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joates / index.js
Last active December 19, 2015 18:48
now that three.js (r59) uses quaternions for rotation by default this is how i extracted player heading in degrees. the player object spawns facing due North and i want compass reading zero to be due North so i have to apply the quaternion rotation to a unit vector pointing due East (along positive X-axis) to implement the 90 degree offset that …
var q = player.quaternion;
var pVec = new THREE.Vector3( 1, 0, 0 ).applyQuaternion( q );
heading = Math.atan2( pVec.z, pVec.x );
heading *= 180 / Math.PI;
heading = heading > 0 ? heading : heading + 360;
heading = Math.floor(heading % 360);
joates / index.html
Last active December 21, 2015 13:29
express http server (includes some boilerplate but thats just "gravy" :) 1) install node ( 2) download the 3 files from this Gist 3) run `npm install` 4) run `node server.js` 5) visit "http://localhost:8000" in your browser 6) browse anywhere within <webroot> OR click on "index.html" for the websockets demo
<!DOCTYPE html>
<script src="/"></script>
<h2>Open the debug console</h2><p>(<em>F12 / Ctrl+Shift+K</em>) to view websocket messages</p>
joates / index.js
Created September 16, 2013 18:56
linspace(a, b, n) from Numeric Javascript by Sébastien Loisel (
numeric.linspace = function linspace(a,b,n) {
if(typeof n === "undefined") n = Math.max(Math.round(b-a)+1,1);
if(n<2) { return n===1?[a]:[]; }
var i,ret = Array(n);
for(i=n;i>=0;i--) { ret[i] = (i*b+(n-i)*a)/n; }
return ret;
joates / card.cpp
Created September 25, 2013 15:51
A Minimal Ray Tracer in C++
* $ c++ -O3 -o card card.cpp
* $ ./card > n3d.ppm
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
uses crt,palettes;
var vgmptr : pointer;
vgmseg : word;
costab : array[0..255] of shortint;
procedure initmode13h; assembler;
mov ax,0013h
joates / scene.js
Created December 9, 2013 05:47
e̶n̶c̶a̶p̶s̶u̶l̶a̶t̶e̶s̶ ̶a̶ ̶T̶H̶R̶E̶E̶.̶j̶s̶ ̶s̶c̶e̶n̶e̶ ̶o̶b̶j̶e̶c̶t̶.. [deprecated] see ->
// scene.js
// by joates (8-Dec-2013)
function onWindowResize() {
scene.WIDTH = window.innerWidth
scene.HEIGHT = window.innerHeight = scene.WIDTH / scene.HEIGHT
scene.renderer.setSize(scene.WIDTH, scene.HEIGHT)
joates / index.js
Last active August 29, 2015 13:55
this started with me figuring out a sensible way to call the webgl init() method asynchronously, and then i thought i'd add some nervy boxes in a ring pattern (demo here ->
var webgl = require('./webgl')
, boxes = 32
webgl.init(boxes, function(err, data) {
if (err) console.error('init failed')
console.log('ready', data)
joates / threejs-editor-scene-export.json
Created February 25, 2014 13:54 >> File >> Import (note: add an Env Map image to the Box & change View >> Dark theme)
"metadata": {
"version": 4.3,
"type": "Object",
"generator": "ObjectExporter"
"geometries": [
"uuid": "892D4DF7-229E-4DF8-BFFD-083D7AE16140",
"type": "CylinderGeometry",
joates / bookmarks.html
Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
DevOps bookmarks (21-Mar-2014) should be able to 'import' this file directly into your browsers bookmarks/favorites bar, or just open it normally.
<!DOCTYPE NETSCAPE-Bookmark-file-1>
<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<H1>DevOps resources</H1>
<DT><H3 ADD_DATE="1389300807" LAST_MODIFIED="1395376185">VPS (info &amp; tips)</H3>
<DT><A HREF="" ADD_DATE="1389300764" ICON="
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