this.content) {
var t = "";
t = e.isFunction(this.options.content)
? this.options.content.apply(this.$element[0], arguments)
: this.options.content, this.content = this.$element.attr(
) ||
return this.content;
setContent: function(e) {
var t = this.getTarget();
this.getContentElement().html(e), this.$target = t;
isAsync: function() {
return "async" === this.options.type;
setContentASync: function(t) {
var a = this;
this.xhr = e.ajax({
url: this.getUrl(),
type: "GET",
cache: this.getCache(),
beforeSend: function(e) {
a.options.async.before && a.options.async.before(a, e);
success: function(n) {
a.bindBodyEvents(), a.content = t && e.isFunction(t)
? t.apply(a.$element[0], [n])
: n, a.setContent(a.content);
var o = a.getContentElement();
o.removeAttr("style"), a.displayContent(), a.options.async.success &&
a.options.async.success(a, n), this.xhr = null;
bindBodyEvents: function() {
this.options.dismissible &&
.on("keyup.webui-popover", e.proxy(this.escapeHandler, this)), e(
.on("click.webui-popover", e.proxy(this.bodyClickHandler, this)));
mouseenterHandler: function() {
var e = this;
e._timeout && clearTimeout(e._timeout), e._enterTimeout = setTimeout(
function() {
e.getTarget().is(":visible") ||;
mouseleaveHandler: function() {
var e = this;
clearTimeout(e._enterTimeout), e._timeout = setTimeout(
function() {
escapeHandler: function(e) {
27 === e.keyCode && this.hideAll();
bodyClickHandler: function() {
"click" === this.getTrigger() &&
(this._targetclick ? this._targetclick = !1 : this.hideAll());
targetClickHandler: function() {
this._targetclick = !0;
initTargetEvents: function() {
"hover" === this.getTrigger() &&
.off("mouseenter mouseleave")
.on("mouseenter", e.proxy(this.mouseenterHandler, this))
e.proxy(this.mouseleaveHandler, this)
), this.$target
.on("click", e.proxy(this.hide, this)), this.$target
.on("click.webui-popover", e.proxy(this.targetClickHandler, this));
getPlacement: function(e) {
var t,
n = a.documentElement,
o = a.body,
s = n.clientWidth,
i = n.clientHeight,
d = Math.max(o.scrollTop, n.scrollTop),
l = Math.max(o.scrollLeft, n.scrollLeft),
p = Math.max(0, e.left - l),
r = Math.max(0, - d);
if (
(t = "function" == typeof this.options.placement
: this.$"placement") ||
this.options.placement, "auto" === t)
) {
var c = "horizontal" === this.getConstrains(),
u = "vertical" === this.getConstrains();
t = s / 3 > p
? i / 3 > r
? c ? "right-bottom" : "bottom-right"
: 2 * i / 3 > r
? u ? i / 2 >= r ? "bottom-right" : "top-right" : "right"
: c ? "right-top" : "top-right"
: 2 * s / 3 > p
? i / 3 > r
? c ? s / 2 >= p ? "right-bottom" : "left-bottom" : "bottom"
: 2 * i / 3 > r
? c
? s / 2 >= p ? "right" : "left"
: i / 2 >= r ? "bottom" : "top"
: c ? s / 2 >= p ? "right-top" : "left-top" : "top"
: i / 3 > r
? c ? "left-bottom" : "bottom-left"
: 2 * i / 3 > r
? u ? i / 2 >= r ? "bottom-left" : "top-left" : "left"
: c ? "left-top" : "top-left";
} else
"auto-top" === t
? t = s / 3 > p ? "top-right" : 2 * i / 3 > p ? "top" : "top-left"
: "auto-bottom" === t
? t = s / 3 > p
? "bottom-right"
: 2 * i / 3 > p ? "bottom" : "bottom-left"
: "auto-left" === t
? t = i / 3 > r
? "left-top"
: 2 * i / 3 > r ? "left" : "left-bottom"
: "auto-right" === t &&
(t = i / 3 > r
? "right-top"
: 2 * i / 3 > r ? "right" : "right-bottom");
return t;
getElementPosition: function() {
return e.extend({}, this.$element.offset(), {
width: this.$element[0].offsetWidth,
height: this.$element[0].offsetHeight
getTargetPositin: function(e, t, a, n) {
var o = e,
s = this.$element.outerWidth(),
i = this.$element.outerHeight(),
d = {},
l = null,
p = this.options.arrow ? 20 : 0,
r = p + 10 > s ? p : 0,
c = p + 10 > i ? p : 0;
switch (t) {
case "bottom":
d = { top: + o.height, left: o.left + o.width / 2 - a / 2 };
case "top":
d = { top: - n, left: o.left + o.width / 2 - a / 2 };
case "left":
d = { top: + o.height / 2 - n / 2, left: o.left - a };
case "right":
d = { top: + o.height / 2 - n / 2, left: o.left + o.width };
case "top-right":
d = { top: - n, left: o.left - r }, l = {
left: Math.min(s, a) / 2 + r
case "top-left":
d = { top: - n, left: o.left - a + o.width + r }, l = {
left: a - Math.min(s, a) / 2 - r
case "bottom-right":
d = { top: + o.height, left: o.left - r }, l = {
left: Math.min(s, a) / 2 + r
case "bottom-left":
d = { top: + o.height, left: o.left - a + o.width + r }, l = {
left: a - Math.min(s, a) / 2 - r
case "right-top":
d = { top: - n + o.height + c, left: o.left + o.width }, l = {
top: n - Math.min(i, n) / 2 - c
case "right-bottom":
d = { top: - c, left: o.left + o.width }, l = {
top: Math.min(i, n) / 2 + c
case "left-top":
d = { top: - n + o.height + c, left: o.left - a }, l = {
top: n - Math.min(i, n) / 2 - c
case "left-bottom":
d = { top: - c, left: o.left - a }, l = {
top: Math.min(i, n) / 2 + c
return { position: d, arrowOffset: l };
}, e.fn[o] = function(t, a) {
var s = [], i = this.each(function() {
var i =, "plugin_" + o);
? "destroy" === t
? i.destroy()
: "string" == typeof t && s.push(i[t]())
: (t
? "string" == typeof t
? "destroy" !== t &&
(a || (i = new n(this, null), s.push(i[t]())))
: "object" == typeof t && (i = new n(this, t))
: i = new n(this, null),, "plugin_" + o, i));
return s.length ? s : i;
) /*! Select2 4.0.2 | */, !(function(
) {
"function" == typeof define && define.amd
? define(["jquery"], e)
: e("object" == typeof exports ? require("jquery") : jQuery);
})(function(e) {
var t = (function() {
if (e && e.fn && e.fn.select2 && e.fn.select2.amd) var t = e.fn.select2.amd;
var t;
return (function() {
if (!t || !t.requirejs) {
t ? a = t : t = {};
var e, a, n;
!(function(t) {
function o(e, t) {
return, t);
function s(e, t) {
var a,
b = t && t.split("/"),
m =,
g = m && m["*"] || {};
if (e && "." === e.charAt(0))
if (t) {
for (
e = e.split("/"), i = e.length - 1, v.nodeIdCompat &&
x.test(e[i]) &&
(e[i] = e[i].replace(x, "")), e = b
.slice(0, b.length - 1)
.concat(e), r = 0;
r < e.length;
r += 1
if ((u = e[r], "." === u))
e.splice(r, 1), r -= 1;
else if (".." === u) {
if (1 === r && (".." === e[2] || ".." === e[0])) break;
r > 0 && (e.splice(r - 1, 2), r -= 2);
e = e.join("/");
} else
0 === e.indexOf("./") && (e = e.substring(2));
if ((b || g) && m) {
for (a = e.split("/"), r = a.length; r > 0; r -= 1) {
if ((n = a.slice(0, r).join("/"), b))
for (c = b.length; c > 0; c -= 1)
if ((o = m[b.slice(0, c).join("/")], o && (o = o[n]))) {
s = o, d = r;
if (s) break;
!l && g && g[n] && (l = g[n], p = r);
!s && l && (s = l, d = p), s &&
(a.splice(0, d, s), e = a.join("/"));
return e;
function i(e, a) {
return function() {
var n =, 0);
return "string" != typeof n[0] &&
1 === n.length &&
n.push(null), b.apply(t, n.concat([e, a]));
function d(e) {
return function(t) {
return s(t, e);
function l(e) {
return function(t) {
f[e] = t;
function p(e) {
if (o(h, e)) {
var a = h[e];
delete h[e], y[e] = !0, u.apply(t, a);
if (!o(f, e) && !o(y, e)) throw new Error("No " + e);
return f[e];
function r(e) {
var t, a = e ? e.indexOf("!") : -1;
return a > -1 &&
(t = e.substring(0, a), e = e.substring(a + 1, e.length)), [t, e];
function c(e) {
return function() {
return v && v.config && v.config[e] || {};
var u,
f = {},
h = {},
v = {},
y = {},
w = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,
k = [].slice,
x = /\.js$/;
m = function(e, t) {
var a, n = r(e), o = n[0];
return e = n[1], o && (o = s(o, t), a = p(o)), o
? e = a && a.normalize ? a.normalize(e, d(t)) : s(e, t)
: (e = s(e, t), n = r(e), o = n[0], e = n[1], o && (a = p(o))), {
f: o ? o + "!" + e : e,
n: e,
pr: o,
p: a
}, g = {
require: function(e) {
return i(e);
exports: function(e) {
var t = f[e];
return "undefined" != typeof t ? t : f[e] = {};
module: function(e) {
return { id: e, uri: "", exports: f[e], config: c(e) };
}, u = function(e, a, n, s) {
var d, r, c, u, b, v, w = [], k = typeof n;
if ((s = s || e, "undefined" === k || "function" === k)) {
for (
a = !a.length && n.length
? ["require", "exports", "module"]
: a, b = 0;
b < a.length;
b += 1
if ((u = m(a[b], s), r = u.f, "require" === r))
w[b] = g.require(e);
else if ("exports" === r)
w[b] = g.exports(e), v = !0;
else if ("module" === r)
d = w[b] = g.module(e);
else if (o(f, r) || o(h, r) || o(y, r))
w[b] = p(r);
else {
if (!u.p) throw new Error(e + " missing " + r);
u.p.load(u.n, i(s, !0), l(r), {}), w[b] = f[r];
c = n ? n.apply(f[e], w) : void 0, e &&
(d && d.exports !== t && d.exports !== f[e]
? f[e] = d.exports
: c === t && v || (f[e] = c));
} else
e && (f[e] = n);
}, e = a = b = function(e, a, n, o, s) {
if ("string" == typeof e) return g[e] ? g[e](a) : p(m(e, a).f);
if (!e.splice) {
if ((v = e, v.deps && b(v.deps, v.callback), !a)) return;
a.splice ? (e = a, a = n, n = null) : e = t;
return a = a || function() {}, "function" == typeof n &&
(n = o, o = s), o
? u(t, e, a, n)
: setTimeout(
function() {
u(t, e, a, n);
), b;
}, b.config = function(e) {
return b(e);
}, e._defined = f, n = function(e, t, a) {
if ("string" != typeof e)
throw new Error(
"See almond README: incorrect module build, no module name"
t.splice || (a = t, t = []), o(f, e) ||
o(h, e) ||
(h[e] = [e, t, a]);
}, n.amd = { jQuery: !0 };
})(), t.requirejs = e, t.require = a, t.define = n;
})(), t.define("almond", function() {}), t.define("jquery", [], function() {
var t = e || $;
return null == t &&
console &&
console.error &&
"Select2: An instance of jQuery or a jQuery-compatible library was not found. Make sure that you are including jQuery before Select2 on your web page."
