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Created May 11, 2016 15:23
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Bayesian interpretation of medical tests
public class TestResult
public TestResult(bool isSick, bool testedPositive, double falsePositiveRate)
IsSick = isSick;
Positive = testedPositive;
FalsePositiveRate = falsePositiveRate;
public bool IsSick;
public bool Positive;
public double FalsePositiveRate;
public string ShowSick
if (IsSick) return "Sick";
return "Not Sick";
public void ScenarioA()
var falsePositive = from high in BernoulliF(0.5)
select high ? 0.4 : 0.2;
var test = from isSick in BernoulliF(0.1)
from fp in falsePositive
let prPositive = isSick ? 0.9 : fp
from positiveResult in BernoulliF(prPositive)
select new TestResult(isSick, positiveResult, fp);
var testedPositive = test.ConditionHard(t => t.Positive);
var twoPeople = from p1 in testedPositive
from p2 in testedPositive
select Pair(p1, p2);
Debug.WriteLine(twoPeople.Histogram(pair => $"{pair.Item1.ShowSick}/ {pair.Item2.ShowSick}"));
public void ScenarioB()
var falsePositive = Func(
(double prHigh) =>
from high in BernoulliF(prHigh)
select high ? 0.4 : 0.2
var test = Func(
(double prHigh) =>
from isSick in BernoulliF(0.1)
from falsePos in falsePositive(prHigh)
let prPositive = isSick ? 0.9 : falsePos
from positiveResult in BernoulliF(prPositive)
select new TestResult(isSick, positiveResult, falsePos)
var testedPositive = Func((double prHigh) => test(prHigh).ConditionHard(t => t.Positive));
var updateTest = Func(
(FiniteDist<TestResult> dist) =>
from t1 in dist
let updatedFP = dist.ProbOf(t => t.FalsePositiveRate == 0.4)
from t2 in testedPositive(updatedFP.Value)
select t2
var firstTest = testedPositive(0.5);
var twoTests =
from t1 in firstTest
from t2 in updateTest(firstTest)
select Pair(t1, t2);
Debug.WriteLine(twoTests.Histogram(pair => $"{pair.Item1.ShowSick} / {pair.Item2.ShowSick}"));
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