), t;
}), t.define("select2/utils", ["jquery"], function(e) {
function t(e) {
var t = e.prototype, a = [];
for (var n in t) {
var o = t[n];
"function" == typeof o && "constructor" !== n && a.push(n);
return a;
var a = {};
a.Extend = function(e, t) {
function a() {
this.constructor = e;
var n = ({}).hasOwnProperty;
for (var o in t), o) && (e[o] = t[o]);
return a.prototype = t.prototype, e.prototype = new a(), e.__super__ = t.prototype, e;
}, a.Decorate = function(e, a) {
function n() {
var t = Array.prototype.unshift,
n = a.prototype.constructor.length,
o = e.prototype.constructor;
n > 0 &&
), o = a.prototype.constructor), o.apply(this, arguments);
function o() {
this.constructor = n;
var s = t(a), i = t(e);
a.displayName = e.displayName, n.prototype = new o();
for (var d = 0; d < i.length; d++) {
var l = i[d];
n.prototype[l] = e.prototype[l];
for (
var p = function(e) {
var t = function() {};
e in n.prototype && (t = n.prototype[e]);
var o = a.prototype[e];
return function() {
var e = Array.prototype.unshift;
return, t), o.apply(this, arguments);
r = 0;
r < s.length;
) {
var c = s[r];
n.prototype[c] = p(c);
return n;
var n = function() {
this.listeners = {};
return n.prototype.on = function(e, t) {
this.listeners = this.listeners || {}, e in this.listeners
? this.listeners[e].push(t)
: this.listeners[e] = [t];
}, n.prototype.trigger = function(e) {
var t = Array.prototype.slice;
this.listeners = this.listeners || {}, e in this.listeners &&
this.invoke(this.listeners[e],, 1)), "*" in
this.listeners &&
this.invoke(this.listeners["*"], arguments);
}, n.prototype.invoke = function(e, t) {
for (var a = 0, n = e.length; n > a; a++)
e[a].apply(this, t);
}, a.Observable = n, a.generateChars = function(e) {
for (var t = "", a = 0; e > a; a++) {
var n = Math.floor(36 * Math.random());
t += n.toString(36);
return t;
}, a.bind = function(e, t) {
return function() {
e.apply(t, arguments);
}, a._convertData = function(e) {
for (var t in e) {
var a = t.split("-"), n = e;
if (1 !== a.length) {
for (var o = 0; o < a.length; o++) {
var s = a[o];
s = s.substring(0, 1).toLowerCase() + s.substring(1), s in n ||
(n[s] = {}), o == a.length - 1 && (n[s] = e[t]), n = n[s];
delete e[t];
return e;
}, a.hasScroll = function(t, a) {
var n = e(a), o =, s =;
return o !== s || "hidden" !== s && "visible" !== s
? "scroll" === o || "scroll" === s
? !0
: n.innerHeight() < a.scrollHeight ||
n.innerWidth() < a.scrollWidth
: !1;
}, a.escapeMarkup = function(e) {
var t = {
"\\": "&#92;",
"&": "&amp;",
"<": "&lt;",
">": "&gt;",
'"': "&quot;",
"'": "&#39;",
"/": "&#47;"
return "string" != typeof e
? e
: String(e).replace(/[&<>"'\/\\]/g, function(e) {
return t[e];
}, a.appendMany = function(t, a) {
if ("1.7" === e.fn.jquery.substr(0, 3)) {
var n = e();, function(e) {
n = n.add(e);
}), a = n;
}, a;
}), t.define("select2/results", ["jquery", "./utils"], function(e, t) {
function a(e, t, n) {
this.$element = e, = n, this.options = t,;
return t.Extend(a, t.Observable), a.prototype.render = function() {
var t = e('<ul class="select2-results__options" role="tree"></ul>');
return this.options.get("multiple") &&
t.attr("aria-multiselectable", "true"), this.$results = t, t;
}, a.prototype.clear = function() {
}, a.prototype.displayMessage = function(t) {
var a = this.options.get("escapeMarkup");
this.clear(), this.hideLoading();
var n = e(
'<li role="treeitem" aria-live="assertive" class="select2-results__option"></li>'
o = this.options.get("translations").get(t.message);
n.append(a(o(t.args))), n[
].className += " select2-results__message", this.$results.append(n);
}, a.prototype.hideMessages = function() {
}, a.prototype.append = function(e) {
var t = [];
if (null == e.results || 0 === e.results.length)
return void (0 === this.$results.children().length &&
this.trigger("results:message", { message: "noResults" }));
e.results = this.sort(e.results);
for (var a = 0; a < e.results.length; a++) {
var n = e.results[a], o = this.option(n);
}, a.prototype.position = function(e, t) {
var a = t.find(".select2-results");
}, a.prototype.sort = function(e) {
var t = this.options.get("sorter");
return t(e);
}, a.prototype.setClasses = function() {
var t = this; {
var n =, function(e) {
}), o = t.$results.find(".select2-results__option[aria-selected]");
o.each(function() {
var t = e(this), a =, "data"), o = "" +;
null != a.element && a.element.selected ||
null == a.element && e.inArray(o, n) > -1
? t.attr("aria-selected", "true")
: t.attr("aria-selected", "false");
var s = o.filter("[aria-selected=true]");
s.length > 0
? s.first().trigger("mouseenter")
: o.first().trigger("mouseenter");
}, a.prototype.showLoading = function(e) {
var t = this.options.get("translations").get("searching"),
a = { disabled: !0, loading: !0, text: t(e) },
n = this.option(a);
n.className += " loading-results", this.$results.prepend(n);
}, a.prototype.hideLoading = function() {
}, a.prototype.option = function(t) {
var a = document.createElement("li");
a.className = "select2-results__option";
var n = { role: "treeitem", "aria-selected": "false" };
t.disabled &&
(delete n["aria-selected"], n["aria-disabled"] = "true"), null == &&
delete n["aria-selected"], null != t._resultId &&
( = t._resultId), t.title && (a.title = t.title), t.children &&
(n.role = "group", n["aria-label"] = t.text, delete n[
for (var o in n) {
var s = n[o];
a.setAttribute(o, s);
if (t.children) {
var i = e(a), d = document.createElement("strong");
d.className = "select2-results__group", e(d), this.template(t, d);
for (var l = [], p = 0; p < t.children.length; p++) {
var r = t.children[p], c = this.option(r);
var u = e("<ul></ul>", {
class: "select2-results__options select2-results__options--nested"
u.append(l), i.append(d), i.append(u);
} else
this.template(t, a);
return, "data", t), a;
}, a.prototype.bind = function(t) {
var a = this, n = + "-results";
this.$results.attr("id", n), t.on("results:all", function(e) {
a.clear(), a.append(, t.isOpen() && a.setClasses();
}), t.on("results:append", function(e) {
a.append(, t.isOpen() && a.setClasses();
}), t.on("query", function(e) {
a.hideMessages(), a.showLoading(e);
}), t.on("select", function() {
t.isOpen() && a.setClasses();
}), t.on("unselect", function() {
t.isOpen() && a.setClasses();
}), t.on("open", function() {
), a.$results.attr("aria-hidden", "false"), a.setClasses(), a.ensureHighlightVisible();
}), t.on("close", function() {
), a.$results.attr("aria-hidden", "true"), a.$results.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant");
}), t.on("results:toggle", function() {
var e = a.getHighlightedResults();
0 !== e.length && e.trigger("mouseup");
}), t.on("results:select", function() {
var e = a.getHighlightedResults();
if (0 !== e.length) {
var t ="data");
"true" == e.attr("aria-selected")
? a.trigger("close", {})
: a.trigger("select", { data: t });
}), t.on("results:previous", function() {
var e = a.getHighlightedResults(),
t = a.$results.find("[aria-selected]"),
n = t.index(e);
if (0 !== n) {
var o = n - 1;
0 === e.length && (o = 0);
var s = t.eq(o);
var i = a.$results.offset().top,
d = s.offset().top,
l = a.$results.scrollTop() + (d - i);
0 === o
? a.$results.scrollTop(0)
: 0 > d - i && a.$results.scrollTop(l);
}), t.on("results:next", function() {
var e = a.getHighlightedResults(),
t = a.$results.find("[aria-selected]"),
n = t.index(e),
o = n + 1;
if (!(o >= t.length)) {
var s = t.eq(o);
var i = a.$results.offset().top + a.$results.outerHeight(!1),
d = s.offset().top + s.outerHeight(!1),
l = a.$results.scrollTop() + d - i;
0 === o
? a.$results.scrollTop(0)
: d > i && a.$results.scrollTop(l);
}), t.on("results:focus", function(e) {
}), t.on("results:message", function(e) {
}), e.fn.mousewheel && this.$results.on("mousewheel", function(e) {
var t = a.$results.scrollTop(),
n = a.$results.get(0).scrollHeight - t + e.deltaY,
o = e.deltaY > 0 && t - e.deltaY <= 0,
s = e.deltaY < 0 && n <= a.$results.height();
? (a.$results.scrollTop(
), e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation())
: s &&
a.$results.get(0).scrollHeight - a.$results.height()
), e.preventDefault(), e.stopPropagation());
}), this.$results.on(
function(t) {
var n = e(this), o ="data");
return "true" === n.attr("aria-selected")
? void (a.options.get("multiple")
? a.trigger("unselect", { originalEvent: t, data: o })
: a.trigger("close", {}))
: void a.trigger("select", { originalEvent: t, data: o });
), this.$results.on(
function() {
var t = e(this).data("data");
), a.trigger("results:focus", { data: t, element: e(this) });
}, a.prototype.getHighlightedResults = function() {
var e = this.$results.find(".select2-results__option--highlighted");
return e;
}, a.prototype.destroy = function() {
}, a.prototype.ensureHighlightVisible = function() {
var e = this.getHighlightedResults();
if (0 !== e.length) {
var t = this.$results.find("[aria-selected]"),
a = t.index(e),
n = this.$results.offset().top,
o = e.offset().top,
s = this.$results.scrollTop() + (o - n),
i = o - n;
s -= 2 * e.outerHeight(!1), 2 >= a
? this.$results.scrollTop(0)
: (i > this.$results.outerHeight() || 0 > i) &&
}, a.prototype.template = function(t, a) {
var n = this.options.get("templateResult"),
o = this.options.get("escapeMarkup"),
s = n(t, a);
null == s
? = "none"
: "string" == typeof s ? a.innerHTML = o(s) : e(a).append(s);
}, a;
}), t.define("select2/keys", [], function() {
var e = {
TAB: 9,
ENTER: 13,
SHIFT: 16,
CTRL: 17,
ALT: 18,
ESC: 27,
SPACE: 32,
PAGE_UP: 33,
END: 35,
HOME: 36,
LEFT: 37,
UP: 38,
RIGHT: 39,
DOWN: 40,
return e;
}), t.define(
["jquery", "../utils", "../keys"],
function(e, t, a) {
function n(e, t) {
this.$element = e, this.options = t,
return t.Extend(n, t.Observable), n.prototype.render = function() {
var t = e(
'<span class="select2-selection" role="combobox" aria-haspopup="true" aria-expanded="false"></span>'
return this._tabindex = 0, null != this.$"old-tabindex")
? this._tabindex = this.$"old-tabindex")
: null != this.$element.attr("tabindex") &&
(this._tabindex = this.$element.attr("tabindex")), t.attr(
), t.attr("tabindex", this._tabindex), this.$selection = t, t;
}, n.prototype.bind = function(e) {
var t = this, n = ( + "-container", + "-results");
this.container = e, this.$selection.on("focus", function(e) {
t.trigger("focus", e);
}), this.$selection.on("blur", function(e) {
}), this.$selection.on("keydown", function(e) {
t.trigger("keypress", e), e.which === a.SPACE && e.preventDefault();
}), e.on("results:focus", function(e) {
}), e.on("selection:update", function(e) {
}), e.on("open", function() {
), t.$selection.attr("aria-owns", n), t._attachCloseHandler(e);
}), e.on("close", function() {
), t.$selection.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant"), t.$selection.removeAttr("aria-owns"), t.$selection.focus(), t._detachCloseHandler(e);
}), e.on("enable", function() {
t.$selection.attr("tabindex", t._tabindex);
}), e.on("disable", function() {
t.$selection.attr("tabindex", "-1");
}, n.prototype._handleBlur = function(t) {
var a = this;
function() {
document.activeElement == a.$selection[0] ||
e.contains(a.$selection[0], document.activeElement) ||
a.trigger("blur", t);
}, n.prototype._attachCloseHandler = function(t) {
e(document.body).on("mousedown.select2." +, function(t) {
var a = e(,
n = a.closest(".select2"),
o = e(".select2.select2-container--open");
o.each(function() {
var t = e(this);
if (this != n[0]) {
var a ="element");
}, n.prototype._detachCloseHandler = function(t) {
e(document.body).off("mousedown.select2." +;
}, n.prototype.position = function(e, t) {
var a = t.find(".selection");
}, n.prototype.destroy = function() {
}, n.prototype.update = function() {
throw new Error(
"The `update` method must be defined in child classes."
}, n;
), t.define(
["jquery", "./base", "../utils", "../keys"],
function(e, t, a) {
function n() {
n.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
return a.Extend(n, t), n.prototype.render = function() {
var e =;
return e.addClass("select2-selection--single"), e.html(
'<span class="select2-selection__rendered"></span><span class="select2-selection__arrow" role="presentation"><b role="presentation"></b></span>'
), e;
}, n.prototype.bind = function(e) {
var t = this;
n.__super__.bind.apply(this, arguments);
var a = + "-container";
.attr("id", a), this.$selection.attr(
), this.$selection.on("mousedown", function(e) {
1 === e.which && t.trigger("toggle", { originalEvent: e });
}), this.$selection.on(
function() {}
), this.$selection.on(
function() {}
), e.on("selection:update", function(e) {
}, n.prototype.clear = function() {
}, n.prototype.display = function(e, t) {
var a = this.options.get("templateSelection"),
n = this.options.get("escapeMarkup");
return n(a(e, t));
}, n.prototype.selectionContainer = function() {
return e("<span></span>");
}, n.prototype.update = function(e) {
if (0 === e.length) return void this.clear();
var t = e[0],
a = this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__rendered"),
n = this.display(t, a);
a.empty().append(n), a.prop("title", t.title || t.text);
}, n;
), t.define(
["jquery", "./base", "../utils"],
function(e, t, a) {
function n() {
n.__super__.constructor.apply(this, arguments);
return a.Extend(n, t), n.prototype.render = function() {
var e =;
return e.addClass("select2-selection--multiple"), e.html(
'<ul class="select2-selection__rendered"></ul>'
), e;
}, n.prototype.bind = function() {
var t = this;
), this.$selection.on("click", function(e) {
t.trigger("toggle", { originalEvent: e });
}), this.$selection.on(
function(a) {
if (!t.options.get("disabled")) {
var n = e(this), o = n.parent(), s ="data");
t.trigger("unselect", { originalEvent: a, data: s });
}, n.prototype.clear = function() {
}, n.prototype.display = function(e, t) {
var a = this.options.get("templateSelection"),
n = this.options.get("escapeMarkup");
return n(a(e, t));
}, n.prototype.selectionContainer = function() {
var t = e(
'<li class="select2-selection__choice"><span class="select2-selection__choice__remove" role="presentation">&times;</span></li>'
return t;
}, n.prototype.update = function(e) {
if ((this.clear(), 0 !== e.length)) {
for (var t = [], n = 0; n < e.length; n++) {
var o = e[n],
s = this.selectionContainer(),
i = this.display(o, s);
s.append(i), s.prop("title", o.title || o.text),
), t.push(s);
var d = this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__rendered");
a.appendMany(d, t);
}, n;
), t.define("select2/selection/placeholder", ["../utils"], function() {
function e(e, t, a) {
this.placeholder = this.normalizePlaceholder(
),, t, a);
return e.prototype.normalizePlaceholder = function(e, t) {
return "string" == typeof t && (t = { id: "", text: t }), t;
}, e.prototype.createPlaceholder = function(e, t) {
var a = this.selectionContainer();
return a.html(this.display(t)), a
.removeClass("select2-selection__choice"), a;
}, e.prototype.update = function(e, t) {
var a = 1 == t.length && t[0].id !=,
n = t.length > 1;
if (n || a) return, t);
var o = this.createPlaceholder(this.placeholder);
}, e;
}), t.define(
["jquery", "../keys"],
function(e, t) {
function a() {}
return a.prototype.bind = function(e, t, a) {
var n = this;, t, a), null == this.placeholder &&
this.options.get("debug") &&
window.console &&
console.error &&
"Select2: The `allowClear` option should be used in combination with the `placeholder` option."
), this.$selection.on(
function(e) {
), t.on("keypress", function(e) {
n._handleKeyboardClear(e, t);
}, a.prototype._handleClear = function(e, t) {
if (!this.options.get("disabled")) {
var a = this.$selection.find(".select2-selection__clear");
if (0 !== a.length) {
for (var n ="data"), o = 0; o < n.length; o++) {
var s = { data: n[o] };
if ((this.trigger("unselect", s), s.prevented)) return;
.trigger("change"), this.trigger("toggle", {});
}, a.prototype._handleKeyboardClear = function(e, a, n) {
n.isOpen() ||
(a.which == t.DELETE || a.which == t.BACKSPACE) &&
}, a.prototype.update = function(t, a) {
if (
(, a), !(this.$selection.find(
).length >
0 ||
0 === a.length))
) {
var n = e('<span class="select2-selection__clear">&times;</span>');"data", a), this.$selection
}, a;
), t.define(
["jquery", "../utils", "../keys"],
function(e, t, a) {
function n(e, t, a) {, t, a);
return n.prototype.render = function(t) {
var a = e(
'<li class="select2-search select2-search--inline"><input class="select2-search__field" type="search" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" role="textbox" aria-autocomplete="list" /></li>'
this.$searchContainer = a, this.$search = a.find("input");
var n =;
return this._transferTabIndex(), n;
}, n.prototype.bind = function(e, t, n) {
var o = this;, t, n), t.on("open", function() {
}), t.on("close", function() {
), o.$search.removeAttr("aria-activedescendant"), o.$search.trigger("focus");
}), t.on("enable", function() {
o.$search.prop("disabled", !1), o._transferTabIndex();
}), t.on("disable", function() {
o.$search.prop("disabled", !0);
}), t.on("focus", function() {
}), t.on("results:focus", function(e) {
}), this.$selection.on("focusin", ".select2-search--inline", function(
) {
o.trigger("focus", e);
}), this.$selection.on(
function(e) {
), this.$selection.on("keydown", ".select2-search--inline", function(
) {
e.stopPropagation(), o.trigger(
), o._keyUpPrevented = e.isDefaultPrevented();
var t = e.which;
if (t === a.BACKSPACE && "" === o.$search.val()) {
var n = o.$searchContainer.prev(".select2-selection__choice");
if (n.length > 0) {
var s ="data");
o.searchRemoveChoice(s), e.preventDefault();
var s = document.documentMode, i = s && 11 >= s;
function() {
return i
? void o.$" input.searchcheck")
: void o.$"");
), this.$selection.on(
function(e) {
if (i && "input" === e.type)
return void o.$" input.searchcheck");
var t = e.which;
t != a.SHIFT &&
t != a.CTRL &&
t != a.ALT &&
t != a.TAB &&
}, n.prototype._transferTabIndex = function() {
), this.$selection.attr("tabindex", "-1");
}, n.prototype.createPlaceholder = function(e, t) {
this.$search.attr("placeholder", t.text);
}, n.prototype.update = function(e, t) {
var a = this.$search[0] == document.activeElement;
this.$search.attr("placeholder", ""),
), this.$selection
.append(this.$searchContainer), this.resizeSearch(), a &&
}, n.prototype.handleSearch = function() {
if ((this.resizeSearch(), !this._keyUpPrevented)) {
var e = this.$search.val();
this.trigger("query", { term: e });
this._keyUpPrevented = !1;
}, n.prototype.searchRemoveChoice = function(e, t) {
this.trigger("unselect", { data: t }), this.$search.val(
), this.handleSearch();
}, n.prototype.resizeSearch = function() {
this.$search.css("width", "25px");
var e = "";
if ("" !== this.$search.attr("placeholder"))
e = this.$selection
else {
var t = this.$search.val().length + 1;
e = 0.75 * t + "em";
this.$search.css("width", e);
}, n;
), t.define("select2/selection/eventRelay", ["jquery"], function(e) {
function t() {}
return t.prototype.bind = function(t, a, n) {
var o = this,
s = [
i = ["opening", "closing", "selecting", "unselecting"];, a, n), a.on("*", function(t, a) {
if (-1 !== e.inArray(t, s)) {
a = a || {};
var n = e.Event("select2:" + t, { params: a });
o.$element.trigger(n), -1 !== e.inArray(t, i) &&
(a.prevented = n.isDefaultPrevented());
}, t;
}), t.define("select2/translation", ["jquery", "require"], function(e, t) {
function a(e) {
this.dict = e || {};
return a.prototype.all = function() {
return this.dict;
}, a.prototype.get = function(e) {
return this.dict[e];
}, a.prototype.extend = function(t) {
this.dict = e.extend({}, t.all(), this.dict);
}, a._cache = {}, a.loadPath = function(e) {
if (!(e in a._cache)) {
var n = t(e);
a._cache[e] = n;
return new a(a._cache[e]);
}, a;
}), t.define("select2/diacritics", [], function() {
var e = {
"\u24b6": "A",
A: "A",
À: "A",
Á: "A",
Â: "A",
Ầ: "A",
Ấ: "A",
Ẫ: "A",
Ẩ: "A",
Ã: "A",
Ā: "A",
Ă: "A",
Ằ: "A",
Ắ: "A",
Ẵ: "A",
Ẳ: "A",
Ȧ: "A",
Ǡ: "A",
Ä: "A",
Ǟ: "A",
Ả: "A",
Å: "A",
Ǻ: "A",
Ǎ: "A",
Ȁ: "A",
Ȃ: "A",
Ạ: "A",
Ậ: "A",
Ặ: "A",
Ḁ: "A",
Ą: "A",
Ⱥ: "A",
Ɐ: "A",
Ꜳ: "AA",
Æ: "AE",
Ǽ: "AE",
Ǣ: "AE",
Ꜵ: "AO",
Ꜷ: "AU",
Ꜹ: "AV",
Ꜻ: "AV",
Ꜽ: "AY",
"\u24b7": "B",
B: "B",
Ḃ: "B",
Ḅ: "B",
Ḇ: "B",
Ƀ: "B",
Ƃ: "B",
Ɓ: "B",
"\u24b8": "C",
C: "C",
Ć: "C",
Ĉ: "C",
Ċ: "C",
Č: "C",
Ç: "C",
Ḉ: "C",
Ƈ: "C",
Ȼ: "C",
Ꜿ: "C",
"\u24b9": "D",
D: "D",
Ḋ: "D",
Ď: "D",
Ḍ: "D",
Ḑ: "D",
Ḓ: "D",
Ḏ: "D",
Đ: "D",
Ƌ: "D",
Ɗ: "D",
Ɖ: "D",
Ꝺ: "D",
DZ: "DZ",
DŽ: "DZ",
Dz: "Dz",
Dž: "Dz",
"\u24ba": "E",
E: "E",
È: "E",
É: "E",
Ê: "E",
Ề: "E",
Ế: "E",
Ễ: "E",
Ể: "E",
Ẽ: "E",
Ē: "E",
Ḕ: "E",
Ḗ: "E",
Ĕ: "E",
Ė: "E",
Ë: "E",
Ẻ: "E",
Ě: "E",
Ȅ: "E",
Ȇ: "E",
Ẹ: "E",
Ệ: "E",
Ȩ: "E",
Ḝ: "E",
Ę: "E",
Ḙ: "E",
Ḛ: "E",
Ɛ: "E",
Ǝ: "E",
"\u24bb": "F",
F: "F",
Ḟ: "F",
Ƒ: "F",
Ꝼ: "F",
"\u24bc": "G",
G: "G",
Ǵ: "G",
Ĝ: "G",
Ḡ: "G",
Ğ: "G",
Ġ: "G",
Ǧ: "G",
Ģ: "G",
Ǥ: "G",
Ɠ: "G",
Ꞡ: "G",
Ᵹ: "G",
Ꝿ: "G",
"\u24bd": "H",
H: "H",
Ĥ: "H",
Ḣ: "H",
Ḧ: "H",
Ȟ: "H",
Ḥ: "H",
Ḩ: "H",
Ḫ: "H",
Ħ: "H",
Ⱨ: "H",
Ⱶ: "H",
Ɥ: "H",
"\u24be": "I",
I: "I",
Ì: "I",
Í: "I",
Î: "I",
Ĩ: "I",
Ī: "I",
Ĭ: "I",
İ: "I",
Ï: "I",
Ḯ: "I",
Ỉ: "I",
Ǐ: "I",
Ȉ: "I",
Ȋ: "I",
Ị: "I",
Į: "I",
Ḭ: "I",
Ɨ: "I",
"\u24bf": "J",
J: "J",
Ĵ: "J",
Ɉ: "J",
"\u24c0": "K",
K: "K",
Ḱ: "K",
Ǩ: "K",
Ḳ: "K",
Ķ: "K",
Ḵ: "K",
Ƙ: "K",
Ⱪ: "K",
Ꝁ: "K",
Ꝃ: "K",
Ꝅ: "K",
Ꞣ: "K",
"\u24c1": "L",
L: "L",
Ŀ: "L",
Ĺ: "L",
Ľ: "L",
Ḷ: "L",
Ḹ: "L",
Ļ: "L",
Ḽ: "L",
Ḻ: "L",
Ł: "L",
Ƚ: "L",
Ɫ: "L",
Ⱡ: "L",
Ꝉ: "L",
Ꝇ: "L",
Ꞁ: "L",
LJ: "LJ",
Lj: "Lj",
"\u24c2": "M",
M: "M",
Ḿ: "M",
Ṁ: "M",
Ṃ: "M",
Ɱ: "M",
Ɯ: "M",
"\u24c3": "N",
N: "N",
Ǹ: "N",
Ń: "N",
Ñ: "N",
Ṅ: "N",
Ň: "N",
Ṇ: "N",
Ņ: "N",
Ṋ: "N",
Ṉ: "N",
Ƞ: "N",
Ɲ: "N",
Ꞑ: "N",
Ꞥ: "N",
NJ: "NJ",
Nj: "Nj",
"\u24c4": "O",
O: "O",
Ò: "O",
Ó: "O",
Ô: "O",
Ồ: "O",
Ố: "O",
Ỗ: "O",
Ổ: "O",
Õ: "O",
Ṍ: "O",
Ȭ: "O",
Ṏ: "O",
Ō: "O",
Ṑ: "O",
Ṓ: "O",
Ŏ: "O",
Ȯ: "O",
Ȱ: "O",
Ö: "O",
Ȫ: "O",
Ỏ: "O",
Ő: "O",
Ǒ: "O",
Ȍ: "O",
Ȏ: "O",
Ơ: "O",
Ờ: "O",
Ớ: "O",
Ỡ: "O",
Ở: "O",
Ợ: "O",
Ọ: "O",
Ộ: "O",
Ǫ: "O",
Ǭ: "O",
Ø: "O",
Ǿ: "O",
Ɔ: "O",
Ɵ: "O",
Ꝋ: "O",
Ꝍ: "O",
Ƣ: "OI",
Ꝏ: "OO",
Ȣ: "OU",
"\u24c5": "P",
P: "P",
Ṕ: "P",
Ṗ: "P",
Ƥ: "P",
Ᵽ: "P",
Ꝑ: "P",
Ꝓ: "P",
Ꝕ: "P",
"\u24c6": "Q",
Q: "Q",
Ꝗ: "Q",
Ꝙ: "Q",
Ɋ: "Q",
"\u24c7": "R",
R: "R",
Ŕ: "R",
Ṙ: "R",
Ř: "R",
Ȑ: "R",
Ȓ: "R",
Ṛ: "R",
Ṝ: "R",
Ŗ: "R",
Ṟ: "R",
Ɍ: "R",
Ɽ: "R",
Ꝛ: "R",
Ꞧ: "R",
Ꞃ: "R",
"\u24c8": "S",
S: "S",
ẞ: "S",
Ś: "S",
Ṥ: "S",
Ŝ: "S",
Ṡ: "S",
Š: "S",
Ṧ: "S",
Ṣ: "S",
Ṩ: "S",
Ș: "S",
Ş: "S",
Ȿ: "S",
Ꞩ: "S",
Ꞅ: "S",
"\u24c9": "T",
T: "T",
Ṫ: "T",
Ť: "T",
Ṭ: "T",
Ț: "T",
Ţ: "T",
Ṱ: "T",
Ṯ: "T",
Ŧ: "T",
Ƭ: "T",
Ʈ: "T",
Ⱦ: "T",
Ꞇ: "T",
Ꜩ: "TZ",
"\u24ca": "U",
U: "U",
Ù: "U",
Ú: "U",
Û: "U",
Ũ: "U",
Ṹ: "U",
Ū: "U",
Ṻ: "U",
Ŭ: "U",
Ü: "U",
Ǜ: "U",
Ǘ: "U",
Ǖ: "U",
Ǚ: "U",
Ủ: "U",
Ů: "U",
Ű: "U",
Ǔ: "U",
Ȕ: "U",
Ȗ: "U",
Ư: "U",
Ừ: "U",
Ứ: "U",
Ữ: "U",
Ử: "U",
Ự: "U",
Ụ: "U",
Ṳ: "U",
Ų: "U",
Ṷ: "U",
Ṵ: "U",
Ʉ: "U",
"\u24cb": "V",
V: "V",
Ṽ: "V",
Ṿ: "V",
Ʋ: "V",
Ꝟ: "V",
Ʌ: "V",
Ꝡ: "VY",
"\u24cc": "W",
W: "W",
Ẁ: "W",
Ẃ: "W",
Ŵ: "W",
Ẇ: "W",
Ẅ: "W",
Ẉ: "W",
Ⱳ: "W",
"\u24cd": "X",
X: "X",
Ẋ: "X",
Ẍ: "X",
"\u24ce": "Y",
Y: "Y",
Ỳ: "Y",
Ý: "Y",
Ŷ: "Y",
Ỹ: "Y",
Ȳ: "Y",
Ẏ: "Y",
Ÿ: "Y",
Ỷ: "Y",
Ỵ: "Y",
Ƴ: "Y",
Ɏ: "Y",
Ỿ: "Y",
"\u24cf": "Z",
Z: "Z",
Ź: "Z",
Ẑ: "Z",
Ż: "Z",
Ž: "Z",
Ẓ: "Z",
Ẕ: "Z",
Ƶ: "Z",
Ȥ: "Z",
Ɀ: "Z",
Ⱬ: "Z",
Ꝣ: "Z",
"\u24d0": "a",
a: "a",
ẚ: "a",
à: "a",
á: "a",
â: "a",
ầ: "a",
ấ: "a",
ẫ: "a",
ẩ: "a",
ã: "a",
ā: "a",
ă: "a",
ằ: "a",
ắ: "a",
ẵ: "a",
ẳ: "a",
ȧ: "a",
ǡ: "a",
ä: "a",
ǟ: "a",
ả: "a",
å: "a",
ǻ: "a",
ǎ: "a",
ȁ: "a",
ȃ: "a",
ạ: "a",
ậ: "a",
ặ: "a",
ḁ: "a",
ą: "a",
ⱥ: "a",
ɐ: "a",
ꜳ: "aa",
æ: "ae",
ǽ: "ae",
ǣ: "ae",
ꜵ: "ao",
ꜷ: "au",
ꜹ: "av",
ꜻ: "av",
ꜽ: "ay",
"\u24d1": "b",
b: "b",
ḃ: "b",
ḅ: "b",
ḇ: "b",
ƀ: "b",
ƃ: "b",
ɓ: "b",
"\u24d2": "c",
c: "c",
ć: "c",
ĉ: "c",
ċ: "c",
č: "c",
ç: "c",
ḉ: "c",
ƈ: "c",
ȼ: "c",
ꜿ: "c",
ↄ: "c",
"\u24d3": "d",
d: "d",
ḋ: "d",
ď: "d",
ḍ: "d",
ḑ: "d",
ḓ: "d",
ḏ: "d",
đ: "d",
ƌ: "d",
ɖ: "d",
ɗ: "d",
ꝺ: "d",
dz: "dz",
dž: "dz",
"\u24d4": "e",
e: "e",
è: "e",
é: "e",
ê: "e",
ề: "e",
ế: "e",
ễ: "e",
ể: "e",
ẽ: "e",
ē: "e",
ḕ: "e",
ḗ: "e",
ĕ: "e",
ė: "e",
ë: "e",
ẻ: "e",
ě: "e",
ȅ: "e",
ȇ: "e",
ẹ: "e",
ệ: "e",
ȩ: "e",
ḝ: "e",
ę: "e",
ḙ: "e",
ḛ: "e",
ɇ: "e",
ɛ: "e",
ǝ: "e",
"\u24d5": "f",
f: "f",
ḟ: "f",
ƒ: "f",
ꝼ: "f",
"\u24d6": "g",
g: "g",
ǵ: "g",
ĝ: "g",
ḡ: "g",
ğ: "g",
ġ: "g",
ǧ: "g",
ģ: "g",
ǥ: "g",
ɠ: "g",
ꞡ: "g",
ᵹ: "g",
ꝿ: "g",
"\u24d7": "h",
h: "h",
ĥ: "h",
ḣ: "h",
ḧ: "h",
ȟ: "h",
ḥ: "h",
ḩ: "h",
ḫ: "h",
ẖ: "h",
ħ: "h",
ⱨ: "h",
ⱶ: "h",
ɥ: "h",
ƕ: "hv",
"\u24d8": "i",
i: "i",
ì: "i",
í: "i",
î: "i",
ĩ: "i",
ī: "i",
ĭ: "i",
ï: "i",
ḯ: "i",
ỉ: "i",
ǐ: "i",
ȉ: "i",
ȋ: "i",
ị: "i",
į: "i",
ḭ: "i",
ɨ: "i",
ı: "i",
"\u24d9": "j",
j: "j",
ĵ: "j",
ǰ: "j",
ɉ: "j",
"\u24da": "k",
k: "k",
ḱ: "k",
ǩ: "k",
ḳ: "k",
ķ: "k",
ḵ: "k",
ƙ: "k",
ⱪ: "k",
ꝁ: "k",
ꝃ: "k",
ꝅ: "k",
ꞣ: "k",
"\u24db": "l",
l: "l",
ŀ: "l",
ĺ: "l",
ľ: "l",
ḷ: "l",
ḹ: "l",
ļ: "l",
ḽ: "l",
ḻ: "l",
ſ: "l",
ł: "l",
ƚ: "l",
ɫ: "l",
ⱡ: "l",
ꝉ: "l",
ꞁ: "l",
ꝇ: "l",
lj: "lj",
"\u24dc": "m",
m: "m",
ḿ: "m",
ṁ: "m",
ṃ: "m",
ɱ: "m",
ɯ: "m",
"\u24dd": "n",
n: "n",
ǹ: "n",
ń: "n",
ñ: "n",
ṅ: "n",
ň: "n",
ṇ: "n",
ņ: "n",
ṋ: "n",
ṉ: "n",
ƞ: "n",
ɲ: "n",
ʼn: "n",
ꞑ: "n",
ꞥ: "n",
nj: "nj",
"\u24de": "o",
o: "o",
ò: "o",
ó: "o",
ô: "o",
ồ: "o",
ố: "o",
ỗ: "o",
ổ: "o",
õ: "o",
ṍ: "o",
ȭ: "o",
ṏ: "o",
ō: "o",
ṑ: "o",
ṓ: "o",
ŏ: "o",
ȯ: "o",
ȱ: "o",
ö: "o",
ȫ: "o",
ỏ: "o",
ő: "o",
ǒ: "o",
ȍ: "o",
ȏ: "o",
ơ: "o",
ờ: "o",
ớ: "o",
ỡ: "o",
ở: "o",
ợ: "o",
ọ: "o",
ộ: "o",
ǫ: "o",
ǭ: "o",
ø: "o",
ǿ: "o",
ɔ: "o",
ꝋ: "o",
ꝍ: "o",
ɵ: "o",
ƣ: "oi",
ȣ: "ou",
ꝏ: "oo",
"\u24df": "p",
p: "p",
ṕ: "p",
ṗ: "p",
ƥ: "p",
ᵽ: "p",
ꝑ: "p",
ꝓ: "p",
ꝕ: "p",
"\u24e0": "q",
q: "q",
ɋ: "q",
ꝗ: "q",
ꝙ: "q",
"\u24e1": "r",
r: "r",
ŕ: "r",
ṙ: "r",
ř: "r",
ȑ: "r",
ȓ: "r",
ṛ: "r",
ṝ: "r",
ŗ: "r",
ṟ: "r",
ɍ: "r",
ɽ: "r",
ꝛ: "r",
ꞧ: "r",
ꞃ: "r",
"\u24e2": "s",
s: "s",
ß: "s",
ś: "s",
ṥ: "s",
ŝ: "s",
ṡ: "s",
š: "s",
ṧ: "s",
ṣ: "s",
ṩ: "s",
ș: "s",
ş: "s",
ȿ: "s",
ꞩ: "s",
ꞅ: "s",
ẛ: "s",
"\u24e3": "t",
t: "t",
ṫ: "t",
ẗ: "t",
ť: "t",
ṭ: "t",
ț: "t",
ţ: "t",
ṱ: "t",
ṯ: "t",
ŧ: "t",
ƭ: "t",
ʈ: "t",
ⱦ: "t",
ꞇ: "t",
ꜩ: "tz",
"\u24e4": "u",
u: "u",
ù: "u",
ú: "u",
û: "u",
ũ: "u",
ṹ: "u",
ū: "u",
ṻ: "u",
ŭ: "u",
ü: "u",
ǜ: "u",
ǘ: "u",
ǖ: "u",
ǚ: "u",
ủ: "u",
ů: "u",
ű: "u",
ǔ: "u",
ȕ: "u",
ȗ: "u",
ư: "u",
ừ: "u",
ứ: "u",
ữ: "u",
ử: "u",
ự: "u",
ụ: "u",
ṳ: "u",
ų: "u",
ṷ: "u",
ṵ: "u",
ʉ: "u",
"\u24e5": "v",
v: "v",
ṽ: "v",
ṿ: "v",
ʋ: "v",
ꝟ: "v",
ʌ: "v",
ꝡ: "vy",
"\u24e6": "w",
w: "w",
ẁ: "w",
ẃ: "w",
ŵ: "w",
ẇ: "w",
ẅ: "w",
ẘ: "w",
ẉ: "w",
ⱳ: "w",
"\u24e7": "x",
x: "x",
ẋ: "x",
ẍ: "x",
"\u24e8": "y",
y: "y",
ỳ: "y",
ý: "y",
ŷ: "y",
ỹ: "y",
ȳ: "y",
ẏ: "y",
ÿ: "y",
ỷ: "y",
ẙ: "y",
ỵ: "y",
ƴ: "y",
ɏ: "y",
ỿ: "y",
"\u24e9": "z",
z: "z",
ź: "z",
ẑ: "z",
ż: "z",
ž: "z",
ẓ: "z",
ẕ: "z",
ƶ: "z",
ȥ: "z",
ɀ: "z",
ⱬ: "z",
ꝣ: "z",
Ά: "\u0391",
Έ: "\u0395",
Ή: "\u0397",
Ί: "\u0399",
Ϊ: "\u0399",
Ό: "\u039f",
Ύ: "\u03a5",
Ϋ: "\u03a5",
Ώ: "\u03a9",
ά: "\u03b1",
έ: "\u03b5",
ή: "\u03b7",
ί: "\u03b9",
ϊ: "\u03b9",
ΐ: "\u03b9",
ό: "\u03bf",
ύ: "\u03c5",
ϋ: "\u03c5",
ΰ: "\u03c5",
ω: "\u03c9",
ς: "\u03c3"
return e;
}), t.define("select2/data/base", ["../utils"], function(e) {
function t() {;
return e.Extend(t, e.Observable), t.prototype.current = function() {
throw new Error(
"The `current` method must be defined in child classes."
}, t.prototype.query = function() {
throw new Error("The `query` method must be defined in child classes.");
}, t.prototype.bind = function() {}, t.prototype.destroy = function() {}, t.prototype.generateResultId = function(
) {
var n = + "-result-";
return n += e.generateChars(4), n += null !=
? "-" +
: "-" + e.generateChars(4);
}, t;
}), t.define(
["./base", "../utils", "jquery"],
function(e, t, a) {
function n(e, t) {
this.$element = e, this.options = t,
return t.Extend(n, e), n.prototype.current = function(e) {
var t = [], n = this;
this.$element.find(":selected").each(function() {
var e = a(this), o = n.item(e);
}), e(t);
}, = function(e) {
var t = this;
if ((e.selected = !0, a(e.element).is("option")))
return e.element.selected = !0, void this.$element.trigger(
if (this.$element.prop("multiple"))
this.current(function(n) {
var o = [];
e = [e], e.push.apply(e, n);
for (var s = 0; s < e.length; s++) {
var i = e[s].id;
-1 === a.inArray(i, o) && o.push(i);
t.$element.val(o), t.$element.trigger("change");
else {
var n =;
this.$element.val(n), this.$element.trigger("change");
}, n.prototype.unselect = function(e) {
var t = this;
return this.$element.prop("multiple")
? (e.selected = !1, a(e.element).is("option")
? (e.element.selected = !1, void this.$element.trigger(
: void this.current(function(n) {
for (var o = [], s = 0; s < n.length; s++) {
var i = n[s].id;
i !== && -1 === a.inArray(i, o) && o.push(i);
t.$element.val(o), t.$element.trigger("change");
: void 0;
}, n.prototype.bind = function(e) {
var t = this;
this.container = e, e.on("select", function(e) {;
}), e.on("unselect", function(e) {
}, n.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.$element.find("*").each(function() {
a.removeData(this, "data");
}, n.prototype.query = function(e, t) {
var n = [], o = this, s = this.$element.children();
s.each(function() {
var t = a(this);
if ("option") ||"optgroup")) {
var s = o.item(t), i = o.matches(e, s);
null !== i && n.push(i);
}), t({ results: n });
}, n.prototype.addOptions = function(e) {
t.appendMany(this.$element, e);
}, n.prototype.option = function(e) {
var t;
? (t = document.createElement("optgroup"), t.label = e.text)
: (t = document.createElement("option"), void 0 !== t.textContent
? t.textContent = e.text
: t.innerText = e.text), && (t.value =, e.disabled &&
(t.disabled = !0), e.selected && (t.selected = !0), e.title &&
(t.title = e.title);
var n = a(t), o = this._normalizeItem(e);
return o.element = t,, "data", o), n;
}, n.prototype.item = function(e) {
var t = {};
if ((t =[0], "data"), null != t)) return t;
if ("option"))
t = {
id: e.val(),
text: e.text(),
disabled: e.prop("disabled"),
selected: e.prop("selected"),
title: e.prop("title")
else if ("optgroup")) {
t = { text: e.prop("label"), children: [], title: e.prop("title") };
for (
var n = e.children("option"), o = [], s = 0;
s < n.length;
) {
var i = a(n[s]), d = this.item(i);
t.children = o;
return t = this._normalizeItem(t), t.element = e[0],
), t;
}, n.prototype._normalizeItem = function(e) {
a.isPlainObject(e) || (e = { id: e, text: e }), e = a.extend(
{ text: "" },
var t = { selected: !1, disabled: !1 };
return null != && ( =, null != e.text &&
(e.text = e.text.toString()), null == e._resultId && &&
null != this.container &&
(e._resultId = this.generateResultId(this.container, e)), a.extend(
}, n.prototype.matches = function(e, t) {
var a = this.options.get("matcher");
return a(e, t);
}, n;
), t.define(
["./select", "../utils", "jquery"],
function(e, t, a) {
function n(e, t) {
var a = t.get("data") || [];, e, t), this.addOptions(
return t.Extend(n, e), = function(e) {
var t = this.$element.find("option").filter(function(t, a) {
return a.value ==;
0 === t.length &&
(t = this.option(e), this.addOptions(t)),
}, n.prototype.convertToOptions = function(e) {
function n(e) {
return function() {
return a(this).val() ==;
for (
var o = this,
s = this.$element.find("option"),
i = {
return o.item(a(this)).id;
d = [],
l = 0;
l < e.length;
) {
var p = this._normalizeItem(e[l]);
if (a.inArray(, i) >= 0) {
var r = s.filter(n(p)),
c = this.item(r),
u = a.extend(!0, {}, p, c),
b = this.option(u);
} else {
var m = this.option(p);
if (p.children) {
var g = this.convertToOptions(p.children);
t.appendMany(m, g);
return d;
}, n;
), t.define(
["./array", "../utils", "jquery"],
function(e, t, a) {
function n(e, t) {
this.ajaxOptions = this._applyDefaults(t.get("ajax")), null !=
this.ajaxOptions.processResults &&
(this.processResults = this.ajaxOptions.processResults),
return t.Extend(n, e), n.prototype._applyDefaults = function(e) {
var t = {
data: function(e) {
return a.extend({}, e, { q: e.term });
transport: function(e, t, n) {
var o = a.ajax(e);
return o.then(t),, o;
return a.extend({}, t, e, !0);
}, n.prototype.processResults = function(e) {
return e;
}, n.prototype.query = function(e, t) {
function n() {
var n = s.transport(
function(n) {
var s = o.processResults(n, e);
o.options.get("debug") &&
window.console &&
console.error &&
(s && s.results && a.isArray(s.results) ||
"Select2: The AJAX results did not return an array in the `results` key of the response."
)), t(s);
function() {
o.trigger("results:message", { message: "errorLoading" });
o._request = n;
var o = this;
null != this._request &&
(a.isFunction(this._request.abort) &&
this._request.abort(), this._request = null);
var s = a.extend({ type: "GET" }, this.ajaxOptions);
"function" == typeof s.url &&
(s.url =$element, e)), "function" ==
typeof &&
( =$element, e)), this.ajaxOptions.delay &&
"" !== e.term
? (this._queryTimeout &&
), this._queryTimeout = window.setTimeout(
: n();
}, n;
), t.define("select2/data/tags", ["jquery"], function(e) {
function t(t, a, n) {
var o = n.get("tags"), s = n.get("createTag");
void 0 !== s && (this.createTag = s);
var i = n.get("insertTag");
if (
(void 0 !== i && (this.insertTag = i),, a, n), e.isArray(
for (var d = 0; d < o.length; d++) {
var l = o[d], p = this._normalizeItem(l), r = this.option(p);
return t.prototype.query = function(e, t, a) {
function n(e, s) {
for (var i = e.results, d = 0; d < i.length; d++) {
var l = i[d],
p = null != l.children && !n({ results: l.children }, !0),
r = l.text === t.term;
if (r || p) return s ? !1 : ( = i, void a(e));
if (s) return !0;
var c = o.createTag(t);
if (null != c) {
var u = o.option(c);
u.attr("data-select2-tag", !0), o.addOptions([u]), o.insertTag(
e.results = i, a(e);
var o = this;
return this._removeOldTags(), null == t.term || null !=
? void, t, a)
: void, t, n);
}, t.prototype.createTag = function(t, a) {
var n = e.trim(a.term);
return "" === n ? null : { id: n, text: n };
}, t.prototype.insertTag = function(e, t, a) {
}, t.prototype._removeOldTags = function() {
var t = (this._lastTag, this.$element.find("option[data-select2-tag]"));
t.each(function() {
this.selected || e(this).remove();
}, t;
}), t.define("select2/data/tokenizer", ["jquery"], function(e) {
function t(e, t, a) {
var n = a.get("tokenizer");
void 0 !== n && (this.tokenizer = n),, t, a);
return t.prototype.bind = function(e, t, a) {, t, a), this.$search = t.dropdown.$search ||
t.selection.$search ||
}, t.prototype.query = function(e, t, a) {
function n(e) {
o.trigger("select", { data: e });
var o = this;
t.term = t.term || "";
var s = this.tokenizer(t, this.options, n);
s.term !== t.term &&
(this.$search.length &&
), this.$search.focus()), t.term = s.term),, t, a);
}, t.prototype.tokenizer = function(t, a, n, o) {
for (
var s = n.get("tokenSeparators") || [],
i = a.term,
d = 0,
l = this.createTag ||
function(e) {
return { id: e.term, text: e.term };
d < i.length;
) {
var p = i[d];
if (-1 !== e.inArray(p, s)) {
var r = i.substr(0, d), c = e.extend({}, a, { term: r }), u = l(c);
null != u ? (o(u), i = i.substr(d + 1) || "", d = 0) : d++;
} else
return { term: i };
}, t;
}), t.define("select2/data/minimumInputLength", [], function() {
function e(e, t, a) {
this.minimumInputLength = a.get(
),, t, a);
return e.prototype.query = function(e, t, a) {
return t.term = t.term || "", t.term.length < this.minimumInputLength
? void this.trigger("results:message", {
message: "inputTooShort",
args: {
minimum: this.minimumInputLength,
input: t.term,
params: t
: void, t, a);
}, e;
}), t.define("select2/data/maximumInputLength", [], function() {
function e(e, t, a) {
this.maximumInputLength = a.get(
),, t, a);
return e.prototype.query = function(e, t, a) {
return t.term = t.term || "", this.maximumInputLength > 0 &&
t.term.length > this.maximumInputLength
? void this.trigger("results:message", {
message: "inputTooLong",
args: {
maximum: this.maximumInputLength,
input: t.term,
params: t
: void, t, a);
}, e;
}), t.define("select2/data/maximumSelectionLength", [], function() {
function e(e, t, a) {
this.maximumSelectionLength = a.get(
),, t, a);
return e.prototype.query = function(e, t, a) {
var n = this;
this.current(function(o) {
var s = null != o ? o.length : 0;
return n.maximumSelectionLength > 0 && s >= n.maximumSelectionLength
? void n.trigger("results:message", {
message: "maximumSelected",
args: { maximum: n.maximumSelectionLength }
: void, t, a);
}, e;
}), t.define("select2/dropdown", ["jquery", "./utils"], function(e, t) {
function a(e, t) {
this.$element = e, this.options = t,;
return t.Extend(a, t.Observable), a.prototype.render = function() {
var t = e(
'<span class="select2-dropdown"><span class="select2-results"></span></span>'
return t.attr("dir", this.options.get("dir")), this.$dropdown = t, t;
}, a.prototype.bind = function() {}, a.prototype.position = function() {}, a.prototype.destroy = function() {
}, a;
}), t.define("select2/dropdown/search", ["jquery", "../utils"], function(
) {
function t() {}
return t.prototype.render = function(t) {
var a =,
n = e(
'<span class="select2-search select2-search--dropdown"><input class="select2-search__field" type="search" tabindex="-1" autocomplete="off" autocorrect="off" autocapitalize="off" spellcheck="false" role="textbox" /></span>'
return this.$searchContainer = n, this.$search = n.find(
), a.prepend(n), a;
}, t.prototype.bind = function(t, a, n) {
var o = this;, a, n), this.$search.on("keydown", function(e) {
o.trigger("keypress", e), o._keyUpPrevented = e.isDefaultPrevented();
}), this.$search.on("input", function() {
}), this.$search.on("keyup input", function(e) {
}), a.on("open", function() {
o.$search.attr("tabindex", 0), o.$search.focus(), window.setTimeout(
function() {
}), a.on("close", function() {
o.$search.attr("tabindex", -1), o.$search.val("");
}), a.on("results:all", function(e) {
if (null == e.query.term || "" === e.query.term) {
var t = o.showSearch(e);
? o.$searchContainer.removeClass("select2-search--hide")
: o.$searchContainer.addClass("select2-search--hide");
}, t.prototype.handleSearch = function() {
if (!this._keyUpPrevented) {
var e = this.$search.val();
this.trigger("query", { term: e });
this._keyUpPrevented = !1;
}, t.prototype.showSearch = function() {
return !0;
}, t;
}), t.define("select2/dropdown/hidePlaceholder", [], function() {
function e(e, t, a, n) {
this.placeholder = this.normalizePlaceholder(
),, t, a, n);
return e.prototype.append = function(e, t) {
t.results = this.removePlaceholder(t.results),, t);
}, e.prototype.normalizePlaceholder = function(e, t) {
return "string" == typeof t && (t = { id: "", text: t }), t;
}, e.prototype.removePlaceholder = function(e, t) {
for (var a = t.slice(0), n = t.length - 1; n >= 0; n--) {
var o = t[n]; === && a.splice(n, 1);
return a;
}, e;
}), t.define("select2/dropdown/infiniteScroll", ["jquery"], function(e) {
function t(e, t, a, n) {
this.lastParams = {},, t, a, n), this.$loadingMore = this.createLoadingMore(), this.loading = !1;
return t.prototype.append = function(e, t) {
this.$loadingMore.remove(), this.loading = !1,
), this.showLoadingMore(t) && this.$results.append(this.$loadingMore);
}, t.prototype.bind = function(t, a, n) {
var o = this;, a, n), a.on("query", function(e) {
o.lastParams = e, o.loading = !0;
}), a.on("query:append", function(e) {
o.lastParams = e, o.loading = !0;
}), this.$results.on("scroll", function() {
var t = e.contains(document.documentElement, o.$loadingMore[0]);
if (!o.loading && t) {
var a = o.$results.offset().top + o.$results.outerHeight(!1),
n = o.$loadingMore.offset().top + o.$loadingMore.outerHeight(!1);
a + 50 >= n && o.loadMore();
}, t.prototype.loadMore = function() {
this.loading = !0;
var t = e.extend({}, { page: 1 }, this.lastParams);, this.trigger("query:append", t);
}, t.prototype.showLoadingMore = function(e, t) {
return t.pagination && t.pagination.more;
}, t.prototype.createLoadingMore = function() {
var t = e(
'<li class="select2-results__option select2-results__option--load-more"role="treeitem" aria-disabled="true"></li>'
a = this.options.get("translations").get("loadingMore");
return t.html(a(this.lastParams)), t;
}, t;
}), t.define(
["jquery", "../utils"],
function(e, t) {
function a(t, a, n) {
this.$dropdownParent = n.get("dropdownParent") ||
e(document.body),, a, n);
return a.prototype.bind = function(e, t, a) {
var n = this, o = !1;, t, a), t.on("open", function() {
n._showDropdown(), n._attachPositioningHandler(
), o || (o = !0, t.on("results:all", function() {
n._positionDropdown(), n._resizeDropdown();
}), t.on("results:append", function() {
n._positionDropdown(), n._resizeDropdown();
}), t.on("close", function() {
n._hideDropdown(), n._detachPositioningHandler(t);
}), this.$dropdownContainer.on("mousedown", function(e) {
}, a.prototype.destroy = function(e) {, this.$dropdownContainer.remove();
}, a.prototype.position = function(e, t, a) {
t.attr("class", a.attr("class")), t.removeClass(
), t.addClass("select2-container--open"), t.css({
position: "absolute",
top: -999999
}), this.$container = a;
}, a.prototype.render = function(t) {
var a = e("<span></span>"), n =;
return a.append(n), this.$dropdownContainer = a, a;
}, a.prototype._hideDropdown = function() {
}, a.prototype._attachPositioningHandler = function(a, n) {
var o = this,
s = "scroll.select2." +,
i = "resize.select2." +,
d = "orientationchange.select2." +,
l = this.$container.parents().filter(t.hasScroll);
l.each(function() {
).data("select2-scroll-position", { x: e(this).scrollLeft(), y: e(this).scrollTop() });
}), l.on(s, function() {
var t = e(this).data("select2-scroll-position");
}), e(window).on(s + " " + i + " " + d, function() {
o._positionDropdown(), o._resizeDropdown();
}, a.prototype._detachPositioningHandler = function(a, n) {
var o = "scroll.select2." +,
s = "resize.select2." +,
i = "orientationchange.select2." +,
d = this.$container.parents().filter(t.hasScroll);, e(window).off(o + " " + s + " " + i);
}, a.prototype._positionDropdown = function() {
var t = e(window),
a = this.$dropdown.hasClass("select2-dropdown--above"),
n = this.$dropdown.hasClass("select2-dropdown--below"),
o = null,
s = this.$container.offset();
s.bottom = + this.$container.outerHeight(!1);
var i = { height: this.$container.outerHeight(!1) }; =, i.bottom = + i.height;
var d = { height: this.$dropdown.outerHeight(!1) },
l = { top: t.scrollTop(), bottom: t.scrollTop() + t.height() },
p = < - d.height,
r = l.bottom > s.bottom + d.height,
c = { left: s.left, top: i.bottom },
u = this.$dropdownParent;
"static" === u.css("position") && (u = u.offsetParent());
var b = u.offset(); -=, c.left -= b.left, a || n || (o = "below"), r ||
!p ||
? !p && r && a && (o = "below")
: o = "above", ("above" == o || a && "below" !== o) &&
( = - d.height), null != o &&
.removeClass("select2-dropdown--below select2-dropdown--above")
.addClass("select2-dropdown--" + o), this.$container
.removeClass("select2-container--below select2-container--above")
"select2-container--" + o
)), this.$dropdownContainer.css(c);
}, a.prototype._resizeDropdown = function() {
var e = { width: this.$container.outerWidth(!1) + "px" };
this.options.get("dropdownAutoWidth") &&
(e.minWidth = e.width, e.width = "auto"), this.$dropdown.css(e);
}, a.prototype._showDropdown = function() {
), this._positionDropdown(), this._resizeDropdown();
}, a;
), t.define("select2/dropdown/minimumResultsForSearch", [], function() {
function e(t) {
for (var a = 0, n = 0; n < t.length; n++) {
var o = t[n];
o.children ? a += e(o.children) : a++;
return a;
function t(e, t, a, n) {
this.minimumResultsForSearch = a.get(
), this.minimumResultsForSearch < 0 && (this.minimumResultsForSearch = 1 / 0),, t, a, n);
return t.prototype.showSearch = function(t, a) {
return e( < this.minimumResultsForSearch
? !1
:, a);
}, t;
}), t.define("select2/dropdown/selectOnClose", [], function() {
function e() {}
return e.prototype.bind = function(e, t, a) {
var n = this;, t, a), t.on("close", function() {
}, e.prototype._handleSelectOnClose = function() {
var e = this.getHighlightedResults();
if (!(e.length < 1)) {
var t ="data");
null != t.element && t.element.selected ||
null == t.element && t.selected ||
this.trigger("select", { data: t });
}, e;
}), t.define("select2/dropdown/closeOnSelect", [], function() {
function e() {}
return e.prototype.bind = function(e, t, a) {
var n = this;, t, a), t.on("select", function(e) {
}), t.on("unselect", function(e) {
}, e.prototype._selectTriggered = function(e, t) {
var a = t.originalEvent;
a && a.ctrlKey || this.trigger("close", {});
}, e;
}), t.define("select2/i18n/en", [], function() {
return {
errorLoading: function() {
return "The results could not be loaded.";
inputTooLong: function(e) {
var t = e.input.length - e.maximum,
a = "Please delete " + t + " character";
return 1 != t && (a += "s"), a;
inputTooShort: function(e) {
var t = e.minimum - e.input.length,
a = "Please enter " + t + " or more characters";
return a;
loadingMore: function() {
return "Loading more results\u2026";
maximumSelected: function(e) {
var t = "You can only select " + e.maximum + " item";
return 1 != e.maximum && (t += "s"), t;
noResults: function() {
return "No results found";
searching: function() {
return "Searching\u2026";
}), t.define(
) {
function S() {
S.prototype.apply = function(c) {
if ((c = e.extend(!0, {}, this.defaults, c), null == c.dataAdapter)) {
if (
(c.dataAdapter = null != c.ajax
? m
: null != ? b : u, c.minimumInputLength > 0 &&
(c.dataAdapter = p.Decorate(
)), c.maximumInputLength > 0 &&
(c.dataAdapter = p.Decorate(
)), c.maximumSelectionLength > 0 &&
(c.dataAdapter = p.Decorate(c.dataAdapter, y)), c.tags &&
(c.dataAdapter = p.Decorate(c.dataAdapter, g)), (null !=
c.tokenSeparators ||
null != c.tokenizer) &&
(c.dataAdapter = p.Decorate(c.dataAdapter, f)), null != c.query)
) {
var A = t(c.amdBase + "compat/query");
c.dataAdapter = p.Decorate(c.dataAdapter, A);
if (null != c.initSelection) {
var S = t(c.amdBase + "compat/initSelection");
c.dataAdapter = p.Decorate(c.dataAdapter, S);
if (
(null == c.resultsAdapter &&
(c.resultsAdapter = a, null != c.ajax &&
(c.resultsAdapter = p.Decorate(c.resultsAdapter, C)), null !=
c.placeholder &&
(c.resultsAdapter = p.Decorate(
)), c.selectOnClose &&
(c.resultsAdapter = p.Decorate(c.resultsAdapter, E))), null ==
) {
if (c.multiple)
c.dropdownAdapter = w;
else {
var j = p.Decorate(w, k);
c.dropdownAdapter = j;
if (
(0 !== c.minimumResultsForSearch &&
(c.dropdownAdapter = p.Decorate(
)), c.closeOnSelect &&
(c.dropdownAdapter = p.Decorate(c.dropdownAdapter, _)), null !=
c.dropdownCssClass ||
null != c.dropdownCss ||
null != c.adaptDropdownCssClass)
) {
var D = t(c.amdBase + "compat/dropdownCss");
c.dropdownAdapter = p.Decorate(c.dropdownAdapter, D);
c.dropdownAdapter = p.Decorate(c.dropdownAdapter, $);
if (null == c.selectionAdapter) {
if (
(c.selectionAdapter = c.multiple ? o : n, null != c.placeholder &&
(c.selectionAdapter = p.Decorate(
)), c.allowClear &&
(c.selectionAdapter = p.Decorate(
)), c.multiple &&
(c.selectionAdapter = p.Decorate(
)), null != c.containerCssClass ||
null != c.containerCss ||
null != c.adaptContainerCssClass)
) {
var O = t(c.amdBase + "compat/containerCss");
c.selectionAdapter = p.Decorate(c.selectionAdapter, O);
c.selectionAdapter = p.Decorate(c.selectionAdapter, l);
if ("string" == typeof c.language)
if (c.language.indexOf("-") > 0) {
var N = c.language.split("-"), L = N[0];
c.language = [c.language, L];
} else
c.language = [c.language];
if (e.isArray(c.language)) {
var q = new r();
for (var R = c.language, P = 0; P < R.length; P++) {
var H = R[P], I = {};
try {
I = r.loadPath(H);
} catch (M) {
try {
H = this.defaults.amdLanguageBase + H, I = r.loadPath(H);
} catch (F) {
c.debug &&
window.console &&
console.warn &&
'Select2: The language file for "' +
H +
'" could not be automatically loaded. A fallback will be used instead.'
c.translations = q;
} else {
var z = r.loadPath(this.defaults.amdLanguageBase + "en"),
U = new r(c.language);
U.extend(z), c.translations = U;
return c;
}, S.prototype.reset = function() {
function t(e) {
function t(e) {
return c[e] || e;
return e.replace(/[^\u0000-\u007E]/g, t);
function a(n, o) {
if ("" === e.trim(n.term)) return o;
if (o.children && o.children.length > 0) {
for (
var s = e.extend(!0, {}, o), i = o.children.length - 1;
i >= 0;
) {
var d = o.children[i], l = a(n, d);
null == l && s.children.splice(i, 1);
return s.children.length > 0 ? s : a(n, s);
var p = t(o.text).toUpperCase(), r = t(n.term).toUpperCase();
return p.indexOf(r) > -1 ? o : null;
this.defaults = {
amdBase: "./",
amdLanguageBase: "./i18n/",
closeOnSelect: !0,
debug: !1,
dropdownAutoWidth: !1,
escapeMarkup: p.escapeMarkup,
language: A,
matcher: a,
minimumInputLength: 0,
maximumInputLength: 0,
maximumSelectionLength: 0,
minimumResultsForSearch: 0,
selectOnClose: !1,
sorter: function(e) {
return e;
templateResult: function(e) {
return e.text;
templateSelection: function(e) {
return e.text;
theme: "default",
width: "resolve"
}, S.prototype.set = function(t, a) {
var n = e.camelCase(t), o = {};
o[n] = a;
var s = p._convertData(o);
e.extend(this.defaults, s);
var j = new S();
return j;
), t.define(
["require", "jquery", "./defaults", "./utils"],
function(e, t, a, n) {
function o(t, o) {
if (
(this.options = t, null != o &&
this.fromElement(o), this.options = a.apply(this.options), o &&"input"))
) {
var s = e(this.get("amdBase") + "compat/inputData");
this.options.dataAdapter = n.Decorate(this.options.dataAdapter, s);
return o.prototype.fromElement = function(e) {
var a = ["select2"];
null == this.options.multiple &&
(this.options.multiple = e.prop("multiple")), null ==
this.options.disabled &&
(this.options.disabled = e.prop("disabled")), null ==
this.options.language &&
? this.options.language = e.prop("lang").toLowerCase()
: e.closest("[lang]").prop("lang") &&
(this.options.language = e
.prop("lang"))), null == this.options.dir &&
(this.options.dir = e.prop("dir")
? e.prop("dir")
: e.closest("[dir]").prop("dir")
? e.closest("[dir]").prop("dir")
: "ltr"), e.prop("disabled", this.options.disabled), e.prop(
),"select2Tags") &&
(this.options.debug &&
window.console &&
console.warn &&
'Select2: The `data-select2-tags` attribute has been changed to use the `data-data` and `data-tags="true"` attributes and will be removed in future versions of Select2.'
)),"ajaxUrl") &&
(this.options.debug &&
window.console &&
console.warn &&
"Select2: The `data-ajax-url` attribute has been changed to `data-ajax--url` and support for the old attribute will be removed in future versions of Select2."
), e.attr("ajax--url","ajaxUrl")),
var o = {};
o = t.fn.jquery && "1." == t.fn.jquery.substr(0, 2) && e[0].dataset
? t.extend(!0, {}, e[0].dataset,
var s = t.extend(!0, {}, o);
s = n._convertData(s);
for (var i in s)
t.inArray(i, a) > -1 ||
? t.extend(this.options[i], s[i])
: this.options[i] = s[i]);
return this;
}, o.prototype.get = function(e) {
return this.options[e];
}, o.prototype.set = function(e, t) {
this.options[e] = t;
}, o;
), t.define(
["jquery", "./options", "./utils", "./keys"],
function(e, t, a, n) {
var o = function(e, a) {
null !="select2") &&
.destroy(), this.$element = e, = this._generateId(
), a = a || {}, this.options = new t(
var n = e.attr("tabindex") || 0;"old-tabindex", n), e.attr("tabindex", "-1");
var s = this.options.get("dataAdapter");
this.dataAdapter = new s(e, this.options);
var i = this.render();
var d = this.options.get("selectionAdapter");
this.selection = new d(
), this.$selection = this.selection.render(), this.selection.position(
var l = this.options.get("dropdownAdapter");
this.dropdown = new l(
), this.$dropdown = this.dropdown.render(), this.dropdown.position(
var p = this.options.get("resultsAdapter");
this.results = new p(
), this.$results = this.results.render(), this.results.position(
var r = this;
this._bindAdapters(), this._registerDomEvents(), this._registerDataEvents(), this._registerSelectionEvents(), this._registerDropdownEvents(), this._registerResultsEvents(), this._registerEvents(), this.dataAdapter.current(
function(e) {
r.trigger("selection:update", { data: e });
), e.addClass("select2-hidden-accessible"), e.attr(
), this._syncAttributes(),"select2", this);
return a.Extend(o, a.Observable), o.prototype._generateId = function(
) {
var t = "";
return t = null != e.attr("id")
? e.attr("id")
: null != e.attr("name")
? e.attr("name") + "-" + a.generateChars(2)
: a.generateChars(4), t = t.replace(
), t = "select2-" + t;
}, o.prototype._placeContainer = function(e) {
var t = this._resolveWidth(this.$element, this.options.get("width"));
null != t && e.css("width", t);
}, o.prototype._resolveWidth = function(e, t) {
var a = /^width:(([-+]?([0-9]*\.)?[0-9]+)(px|em|ex|%|in|cm|mm|pt|pc))/i;
if ("resolve" == t) {
var n = this._resolveWidth(e, "style");
return null != n ? n : this._resolveWidth(e, "element");
if ("element" == t) {
var o = e.outerWidth(!1);
return 0 >= o ? "auto" : o + "px";
if ("style" == t) {
var s = e.attr("style");
if ("string" != typeof s) return null;
for (var i = s.split(";"), d = 0, l = i.length; l > d; d += 1) {
var p = i[d].replace(/\s/g, ""), r = p.match(a);
if (null !== r && r.length >= 1) return r[1];
return null;
return t;
}, o.prototype._bindAdapters = function() {
this.dataAdapter.bind(this, this.$container), this.selection.bind(
), this.dropdown.bind(this, this.$container), this.results.bind(
}, o.prototype._registerDomEvents = function() {
var t = this;
this.$element.on("change.select2", function() {
t.dataAdapter.current(function(e) {
t.trigger("selection:update", { data: e });
}), this._sync = a.bind(this._syncAttributes, this), this.$element[
].attachEvent &&
this.$element[0].attachEvent("onpropertychange", this._sync);
var n = window.MutationObserver ||
window.WebKitMutationObserver ||
null != n ? (this._observer = new n(function(a) {
e.each(a, t._sync);
}), this._observer.observe(this.$element[0], {
attributes: !0,
subtree: !1
})) : this.$element[0].addEventListener && this.$element[0].addEventListener("DOMAttrModified", t._sync, !1);
}, o.prototype._registerDataEvents = function() {
var e = this;
this.dataAdapter.on("*", function(t, a) {
e.trigger(t, a);
}, o.prototype._registerSelectionEvents = function() {
var t = this, a = ["toggle", "focus"];
this.selection.on("toggle", function() {
}), this.selection.on("focus", function(e) {
}), this.selection.on("*", function(n, o) {
-1 === e.inArray(n, a) && t.trigger(n, o);
}, o.prototype._registerDropdownEvents = function() {
var e = this;
this.dropdown.on("*", function(t, a) {
e.trigger(t, a);
}, o.prototype._registerResultsEvents = function() {
var e = this;
this.results.on("*", function(t, a) {
e.trigger(t, a);
}, o.prototype._registerEvents = function() {
var e = this;
this.on("open", function() {
}), this.on("close", function() {
}), this.on("enable", function() {
}), this.on("disable", function() {
}), this.on("blur", function() {
}), this.on("query", function(t) {
e.isOpen() ||
e.trigger("open", {}), this.dataAdapter.query(t, function(a) {
e.trigger("results:all", { data: a, query: t });
}), this.on("query:append", function(t) {
this.dataAdapter.query(t, function(a) {
e.trigger("results:append", { data: a, query: t });
}), this.on("keypress", function(t) {
var a = t.which;
? a === n.ESC || a === n.TAB || a === n.UP && t.altKey
? (e.close(), t.preventDefault())
: a === n.ENTER
? (e.trigger("results:select", {}), t.preventDefault())
: a === n.SPACE && t.ctrlKey
? (e.trigger(
), t.preventDefault())
: a === n.UP
? (e.trigger(
), t.preventDefault())
: a === n.DOWN &&
), t.preventDefault())
: (a === n.ENTER || a === n.SPACE || a === n.DOWN && t.altKey) &&
(, t.preventDefault());
}, o.prototype._syncAttributes = function() {
), this.options.get("disabled")
? (this.isOpen() && this.close(), this.trigger("disable", {}))
: this.trigger("enable", {});
}, o.prototype.trigger = function(e, t) {
var a = o.__super__.trigger,
n = {
open: "opening",
close: "closing",
select: "selecting",
unselect: "unselecting"
if ((void 0 === t && (t = {}), e in n)) {
var s = n[e], i = { prevented: !1, name: e, args: t };
if ((, s, i), i.prevented))
return void (t.prevented = !0);
}, e, t);
}, o.prototype.toggleDropdown = function() {
this.options.get("disabled") ||
(this.isOpen() ? this.close() :;
}, = function() {
this.isOpen() || this.trigger("query", {});
}, o.prototype.close = function() {
this.isOpen() && this.trigger("close", {});
}, o.prototype.isOpen = function() {
return this.$container.hasClass("select2-container--open");
}, o.prototype.hasFocus = function() {
return this.$container.hasClass("select2-container--focus");
}, o.prototype.focus = function() {
this.hasFocus() ||
), this.trigger("focus", {}));
}, o.prototype.enable = function(e) {
this.options.get("debug") &&
window.console &&
console.warn &&
'Select2: The `select2("enable")` method has been deprecated and will be removed in later Select2 versions. Use $element.prop("disabled") instead.'
), (null == e || 0 === e.length) && (e = [!0]);
var t = !e[0];
this.$element.prop("disabled", t);
}, = function() {
this.options.get("debug") &&
arguments.length > 0 &&
window.console &&
console.warn &&
'Select2: Data can no longer be set using `select2("data")`. You should consider setting the value instead using `$element.val()`.'
var e = [];
return this.dataAdapter.current(function(t) {
e = t;
}), e;
}, o.prototype.val = function(t) {
if (
(this.options.get("debug") &&
window.console &&
console.warn &&
'Select2: The `select2("val")` method has been deprecated and will be removed in later Select2 versions. Use $element.val() instead.'
), null == t || 0 === t.length)
return this.$element.val();
var a = t[0];
e.isArray(a) && (a =, function(e) {
return e.toString();
})), this.$element.val(a).trigger("change");
}, o.prototype.destroy = function() {
this.$container.remove(), this.$element[0].detachEvent &&
), null != this._observer
? (this._observer.disconnect(), this._observer = null)
: this.$element[0].removeEventListener &&
), this._sync = null, this.$
), this.$element.attr(
), this.$element.removeClass(
), this.$element.attr(
), this.$element.removeData(
), this.dataAdapter.destroy(), this.selection.destroy(), this.dropdown.destroy(), this.results.destroy(), this.dataAdapter = null, this.selection = null, this.dropdown = null, this.results = null;
}, o.prototype.render = function() {
var t = e(
'<span class="select2 select2-container"><span class="selection"></span><span class="dropdown-wrapper" aria-hidden="true"></span></span>'
return t.attr(
), this.$container = t, this.$container.addClass(
"select2-container--" + this.options.get("theme")
),"element", this.$element), t;
}, o;
), t.define("jquery-mousewheel", ["jquery"], function(e) {
return e;
}), t.define(
["jquery", "jquery-mousewheel", "./select2/core", "./select2/defaults"],
function(e, t, a, n) {
if (null == e.fn.select2) {
var o = ["open", "close", "destroy"];
e.fn.select2 = function(t) {
if ((t = t || {}, "object" == typeof t))
return this.each(function() {
var n = e.extend(!0, {}, t);
new a(e(this), n);
}), this;
if ("string" == typeof t) {
var n;
return this.each(function() {
var a = e(this).data("select2");
null == a &&
window.console &&
console.error &&
"The select2('" +
t +
"') method was called on an element that is not using Select2."
var o =, 1);
n = a[t].apply(a, o);
}), e.inArray(t, o) > -1 ? this : n;
throw new Error("Invalid arguments for Select2: " + t);
return null == e.fn.select2.defaults && (e.fn.select2.defaults = n), a;
), { define: t.define, require: t.require };
a = t.require("jquery.select2");
return e.fn.select2.amd = t, a;
}) /* ========================================================================
* Bootstrap: collapse.js v3.3.5
* ========================================================================
* Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under MIT (
* ======================================================================== */, +(function(
) {
"use strict";
function t(t) {
var a,
n = t.attr("data-target") ||
(a = t.attr("href")) && a.replace(/.*(?=#[^\s]+$)/, "");
return e(n);
function a(t) {
return this.each(function() {
var a = e(this),
o ="bs.collapse"),
s = e.extend({}, n.DEFAULTS,, "object" == typeof t && t);
!o &&
s.toggle &&
/show|hide/.test(t) &&
(s.toggle = !1), o ||"bs.collapse", o = new n(this, s)), "string" == typeof t && o[t]();
var n = function(t, a) {
this.$element = e(t), this.options = e.extend(
), this.$trigger = e(
'[data-toggle="collapse"][href="#' + +
'"],[data-toggle="collapse"][data-target="#' + +
), this.transitioning = null, this.options.parent
? this.$parent = this.getParent()
: this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(
), this.options.toggle && this.toggle();
toggle: !0
}, n.prototype.dimension = function() {
var e = this.$element.hasClass("width");
return e ? "width" : "height";
}, = function() {
if (!this.transitioning && !this.$element.hasClass("in")) {
var t,
o = this.$parent &&
this.$parent.children(".panel").children(".in, .collapsing");
if (
!(o && o.length && (t ="bs.collapse"), t && t.transitioning))
) {
var s = e.Event("");
if ((this.$element.trigger(s), !s.isDefaultPrevented())) {
o &&
o.length &&
(, "hide"), t ||"bs.collapse", null));
var i = this.dimension();
.attr("aria-expanded", !0), this.$trigger
.attr("aria-expanded", !0), this.transitioning = 1;
var d = function() {
.addClass("collapse in")
[i](""), this.transitioning = 0, this.$element.trigger(
if (! return;
var l = e.camelCase(["scroll", i].join("-"));
.one("bsTransitionEnd", e.proxy(d, this))
}, n.prototype.hide = function() {
if (!this.transitioning && this.$element.hasClass("in")) {
var t = e.Event("");
if ((this.$element.trigger(t), !t.isDefaultPrevented())) {
var a = this.dimension();
].offsetHeight, this.$element
.removeClass("collapse in")
.attr("aria-expanded", !1), this.$trigger
.attr("aria-expanded", !1), this.transitioning = 1;
var o = function() {
this.transitioning = 0, this.$element
? void this.$element
.one("bsTransitionEnd", e.proxy(o, this))
}, n.prototype.toggle = function() {
this[this.$element.hasClass("in") ? "hide" : "show"]();
}, n.prototype.getParent = function() {
return e(this.options.parent)
'[data-toggle="collapse"][data-parent="' + this.options.parent + '"]'
function(a, n) {
var o = e(n);
this.addAriaAndCollapsedClass(t(o), o);
}, n.prototype.addAriaAndCollapsedClass = function(e, t) {
var a = e.hasClass("in");
e.attr("aria-expanded", a), t
.toggleClass("collapsed", !a)
.attr("aria-expanded", a);
var o = e.fn.collapse;
e.fn.collapse = a, e.fn.collapse.Constructor = n, e.fn.collapse.noConflict = function() {
return e.fn.collapse = o, this;
}, e(
).on("", '[data-toggle="collapse"]', function(n) {
var o = e(this);
o.attr("data-target") || n.preventDefault();
var s = t(o), i ="bs.collapse"), d = i ? "toggle" :;, d);
) /* ========================================================================
* Bootstrap: transition.js v3.3.5
* ========================================================================
* Copyright 2011-2015 Twitter, Inc.
* Licensed under MIT (
* ======================================================================== */, +(function(
) {
"use strict";
function t() {
var e = document.createElement("bootstrap"),
t = {
WebkitTransition: "webkitTransitionEnd",
MozTransition: "transitionend",
OTransition: "oTransitionEnd otransitionend",
transition: "transitionend"
for (var a in t)
if (void 0 !==[a]) return { end: t[a] };
return !1;
e.fn.emulateTransitionEnd = function(t) {
var a = !1, n = this;
e(this).one("bsTransitionEnd", function() {
a = !0;
var o = function() {
a || e(n).trigger(;
return setTimeout(o, t), this;
}, e(function() { = t(), &&
(e.event.special.bsTransitionEnd = {
handle: function(t) {
return e(
? t.handleObj.handler.apply(this, arguments)
: void 0;
var feed_type_options,
$(function() {
function e(e, t, a, n) {
if (($(e).empty(), n)) {
var s = [];
for (var d in a[t])
s.push({ name: d, value: a[t][d] });
var l = s.sort(function(e, t) {
return e.value > t.value ? 1 : t.value > e.value ? -1 : 0;
$.each(l, function(t) {
orcaFeedsId[o.val()][i.val()][l[t].name].enabled &&
} else
$.each(a[t], function(t, a) {
function t() {
).val(currentEmbedUri + "/" + o.val() + "/" + i.val() + "/" + s.val() + "/" + d.val() + "/" + r + "/" + c + a()), n();
function a() {
return ("" === currentToken || void 0 === currentToken) &&
l &&
(currentToken = Cookies.get(
)), atTokenRegex.test(currentToken) ? "?at=" + currentToken : "";
function n() {
).show(), $("#feed-results").hide().empty(), l || $.ajax({ type: "get", data: { country: o.val(), media_type: i.val(), feed_type: s.val(), count: d.val(), explicit: r, formatType: c, cache: ck }, url: rss_path, dataType: "script" }), l = !1;
var o = $("#country"),
s = $("#feedType"),
i = $("#mediaType"),
d = $("#resultsLimit"),
l = !0,
p = $("body").hasClass("isMobile");
p ||
(o.select2(), i.select2(), s.select2({
minimumResultsForSearch: -1
}), d.select2({ minimumResultsForSearch: -1 }));
var r = "explicit", c = "json";
orcaFeedsId = {
al: {
books: { "top-paid": { enabled: !1 }, "top-free": { enabled: !0 } },
"ios-apps": {
"new-apps-we-love": {
enabled: !0,
id: "1153619874",
"media-id": "1153619874"
"new-games-we-love": {
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dz: {
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"new-games-we-love": {
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"top-paid-games": { enabled: !0 }
"itunes-u": {
"top-itunes-u-collection": { enabled: !0 },
"top-itunes-u-courses": { enabled: !0 }
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"ios-apps": {
"new-apps-we-love": {
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"new-games-we-love": {
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id: "1153619815",
"media-id": "1153619815"
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"top-paid-games": { enabled: !0 }
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"top-grossing-mac-apps": { enabled: !0 }
ai: {
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"new-games-we-love": {
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id: "1153619815",
"media-id": "1153619815"
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"top-free": { enabled: !0 },
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"top-paid-games": { enabled: !0 }
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"top-itunes-u-courses": { enabled: !0 }
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"top-movies": { enabled: !0 },
"top-movies-action-and-adventure": { enabled: !0 },
"top-movies-documentary": { enabled: !1 }
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"new-music": {
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"media-id": "1134157003"
"recent-releases": {
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"media-id": "1134159873"
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"top-songs": { enabled: !0 },
"top-albums": { enabled: !0 },
"top-songs-country": { enabled: !1 }
"apple-music": {
"new-music": {
enabled: !0,
id: "1134155307",
"media-id": "1134155307"
"hot-tracks": {
enabled: !0,
id: "1134155301",
"media-id": "1134155301"
"top-songs": { enabled: !0 },
"top-albums": { enabled: !0 },
"hot-tracks-country": { enabled: !1 }
"macos-apps": {
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"top-free-mac-apps": { enabled: !0 },
"top-paid-mac-apps": { enabled: !0 },
"top-grossing-mac-apps": { enabled: !0 }
ag: {
books: { "top-paid": { enabled: !1 }, "top-free": { enabled: !0 } },
"ios-apps": {
"new-apps-we-love": {
enabled: !0,
id: "1153619874",
"media-id": "1153619874"
"new-games-we-love": {
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id: "1153619815",
"media-id": "1153619815"
"top-free-ipad": { enabled: !0 },
"top-grossing-ipad": { enabled: !0 },
"top-free": { enabled: !0 },
"top-paid": { enabled: !0 },
"top-grossing": { enabled: !0 },
"top-free-games": { enabled: !0 },
"top-paid-games": { enabled: !0 }
"itunes-u": {
"top-itunes-u-collection": { enabled: !0 },
"top-itunes-u-courses": { enabled: !0 }
movies: {
"top-movies": { enabled: !0 },
"top-movies-action-and-adventure": { enabled: !0 },
"top-movies-documentary": { enabled: !1 }
"music-videos": { "top-music-videos": { enabled: !0 } },
podcasts: { "top-podcasts": { enabled: !0 } },
"itunes-music": {
"new-music": {
enabled: !0,
id: "1134157003",
"media-id": "1134157003"
"recent-releases": {
enabled: !0,
id: "1134159873",
"media-id": "1134159873"
"hot-albums": { enabled: !1 },
"top-songs": { enabled: !0 },
"top-albums": { enabled: !0 },
"top-songs-country": { enabled: !1 }
"apple-music": {
"new-music": {
enabled: !0,
id: "1134155307",
"media-id": "1134155307"
"hot-tracks": {
enabled: !0,
id: "1134155301",
"media-id": "1134155301"
"top-songs": { enabled: !0 },
"top-albums": { enabled: !0 },
"hot-tracks-country": { enabled: !1 }
"macos-apps": {
"top-mac-apps": { enabled: !0 },
"top-free-mac-apps": { enabled: !0 },
"top-paid-mac-apps": { enabled: !0 },
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